I Embrace My Divinity

I Love Myself, Text, Words, Love, Me

Hello Beautiful People.  Here are some love-talks I give to myself.  It’s important to remember, when speaking personal mantra’s, to do it slowly, tune in and find where the emotion is with each mantra, then to chill with that emotion for a time before going on to the next mantra.  For me, I wait until I feel tingling with many of my mantra’s.  In a nutshell – feeeeeeeeeeeeel the looooooooooooove feeling that goes with the words.  That is how we create change within – and without.



I Am A Sovereign Being

Hello cells.  I love you.  Thank you.

Every day I get stronger, healthier, younger, wiser.

I love me.

I love myself SO much, darkness cannot touch me.

I accept, integrate and give thanks to the energies of expansion and healing being sent to me.

I release resistance to wherever it is I Am is resisting these changes to my cells and DNA.

My cells vibe at the frequency of my 27 year old self.

I give thanks to my: (fill in the blank – i often give thanks to all of the parts of my body)

I vibrate at the 5th Dimensional Frequency easily and with grace.


What are some of your favorite mantra’s?

Hello (hello hello). Is there anybody in there?

Low Angle View of Man Standing at Night

This is likely going to sound rude.  Arrogant.  Pretentious.  And yet that isn’t my intention.

The weather was spectacular over the weekend, which meant my family and I were outside.  My daughter and I interacted with several of our neighbors, some of them new.  This meant I got to engage in new conversations with new people.  And yet, as has been my experience, the conversations quickly left me feeling empty, like a deflated balloon.

I am not one for small talk.  I can do it.  I was well-trained.  However, it isn’t natural for me nor does it feel good in my body.

As what often happens, I begin to share something.  Pick the topic. Ascension.  New Earth.  The corruption of the system that dumbs us down. Chemtrails.  GMO’s.  Awakening.  UFO’s.  lol  I laugh at “UFO’s” because it reminds me of a conversation I had with a neighbor who wanted to know what I had been doing outside the previous night, watching the skies.  I told her I was on UFO patrol.  And like all of these other topics I bring up, I was given the “uh ok she is one of THOSE people” look.

Or there is the “there is no one home” look I receive when I bring up such a “strange” (to the masses) topic.  The topic?  Geoengineering, aka “chemtrails” to those of us in the conspiracy theory realms.  Surely I thought this person would have heard of geoengineering by now given it’s slowly gone mainstream over the past decade.  But there it was.  The look.  “You have just entered the space of total emptiness.”

Leaving me to think “Hello?  Is there anybody in there?”

Apparently not.  At least in this section of the mind.

And yet, I just cannot fathom being the kind of person who doesn’t want to know the Truth.

Now I realize there are many things I yet to know.  And that being said, I long to know the truth no matter what it is.  I’ve swallowed so many jagged pills over the years so I know the pain of being presented with information that challenges your current belief structure.

And yet, I just cannot fathom being the kind of person who doesn’t want to know the Truth. Who doesn’t want to know a damn thing other than what has been spoon-fed to them.  Who blindly follows whatever they are told, without question.

I.  Do.  Not.  Resonate.  With.  Such.  Behavior.

I have accepted this is just who I am.  And with the incoming beautiful energies awakening our dormant DNA and cellular memories, I have also had to accept not everyone is actually here at this time to awaken.  Or question.  Is it because they are so asleep in the Matrix it is gonna take a few more lifetimes?  Is it because they are simply not here in this incarnation to Awaken, Remember and Ascend?

I don’t know.

What I DO know is that having conversations with people who are not on the same vibrational frequency as I am has become increasingly difficult. And instead of having an increasing desire to share Glorious, Authentic Me with the world at large, I am having an increasing desire to reunite with my Tribe and get this New Earth Creation business going.

Slowly, this is happening for me.

If this resonates with you, here’s some music from Pink Floyd to put a spark of humor, understanding and beauty in this “disconnect”.  Shine on beautiful Soul.  This is a lonely journey and at least for me, has been for many many lifetimes, but Home is in our line of vision.  

Under-Reported Facts About “Vault 7” Wikileaks

Editor’s note: I was saying in 2006 that our tv’s had microphones and camera’s to monitor us ~ straight out of “1984”.  Naturally I was deemed a “conspiracy theorist” and yet as I recently read, today’s conspiracy theorist’s are the new prophets of the new reality.  ♥  Check out this video below.  Wearechange.org is an awesome organization, one I highly recommend you follow and support.  

THE TOP 5 Under Reported Scariest Facts About The Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release

Yesterday’s Sun Capture

Seeing the sun here – especially all day – is a rare event this time of year. Yesterday was the first full day of sun and 65 that we have seen for months and it was a very welcomed sight!  As my little one and I sat outside and enjoyed our lunch, something nudged me to grab my camera and take some shots.  So I did.  Here they are.  Notice that “object” on the upper left of our sun?  Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.  Blessings.  ♥♥♥

Owning The Embodiment: Preparing for the Timeline Shift

March 11, 2017

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe~

As we enter the deeply transformative Gateway of the Equinox, we are presented with another collective trigger passage. It is vital that we unify as one HUman heart grid, one force of Source. I AM confident most of you are aware of what this Gateway will create for HUmanity.

This is not a passage to flail in the distractions. It is a passage to fully claim ownership of your new template, to own your embodiment, your new expression, and stand in your the Divine right to become your Higher Self in form. This embodiment phase is key to the current frequency shift already underway. Your core will need to be stable and aligned with your new template in order to receive the Solar codes and transmit them to Gaia, the old and new grid systems, and the HUman heart grid.

Embodiment feels transcendent, deeply peaceful and avatar-like, however we are transitioning in full view of HUmanity in order to Wayshow. Gravitational anomalies, linear time fluctuations, heightened mulitdimensional awareness and dissolvement of the veils are normal side-effects of a dimensional shift. However, what is occurring with the Wayshowers is unique to this planet, and we assist Gaia in revealing her Higher expression through our own lifestreams. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension as the higher frequencies intensify, and reveal the higher truths of Divine Love by example.

We call forth the Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and Wayshowers to assist in stability and amplification as the embodiment and revelation of the crystalline realm unfolds. Gateways will be opening on March 13-15 to initiate the unfoldment. Gatework and Gridwork will be consistent for the next three weeks, with the continued Solar focus. Be creative and honor your new skills as they present; all will feel very different as this unfolds.

Continue reading here.

Ooohhh Galactic Family ~ Wherefore art thou??!!


Ufo, Alien, Alie, Futuristic, Science

Oh my dear Starseeds and Wanderers and Lightworkers and Lemurian’s and Atlantean’s and pick your self-identifying term…  Many, if not most, if not all of us have had at least one occasion, as I wrote in my piece Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human, where we cry out to Life and the Universe and our Galactic Families:  “Where the HELL are you?!  I am DONE with life in this planet!  I’m TIRED!  I want to go Home!  I want a pick up!  NOW!”

(You don’t know what a relief it is to be able to write those words and know there are thousands of others who feel the same way.  Just had to add that.  When you have experienced being the only beautiful freak in the room for your entire human existence, it’s good to know you aren’t the only one ~ even if it means the other beautiful peeps are mostly scattered throughout the planet.)

I have carried these “where are you?!” words for a long time now.  And it wasn’t until this morning, after I wrote Lemuria: She Fell.  Now She Is Calling. last night, that I received a good dose of understanding and humbleness.  (I don’t much like the word humility.).  In my piece last night, I spoke how the Lemurian Civilization fell, based on the book “Coming Home To Lemuria” by Charmain Amarea Kumara Redwood.  We “fell” because being the High Vibrational Beings we were, we were unable to withstand the density of the lower vibrational civilizations/planets we decided to visit in order to help raise the vibes.

I awoke this morning thinking about that experience.  I contemplated what it would feel like to get “stuck” like that.  Would I want to undergo the experience again?

Absolutely NOT.

Then I remembered a thought I have had at times, reading how after we ascend, many of us will become planet liberators and set off to assist other “fallen” civilizations.  I have had the thought that I may wish to do that again.

Hmm.  A quandary, I thought.

Then thought some more.

Perhaps not a quandary.

Perhaps the reason why our Galactic Families have not made their appearance to us yet is they don’t wish to get “stuck” in these lower densities.  And I can respect that.

Perhaps they are, as some have opined, waiting for Humanity and Gaia to reach a certain vibrational frequency before they greet us again and offer us the assistance many of us seek and long for NOW.  Perhaps the best help they can do at this time is by helping to control and guide, with their advanced tech, the incoming energies ~ the tachyons, the ions, photons, gamma ray and neutrino’s ~ which as we know are raising the frequencies of Gaia and you and me.

Perhaps it was, in part, the lessons of Lemuria, that taught them the best ways to help another planet and it’s civilization ascend.

So, again, perhaps it is unfair to me to demand they do this helping/rescue “NOW!” business.

Perhaps my focus is best put forth in loving myself and making My Personal Ascension priority #1.

And while I really cringe in using the term “be patient”…

…perhaps that is really what is needed here.

And trust.  In myself.  In the process.  In Gaia.

And our Galactic Families.

Whoever they are.

And wherever they are.


(My dear readers ~ I would like to make an appeal to you. There are affiliate links and ads on this page.  I would like to ask for you to use the links and click on the ads. This would be a real blessing to me. It would help to cover the time and cost it takes to create this free resource. The affiliate links are for products I and my family personally use.  Of if clicking ads isn’t your thing, you can also make a donation to show you support my work.  I sincerely thank you for your support!)

Lemuria: She Fell. Now She Is Calling…

Image result for lemuria images

In April of 2016, while enjoying a rare peaceful, quiet moment in my bedroom, I heard a soft voice whisper in my left ear.  “Lemuria is calling.”

Hmm, that’s strange, I thought while also being intrigued and knowing this was something special to receive.

I live on the west coast and am familiar with some of the stories and legends that are Lemuria and Atlantis.  Both civilizations said to have fallen, each for different reasons.  Some claim they are myths.  Others claim these civilizations existed and share elaborate details.  I am one to believe there is Truth in myths.  I believe these civilizations existed.  I feel it in my body.  Whether they were called Lemuria and Atlantis and whether they existed at the time period historians discuss (and still debate) matters not to me.  Lemuria calls to me in my body.  In my cells. And those parts of my Being do not lie.

Since hearing that message, I have been very drawn to learning more about Lemuria.  And the Universe has indeed delivered.  Images of Lemuria popping up on my social media feeds.  Articles shared by others. Too many synchronicities to count.

I was guided to buy a book recently, “Coming Home To Lemuria” by Charmain Amarea Kumara Redwood.  Charmain says Lemurian civilization fell because we became aware of lower vibrational planets and, given our nature to help others, we made the choice to visit these planets in order to assist.  We weren’t prepared for the density and what it would do to our body and our Soul.  She says that is when we realized we were unable to return to Lemuria and this is what lead to the fall of our way of life.

An interesting perspective and one I feel has some definite truth when I weigh it against my own vision I had over 10 years ago.  In that vision, I saw myself standing in a circle around a tree (in her book, Charmain says the Lemurian’s did things in circles frequently).  We were sending energy to the tree and it was communicating back.  The experience was beautiful and peaceful.  It seemed to be more of a ritual than just a “spur of the moment” idea.  We were also quite large physically – tall and lean – something Charmain also mentions in her book.  Then something happened that caught us by surprise and I could feel the energy slowly drain and lower.  Then I was jolted out of the vision.

Aside from Charmain’s view of why we fell, I also maintain that part of this experience lead to lower dimensional beings with advanced tech and a very dark side (which was foreign to the Lemurian’s) took advantage of our helpful and trusting manner, conquered us and altered our DNA and inter-bred with us.

Lately I have been purging this experience.  The horrors of not only losing yourself and your family and friends, but your way of live.  Your way of Being.  The horror that there are other Beings who will grossly violate free will and will take advantage of others for their personal gain and power.

While I realize these behaviors are part of modern day humankind, they are still foreign concepts to me.  Absolutely foreign.  I don’t understand the desire to do that to another and I most certainly do not understand the decision to actually go ahead with that desire and create it.

Again, according to Charmain’s book, a very Lemurian trait.

I also very much resonated with her description of our desire to help others – even at the expense of our own well-being in a way at times.  Or in other words, we see someone in help, we don’t always intuitively stop and check in to see if such help would be ok with Self.  I’m the same way. I hear of someone in need or see it, every part of me says “help” and I do what I can.  However, living in third dimensional frequencies and reality has taught me I have to weigh my desire to help with my own abilities and limits – things we did not have to bother with living in higher dimensional Lemuria.

Living in Lemuria – living at that frequency level (which Charmain says was in 5D) – we didn’t need to concern ourselves with things such as burn out and disease and personal health.  It was in our inherent make-up to help.  Period.  That is what we DID and in doing so, we gave to ourselves in return.  A natural cycle and a natural way of Being.

I have a feeling we are going to see the rise and return of these civilizations – both in human form and in the rise of their ruins.  I have seen this in a dream I had almost 14 years ago and at the time, had no clue what the dream meant nor was I familiar with Lemurian or Atlantean civilizations.  I also believe there are many of us from this time period who have returned for this Ascension Event.

If you feel an inner calling for Lemuria, let yourself purge those old memories and the old energies from the trauma(s).  For me, not only am I mourning the way of life I once lived, I am also mourning over the concept that there are beings who will disrupt your life simply because they can. There are beings who don’t care about free will and are only about serving their own needs.  This is also about me questioning whether I can trust myself and leads to a life-long – and likely many lifetimes-long fear of being left behind, being uprooted against my will, being abandoned and a deep deep loss that has lead to an inner thought of “will I ever have paradise again with my tribe?”

I miss that way of life.  I miss my tribe.  I am ready to reunite and rebuild that way of life.  This time around, we will have gathered some much needed awareness and that is, even as we ascend into 5th Dimension, always be fully prepared and aware before offering help to those who are not of your vibrational frequency and belief system.

The Goddess has awakened in new ways and while she still longs to help, she is too aware to be taken advantage of.

She has learned that it is necessary to Love Self First.


After I wrote the above, I thought “I wonder if I will have more moments of synchronicity with Lemuria tonight.”  You know, for validation that what I write above is truthful and not just wishful thinking.  Ahem.  Check out this beautiful video, “Songs of Lemuria”, which just “happened” to show up in my social media feed an hour after writing this piece.  I was also quite intrigued to note the time the video was originally linked in my friends page – 7:11pm.  Earlier tonight I looked at the clock, saw 7:11pm and knew I would be having a moment of synchronicity later.  ♥





(My dear readers ~ I would like to make an appeal to you. There are affiliate links and ads on this page.  I would like to ask for you to use the links and click on the ads. This would be a real blessing to me. It would help to cover the time and cost it takes to create this free resource. The affiliate links are for products I and my family personally use.  Of if clicking ads isn’t your thing, you can also make a donation to show you support my work.  I sincerely thank you for your support!)