Getting Real: James Gilliland On Current State of Affairs and Upcoming/Incoming Energies

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I think the best title for this newsletter is

Getting Real.

I have observed some beyond realistic behavior on a grand scale unfolding on every level and if we are going to survive the days to come we are going to have to get back to basics. We are also going to have to do our own research and develop our own inner sensitivity or what some bluntly refer to as BS meter. Our last administration did bring transparency. What was transparent is the corruption and double talk; which has been epidemic. The BS meter was and still is in the red. Humanity is waking up and what the controllers did not count on is the soul awakening and the Internet both of which are instrumental in their demise. The Fake news or lame stream media owned by the corporations; just several men gave rise to alternative media because of its failure to tell the truth. The double speak is to accuse the alternative media of being the fake news. Almost everything coming out of the past administration was double talk. All the accusations of others defined exactly what they have been and are now doing.

The sad thing is a large portion of the masses is gullible and be lie ve in the propaganda delivered daily by the lame stream media. They are being led like lemmings to participate in their own enslavement and eventual demise. They are rioting and marching to a tune played by the very people whose behavior they detest but cannot accept. Its like a bad marriage where one mate refuses to accept the obvious. It is getting so ugly denial is not an option.

The ascension waves are bringing all of this up for everyone to see. We are still in the middle of one of these waves it ends on the 11th. The good news if you are on the path to enlightenment another wave begins on the 11th and lasts for 7 days. The peak of this wave is right around the 14th; which many are screaming it is the end of the world. The world did not end with the last waves nor will it end with this one. There is a planetary alignment where all the planets are participating. If you understand the electric universe this will explain the incoming energies yet what many are not aware of is the higher dimensional beings take advantage of these planetary alignments.

This new wave is coming in from the 6th dimension. Light and energy is conscious. This wave will carry with it Universal law, Healing energy and a golden opportunity to take a quantum leap in consciousness. Love heals and the most powerful energy in the Universe is Love. It is a formidable force and to try to stand against it will traumatize those who wish to continue with the tyranny and enslavement. As if they are not already going insane as demonstrated by their actions.

This is what is being acted out in your political arena and social consciousness. Their consciousness and energy grid is collapsing. Their unseen overlords are being removed and they are like gangsters without a boss. They are also fighting among themselves for power and wealth completely unaware that the rug is being pulled out from underneath them. They cannot and will not function with the increase of consciousness and energy. They are not frequency specific to the Earth and her ascension process. As the prophecies foretold the beast is consuming itself. You will see the beast come forward in the elite families, the banksters, the politicians, the movie industry, religious institutions almost every disempowering organization designed to enslave the masses.

Fasten your seatbelt because this ride is going to get crazy. Your bodies are going to go through all kinds of challenges. Your past is going to come forward, with some it is feelings of sadness others anger. Many will be processing at night with vivid dreams of past events. Some may get a peak into the future. It might be a rollercoaster of illness followed by feeling great, sadness followed by bliss. The prophecy I can give you with 100% accuracy is there is going to be a lot of change.

Be well,

James Gilliland

Elderly/Disabled Couple Evicted From The Home They Owned After Failing To Pay Property Taxes

Editor’s note:  Heartbreaking.  Maddening.  Wrong.  Housing is a human right.  We are sovereign Beings who are owned by no one – including the State.  

By Claire Bernish

Albion, ME — Maine Governor Paul LePage wants to rewrite the law after becoming incensed at the plight of an elderly, disabled couple — one of whom is a veteran — who were evicted from their home of 33 years because they are too impoverished to pay taxes.

According to the Portland Press Herald, in December 2015, the town of Albion moved to foreclose on the “rundown camp” of National Guard and Marine veteran Richard Sukeforth and his wife, Leonette, when taxes went unpaid.

Then, the town put the couple’s home up for auction — it sold for just $6,500 — and the new owner, Jason Marks, kicked the two 80-year-olds to the curb last week.

LePage is irate — and wants to ensure this can never happen again.

“He’s living in poverty,” he said of Richard in an interview with the Morning Sentinel. “Now, we’re throwing him out on the street. That’s just awful.”

“I’m livid about it,” LePage asserted of the ‘legal’ but seemingly unscrupulous eviction, “and I think we have to have laws to protect our most vulnerable.”

LePage appealed to nonprofit Pine Tree Legal — an advocacy group providing free legal advice for Maine residents with limited income — but, it turns out, the eviction followed the letter of the law.

Continue reading here.  

Current Energies And Symptoms For The Different Ascension Waves

Current Energies and Symptoms for the different Ascension Waves

Note: By no means does this blog intend to put stamps or labels onto people and put some people over others. No one is better or worse, as we are all part of the whole. The categorization used in this article is only there to help understanding symptoms and the awakening and ascension process better. The transitions between the waves are fluent. 

Since the beginning of 2017, we are experiencing very new energy frequencies. Something that has never been here before. To be precise, it already started building up on December 18 and continuously increased, with shorter breaks in between. These new energies come directly from the Central Sun, the Cosmic Heart, the ultimate zero point. Depending on where people are at in their journey and what Ascension Wave they are in, the perception and experience of these energies can be very different. 

Before we go into the details per wave, I would like to introduce a practical way to understand the process of ascension waves and their magnitude. They also follow mathematical patterns. In order to make this very visual, I’d like to use the model of “Diffusion of Innovations” by Everett Rogers, a professor for communications. This model is usually used in marketing and PR to understand and address target groups better and how they align with a product life cycle, when an innovation is introduced to the market. The model follows the statistical bell pattern. There is a small percentage of “first movers” or “innovators” (2.5 per cent) that are the ones desperately waiting for the next innovation to come out. They are embracing change and the new as the most exciting thing. They are willing to take risks and test the unknown without any guarantee of a certain outcome. They pave the way for others to follow. They are wayshowers and leaders. The innovators are followed by the “early adopters” a second, a bit larger percentage (with 13.5 percent). They are excited about everything new as soon as it has been proven to work by the innovators and then love to follow these new trends full hearted. They often take leadership positions as well. The next typology category is the “Early Majority”. That is when a product is already produced in masses. The early majority follows the innovators and early adopters, as they have proven and tested that the product is worth buying. They trust that new trend and/or change after having read and learned enough about it. They represent a big portion with 34.5 percent. Just as large as the portion of the “Late Majority”. Those are the one’s in general hesitant with innovations and change. They love to stay in their comfort zone as long as possible before the technological and social pressure gets too high, so they will feel the need to adapt in order to still be able to keep up. They are followed by the “Laggards” – the ones that will only change their behaviour when circumstances force them to (for example because no one is selling video tapes anymore, so they are forced to change to a DVD player). The chart shows them with a portion of 16 per cent. But to be completely correct, there is another group: Those that will never adapt. They will be another 2.5 per cent, which gives the laggards 13.5 per cent. To complete the picture: The yellow line in the chart is the market share, meaning the growth of product availability.

Continue reading “Current Energies And Symptoms For The Different Ascension Waves”

Sheldan Nidle Update ~ January 10, 2017

12 Chicchan, 8 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The forward motion of the Elders’ plan to safely introduce the global RV continues. Meanwhile, the dark’s counterpunches are in place as well, confirming that special security is more than justified. Because of what is transpiring, we have set up safety points to counteract and defeat the heinous goals of the dark. The first much-needed monies are in the process of being delivered to their destinations. These initial successes show just how well formulated are our plans for defeating the dark’s evil designs. This whole complex set of special strategies is proving just how effective our joint defenses truly are. Using these successes we intend to create ongoing tactics that can defeat the well-equipped forces of the dark. Hence, we are very close to a justly earned triumph over them. We are allocating the time remaining in this Gregorian month to complete the rest of our complicated plans. These are to allow us in due course to complete a massive arrest of the dark leadership, and finally to put an end to their nefarious goals for our defeat. Certainly, the end is approaching for the dark old order that ran this surface reality for nearly 13 millennia!

A general purge of the current American republic is under way. In truth, it was founded in 1871 and is the play child of the American autocracy. It is to be toppled by the true, de facto NESARA Republic. The completion of this project remains unclear. We are told that the current incoming administration is to declare this republic, but we remain unconvinced of this and are laying out a blueprint to see that this does indeed occur. We have therefore concentrated on assuring that this goal stays on track and becomes a manifested reality. To that end, we are carefully observing this new administration to ensure that it still plans to announce the new republic. Once this does manifest, plans exist to spread a global alteration that is to modify how this worldwide geopolitical system operates. Until then, we are watching attentively to sense what is really developing in America. We intend to do whatever is necessary to transform the way your present reality works. We are determined to achieve total victory!

Continue reading “Sheldan Nidle Update ~ January 10, 2017”

Energy Update: We Are No Longer Able To Be In The Old Energy Of What No Longer Vibrates To Our New Souls Truth

Editor’s note:  Very interesting piece.  Most fascinating was reading about a recent timeline jump on January 8th and how two souls were interacting/working through something when suddenly the “vibe” of the whole situation changed.  I had that happen yesterday – an ongoing issue – when suddenly I felt something in me shift.  

by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

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Oh you/us peacemakers are having a very challenging time..those of us who come from unconditional love.

While in a situation that is new and different with others, who are where they are at, coming from fear and ‘reaching’ as far as they can with all they are going through.

Where they are holding onto the old and sabotaging and (trying to) put many of us Empaths into ‘boxes’…as they do not want us to ‘stick up’ for ourselves.

They are not coming from unconditional love and this can be a very big shock for Empaths who have been and are Peace makers.

As these souls close to us are holding onto the old and sabotaging (or attempting to) as they don’t know how to cope with the new.

This is very challenging for empaths as we love peace and come from so much unconditional love yet the tide has turned with those close loved ones now.

Continue reading “Energy Update: We Are No Longer Able To Be In The Old Energy Of What No Longer Vibrates To Our New Souls Truth”

7 Signs You Are Starting To Live In The 5th Dimension

by Jafree Ozwald,

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Yes, in this article we’re going to answer this question for you – what does it mean to shift from 3D consciousness into the 5th dimension? Some people say this shift is like a massive update to your entire operating system. Yes, and it feels like upgrading from human consciousness 3.0 to galactic consciousness 12.0. Well, this means that when we are ready to move beyond the 3rd dimension, we must go through the 4th dimension before we can enter the 5th. The 4th acts much like a purifying filter, for it is the realm of the heart that is filled with love, oneness and lightness. The 5th dimension is an even lighter in frequency, having a more pure love, cosmic consciousness and a true multi-dimensional reality. And, remember – we will be inside this photon belt of energy for the next 2000 years, causing a massive shift in consciousness for the entire humanity.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, everyone on our planet will be shifting from 3D consciousness into a 5th Dimensional “enlightened reality”. The shift will be bringing humanity into the Aquarian age of being one unified harmonious world working together in peace. It will occur as a very slow digestible rate that is easy to assimilate and integrate. There are 7 basic signs that will show you’re entering the 5th dimension. The cool aspect is that these signs happen for everyone. There are many more wild multi-dimensional experiences that will naturally occur for you during your shift from 3D to 5D, yet these 7 signs are guaranteed across the board. If you are willing to remain in trust, love and surrender to your highest self you will naturally ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the 5th Dimensional consciousness with joy and effortless ease. And, one more thing – don’t take the shift too seriously! Just have fun and remember this is all a massive play of consciousness here for our individual and collective awakenings.

1. Daily life will be bubbling more often with feelings of great joy, lightness, love and wonder

The 4th and 5th dimensions will provide an upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. It’s just like your mind-body will be offered to work inside the newest fastest computer that operates smoothly at the speed of light!  This process will help if you reboot it (meditate, exercise and go raw/vegetarian diet) which will make your body and mind much more stable, expansive, have a sharp creative mind, clear memory, and make your overall life much easier to operate. Yes, and you’ll be open to trusting the constant effortless flow of life in each moment.  A real feeling of wonder and excitement will be inside you about your life, as this natural lightness will help you to greet new opportunities with real love and gratitude each moment.

2. Heavy negative issues you’re carrying will release easier and move through you more quickly

Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. And, you must learn how to let go, drop your negativity, smallness, powerlessness, incompetency, and poverty consciousness.  You will be releasing all your old heavy baggage you’ve been carrying for lifetimes!  This is the only way you can enter into these higher vibrational 4D and 5D levels that are full of trust, lightness, laughter and love. Instead of it taking months or years in psychotherapy for your karma to dissolve it will take minutes or seconds! It’s like the Universe will be turning up the velocity on your inner juicer and turning your dense heavy substances (thought feelings) removing the pulp, keeping the essential nutrients and giving you a more enlightened experience of life that feels like liquid light!

3. You will physically experience the world as being more beautiful with your senses

You’ll notice that the colors of the world will look brighter, stronger! Yes, and you’ll see a wider spectrum of colors, that may appear like rainbow ‘hippie’ colors. When you’re more emotional the colors are even more beautiful and have a happy vibration to them.  When you meet people who are living in the 5th as well, can bring up such a deep happiness inside they could bring tears of joy to your eyes. You will be able to hear the divine song of creation, the music of the spheres, the eternal OM, and the sound of silence.  You can attune your listening to an orchestra of light that is constantly playing in the background, bringing tears of joy to your heart.

4. Time will feel fluid, eternal and illusory

Time will feel fluid and you’ll move like water from one event and life experience to the next.  There will be no judgment or ill feelings about how or why things are done the way they are done. You will realize that you are not the doer, and that things are being done through you. The 3D view of time will seem pointless and like kindergarten consciousness as you’ll understand that there is no end to this life.  You’ll know you are an eternal being who cannot die and is all powerful.  You’ll realize that when your life in this body is over, you will continue to live on and on forever.  You will know this without any doubt.

Continue reading here.