Huge Pain Today


Emotional pain.  Heart pain.  Feeling I have no purpose anymore for being part of this whatever it is.  Ascension?  Who knows.  Having received no donations and all requests to find someone to help me with this site marketing and monetizing going absolutely nowhere (which I do not get as I was GUIDED/lead to create this site, I have absolutely no “feel” for what step next to take.  Nothing feels right.  I feel like Kevin Costner’s character in Field of Dreams where he goes against what is practical and builds that beautiful baseball field, putting his family, his finances, his home and land in jeopardy, on the brink of losing it all.  He demands “what’s in it for me?  I’ve done all I’ve been told (guided) to do!”

I am right there, right now.

I am tired.  Broke.  Out of ideas.  Sitting here with this feeling of emptiness.

Focusing on creating that my next step IS out of a hollywood movie with a beautiful ending, next step.

A Vision For Judicial Fairness


oh yes indeed.  time for this broken corrupt system to be replaced with fairness and compassion.  


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Judicial Fairness

We see a world where our judges care more for the people than they do for the powers who placed them on the bench; where those who sit in judgment of others are our elders who have been chosen because of their wisdom and compassion, not because they have sold out to a vengeful system for their own personal gain.

We see fairness having returned to our judicial systems whereby any punishments meted out fit the crime. Indeed, we see a world where we have evolved to the point where the game of guessing someone’s guilt or innocence has gone by the wayside because our perceptions have become enhanced so that we can tell, intuitively and accurately, whether a person is innocent or guilty, and, consequently, not one person is punished or imprisoned who is innocent.

And, ultimately, we see a world where courts, judges, jails and prisons are no longer needed because we are all loving one another. In a world such as this, crime cannot and does not exist.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

Today’s Experiences


you will have to forgive the all lowercase tonight.  too detached to be concerned about proper pronunciation.  lol

so today i woke up feeling achy again after another night of also awakening at 3:30am. did i already mention that in my schumann piece earlier today?  maybe i did.  obviously the short-term memory issue continues.  well anyway, another night of being wide awake at 3:30am. and hot. stuffy…even though it was in the 40’s last night.  i simply had to get up and move in my own space.

we have a shower that until today i would describe as “large”.  it is – at least 3x larger than the standard shower stall.  today though?  it was suddenly too small for me.  is it shrinking or am i expanding?  yeah i know the answer to that.  new experience for me – the shower being too small. my mate said he is feeling the same about it.  we also have a king size bed. it’s too small to share.  even our kitchen, the biggest room in the house, is too small for me to share.  i feel like i am literally stretching and expanding.  a huge growth spurt.  explains the ongoing achy pain stuff and the fatigue that is relentless at the moment.

and yet there are also the beautiful moments of pure bliss and serenity.  i am having some unbelievably beautiful connections with others these days.  today it happened everywhere i went.  eye contact.  pure heart sharing.  i can see the light in other’s eyes.  radiating from their hearts and smiles.  this is indeed happening and it is affecting us all and for most, the effects are beautiful.  it’s as though the truth of who we each are is making itself known.  including a neighbor of mine who does not like me.  i never felt at ease around her.  we had a conversation shortly after we moved to this neighborhood.  the topic was homeless people.  her belief was people who are homeless are lazy.  so yeah, not in alignment with me so she not liking me is no big deal.  however lately i have been running into her and i know it is for me to face my discomfort i have around her, heal from it, forgive myself and her AND meet her from my heart space.

which is what i chose to do today.

i greeted her with a smile and gave her thanks for something she had done that had inadvertently had a nice impact on my life and in particular, my daughter’s.  the scowl on her face never left (it never does).  she pursed her lips together and spoke a few words.  i agreed with her words and she said nothing further as she walked away.

what surprised me was how authentic i felt.  i was completely in my own energy space, unattached to her reaction.  and the most beautiful part – i truly wished her nothing but love.  i wished her well.  it was a very lovely experience.  well, at least for me that is.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]

emotional outbursts continue now and then.  now when i suppress anything and i mean anything, it can show up quickly in my body as stiffness, achy sensations, itchy skin and the need to spit.  i watched a video by victor otto on youtube earlier and he speaks of these emotional outbursts many of us are having.  if you feel so drawn, check him out and his insights on dealing with these experiences here.  some evenings i seem to live on my yoga mat.  at times on my walks i have had the urge to march – to really move my legs.  i have learned that using our big muscles is very useful when moving deeply held, powerful energies arising from old pains and trauma’s.  earlier today i suddenly began to cry.  i had no idea why and still don’t.  i just went with it.  allowed for the experience.

allowing.  that’s about all we can do these days isn’t it?  surrender and allow.


wishing you all well~



Schumann Resonance ~ September 21, 2017


holy cow!  gaia continue to raise her frequencies and so we keep on doin’ the same!  i keep feeling expansion within, off and on for a year or so, and interesting that this morning my girl tells me “mama your hands feel bigger”.  they don’t look bigger – but i feel my ‘space’ is indeed bigger – my need to move around, that space, indeed bigger.  much bigger.  even this laptop, which used to fit me, feels very small. enjoy the cellular upgrades.  anyone else waking up at 3:30am??


How Does It Feel To Experience Different Dimensions?


How does it feel to experience different Dimensions


Vera Ingeborg
September 20, 2017

We read a lot about ascension, about energy, about different frequencies, about symptoms we experience etc. The information can be not only superconfusing, but also easily keep us trapped in the idea, we have to reach something, and we still have not found our truth.

What if there is no “THE TRUTH” but many different truths, depending on what reality we choose to be in. What if there is no GOAL to reach but just the journey to experience. What if there is no better or worse concerning dimensions, but just a different experience? And what if that never stops, moving from frequency band to frequency band? What if we are about to overcome the belief of finity and understand that evolution has neither a beginning nor an end, but just shifts we go through. And by shifting from one reality to another, it feels like a beginning and an end, and yet, it is nothing else but just another turning point in our personal evolution. The way I perceive it, each dimension has its own truth in its own reality. And we only start questioning that truth, when we start raising our own energetic frequency out of that dimensional comfort zone we have been in. A dimension is a certain energetic frequency band we resonate with. I am absolutely aware, that using the term dimensions (in this case 3D, 4D, and 5D) is just another label to make sense of what we feel.

And there are tons of labels that are trying to describe certain phenomena and it can be overwhelming to work through all the information. Yet, I felt it was worth sharing this overview which was a result of a get together in Bern/Switzerland by Herzraum, on “Living in the 5th dimension” . The most prevailing question that people had was, how does it feel like to live in that dimension and how can I tell where I am at?

So I hope this overview gives an idea on the different experiences. Enjoy and honour your journey and experience, whereever you are right now.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Sourced from here.

What If There Is No ONE Truth?


Sunlight, Forest, Way, Path, Evening     Stairs, Heaven, Hell, Falling To Hell                           Road, Path, Outdoor, Travel, Mountain           Away, Forest, Nature, Hiking, Trees


There is a reason I have used several pictures in this piece.  It is to represent the concept that There Is No One Truth.

I have come to this conclusion after doing some pondering and inner reflection on the idea.  I know indeed when something resonates with me inside, the energy is solid and unwavering.  I simply KNOW what feels right – to Me.

After listening to another QHHT session, where I heard someone share their insights on Ascension and New Earth and our history, I found some things resonated and some didn’t.  I realized in that moment when I heard something that did not resonate with me, I began to feel doubt as to my own Truth.  I then realized when I do feel this doubt, how easily I give my power away. Simply because someone has a different version of Truth does not mean mine is not valid and nor does it mean this other being’s version is not equally as valid.

It’s like being at a buffet with a large group of people.  Not everyone will eat the same dishes.

I feel what is happening at the moment (and I was just called to look at the clock – 4:44) is that these incoming energies are allowing us a much easier opportunity to truly create the reality we want.  Certainly we all can see the limits that have been put in place to allow us such freedom.  For example, we can see how we have been under a system of monetary control and a cycle of karmic reincarnation.

And this is shared with no judgement.  If this is the way(s) people desire to live and experience, a Truth which works for and resonates with them, that is ok.  I happen to resonate with another version of reality.  I also realize I may have agreed to BE a part of these versions of reality that today, I no longer wish to participate in.

I believe there are a multitude of “new earth” experiences we will be able to “choose” from – depending upon our vibrational frequency which is based on what we desire and hold as Truth.  This is just another step in our journey, another experience in which we are now FULLY FREE to choose because the restraints are being removed, for lack of a better description.

Therefore, it is time we all honor one another’s Truth.  What is false to you may be true for me.  What is true for me may be false for you. As I sit here in more reflection and think about how different our truths often are just on the topics of Ascension and our History, a small voice within says “they are all true”.


Embracing this concept, we no longer need to convince someone of our Truth nor do we need to participate in the games of boundary violation and imposing our will upon another.  These are games we have all played. I have become a pretty good expert at them in this life carnation cycle.

And yet I wish to let it go for it serves me no purpose.  I am here to create my own experience and in doing so authentically, when I am focused solely within, I am naturally inclined to allow for others to do the same.

And in another moment of synchronicity, I have an article I will be linking by Vera Ingeborg, which showed up in my inbox this morning.  She discusses this concept of there being no one truth.  Very cool… as I awoke this morning thinking I needed to hear something from Vera and Diane Canfield.  I was needing their words of wisdom and it had been awhile since I had received anything from them.  Today, my inbox contained pieces from both of them.

It’s all good.  And I wish ALL of you peace and send you energies of support as you each traverse and create your own experiences, based on your own Truths.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]



Awesome people ~ thank you for reading and thank you for supporting my work.  Feel free to share with others.

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Schumann Resonance Today ~ September 20, 2017


Recently I was asked why I feel the need for upgrades.  I certainly did not consciously intend to need any such thing.  It was a process that just began happening as 1) I began remembering who I am (after spending almost 20 years doing the researching of the system) and then knowing I would be experiencing physical/emotional/mental changes as I “reunited” with my Higher Selves and increased in vibrational frequency and 2) my body is undergoing a metamorphis, changing.  Carbon-based (lower frequency) to crystalline-based. Certainly feel achy when these spikes happen – until I ground it through, release the old to welcome in the new.  Then I’m good to go.  Here is Gaia’s read for today.  Ongoing spikes ranging between 20 and 40 hz.  Anyone else feeling the need to just sleep until we shift?