Thought….(another piece ~ brief ~ about the energy frequencies)


Is it possible another addition/benefit to incoming frequencies is the ability to see what’s been around us for eons.  I have long know we see very little of the electromagnetic spectrum.  To expand on this for further understanding, I copied this:

The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of all electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and wavelength. The sun, earth, and other bodies radiate electromagnetic energy of varying wavelengths. Electromagnetic energy passes through space at the speed of light in the form of sinusoidal waves.

The frequency of incoming energies is transforming our ability to See what once was and likely what always has been all around us.  This is more than just the dimensions between veils weakening.  This is also about our own increasing ability to see what’s “behind the curtain”.  And as I know full well now, the more you call on that ability to see what’s really there, you will start noticing it on your own (in quiet moments with limited, if any, distraction) or flow will naturally guide you to sites where people capture the physical evidence.

Just a thought that popped up in my mind as I watched the previous WSO video on sunsets.

Feeling Through the Energy Experiences of Today


Woman, Silhouette, Lichtreflex, Joy

Well we had the very strong and unusual frequency bands showing up on the live feed (which is still going nutso now and then) then the Schumann literally spiked off the chart 3 times.  I also saw some other energy charts ~ every single one was “off the charts” with individual reads.

Some folks (who are in the more alt. science communities but not in the ascension-speak) are saying some of these energies aren’t coming from the sun much less our system (as we know it to be of course).  My hunch? This is Source Energy.  Certainly Source frequency.

I can now see the effects this is having and today it was very clear ~ some of these energies are literally forcing us to be in the NOW.  Well, not forcing us but indeed if we are to integrate these new frequencies we will naturally Become a NOW Being.

I realized in a very solid way ~ could feel and experience deeply ~ that if I resisted the NOW moment and got caught up in future stuff or past stuff, I felt agitated.  Overwhelmed.  But when I was completely in the NOW, not planning for a thing (big one – no planning – just ALLOWING – see what comes to me in the moment when I know it is “time” to DO), I felt blissful.  I could feel the energies.  Calm and serene.  After dinner I told my mate “you know, I really don’t care about any of the usual worries right now.  I’m just really at peace and pretty giddy.”

Awesome moment!

Another tetras moment.  Words line up with the inner self and there ya go. We have a connection established.

Be in the Now.  Allow.

I think I’m beginning to get the hang of this.


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Live Meteors Crazy Capture ~ July 13, 2017


I would say it is no coincidence that as these frequencies began to appear, she became very sleepy ~ and is resting on me now ~ at 1:00pm PST.  Highly unusual behavior for her.  Also of interest ~ my mate is the one who brought up this video on youtube via the livemeteors feed (all through ROKU).  When I went to pull up the same feed through my computer, youtube then livemeteors livestream, the screen shot was completely different and the time was 2 minutes behind what my mate was viewing (also live).  Who knows….



July 11, 2017
Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

It used to be easy to hold hostage the consciousness of humankind. The information which wove together societies was monolithic, disseminated by church and state. Understanding the world beyond one’s personal sphere of experience was limited to the assimilation of those perspectives. While evolutionary progress was slow in that paradigm, over time, small advances grew into sweeping changes, and the future is now upon us.

Today, we are wide awake in the age of atomization. A time when knowledge, wisdom, truth, trust, hope and faith have splintered into an infinite sea of preferences, all instantly available to all. An awakening has already happened, but now we’re confronted with the great challenge of deciding what to do with it.

In the journey from asleep to awake we were possessed by a need for information, for light shone on darkness, but this phase must come to an end, lest our evolution stalls. We have to somehow go from awakened to actualized, along the way facing a new set of emergent challenges.

These puzzles are the pitfalls in our search for meaning in an evermore intensifying environment. Each of the three dilemmas noted below hinge upon the other two; they are not independent of one another. There exists a natural synergy and symbiosis between them, which must be honored. The decisions we make in each of these arenas will determine which paths become open to us in the other arenas.

For your consideration, what follows are the three most pressing dilemmas of the awakened mind.

1.) What do we choose to include in our awareness?

In very practical terms, when immersed in such total information awareness, as we are today, we must consciously or unconsciously choose what information and which ideas to consume. The choices span the entire spectrum of human possibility, from the darkest blackness of the human soul to the most shimmering golden light of infinite consciousness. We are exposed to all ranges of vibration. Choose we must.

There is a paradox at play here, though. In large part, the information which jolted us out of contemporary consciousness is fundamentally of lower vibration. It had to be that way. Total seriousness and gravity were required to brutally force our eyes open, to wake us up.

But continuing to feed on the darkness only draws us into a different trap. We can be wide awake while helplessly drowning in the abyss of base-level consciousness. As tantalizing and sensational as it is, this level of consciousness is heavy, always working to pull us under.

How much violence, brutality, murder, inhumanity and psychopathy can we look at? How much spiritual pornography can we safely consume? How long can we simmer in the mainline narratives before all progress is lost and we find ourselves stuck in yet another cage?

2.) How will we choose to communicate our awareness?

Just a short time ago, loneliness was the dilemma of the awakening mind. Yet now, so many are awake to some degree. With technology has come such tremendous freedom of communication, but it’s too much to process. To survive we take shelter on islands of comprehension, stranding ourselves with others of identical perspective. We are splintering into tribes rather than uniting as a cohesive human family.

In such a cacophony of competing voices, opinions and perspectives, all of which lay claim to the high ground of the awakened, we are confronted with the dilemma of how we share our perspectives and how we translate those of others. Do we insist that our understanding is final, and demand assimilation? Do we assume certainty and put on a confidence game of defending the information we like best? Do we get dogmatic, insisting that our truth is the only acceptable truth? Do we bludgeon others with self-righteousness?

Now that we know what we know, we have the choice of becoming repeaters of information, or craftsmen of a new story.

3.) What action will we take to honor this awareness?

Choosing to remain stuck in an endless spiral of negative information paralyses is a form of self-imposed psychosis. Nothing is gained if the awakened mind maroons itself on the island of perpetual study and looping examination.

This is resistance to the act of doing what is needed to experience the ideals which have motivated and inspired the awakening. At some point it becomes imperative to declare ourselves aware enough already, then find ways to take action toward the fulfillment of a purpose grander than the task of waking up.

There is infinite possibility in what actions an individual can take to accelerate the drive towards actualization, in both personal and communal terms. Any push toward action, though, great or meager, is honorable, for the body just needs to be set in motion, so it can stay in motion and then gain momentum.

To honor the progress we’ve made in exposing our condition it’s now necessary to accept the call to action. It’s time to actually create the world we wish to see manifest.

Final Thoughts

We find ourselves at the outer limits of the awakening. Can we exploit the momentum we’ve created which has gotten us this far, or will we return to the cave of delusion we came from? Choices.

Read more articles by Dylan Charles.

About the Author

Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of, the proprietor of, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at

This article (The 3 Most Pressing Dilemmas of the Awakened Mind) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Chinese Scientists Successfully Teleported a Particle to Space

Editor’s note:  Many of us speak of our own ability to teleport ~ wanting to do that again ~ a natural skill we all once possessed before we got pulled out of our higher dimensional states eons ago and got pushed into this one.  Our bodies, cells, our Soul Essence within knows we have this ability.  Now mainstream is reporting on this phenomenon ~ Popular Mechanics, no less.  Disclosure continues. 


Andromeda Galaxy, Milky Way, Collision

The experiment broke the previous distance record by more than three times.

When it comes to weird quantum effects, none is weirder than quantum teleportation. Scientists can—and have—used the unique and complicated physics of quantum mechanics to instantaneously teleport small particles across great distances. Now, a Chinese team has broken the distance record by teleporting particles to a satellite in space.

When we talk about teleportation, we should be clear about exactly what that means. Nobody’s beaming people to space like in Star Trek. Instead, quantum teleportation is a complicated and delicate process involving sending information across space using entangled particles and reassembling it somewhere else.

We’ve written about quantum teleportation before, and a full explainer can be found here.

The hardest part of quantum teleportation is the entanglement. When two particles are entangled, they’re essentially ‘in sync’ with each other, and they’ll stay in sync no matter how far apart they are. But if one of the particles hits something else—like the air, or a beam of light, or literally anything—then the entanglement could be broken.

As you might imagine, keeping two particles entangled over large distances or for long periods of time is incredibly challenging. Until about a month ago, the farthest anyone had been able to separate entangled particles by was a few miles. But a Chinese team broke the record in June when they sent entangled particles to a satellite orbiting overhead, more than 300 miles away, while the particles they were entangled with remained on Earth.

Continue reading here.