An Opportunity to Heal, Reconcile and End This Male/Female Separation


Love, Passion, Act, Man, Woman, Pair

I read this on facebook and found it very helpful and truthful.  Both genders have been pulled out of their authentic selves.  We all know current societies run on the concept that the male dominates the female. This comes in many forms.  Power over.  Controlling behaviors in conversations.  Questioning behaviors.  Restrictions.  Expectations. Demands.  Using money to control.

It is time for the males, as some are indeed doing, to own how they have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the masculine to listen to the feminine as she shares her stories of being dominated and abused and harmed.

It is time for the women, as some are indeed doing, to own how they too have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the feminine to listen to the masculine as he shares his stories of being harmed and lied to by this patriarchy system and robbed of his right to own his own feminine energies.

Working together, in purity, with conscious intention to stay out of defensiveness, we can help one another heal.


Some of the strongest and most complex bands of energies , vibrations , and frequencies known to humankind are in focus.
These bandwidths , are meant to literally act like lasers , meant to cut away , to dissect the archaic , rotting cores of Paradigms of destruction.
The oppressions , suppression , abandonment of Gaias Goddess /Priestess energy is one of the trails of tears.
Our Men , who have been laid before their feet , have agreed to a contract that will ignite the power within the temple of Woman. It is a selfless act of love , to some it will be a trigger that will be the catalyst of pain. Not pain from the Man , but the pain of female collective , as well as the individual. The Man will reenact a scene , that will spark fire within the old embers , raise the pain , bring it to the surface , so Women can finally stand in Sovrieignty as individual as as a collective into their own power. Healing within and healing without the full collective back into Love.
Priestess/goddess, they are here to heal you , build you , not destroy you. Be grateful , that they too have agreed to heal you , they are trying to rectify the horrific damage from a twisted Masculine Lineage.
Step out , do your work , love yourself as no other can or should , so women before , during and after you will have healing through Devine Goddess /Priestess Lineage and suffrage will be No More.
The Masculine fiber of space , has gone through rumbles of change as of late and Gaia will Nurture as no other can, their raising of their own Phoenix of Rose Gold Light .Patience , tolerance and compassion is the compounds needed on the knife cuts if Masculine protocol. All will catch up to meet equally All.

My Experience In Remembering My Humbleness


We have a neighbor who lives on our block.  She has some health issues, physical and mental.  Overall at this point she is stable and gets around on her own just fine.  We have looked out after her since we moved in.  If we notice certain behavior patterns/changes, we call her sister.  Her younger sister is a wonderful soul.  She brings our neighbor food, flowers and little things on a regular basis.  Visits her.  It has been humbling to watch.  At times painful as it reminds me of what I do not have with my own sibling, in spite of trying to connect at those authentic, emotional levels.  My family doesn’t do that.  They are very in-the-head, individualistic types.

I recall in my early 20’s I was quite individualistic myself.  That is until I began to experience episodes of panic.  It got to the point where I couldn’t leave the house, for awhile my own bedroom.  I tried all sorts of things at the time, both traditional and holistic.  Talk about humbling.  I began to see myself and others in a different way.  For a time.  Until I got the sucker under control by freeing myself of some things that no longer worked for me.  Then I more or less fell back under the spell of individualism.

Then life happened again.  And again.  Cost of living skyrocketed, my income stagnated.  Spouse got hit with health issues.  Relationship troubles.  I would find work only to have the company close up or my position no longer needed. Self-employment failures.  Being forced to move twice within a year with a small child took a further toll. More health issues for my spouse.

I continued to quietly reel downwards on all levels.

As I was experiencing all of this I began to soften my view on people who struggle – especially those who struggle long-term and/or chronically.  I had this old ridiculous family view that it’s ok to have problems – as long as they are temporary.  You deserve help – but only temporarily.  At a certain point, you aren’t worthy of help.  On your own, sweetheart.

Interesting how life will lead us through hell to see our own dark thoughts.

I still struggle with panic and at this point I don’t know what to do about it.  I have moments where I surrender it, moments where I fight it.  I have a couple of chronic health issues – physical as well – that I do what I can on my own to treat.  My insurance doesn’t cover anything alternative and mainstream medicine doesn’t recognize my issues.

Given all of this, I am now a pretty humble puppy.  At least towards those who struggle long-term – or even short -term.  I KNOW the pain with that.

Where I am not so much humble is my disgust towards those who have turned their backs on me – and others who struggle to live with chronic ailments in this individualistic system.  I also am not so humble towards those who have financial means to help their family members needing help with treatment, living expenses and don’t.  A friend of mine has chronic health ailments, pays a ridiculous amount of money in rent (because that’s what the system dictates) and often has to for-go certain treatment protocols and holistic doctor visits (again because mainstream docs do not treat or recognize her health issues) while having siblings who are healthy and very very much in the position to help pay for her treatments.  It is an issue that goes right to my core.  Going back 15 years or so I have prayed for and intended to be blessed with a financial fortune so that I could help people like my friend.  Whatcha need?  How much?  Let me write you a check.

I have often thought that kind of wealth and financial abundance has ended up in the wrong hands for far too many.

It is unfortunate to say, but for some of us it takes getting kicked in the ass to remember our kindness.  Our generosity.  Removing us from judgment and into those states of unconditional Being.

So today when I have moments where I am feeling some bitterness and pain, wishing I had much more of a real support system, a real family I can count on unconditionally, I will see my neighbor’s sister pop over to check in on her big sissy.  Arms full of food and as I said, flowers (such a beautiful gesture – simple but beautiful).  And while it still pains me, I smile and give thanks.  I give thanks to the sister and affirm our neighbor’s absolute divine gift to be treated this way (another belief I have had – the “i am not worthy” crap).  At one time I told our neighbor’s sister how wonderful she was – how it was a beautiful gift to me to see her care for and show concern for her sister.  For there have also been a few occasions when our neighbor more or less locked herself inside her home – police there – sister there as well, waiting, for a few hours, doing all she could to get her sister to just open the door, feeling helpless.

Throughout it all, our neighbor’s sister has hung in there with her.  For decades, she has told me.  Accepting her sister for who she is, where she is, meeting her at that place.

Beautiful.  Humbling.

And who I continue to become myself.

Visit With Sacred Tree ~ Another Unexpected Message


In my earlier sharing of angst I forgot to include this experience I had today, late afternoon, with the sacred tree I visit.

After a scorching hot week (for our area), today the coast breeze kicked in, dropped the temperature by 20 degrees (to 88 – which gives you an indication of how hot it has been this week).  I got on my bike and took off.  I had a destination – rode past my sacred tree – until I felt an energy vortex literally pulling on my body to turn around and go pay my tree a visit.

I went another block, turned around and returned.

“Hello friend,” I said, placing my hands on her.  “I’m not much in my heart today.  Feeling unsure and apathetic and impatient.  But I will do my best to tune into you and listen.”

I took a deep breath and stood silently.

Sublime, I heard/felt.

A new one.  What is sublime, I wondered.

YOU are sublime, I heard/felt again.

Well I am Source, I communicated back.

I got the feeling I needed to expand on that.  Not just say the word.  And not just identify myself as Source either.  I kept feeling the message to expand my view.

Sublime, I thought.

Sublime.  Yes,  I received back.

I thanked her, still not sure what the full context of the message was until something told me to look up the definition.

Here is the definition of Sublime:

of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
AND for the verb definition:
elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.

Beauty.  Excellence.  Grandeur.  Spiritual purity.

Wow.  Talk about taking my breath away.

The wisdom of nature continues to astound me.

Expand my thoughts on Me as Source.  Not just feeling through it but using words as well.  New words.

Sublime.  I’ll take it.  Make it mine in my own way.  Such a yummy word, isn’t it?  And never a word I use either so indeed it was a gift for me today on this August 4, 2017.

GeoMagnetic Storms Have Arrived With The First August Eclipse Coming August 7th/ Total Eclipse August 21st/ Lions Gate Continues


By Diane Canfield 


We now have Geomagnetic Storms that have arrived along with increased Solar Wind. Solar wind is now over 700 and rising. These storms can and are effecting our sleep patterns. You may find yourself asleep for a few hours needing to get up and then after a few hours up going back to sleep again. Intense dreams usually accompany these storms We had a few high energy days before these storms hit and today was a very low energy day. Today was the exact opposite as the storms came and it seemed impossible to get anything done. You may find others mood changing when these storms occur as many get crabby and short tempered. When this happens revert back to your sacred space and rebalance your energy before going back out. Remember to drink lots of water during these times of Geo storms, Energy Increases, Fluctuations and ground daily.

The first eclipse is coming August 7th and this will create a GATEWAY for the BIG  Total Eclipse of August 21st. I will be doing my next interview August 7th with Charlotte View Discussing this Eclipse Gateway we are just about to enter into. You can find the link to this show here. The first Eclipse is the partial LUNAR Eclipse on August 7th entering the gateway. The Second Eclipse is a TOTAL SOLAR Eclipse on August 21st which completes this gateway and more. I will be discussing this in more detail in my upcoming interview.

We have been in the middle of  the Lions Gates Energy and now entering Geo Storms which brings a new level of Frequencies in for us to navigate through. During these times you may have many more insights into your own life and be able to now work through issues you were not able to before. You may now be able to see things about yourself and others, not seen before. Be open to the information streaming in and do not let the EGO get the best of you. We need to be able to work through these issues to EVOLVE past this dimension, time and space. We need to release this baggage we have carried for so long. The way to do this is to stay connected to the Universe and the Universe will show you the way. It will many times happens through others. This is the case because we have made sacred contracts with other souls before coming here to TRIGGER us into higher awareness. These can be friends, family, twin flames, soul mates or even strangers to us here. Be on the look out for these experiences and make the best of them when they appear.

I will be writing more on the energy we are experiencing these past few weeks very soon including the Lions Gate and both Eclipses.

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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Ann Borach ~ Holistic Doctor ~ Dies Suddenly


Damn – another one!  I checked on her facebook page.  This is a legit story.  I believe that makes over 60 otherwise healthy, many of them young, holistic health practitioners who have died suddenly.  


We are so saddened to announce the sudden death of famous author and naturopath Ann Boroch. She was outspoken on MANY controversial topics, like the DANGERS OF VACCINES (linked at the bottom of the article) and an inspiration to all of us.

Ann Boroch’s Facebook page posted just two hours ago (see below) that she died suddenly, and her followers are in absolute shock, as are we.

Check out some of her many tv/video appearances, below. She had much wisdom to offer. We will update you as we know more.

Click here to read the rest of the story.

Astrological Forecast August 2-8 ~ Get Ready For The Feels


Editor’s note:  I don’t really share astrology information but was guided to read this one.  Thus, had to share.  I feel many of you will appreciate this one.  “Feels” is an understatement.  And the schumann jumping to more than 40hz today, actually 36hz or more, can create heightened states of nervous system disruption. I believe we have a symbiotic relationship – gaia’s heartbeat affects us – and we affect her as well.  All part of this process…  Breathe.  Release.  Ground.  Breathe again. Return to the heart.  Repeat.  My go-to remedy.  Well that and cookies…


Get ready for the feels!

On the 4th, we have another direct hit to the square between “now-or-never” Jupiter to “heal-it-or-fully-destroy-it” Pluto. There are far-reaching social and political implications of this event, but in terms of your personal life, know this: what you do matters. How you pace out the events of your life, what you take on, and what or who you let go of are terribly important now. Believe this: you are a unique thread in the tapestry of humanity, and you count.

You know how intensely you’ve been feeling lately? Blame it on the Moon, baby. On the 7th, we have a Lunar Eclipse (which is like a super-juiced Full Moon with the volume turned all the way up) at 11:11am PST in the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius. You may feel irritable or on edge, and that’s OK; this is a time for transformation and time of healing – not for peace and stability. You’re not meant to maintain the status quo at this time of your life, unless doing so is heartfelt for you. This is a time where what you believe in is getting activated; you may feel a restless need to push things ahead to get answers, power, or to get away from something you don’t like. It’s best to be careful, Puppies. This is an explosive period, one that will have ramifications for a long time to come. Hold your ego in balance with your higher self, and keep your humanity at the center of your processing at all times. You can’t take back the things you do or say once they’re out there; pace yourself through your emotions and your reactions this week, especially when you’re tempted to run with them. When in doubt, wait 72 hours to allow your reactions and feels to settle.

When you’re dealing with heartfelt issues, it’s hard to see your whole situation clearly. How we feel tints our perspective and, therefore, our experience. That’s not good or bad, but it is something to keep in perspective. When upsets occur – even wonderful upsets – it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture and fixate on your strongest, most persistent feelings. The trouble with this is that our most powerful feels are not necessarily the most true or constructive ones. When feels flare up this week (and that they will), choose self-care over self-sabotage at every turn.

Read the rest here.  

A Little Visual For The Masses Who Have Had Enough


I have another piece going through my mind but first I need to do this one.

We are powerful, right?  We have the power to change our life.  Our reality. Intent.  Focus.  Knowing.  Being and Doing.

I have seen what I am going to suggest work.  If it resonates, give it a try.

Visualize removing all of the toxins that have been put into you.  The toxins from chemtrails, fluoride, vaccines, gmo foods, round-up, etc. etc..

Then there is the toxins that build-up in our bodies via stress that comes from this pay-to-live enslavement system and the bankers and elite heads of states and big biz who have gotten away with these crimes and utter horror long enough.

Feel and visualize in your body where this stuff resides.  Pull it up and out and, if you wish, imagine putting it back on to the very folks who have allowed these crimes against humanity to go on.  Speak the names of individuals and companies outloud.

Truly pull it out.  Go deep.  Go real.  Put it right back on them.

For a time just put aside this love and forgiveness speak.  That can come later.

I am sensing that this anger I am feeling today is not just my own but part of the unhealed/unacknowledged parts of the collective.  When we call ourselves a Lightworker (fill in the blank with whatever resonates), we fall into the trap of thinking our strong emotions, those moments of rage and anger, may upset others.  Offend.

We need to redefine what being Spiritual is.  And I feel that part of that experience is removing the energies of harm that have been put onto us by these individuals, entities and groups WITHOUT OUR CONSENT and thus need to have it all returned to them, energetically speaking. Where it belongs.

There are times to turn the other cheek ~ certainly if it is a one-time behavior, small offense.  But when these systems sucker-punch us time and time again, it is time to say NO MORE – go deep within – truthfully and honestly – and love ourselves so very much – there is no way we wish to have ourselves discolored by their poisons any longer.

And so it is.

Today’s Energies


Today I do not wish to be involved with or engaged in:

  1. politics
  2. ufo’s
  3. what’s going on with the sun
  4. what’s going on with my neighbors
  5. family
  6. friends
  7. drama of any kind
  8. money
  9. having to eat
  10. having to DO
  11. cooking
  12. cleaning
  13. showering
  14. dressing
  15. brushing teeth
  16. doing hair
  17. hearing sounds of 3d reality

this feeling is overwhelming.  jump-out-of-the-body type feeling.  huge. massive.  inside screaming to be with Me and only Me.  hearing ONLY Me. personal space is huge.  HUGE.  wanting my entire house and an entire street all for just my personal energy space needs.  like NOW.

with that, i will close up.  anyone else feeling the same or similar?