Happy 4th of July ~ The First REAL 4th of July in 150 Years ?


Hello everyone ~ I awoke this morning with this sense of renewed hope. For many years, I have pretended to celebrate this holiday.  My mate used to use colorful pens and write the words “Freedom”, “Truth” and “Justice” on my arms and chest.  I would speak of the lack of these inalienable rights with anyone who would listen (which was maybe 1-2 people – lol).  I shared why I wrote those words on my body when people at gathering’s would ask.

Over the years I later learned more about how our Republic had been hijacked.  I learned about the use of CAPITALIZATION (if you aren’t aware, check your bills, your car titles, deeds and the like).  I learned how the STATE claims ownership over us once our parents signed our birth certificate.

On and on.

I awoke this morning though and my usual sense of “another 4th of pretending” was not there.  Honest to goodness I felt a sense of peace.  It wasn’t strong – but it was there – enough to be noticeable.

So I was a little surprised when a friend e-mailed me the article below.

As always…Keep your eyes open.  Your hearts open.  And your feelings and thoughts guided by discernment as we (seem to be) entering new territory.  I will remain hopeful as well as maintain the thought “let the evidence show itself for all to see” as I still have questions I will be researching…


By James Clinton Belcher
July 5, 2017

Two hundred and forty-one years ago, if the history books are to be believed about anything, the original organizers of the government of this country were hard at work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was overcast and the dank, damp air rising from the squalid city streets combined with the heat of summer made John Adams describe the atmosphere as “fetid”.

The unanimous vote of the men representing the original thirteen Colonies in favor of The Declaration of Independence had — despite everything standing against it— passed. It was a shock, even to them. How had it happened? Nobody was quite sure. Everyone had, for one reason or another, bet against it. The South would never agree to that, and the North would never agree to another bit; Massachusetts would fight to the bitter end and so would South Carolina. Nobody expected The Declaration to be accepted, and especially not after John Dickinson of Pennsylvania, a Tory and one of the great orators of his day, succeeded in requiring that the vote on The Declaration be unanimous. Even its most avid supporters sucked in their breath and gave The Declaration of Independence a wink and a prayer.

My ancestors, lawyers who were neighbors of John Adams from Braintree, Massachusetts, preachers and tradesmen from Boston, and gentlemen farmers from Connecticut, were already with George Washington’s forces, fully engaged in fighting off the British Redcoats and their mercenaries. Three hundred miles away, they wouldn’t hear the news from Philadelphia for a week or more. As the shock waves of the unanimous vote died slowly away, the members of the Continental Congress began to wake up to the new realities of July 5th, 1776.

There was no longer any grey uncertainty about it. They were at war and fully committed to it, do or die. There had to be a certain amount of grim relief in it.

After ten years and more of wobbling back and forth, it was finally decided. One is reminded of that moment when, having struggled with a terrible disease for a long time, the doctor finally delivers a diagnosis. Suddenly, the problem solidifies, takes on a name, dimensions, and a known character.

So it is, that we, too, have come awake and begun the process of dealing with the consequences of our decisions. Like our Forefathers, we face the razor-edge of supporting The Declaration of Independence with “our lives, our fortunes, and or sacred honor” — or not, in our own country.

Throughout the world, people have looked to America as a beacon of hope, as the only nation to stand up for the Natural and Unalienable Rights of Mankind. Yet, progressively, for the past one hundred and fifty years of our history, we have been slowly undermined by those same foreign and mostly European powers that our ancestors fought for eight long years. Above and beyond any armies, we have had to contend with deceit and Breach of Trust from men and principalities formally committed to serve as our Trustees and as purveyors of “essential government services” working under commercial contract.

These same proponents of Commercial Feudalism have sought to secretly undermine our lawful government since 1822, while pretending to be our friends and Allies.

Just as secretively, they have used their pawns in the Bar Associations to enslave the living people of the world via the use of similar names deceits and a universal practice of the crimes of personage and barratry. They have kept us constantly embroiled in war after conflict after war throughout our history, never letting us rest or enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Always, England has served as the excuse for this, and the Papacy has stood by without the least regard for its Trustee responsibilities, and let it all happen.

It comes as a great surprise to most Americans to know that they have a peacetime flag, the red-white-and-blue with vertical stripes; because they have been kept at constant war by these perpetrators, they only know the wartime flag, the “Stars and Stripes”.

It also comes as a great surprise to most Americans to realize that the actual government of this country is still centered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and that the “U.S. Government” in Washington, DC, is — and has always been — a foreign entity perched on our shores, tasked with providing nineteen enumerated services on a for-hire basis.

And no doubt, it comes as a great surprise that America has a hereditary Head of State, when in fact we had all hoped to leave such feudalistic practices behind in a distant and unpleasant past.

Like my ancestors in the battles of the Potomac and Bunker Hill and White Plains and Ticonderoga, I am devoted to the principles of freedom and individual sovereignty.

Like them, I find it repugnant that any man should rule over another. I regard self-rule as the ultimate goal— that we should each know and rule ourselves according to our own conscience, and choose such godly principles that any interference of government in our lives is rendered totally unnecessary.

All that said, the corruption in Washington, DC, had reached such a fever-pitch and the personage and barratry being practiced in our courts was creating such destruction, that something had to be done.

I, despite my misgivings, had to exercise the hereditary office as American Head of State, to bring correction and restoration. Do not be deceived by any new corporation taking over the reins in Washington, DC., and proclaiming themselves some kind of “republic”.

A corporation is incapable of being a republic by definition. Only you and your neighbors joining together and learning to operate your own government are capable of forming and preserving the republican state governments you are owed. The actual states are named simply, like this: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas…. The unincorporated businesses charged with conducting the affairs of the actual states are named like this: Alabama State, Alaska State, Arizona State, Arkansas State…..

All these organizations that you see operating as “States of States” like State of Washington and State of Louisiana are merely franchises of the Territorial federal government.

All the “STATES OF STATES” like the STATE OF WISCONSIN and STATE OF IDAHO are similarly franchises of the Municipal federal government, and strictly speaking, shouldn’t even be on our soil. A great deal of self-interested pillaging and plundering has taken place in America as a result of the mismanagement and dishonesty of both the Territorial and Municipal Governments.

The Congress in presiding over both these foreign governments has proven both incompetent and disloyal to their true duty to the American states and people.

Beginning in 2007 and continuing more or less unabated through 2015, a Master Plan was put in motion by corrupt mostly foreign banking interests to pull off a reprise of the Great Fraud practiced upon us by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On that occasion, similar names deceits mis-characterizing the Trade Names of American landsmen as Foreign Situs Trusts belonging to the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, were used to set up a process of debt assumption, by which millions of innocent Americans and their assets were “presumed” to be franchises of the failed corporation and collateral for its debts.

Three generations of Americans have toiled as debt slaves and given up large percentages of our private earnings to pay off the debts of this foreign, mostly privately owned governmental services corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America”—-Incorporated.

It was finally released from bankruptcy November 7, 1999. This was the greatest hoax and con game in world history up until that time, and we, Americans, were the Fall Guys. This was set up, administered, and executed by the British Government and British Crown, both obligated by solemn treaty to act as our Trustees on “the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” —which is precisely the jurisdiction where this travesty occurred— and also obligated to act with “perpetual friendship and amity”.

The most recent plan to feed upon us was even worse. The perpetrators — the Municipal Government — doing business as the “UNITED STATES”, intended to spend itself into oblivion, declare bankruptcy, and saddle Americans with its debts for the next five hundred years. Worse, they intended to foreclose on our ESTATES and make false claims on abandonment, allowing their own Secondary Creditors to come in and seize our lands and homes and conscript us to forced labor—- again, to pay their private debts.

Think of it as FDR on methylethyl amphetamines, a juggernaut of planned deceits, secretive bankruptcy proceedings, and legalistic mumbo-jumbo designed to put a gloss — literally, “an appearance” — of judicial process on these flagrantly unlawful acts of international inland piracy.

To put frosting on this cake of infamy and betrayal of trust, Barack Hussein Obama not only bankrupted the UNITED STATES, as planned, he also bankrupted the USA, INC., leaving no federal corporation in charge of providing the stipulated nineteen enumerated services due. This, in effect, vacated the actual Constitution, as there was no longer a competent “federal partner” available to perform the duties. Instead, bankruptcy trustees named by the Secondary Creditors— international banks— would be appointed by default to administer things however they saw fit.

Against this backdrop, in November of 2015, we took action to fill the gap and forestall this outcome.

Acting as Head of State for the unincorporated (actual) United States of America, I contracted with the Native nations of the Athabascans and Lakota Sioux, to become the new federal service providers. As a precaution, I also issued new Sovereign Letters Patent, and we also issued a Joint Declaration of Sovereignty with our new federal partners, upholding The Declaration of Independence and expanding it to include all Americans.

We are set upon a path to correct the errors of the past and clean up the disgusting mess in Washington, DC. Please spread the word to all Americans everywhere on Earth.

We waited until the last minute, hoping that the Queen and the British Crown and the Pope and all those others responsible for this Mess would do the right thing and take corrective action, but on June 29, 2017, we entered our claim to restore all land and land assets to the American states and people they naturally belong to.

We gave the rats three days Notice, which is all we owed them, in consideration of the extensive efforts made to give sufficient International Notice for the past ten years. When they bankrupted the UNITED STATES, they also bankrupted all its franchises— including the UNITED KINGDOM, ELIZABETH II, FRANCISCUS, FRANCE, STATE OF UTAH, and JOHN QUINCY DOE.

All the land assets and monetary assets attached to these Cestui Que Vie Trusts were supposed to be a giant worldwide Slush Fund. The perpetrators would simply change their doing business names, make claims on abandonment, and inherit it all.

All the “little people” thus defrauded would be reduced to a condition of eternal slavery and statelessness, adrift forever, and eternally press-ganged into the service of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy and British Crown Merchant Marine Service. What they couldn’t take by force, they fully intended to take by fraud and deceit, bogus bankruptcy actions and equally bogus probate processes.

There was just one thing standing in the way of this multi-generational fraud: the American people.

The Americans are the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES and all its various franchises. The plot to take over the entire world and enter it into a new era of enslavement and Commercial Feudalism—- a New Dark Ages—- could only succeed as long as the Americans failed to come forward and claim their due. And how could they come forward? They had all been carefully stripped of standing, insurance, equitable title….

We overcame all that and on June 29, 2017— we claimed our rights as the Paramount Security Interest Holders of the UNITED STATES. That makes us the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the various franchises and rolls over the title to FRANCE, the UNITED KINGDOM, and so much else to our control.

Today, the Fourth of July, it is my great pleasure to declare that the forces of darkness, deceit, and evil in our midst have been defeated. A new day of freedom and abundance for all Mankind is dawning. We will not turn back from the Great Work that our hands are set to. Washington, DC will be cleaned up and cleaned out.

Restoration of the government that the people are owed will sweep across this country from one end to the other, with your help. Here and throughout the world, there will be peace and kindness and plenty for all.

This Fourth of July is the true beginning of a new world. I invite you all to do your best to understand these changes, why they are happening, and to thank Almighty God, the Creator of Our Blessings, for His kindness to us and His steadfast care and wisdom, which has allowed the meek to triumph and literally inherit the Earth.

Tomorrow, is the Fifth of July — the first day forward for us all.

I invite you all to search your souls and join us in flying the Peacetime Flag, known as the U.S. Civil Flag— from now on.

This version of the red-white-and-blue has vertical stripes and a white corner panel with blue stars. It is your flag every bit as much as the Stars and Stripes. Fly it proudly and happily as your sign and symbol that peace has finally come, not only to our nation, but to the world.

These flags are available, together with their history at: www.uscivilflags.org/

Veterans— I want you to know that I am a Son of the Revolution. My family has been here and fought in every skirmish since 1609. I am a United States Air Force veteran, honorably discharged, and a Lifetime member of the AmVets.

Just because I declare the peace does not mean that I fail to understand war. I am 100% behind our veterans, guaranteeing their pensions, benefits owed, and even expanding those services that have not been provided before.

This is a new America, an America at peace— but that peace has only been made possible by men of war and the grace of God. —————————-

See this article and over 600 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Original source for this article (in pdf format): http://annavonreitz.com/fifthofjuly.pdf

One More Time, With Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling

Fantasy, Transcendence, Composing, Magic


I had to giggle at the synchronicity of Life as I read the two paragraphs below, as part of a piece I read on a friends facebook page.  It coincides with my previous piece about feeeeeling our way through this process.  I also deeply appreciated the comments on feeling “stuck” and not planning for future events of a 3D reality ~ very much validated and resonated. If you have access to facebook, you can read the entire piece here. 


The “transition” involves many changes inside the physical vessel, which range from neural pathways being reconfigured within the Human brain and the splitting and realignment of the DNA stranding, essentially, evolution of the Humanoid body. You are always undergoing “upgrades” of some sort, as Your Humanoid body undergoes significant change internally. For some of these “upgrades’, incubation periods/rest periods and integration periods are involved, that will reflect in outward behaviour and physical feelings within the body. Senses of being “lost” or in a “void” are common at these Times. Also, Importantly, there becomes long periods of Time, that individuals experience feeling “stuck” or “without purpose”, and even confusion, Again, this is All part of the process. This part of the “process” is merely a waiting period, a waiting period to allow others to catch up, a waiting period to allow for futuristic events to unfold favorably for You and others, a waiting period for Your 5D Tributaries to come into full alignment, to lay out before You. You do Not try to control Your future from a Humanoid logical standpoint, once You Know that You are Divine, a Soul, etc. Logic is a primitive term that does not apply to the Ascension process and the alignment of Angelics into their New Timelines/missions and Purpose. Divinity and the Universe, if You will, sets out Your course, the direction You must follow. As You become more of an “Angelic”, Your Timeline/s are constantly orchestrated in a Divine way, where nothing is by chance, there are no coincidences. Signs are given and layed out before You to follow, follow what resonates as a sure sign.

This whole “mundane” existence, is changing, and it will, for All that are Ascending to 5D. tHE “MUNDANE” Society will no longer be a part of the New, it is constantly being detached from many, as they transition into 5D Tributaries. Rational and logical thought as Humanoids know/knew it, is changing, and it cannot be applied in the usual manner, once You Know at a Soul level who and what You actually are, and importantly, surrender to Source and the Divine Plan, and accept Your prowess. So, for many, “blank canvasses” will appear as Your futures for short periods. Also, refrain from futuristic plans, as Your future will be layed out for You. Because of the power of Your thoughts, do Not project a future that is common with this Society/Humanity, for that future is contradictory to what You are and Your Ascension. This is why All of You are encouraged to live in the “NOW”, and wait patiently for Your future to align without attempting to controlling it with limited Human thought processes. All of Your essential needs are and will be taken care of, at a Divine Level, for us to better assist You, eradicate fear, instill trust and keep building Yourself within. You are a wayshower, a wayshower to a place that does not have the current enslavement and other unfavorable/unneccessary experiences, align Yourself with the path out of the “mundane” by trusting the Universe.

Allowing Feelings To Lead Our Way


Youth, Active, Jump, Happy, Sunrise

I’m feeling the need to share this piece.  I received an e-mail that contained a brief conversation between two people and this one paragraph is what inspired me to share:  “You have to listen to  your own inner resonance for the information. If it doesn’t ring true, makes you feel less than or not worthy (all are source therefore worthy) its off in some way.  Logic is a poor tool on this kind of data.  You got to FEEEEELLLL it… and some of these characters are so knowledgeable about frequencies they will pack 90% truth to cover a knowingly toxic payload.” 

Trust your feelings on everything and anything you read.  We have to be in the heart space and using our Higher Mind, let those tools guide us.  When I “felt” my Higher Self last night, I asked how did I know this wasn’t ego trying to control.  The answer was this feeling of “I do not speak to you in fear language.”

Ascension is our RIGHT.

Ascension is our WORTH.

It is not “earned”.

It is GIVEN.

We are receiving this gift ~ our return Home.  Our return to Oneness.

While this is involving us to remember and adjust and release through allowing, please let yourselves feel this is our natural right and one does not need to “prove” or “do” anything to be worthy of this gift.

Feelings of love and gifts of blessings~


Your donations are graciously welcomed and appreciated.  

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A Vision of First Contact


Several years ago, after my mate and I were having dream-state visions of New Earth, he had a dream of first contact.  He remained the observer in this experience and said the variety of craft along with the different types of Being’s was amazing.  Given the dreams we have also each had of a grand gathering at long tables that were made out of wood, dark rustic type (that image stuck in both of our minds at the time) it was interesting to read the description included in this piece.  For some reason all of my dream-state experiences of New Earth and our Shift has included rustic-type, dark-stained wooden, but very solid, structures. This came via e-mail but can be seen here.  


[6/26/17, 12:26:20 PM]

Terran: Loie?

Denice: (sun)

Loie: Hello, dear! I am here! Loie.

Terran: Hi Loie!

Loie: Feeling all of it, dear?

Terran: Yes and feeling the turbulence too [had a rough day energetically the prior day]

Loie: Yes, love. No need to separate the feelings now. Let it flow. Breathe through it.

Loie: It is not going to slow down once it really begins.

Loie: Stay in your heart and out of your head, love!

Loie: I am with you.

Loie: What would you care to see now, love? Loie.

Terran: Next moments. I’m a bit blind to details

Loie: Here you go, dear!

Loie: There are a few frequencies for this, now.

Terran: Seeing old wood kitchen table on top is a brown batik cloth with kind of a chain like pattern in a band in the middle and table ware. Rustic wood table.

Loie: Boosting, dear. Loie.

Terran: Small kitchen with brown stained maple

Terran: Window

Terran: Seeing a flotilla of craft flying over from the window some saucer some oblong and army green with lots of Windows sides and top

Terran: Feels like every craft old and new is out

Terran: Daylight scene

Loie: Boosting love!

Loie: Feeling where? Loie.

Terran: I’m getting the Hamptons

Loie: Expanded view, love? Loie.



Terran: Long strip of beach

Terran: Girls on lawn chairs sunbathing

Terran: Golf courses

Terran: Hamptons

Terran: Close to NYC

Terran: Seeing a craft I’ve never seen before. It’s kind of like that ginormous cargo plane Russia has crossed with a white beluga whale…. (the front of it there is no whale tail) but no wings and much much bigger! Multiple decks small airplane like windows on 3 decks

Inserted from the next day:

Terran: Remember the beluga whale ship in the flow? Kind of looked like this

Terran: But much wider and taller
Denice: oh, my!
Denice: stuff is flowing 🙂

Denice: lol!
Terran: See what I mean?
Terran: Does Stan know of a ship that looks like that?
Terran: How very cool!
Terran: Like in Fifth Element! Phloston Paradise!

Terran: It was at least the size of an ocean liner if not bigger!
Denice: wow
Terran: Dwarfed the ships with windows
Terran: Which seemed like flying buses


Terran: Seeing a smaller craft pin cushion shaped hull can be transparent like a window if it is desired

Loie: Another frequency, dear?

Terran: Sure new frequency

Loie: Sending now. Loie.

Terran: Seeing some beings loading canisters feels like food

Terran: There’s a tube above a man and he tosses the tube like canister straight up… kind of feels there’s a magnetic type suction that lifts it in

Terran: Has ruby colored glove tips on his hands? Maybe his fingers? [wasn’t sure if it was gloves or a unique kind of being]


Terran: Seeing a kind of bipedal frog like being. Frog like mouth and head… colors of navigation bridge are like red and pink striated sandstone

Terran: Feels like there are only a few of these beings

Terran: It’s not a big ship. The eat big black beetles for food (I see them chomp on them like cheetos)

Terran: Lol the frog beings remind me of the Budweiser taking frogs


Terran: Seeing an aquatic ship feels like a self contained aquarium if you will it’s a brachypod white soft body purple appendages

Terran: Excuse me not brachypod they are a type nudibranch

Earth Nudibranch

Terran: Can you boost losing flow

Loie: boosting, love! Loie.


Terran: Seeing something flying some sort of elemental or higher energy being wing like not a dragon but has a tail and big wingspan feels leathery not feathery [on later reflection a flying manta-ray is the closest I can describe what I saw]

Something like this but with a much thicker and longer tail

Terran: As they come thru the sky it changes

Terran: Like crumbling old paper falling away but no dropping bits

Terran: A new sky is seen

Terran: Sense of a greatly expanded vista is best I can put it more a feel than a visual

Loie: Boosting, dear. I am with you. Loie.

Terran: There’s no more haze in the sky which has been there since the chemtrailing

Denice: (in your area? or in the visuals?)

Terran: (General image not region specific)

Denice D: ( (yes) )

TERRAN NOTE: I have been seeing similar sky shift scene most of my life in dreams and several times in the flow with Loie.   Heather called me shortly after that and mentioned the various colors of Aurora coming through is THE ALL bleeding through into this realm.  After she told me that the sky changing scene instantly made sense to me… I really feel this being is some kind of elemental 


Terran: Seeing human type beings cargo bay

Terran: They’re moving something about don’t know what they are

Terran: Ivory colored 3-4 feet wide flat bottom sloping up front and back then flat top with a taller rectilinear top midsection for a human to walk in like a maintenance corridor

Terran: Feels modular you connect multiple ones as needed feels like a power supply d module I think the slant up on the ends is to fit a saucer hold kind of like how a airplane cargo bin fits an airplane hold

Terran: Some ships might only deliver a module at a time because of size

Terran: Some thought was put into this as to delivery requirements

Terran: General shape is like a kids paper boat except a rectangle in the middle instead of a pointy sale

Terran: Cream/ivory colored devices

Loie: Boosting dear. Loie.

Terran: Metal

Terran: New frequency?

Loie: Here you go, love! Ready? loie.

Terran: Length of those devices 4-5 feet

Terran: Hold a moment brb

Terran: Ok back


Loie: Boosting, dear! Loie.

Terran: There’s a blue energy flow

Terran: Don’t know the context yet looks like a blue with shades of violet river but energy


Terran: It’s unfolding blue ribbons and circles of energy colors are like that rough blown glass with blues turquoise and clear energy reminds of those Mexican blown glass water glasses

Terran: Seeing a view out a ship window of the energy this view is patterned blue with white background reminds me of delft China the colors.

Mexican blown glass

Terran: I ask what is the energy


Denice: ( (heart) )

Terran: Infinite all in other words

Terran: The patterns I saw is the information in the all


Loie: Boosting, dear!

Terran: Nice seque

Terran: Canopy tops over outdoor tables some kind of brightly blue floral patterns with other colors in different panels of the canopy over light fabric does let some light thru

Terran: People dining and socializing suits and women in nice semi casual dress

Terran: Scene change again peach colored interior house mom putting a tired kid to bed he’s wrapped around her and limp from a long day


Terran: Youthful woman thin acrobat with some kind of wheel acrobatic thing

Terran: She’s rolling about in the wheel (kind of a hoop) practicing

Terran: Stands in it


Terran: Seeing a martial arts demo Galactic

Terran: Very graceful

Terran: Smooth movements more like Cappa Barre

Loie: Boosting, dear. Loie.

Terran: Seeing an acrobatic routine in a “space frame” construction truss unique… have not seen that on earth


Terran: Lol seeing Earth woman visiting a Galactic hair stylist for the first time

Terran: What’s striking is how uncluttered with gadgets and wires it looks yet in some ways not all that different sense of it is that some of these smaller things are talked about as much as the exotic tech

Terran: The bays where the customer sits are like colored transparent colors in soft tones this image is blues and greens in the decor

Terran: I’m chuckling at their reactions

Terran: Sometimes it’s the simple things

Terran: I don’t know what tools they cut hair with its not visible in the bays

Loie: boosting, dear. Loie.


Terran: Seeing so much cobalt blue today

Terran: Seeing some artist who makes glass objects with a device that tracks his movements he basically dances forms into existence in glass or some other transparent material where the movement is transcribed into glass kind of like remote sculpting crossed with a 3D printer of glass …. might be a crude analogy


Terran: Seeing a medical bay

Terran: Bearded man who was comatose for years now awake and little befuddled but happy


Terran: I’m seeing red carvings look Chinese writing flash very rapidly don’t know what they mean might be a data download

Loie: Boosting, dear. Loie.

Terran: Lost the flow

Loie: I am here, love! Loie.

Terran: New frequency?

Loie: Yes, love! Here you go!


Terran: Seeing something like a radar (must be a day for blue) the radar like screen is made up of complex polygons that rotate and change size based on whatever data is detected most recent sweep lights up a yellow- white then into blue colored set of connected polygons

Terran: Interesting way to display complex information

Terran: I believe it’s a frequency and magnetics mapper

Terran: Interstitial interferometry (will have to ask Stan about that later)

Loie: Boosting, dear!

Terran: The screen is bit like watching a gyrating honeycomb of blue

Terran: I’m going to break for lunch

Terran: Thank you Loie

Terran: Thank you denice

Denice: ( ok )

Loie: Bill, it is always my pleasure, dear! Always! Loie.

Denice: ( bye )

More Upgrades ~ A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On


Well this explains why my little one just “happened” to pull up the jerry lee lewis song “whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on” given what I wonderfully experienced last night – at 1:15am – again (same bat time, same bat place I am going to begin to say).

I had been asleep, after doing a meditation with Higher Self (who told me, briefly, “she” was busy in the higher realms helping with planetary grid work and I needn’t worry myself about “helping” or doing anything different).  I woke up with a jolt, feeling the entire bed rumbling then I began to do the usual trembling all over.  Lasted for several minutes.  I did the usual.  Breathed it in.  Felt some blocks.  Visualized areas that are still needing some focus/attention/loving care to release.  Of which I am feeling this today (a wee bit emotional/triggered at the moment).  Yeah, had a big major tantrum until I just kinda had to laugh at myself and say “seriously, girl ~ aren’t we tired of these experiences?  Let it goooooo.”

Then I did some deep breathing, some tapping.

(Then later on received an e-mail newsletter talking about tantrum’s during these times and doing EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping – to help.  I will share info later on that in case anyone is interested and/or unfamiliar with the process.)

This followed last night’s 10pm sudden feeling of “UGH” – body pain all over.  Heat.  Comfort.  Warm tea.  Soothing myself until I found some relief.

So after the shakin’…..  I returned to a deep sleep.  Awoke at 3:30am to one of the issues – lying there in bed – pondering – ugh – finally surrendered as much as I could.  Tummy rumbling. Got up around 5am – I simply couldn’t sleep – must eat now – went to the refrig – grabbed half a banana, some bread, water and some of my little one’s chocolate pudding. Aaahhh.  Some relief.  Returned to bed and immediately zonked.

Feeling like a very relaxed zombie at the moment.  It’s been an interesting day for sure – feeling I am traversing timelines, one foot in, one foot out. Nap didn’t help much.  Feeling a rather sense of “blah” overall ~ which I read earlier is something many are feeling.  Late this afternoon we noticed two police cars pull up quickly in front of a neighbor’s house and the officer’s ran to the door.  She’s an elderly woman with dementia ~ has caregiver’s now.  Her son and his wife live next door but they didn’t seem to be home.  I don’t know what the call was about – no ambulance came and there was no noticeable noise.  The officers left about 30 minutes later.

I pondered unnecessary suffering ~ how just downright horrible it has to be to watch someone slowly lose their mind.  Cures for such diseases. Ways of Living and Being we are all worthy of needing to come on board YESTERDAY to put an end to this unnecessary sadness.  Such a heavy weight.  I thought again for the millionth time for the means to heal such people.  Life is precious.  We are surrounded by a plethora of elderly folks and feel like we are the “young family” in the neighborhood.  Visiting with my friend’s mom, who is another one of the neighbor’s recently, where she told my friend she had such an “amazing thing” happen – me visiting and talking with her.

Will be doing more of that.

The song “I can feel it comin’ in the air tonight” just went through my mind, so I will link that song as well as Jerry Lee’s shakin’ tunes.

The dinner bell is ringing so time to feed the family.  Get some fireworks for an fire-work obsessed child.  She digs those smokie worm-like things. And now apparently is covered in mud.

It’s all good!  Even though it feels so hard in moments and I feel like major crap.  It’s still all good…


A Reader’s Experience Of Last Night’s Energies


Received via e-mail.  Shared with permission.  ♥

Victoria,  last night the energies were on the wild side. I had a feeling like all the dark or remaining bad ones were being removed. Then after reading Shrodingers I knew I was not the only one feeling that. Then after that it felt like the healing started. I felt someone working on my eyes, then my ears. This morning I noticed my eyesight is somewhat improved and my hearing also. I worked construction most of my life,so my ears and eyes took a beating. Anyways that’s the first time I experienced that. In love and light Rick G

Another (Brief) Piece on this Collective Sense of Change


Sent to me via e-mail.  Sourced from http://www.truthorg.com.  

I have never been so motivated to make so many videos before since my awakening. I sincerely pondered if this motivation is even my own Lol! These last few videos I’ve made recently have simply popped into my head with footage and music that I already knew about.

I think someone or ‘something’ is guiding this process because ‘something’ is nudging me to stay up late on work days and continue to churn these videos out. I don’t usually stay up late for anything. I hope they are enjoyable as I do put a lot of effort and love into them. Thank you for checking them out and much love to each of you!

Welcome to the Post-Historic World


Taken from here.  One of my go-to sites that serendipitously seems to resonate with my own experiences/observations/perceptions.  As I said in my previous Daily Notes piece, something “switched” last night.  Still ascertaining what the frequency reads in the charts below are about – what they measure.  While I do not believe this is The Event, I do feel a removal of dark entities occurred last night, likely in the 4th dimension/astral state. Intend wisely and keep discernment/grounding a priority.  I, for one, feel an inner excitement and calming anticipation.


Folks, something has happened. We’re not sure if what just happened was The Event, or one of them, but after tremendous energies last night (even the M’s were nauseous)… the dark beings/entities are ALL GONE. Completely. POOF. Even the dark being that was in the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is gone. And all neutrals who were leaning-dark or working with the dark are also gone. HEALING was done on some of the CATs; not sure about others. One had a clot in a leg removed, and another had some gut healing; another had their shoulder worked on. All are alive and well this morning.

As for the New Earth “rapture” everyone’s been anticipating… we have no idea when that will happen, or even IF it will happen (though we ALL keep having visions of it).  Eventwise, we saw a gynormous wave of energy coming around 8:30 pm on July 1st PDT and come it did. That was the strongest one yet, at least for us.

It will take some time for us to sort this all out, so consider this a working post.

By the way… this is how things looked just as it was happening:

We’ve not seen this before from this location.

Then, it stopped:

And now we have these six or seven high frequency signatures that weren’t there, before.


Sunday Thoughts On This Grand Process


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Free stock photo of light, dawn, landscape, nature


I stayed up very late last night watching the last video I linked.  I also watched some of the other videos and checked around to see who they connect with.  Some things about their perspective just didn’t resonate with me and had me questioning my path.

Again.  The doubt crept in.

Argh, Victoria.

I began to question what I hold to be True in my heart.  Began to doubt my visions and the like.

There was this sense in the videos that overall, the journey out is very very difficult, if we even escape, as the message was many will not.  Much of the talk was on the dark controlling factions with only a brief mention of the Benevolent Beings who are there in the other realms to assist. Their belief is there will be two “armageddons” – the first one will harvest those who haven’t done their inner work (as defined by their perspective on how it is to be “done”), leaving them to the total destruction of their Essence ~ forever. Get it absolutely right though and you get saved in the second armageddon.

In my heart, I know, I feel the collective heart of humanity has been doing our best for eons to escape this reality.  I KNOW this.  And as such, there is no part of me that is Truth that says the above will happen.  I call absolute rubbish.

These folks have been in contact with other beings in other realms, many of them “dark”, since childhood so that raised another red flag.

I considered taking down the video I linked last night but for now will keep it up.  I may retract that decision though.

I know and feel that we have our own power. We are Divine Source Creators and it is US who create our own experience and the more we Remember our Power, those experiences change ~ for the betterment of humanity ~ as we are witnessing now. We are taking back our Power.  Remembering. Feeling.  Being in our heart space. Knowing when to just Observe, knowing when to take action with that Observing.

And damnit all, we are not alone in this process, in this Remembering, in this breaking-out!  I get quite fed up with hearing this “no one is here to help us” and “there is only one way ‘out'” and the like.  ENOUGH!

Love helps.  Assists.

I know to the Core of who I am that I am here for a reason.  A very “big” reason.  I remember my Oversoul encouraging the part of itself that entered my body sending the message “do not forget – remember – this is it – let’s do it”.  Those weren’t the exact words – if it was even words used at all – that is just the impression I received when I returned to that experience.

Is that programmed into me from the enslavers?  I have to offer up that question.  Taking it from a space of complete neutrality, complete observation, I have to say “anything is possible.”  And yet does that make it True?  I am quickly learning when something doesn’t resonate, quickly learning when it’s a fear-based program instead of my own Source Truth, which never presents information in fear energy and is what calms and soothes me when I am falling for the doubt – when I ask for further clarification. In fact, as I type this I suddenly feel a shift within.  I could really feel my Higher Self – more than I ever have – over my shoulder – guiding me, almost doing the typing for me.  Having a bit of an out-of-body experience in this moment as I type these words.  Just had to throw that out there.

So…..I am learning when the program of doubt kicks in, it comes from a certain space in my body, creating a certain feeling.  And I can say this about that experience – it is not there for my benefit.  Thus the experience of remembering my initial experience of entering this world holds True.  And I will not deviate away from it no matter how much programmed states of fear and doubt and hesitation wish me to.

As I mentioned, listening to these videos last night rather knocked me off my center – although not as much as in weeks and months past – which rather surprised me.  (*I am returning to this piece a few hours later – and given what I read today on another site I follow, I believe another “something” did indeed change and shift in the last 24 hours which explains my ability to return to center again easier than in the past.  I will link that piece next.)  Listening to something that deviated away from my own truth in that Now moment has had me rather (subconsciously at times – perhaps an automatic response) creating the experience of becoming depressed and apathetic, very much in the state of being the victim.  Totally dis-empowering and serves me NO purpose (other than a reason to stay in bed and reject everything “out there” – something I have battled for much of my life).  The couple in the video spoke of the hijacker’s ability to induce states of bliss within us to make us trust them. Good point.  And yet – just as we know with people, ok just as I know with people, if one is truly of Love, of Source, of Authentic Space, they will not attempt to control or seek to put their agenda on another.  While we can share our perspectives and encourage others to Remember by presenting information, you know the old saying – we can lead one another to water but we cannot – we must not – coerce or manipulate them into drinking the water.  Not if we claim we are acting from Purity.  That is our ego wanting to control when Source Heart Allows all to have their own individual experience.

When reaching outside of ourselves for assistance, whether it be in this dimension or in others, when the Being is in a state of Divine Purity, if your request is something they can assist with, they will.  If not, they won’t.  Never will they judge or coerce.  One would also be willing to answer any question you have without reaction too – if of Purity – certainly if it’s in a realm outside of our own.

I believe it is that simple.  It’s something I have learned through remembering my Origins on Gaia.  The concept of Sovereignty, inherent in all Beings who are of Source.

So what can we do to co-create this experience and help end this hijacked one?

Intend from our heart.

Intend to Remember.

Stand firm in our Truth no matter how much fear ripples through us.

And know we are not alone.  For every mislead being who has controlled us, there are far more of Pure Intentions who wish to help and are.  So let us intend more of them Now.

That is all for now.