St. Germain ~ We Have Come To A Place Where We Release The Idea of War


Editor’s note:  I found some good info. interwoven into this one, in particular the insight shared that we also have our own inner war going on.  Also resonating with me is the idea of new earth being more temperate ~ something I have seen and felt.  In fact, last night we hung out with friends and I was telling one of them, just rather out of the blue, that I imagine a climate that is temperate 10 months out of the year with a couple months of winter/snow.  70’s.  Sunny skies with occasional rain.  Everyone thought that would be perfect and I said “it’s coming”.  Yes, I am the woo woo one in the ‘hood…


Ashtar On The Road Teleconference

September 12, 2017 


“I am St Germain, and I stand before you, most Beloved Family, with open Heart and open mind!  And I invite you to join with me in this energy because I have an announcement to make.  We have, as you might say, turned a corner, opened a new page, or come to a new place on our journey into the Higher Dimensional levels!  And because we have reached this place, it is not only not a time to put an end to war, it is a time to remove all war from your Hearts, from our consciousness, from our subconsciousness, from everywhere in your beings!!!


“Now, I have an overview. I’ve been around for quite a long time, and I could very well recite to you the details of every war that’s ever been fought on Planet Earth.  But I don’t go there.  And I ask that you not go there anymore!!!  We’ve all learned the lessons.  It doesn’t matter which war, or how many people were involved.  It could even be war within your own selves.  That’s the big one that you’re all struggling to get past now to some degree or other, some more than others, of course.


“It’s about any kind of war that is harmful or dangerous or hurtful.  And I’m not just talking about Humanity!  I’m talking about all members of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms.  What do you suppose happens to those kingdom members outside your door when someone sprays Roundup in the gardens?  That’s war!  What do you suppose happens when there is drilling into the very Earth, and poisoning in the search for the treasures, the very lifeblood of Mother Gaia?  That’s war, a form of war!


“Now, before we move on up and start envisioning the way things will be, I am merely telling you it is time to let go of whatever sorrow, whatever grief, whatever anger and, yes, whatever fears – because this is all fear-based – you may have. 


“This constant propaganda about war!  Look at yesterday on your calendars.  That was the anniversary of 9/11.  How many of you saw something that dredged up the emotions of that day so that you could feel all of those 3D emotions all over again?  And how many of you – and be honest with yourselves – how many of you are afraid that there’s going to be another 9/11, or that North Korea is going to bomb Los Angeles, or some such thing?  It is not going to happen!!!  WAR IS OVER!!!


“And it is time for everyone to give up war on all levels – all thoughts of war.  You can’t bring them with you!  You can bring an overview without emotion of fear.  But you cannot bring the emotions of fear that war creates, war of any kind, with you.  So give it up!  Don’t go there anymore.  Release it and say a prayer if you wish, a prayer of release, a prayer of forgiveness and, yes, while you’re at it – and this is very hard, and I have no desire to demean in any way, the sorrow of anyone who has either himself or herself been a victim of war or has had a family member who has – but this is time to stop grieving and start celebrating LIFE!!!


“It is time to say, ‘Thank you, we have learned’ just like in the song.*  What she is singing about is a massively conscious determination that there is a better way.  And we all know that anyway.  So give it up.  Don’t celebrate war and its events.  Rather celebrate Peace and Freedom because, Beloved Ones, the Golden Age has all of that for you and more.  You just can’t bring the anger and the grief and the sorrow and all the fear-based emotions with you.  Leave them at the doorstep, if you want to see it that way, and come on in!


“Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful time we’ll have!  And there are going to be many, many changes.  You all know about all of the weather, the upsetting weather that’s been taking place Worldwide.  And yes, some of it has been aggravated and induced even. 


“Well, remember the weather in the Golden Age is temperate everywhere – except in the very highest of mountaintops – conducive to growing whatever you want to grow.  And you’ll get to a point where you’ll simply think it and there it will be – a field of flowers, for instance.  There will be no more harshness in the weather.  Mother Gaia will be singing with you to partner.  The lion shall lie down with the lamb.  And predatory plants and animals, along with predatory humans, will not be there!  It’s that simple. 


“Perhaps one day the transcripts of Ashtar can be accessed to recall his immortal poem – I shall say that I can say that.  He wouldn’t say that, but I can say it.  It is called ‘Ode to the Extinct Mosquito.’  You will enjoy that tremendously!  And so when there are more people to help at Ashtar On The Road, perhaps that can be accessed.  There are boxes and boxes of transcripts and tapes from those early years, as well as the later years.  So!  All I’m telling you is to let your imaginations go!  Access your Divinities and be in that High Dimensional place, and all of these concerns will not be there.


“By all means, follow what’s going on – with Love.  Seize the moment, it’s not just about carpe diem – it’s seize every moment!  You start thinking, ‘Oh, oh, somebody’s doing something really bad.  Turn that around and send them Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and ultimately Gratitude!!!


“Every, every, every event that you and all of Humanity have ever lived has a bright side to whatever has taken place.  Find that lesson, find that Light, find that Love and rise up into the place where you are secure and free and joyful and, most of all, where that Loving Peace fills the entirety of your being and you have become a Golden Age Being of LoveLight!


I am here with you now, and yet I am here to welcome you to that High place.  So be joyful, Beloved Ones!  Check your baggage at the door – you don’t need it anymore – and come on up and join the great Gathering of Loving Beings who are already here to welcome you, because this is what you have ordained for yourselves as your destinations here on the Higher Planet Earth in the Golden Age!!! And so it is.  Namaste!”


*St Germain was preceded by “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream,” sung by Joan Baez.

Transcription by Marta.

Given through Susan Leland, September 12, 2017.  

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Sourced from here:  

Today’s Energies


Our Gaia is buzzing at 40hz during her peaks and the past 24 hours I have experienced this as a buzzing in my head followed up with tingling all over.  It was quite fascinating and I just lay still, allowing the experience. Today the experience showed up as some aches in my body.  A round of stretching and yoga poses helped, followed up with a 45 minute nap, where I said upon laying down “i’m not really tired ~ i’ll probably just lay here for awhile”.  Next thing I know I wake up, look at the clock and noticed almost an hour had passed.

Whatever an hour is.  I am ready to get rid of that clock.

The on-going experience of feeling as though my cells are vibrating in bursts is something I have felt a couple of times today.

I also noticed my dreams took on a new intensity last night.  I had a lot of experiences and felt I was around new Beings, seeing new faces.  The theme was activity and a lot of it.

At times I will stop what I am doing and move my arms and legs in large movements.  It’s as though the big muscles need to be moved in big ways. Also continuing to take my right hand and slide it down my left arm, removing energies no longer wanted/needed.  Then I do the same with the other arm/hand.

I am having more conversations about the concept of “new earth” with others, which I continue to feel is an earth-like planet (purely organic in form) at the next dimension.  This, I strongly felt yesterday, is this “home” in which so many of us are longing to go to/return to.  I also received the message yesterday that all is “a-go” and “ascending” to this space is a conscious choice.  When the human self is ready, it will happen. These energy events are assisting by “fine-tuning” our bodies to be “ready”.  But the idea of having to wait for something outside of ourselves – at this point anyway – is no longer necessary.

Just my perspective in this now experience.

Much love.  Much peace.  Much all that is just fun and serene and new and amazing.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]



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Video Released In August 2016 Makes Accurate Predictions Claiming Trump Has A Time Machine


I know I have been posting a fair bit of info on this subject ~ but it is something I have unintentionally stepped into.  From videos that just show up on my feed to dreams plural, I am putting together the pieces of the puzzle and this video below helped put together several.  I recall watching the election coverage and while I was relieved HRC didn’t win, I was not all that excited Trump did.  However when I woke up the next morning I was very surprised to feel such a visceral feeling within.  I literally felt as though I awoke in a new world.  Everything felt different.  I was so dang happy.  I knew something had ended and something new was going to be created.  I just KNEW this.  No proof.  But hey, that’s how the Truth of the Universe works.  Pure knowing.  Only the brain/ego needs proof.  This video predicts Trump winning the presidency (remember it came out in August of 2016 – 2 1/2 months before the election – which polls showed HRC overwhelmingly ahead).  It says September 11, 2017 will be proclaimed Peace and Prosperity Day (this was announced in March of this year – 7 months after this video was made).  There were the flashing red lights coming from Trump’s bedroom earlier this year with the media, including the alternative media, falling for the explanation by the Secret Service that this was due to flashing ambulance lights on the grounds that night ~ which is rubbish and violates basic physics.  Can anyone say Time Machine at work?  Trump’s Uncle John had some of Tesla’s papers, he was also an MIT Physicist, whose papers included how to build a time machine.  When Uncle J died, he left those papers to his nephew Donald. Then there are the books from 150 years ago I have referenced here.  This video below says Donald will not serve out his term ~ something I began to feel LAST SUMMER (2016) – that IF he were to win he would not serve out his term.  I soothed my HRC supporting friends that even if Donald won, he would not be in office a full term.  Didn’t know how I knew it – I just did.  I still feel this way.  He has also been able to predict things before they happen in his many interviews he has given, including using the term pizzagate in 2011 – 5 years before it began being used by alt media and others.  In a nutshell, he has been time traveling to win the presidency so he can stop nuclear holocaust from occurring – which is what the deep state has wanted.  He is also here to bring forth disclosure and the release of suppressed tech.  Both parties can’t stand him.  Why is that?  We know the voting system is rigged – the lawsuits against the DNC proved that (as well as during the Bush junior years).  How on earth then did HRC not win last fall?  Time travel?  Hmmm….  He is often unpredictable.  Why is that?  All of this….Food for thought… Love him or hate him or just tolerate him, he does seem to be here to stop destruction and I feel absolutely to all that I AM that if HRC had won, we would be into WWIII.

Anyway, enjoy…

The Time Has Arrived! Finally, Our Realities Are Splitting


Editor’s note:  One of the more important pieces I have read and shared.  I particular love and resonate with his thought that New Earth exists at a another vibrational frequency ~ something I am fully in alignment with.  Have any of you been having these experiences as mentioned?  Walking between two worlds – the old and the new?  Having objects disappear?  Noticing things that were not visible to you at an earlier time?  New people in your neighborhood (and I don’t mean they just newly moved in but they have been in your ‘hood for years and you are now just seeing them)?  I have been saying and continue to say “not in my reality” then focus on what reality I WANT since the start of summer.  It is a visceral experience in my body and I now immediately energetically, within, reject anything that does not resonate with me.  Sometimes that means I have to leave the space I am in.  So be it.  I am here to return to New Earth through intending in that experience.   She is so “close”, I feel her more and more ~ as though all I need to do is pull back the final curtain…


by Fred Greaves,
Guest writer,

This is the most important article I have ever written, and although the beginning portion of it is of a personal experience, you will see the importance it leads to. We have the power within us to take back our world, and remove all negativity from it. We are one with Gaia (Earth), and are literally part of each other, so any so called “natural disasters” can be affected and directed by our thoughts.

The “Space” In Between “Spaces”

We have been told for some time now that the New Earth is coming, yet we have all asked “well then where is it”? It has been in front of us the whole time, just existing on another plane (dimension). For many years as I have raised my vibrations, I have been able to see the “space” in between “spaces”. Meaning where others see only air, I see a ton of activity; beings mingling, ships, etc.

Many people may have noticed that things are beginning to disappear. I’m not talking about their friends/family, jobs or situations, I’m discussing little items here…like a cup, crystal, shirt, bar of soap, etc.

Small Items Disappearing Mysteriously

I have been perplexed as to why this has been happening, and have asked my Divine Twin before, where is it all going? The definition of a Divine Twin is on my site Yet as I have learned in the past; I do not ask many questions, as this affects your vibration because the answers may not line up with our beliefs (which were all lies anyway). Causing our vibration to lower, or not to rise at all. Well she would tell me, “now is not the time, so don’t ask Fred”.

Yet as always, and another thing I have noticed is this; when the timing is right, the answers do come. We need to take and absorb things in stages. Well I have just found out where they are going, because just last night as I took my sweatshirt off to wash some dishes I said to her “don’t take this one”.

I said that because just last week one mysteriously disappeared from the house, never to be seen again. Well just then, she says to me “I’m not taking them Fred, your reality is changing now, and they are just in another dimension”.

Noticing Things That Were Not There Previously

It was then, everything that has been happening the last few weeks began to make sense. I walk the same areas daily, and for hours on end (I have been doing this for many years). Yet now I am noticing flowers or bushes that were not there the day before, and sometimes even in the same day on the return trip!

Sidewalks that were crumbling, were suddenly new, yet not recently fixed. I also noticed that the congestion was lower, as well as the noise. I have loud cars and many motorcycles in my area. Yet I suddenly realized that there were less people on the road, and rather than the louds cars, etc., I was hearing birds.

I then remembered an incident that happened a few weeks back, and again things were coming to light. I was out walking, when suddenly I could not stop myself from walking sideways. It was as if the Earth itself was tilting. So I asked Lucina (my Divine Twin), what is happening? She told me, your reality is shifting Fred, and soon you will begin to notice many differences.

Being In Two Places At Once

Flash forward a week or two later; I was at a family gathering, when towards the end of it, everyone began to mention how they saw police all day long. The reason is because no open bottles are allowed in a public park, and they were patrolling it…checking. Yet I saw none (not one), and said what police?

Continue reading here.

The Universe Is ALWAYS Reminding Us We Are Not Alone


Girl, Lady, Happy, Luck, Joy, Young

I had a rather challenging afternoon.  Some conflict and old stuff and…big sigh….oh how I do not do well with drama any longer.  The desire for peaceful energies, stable reliable peaceful energies is morphing out of me, surrounding my aura, shooting all out into the vastness of the cosmos. Today I imagined this taking place and visualized the Universe saying “Send her those peaceful energies.  She is allowing for them.”  I then thanked the Universe for the blessing.

Late in the day, I took my girl over to her friends house.  I love going over to this place.  The parents are wonderful, beautiful people.  They radiate a light, a calm that I do my best not to behave like a puppy dog who wants to lap up that wonderful water.  After I dropped off my girl and headed out to leave, my girl’s little friend exclaimed that she did not want me to go.

A first.

She approached me and gave me a hug, a big tight wonderful glorious hug, which I returned.  She then looked up at me and looking me straight in the eyes in that pure way children are just naturally able to do, said she wanted me to stay forever.

Yeah, where’s the tissue, right?

Of course then my little angel had to join in and next thing I know I am being bathed in little girl sweetness.

Talk about a power surge of love.  I walked out of that house in a different space, arriving home grounded and back in my OWN energy space again.

The Universe having spoken:  You are worthy.  You matter.  You are seen.

Which deep within I already know.  But when in those moments of confusion, doubt, chaos, it can be easy to temporarily forget that.  And so for that reminder, I am deeply deeply grateful.  And from here on out, it is my intention to ONLY be around the energies of others who believe I am worthy, who believe I matter and who see me.  For anything otherwise is no longer welcome in my life.  Including my own doubts.  I am far too amazing and precious to allow for any such nonsense.

As you are too.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]



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Creating A New Path for Hurricane Jose


Ok warriors and goddesses we have another hurricane needing some soothing energies.  Let’s do this again.  Focus on sending this storm system some soothing calming energies.  Keep it out at sea where it can dissipate on its own without any destruction.

I had the thought that while this may indeed be a part of a collective cleanse, when you and I do it, we do not need to harm other people, right? Doesn’t feel so good inside when we lash out so why would a storm need to do the same?

I would also add in my inner message to remove the name.  Names create more unnecessary energies when we think of male and female and the corresponding energies and behaviors.  Unless you are one who is able to be completely neutral when saying the name (I am not one who is able to do that yet), focused thought on that storm in the Atlantic heading towards the east coast is enough.

We can do this.

Much love,


More Time Traveling Intel/Info


Is this coincidence?  Hmmm….before I watched this one I had this insight come to me and I told my mate “is it possible one of the reasons we are having this mandela experience is because we have a time traveling individual in our midst?” My mate then pulls up this video…


Mandela Effect: Time Travel & Trump

Published on Oct 31, 2016

Spiritual New Age Dogma


I’m going to put on the opinion hat for this one.  After seeing this surge recently of people talking about how the storms and earthquakes and wildfires were meant to cause destruction and suffering so we will continue to learn and then last night listening to a video where the person claims when all of this is over we will THANK the cabal for their technologies that caused so much destruction because we needed to have the experience that resulted from their lies and technology because it helps us grow.

Pass me the vomit bag please and then the punching bag.

Yes, I know ~ such anger and words I am expressing are not spiritually-inclined.  According to some.  I’m supposed to be all love and light right now, in all ways at all times, correct?

I guess that depends on how you define love.

I feel I am coming to this conclusion that as we continue to morph, ascend, change ~ we will all be vibing into our own realities.  I heard it explained the other night it’s like a radio station.  Whatever “station” we resonate with, vibrate to, that’s where we will Be.

(For eons we have been stuck on one station – now the bandwidth is about to explode wide open again!  Yippie!!)

Those who believe in the concept that one must experience devastation and destruction and trauma and abuse in order to know love will continue on with that journey into their own reality.  Those who believe ~ no – those who KNOW we are love and certainly do not need to experience the previous ~ who want the hell out of this prison enslavement system ~ we will be going to our own reality as well.

Yes, I hear the separation is ending.  I agree.  However, given we are One but obviously not the same, people are not going to be on the same page… and that’s ok.  People are going to be experiencing TRUE freedom resulting FROM the end of this separation game (simulated matrix system) to live and be as they choose.  I personally continue to remove beliefs.  Rules.  Expectations.  Instead I am keeping my desires simple.  I want to be free to live as I feeeeeeel in my heart while respecting other’s right to live the same.

It is that simple.  For me anyway.

I absolutely will not embrace any concept that says people must be abused, children must be kidnapped and sexually assaulted for their Soul to grow and learn.  NONSENSE.

And I wish for these otherwise well-meaning folks would stop spreading these thoughts.  They are creating fear, spreading dogma, completely discounting people’s experiences (you aren’t a victim of anything and you need to forgive your abuser because you agreed to contract with this individual to learn or whatever dogma they follow) and the people’s need to heal and lowering vibrational frequencies of Gaia.  It serves no purpose. Using their line of thinking, if we really do contract with such individuals in order to learn and grow, then we really shouldn’t interfere with these situations of abuse if we witness them or know of them, right? We should just let it all play out – the one doing the abusing and the one being abused.  They have a contract after all and need to learn a lesson (especially the one being harmed). Regardless of whether the individual is a small child.

See how insane such thinking is?

Dogma is dogma.  Programming to keep us living low and dimly instead of high and bright.  Such dogma as mentioned above is no different than the guilt-inducing, finger-pointing dogma found in the bible and inside church walls.  Doesn’t matter if it’s coming from a Buddhist Temple or a Sufi Circle.  Dogma is dogma.  And if it doesn’t resonate from the purity of Love and Kindness, I am not having it.

I for one am done with all that does not resonate with loving kindness.

I take the return of ME and my Freedom and ALL THAT I AM back again. The way I once was.

The way I know we all once were.