Thoughts In The Moment…


I heard a youtube video last night about a woman who experienced an NDE.  The story behind her NDE was the result of a war-torn horrific bombing incident.  I was with her until she began to speak of the lessons she had to go through, how she said she learned she had agreed to this experience before coming here, how she had created it.  The beings she was speaking to wore dark robes.


Contracts?  Agreements?  To suffer and experience horrors and trauma’s?

Does that sound like an agenda of Source?

Or of dark beings?

Does that sound like a message of Source who wants us to BE?

Or of dark beings seeking to control and keep our vibes low.

Yeah.  That one is easy to figure out.

We are Creator’s who Create and Experience.

That’s it!

Ascension, our rightful return in frequency to Source.

We have always been Ascended Beings.

This is not complicated.

We are being flooded with photons and gamma ray’s which I feel are the frequencies of Love and Bliss.  They are the frequencies we once experienced before the conquer and matrix grid was put in place.

These are the frequencies where we are fully restored.  We create things in an instant.  We have full reverence for one another.

We live freely.

Love = Freedom.

Freedom = Love.

Again, it is that simple.

This is where we are returning.

I am asking people to reconsider beliefs around contracts and karma and reincarnation and agreements.  I canceled all that earlier this year.

And let me tell you ~ the freedom I feel inside since doing that ~ the empowerment ~ is awesome.

Again ~ Love = Freedom.





Live out life fully within your own Rainbow


Received via e-mail.  Another beautiful piece from Sanna.  I really love this piece and resonate with it so much.  I can really get behind calling new earth “Grace”.  A favorite word/name of mine!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  (if any of you feel the need to write up your own piece or share art work here, let me know.  i love to share the works of others!)


Dearest Rainbow-family!!!

As we ascend and completely leave Gaia behind for her Higher expression of Self and New soul incarnation, we leave our Gaia-bodies behind. We WILL have our physical bodies with us, but not as they “were” living on Gaia.

As we transform, shift and change to completely embody our own New template of Higher Self and the merging of “The New Higher Version” of Gaia more and more, we will fully step into The New Earth’s energy and light body. A whole new planetary existence. When our bodies transforms WITH the planet in this evolutionary ascension, we become the new version, the new planet, the “new Gaia”. We are shifting with it.

In my heart’s knowing and inner guidance, the New Earth is called Grace. To me, it carries the blueprint energetic frequency of The New World, Gaia’s higher incarnation of Higher Self. From now on, I will refer to the New Earth as Grace, with the new Consciousness of Grace as well. 

There is a Universal transformation. The whole Universe is completely shifting and transforming into something new and fresh no one has EVER experienced before. As our bodies transforms into New Bodies, we will only hold energy and light from Grace, the new world/existence/planet/matrix. That is what is happening now with us, everywhere in ALL the interconnected Universes.

We will see clearly and deeply understand more and more as we go. We unfold our own story, so each and every one of us place an important part in this true love story of life. We are putting the pieces together, on all planes, roams, dimensions and universes. Merging back to One, to the over soul of All Sources. The Source of Sources. All that is.

This is a very easy and organic alchemical process, even though it might seem complex and complicated. As we see and understand more, we will see life and creation in the new light. And that light is US. 

It is done in Divine love and that is all. All the spectrum of Source. We have walked our talk. We have experienced all frequencies of the spectrum. We have come full circle and it is time now for something completely different, new, fresh and existing. Starting over, but with greater love and wisdom of what we are and where we come from.

In this shifting times we are and will experience our own world change enormously. We will notice how our bubble of creation, our world/universe as we experience it, will become stronger and more real. We must understand that everything we are, we do, we see, we feel, we act on, we explore etc. is ours and ours alone. That is your wheel – and circle of life.

A personal perfect example and reflection is something that I’ve experienced lately. Since about 1.5 months now I’ve seen my reality turn into a 2 season life. According to the overall physical life it is autumn here where I am located. The collective timeline goes by the changing of seasons, but through a more personal life experience, I am existing in the season of spring.

The sighs, symbols and my awareness through the nature and animal roams/realities. So you can say, I’m experiencing both in my current awake state. Very exciting and surreal at the same time.

Our breath has now become an endless streaming of rainbow lights, as we transform and all walk over the earthly rainbow bridge together.

Our rainbow breath of life is covering our whole planetary aura and becomes a force field of divine love and collective healing. Planetary bursts of rainbow magic.

The higher frequency rainbow colors of us comes out from all holes, haha…literally….even through our pores.

We love our world so much that we cover and embed the planet in all spectrums of emotional light codes, that I call rainbow magic.

Believe. Live. Dream. Create.

The rainbow of our full spectrum of uniqueness, life and love. All colors of emotions, lights and frequencies is all here…in one perfect divine pure unique rainbow.

When you fully live within your own rainbow, you are being the eagle on auto-pilot, having a perfectly clear view, seeing your full widescreen horizon in one breath, in full glance, in complete new light and in full bloom. 

I wrote about this almost 2 years ago when I called my service Truely Gaia. When I was guided by my Divine to change the name of my business to Grace Consciousness I re-posted a few of my old articles I felt I still resonated with on my New Blog. The article “The divine passage through the Sacred Heart portal to the New World” was one of them. You can read it by clicking on the article. A few was making audio-video’s of my article. This is one of them, from the YouTube-channel DNA ACTIVIATION” titled Divine Passage Through The Sacred Heart Portal to The New World. Click on the title to have a look and listen, if you prefer that instead. Thank you!

With lots of love & gratitude

Original article link here.

With lots of love & gratitude

Finding The Gift In A Difficult Moment: No Living Being Is An Island


Deer, Doe, Wildlife, Nature, Looking

I experienced something today that reminded me none of us are meant to experience life alone.  No living Being.

My child came through the door early this afternoon and announced there was something “strange” she wanted us to see.  I was zombified on the couch so her dad went with her.  Upon their return they both announced there was a dead deer, female, a block from here.  Neighbors had already notified animal control, who will be coming tomorrow morning to dispose of the body.

“Not the lone female I have been seeing around our neighborhood all year,” I said, putting on my shoes and heading out to ascertain.  With child in tow, we walk to where the deer lay.

As I approached, I knew it was her.  She was not more than a year and a half.  Two at the most.

I was a bit grief stricken.  I wept.  I noticed her injuries and noticed her right ear had been severed completely.  Likely hit by a car in the middle of the night.

I thought of the horrors of life, of humanity.  The cars we drive and how they can transport someone in need and thus save a life and take one just as easily.

I centered myself again and focused on what lay before me.

We gave her a blessing and I will not lie:  I asked Source if she wished to return to her body, to make it so ~ if I could help, guide me.  I knew she had already passed though and had no need or desire to return.

It was quite a teachable moment for our girl.  And to be honest, for me as well.  We have seen dead birds and mice in our yard.  But never a deer.  A deer somehow takes on a whole new meaning, you know?  A wisdom.  Is it because of the size?  Or just a knowing?

I don’t know.

I just know this deer, this young female, who we have seen around our area all year, far too young to leave this earth, had been killed, obviously traumatically.

Standing there like some silly looking human, watching over this young deer’s body, I had the thought:  If she had had a family, siblings, deer friends, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

The world is not always so friendly.

We need one another ~ not just to survive but to thrive.

Hence I am hoping these spaces I get into ~ of which I am in right now ~ where I just desire to be alone ~ are temporary.  Necessary for this marker on my journey.

For not only does the Human need connection, but the Soul needs connection too ~ whether that Soul be in human form or animal form.

For now, I did all I could.  After offering up a blessing, I returned home, took a towel (purple – my favorite color), walked back to the deer and gently placed it over her, making sure to especially cover her head.  It felt to me to be a gesture of respect and honor.  Who would want people walking by, staring in horror?  No one wants their last moments in this realm, in these bodies, to be looked at in such a manner.


For all life.

Where we have outgrown this “rugged individualism” illusion and embraced the simple truth:

We all need one another.


Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for October 15, 2017


Those who have come here for the past year know I don’t just share things frivolously.  I want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  And the LAST THING I would ever want to do is elevate YOUR hope ~ as well as mine ~ with anything that is “false” ~ only to have it crushed.  Been there, done that ~ OVER IT.  

I don’t think I have ever shared these pieces.  But when I saw the date ~ October 18th ~ and knowing that is the court date for Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf (which could quite literally be the court case of the century) ~ knowing that the judge overseeing this “hearing” is retiring and has nothing on the docket after Heather’s case ~ and hearing him on a popular youtube interview channel and being quite moved by authentic and truly service-oriented seems to be ~ how he says he always knew he was here to do something “big” ~ well I decided “what the hey” and am sharing it. A string of coincidences?  A sham?  Or the real deal?  I observe until I SEE. Until then I say “MAKE IT SO”.  Humanity is worthy and long long past deserving of some real prosperity and abundance to assist us in our freedom and liberation.  The time for the shit-hole to be crushed is now.  (best description i could come up with at the moment)


Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – October 15, 2017









Sourced from here.


Experiences For October 15, 2017 ~ Sleep. Ease.


I cannot quite fathom this fatigue I am experiencing throughout the past several days.  Normally on sunny days like today, warm days, I find energy to go for one of my power walks.  Overall I have this continued desire and need to just SLEEP.  Naps daily lately ~ even on these beautiful sunny days.  If I don’t have a nap during the day I am crashed out on the couch after dinner.

My desire to “DO” is at an all time low.  To be around people.  Go out and about.

I did go out last night and visited with my Shaman Healer for the first time in person.  It was an amazing experience and I may write about it later.  For now I am feeling the need to keep it just to myself.  I can share though that my long-held desire to learn how to work with my own inner healer and the energy that comes from my hands seems to have been met. After being told by Reiki Practitioners that the Reiki Healer never receives energy, I was informed last night there is a method that uses a symbol for receiving and one for healing and is based on Mother Mary.  The Divine Feminine.  Not only that, the Shaman can teach me.

Very vaguely, early this morning, I was semi-awake and felt this amazing experience/feeling of bliss. I could “see” white warm light all around me. When I woke up fully a few hours later, I recalled the experience and felt the Schumann must be spiking.  Nope.  Nothing “significant” to report (3 days now).  Am I creating this on my own now?

The old system ways of paying bills and even now, cooking meals – those “rules” and “should’s” – again at an all time low.

After breakfast, I had some energy (some) and decided to organize an area of the house.  Cleaning up.  Clearing out energy.  Later on, sitting in the sun and just Being, I recalled the experience and knew – this behavior of mine is covering up the real need – the need to do internal housecleaning in my own Self.

I appreciated the insight.

And as I began to dig fatigue washed over me.  I just don’t want to do that at the moment.  I feel I am OK as I am ~ right now.  Whatever “stuff” needs to be examined and released can either be done at another “time” or be done while I am resting/sleeping – on its own.  Without effort on my part.

For I am desiring my life and my Doing’s to be effortless.

Much like knowing “must sleep now” – and my beautiful comfy couch is there, awaiting to provide me the support I need in that moment.  And much like now – the dinner on the stove is done – and my beautiful mate is there, to take care of it for me.  Providing me the support I need in this moment.

And so it is.

Much love.  Quiet.  Bliss.  Sleep.  Ease.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]



Thank you for supporting my words, my work, my effort, my energies.

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Message from Mike Quinsey


I don’t follow Mike much anymore but this one was too good not to share. Very much resonate with this piece.  I was engaged in the practice of speaking to my cells quite regularly early this year ~ a gentle reminder to return to the practice.  Thank you to Rick for the send.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Foreword by Mike Quinsey.

Of late I have been reading Kryon’s messages that are undoubtedly the most informative of the present time, covering the immediate years ahead. They often focus on the changes that have been taking place since the end of the last Age – 2012, and the many more changes that are to come including the path to Ascension. The messages are clear that we must literally forget what we have been taught prior to 2012, as a new paradigm has commenced, revealing many truths that have not hitherto been made known to us. It seems quite clear to me that we have what you may call a “one off” opportunity to move off the old path onto the new one, if we wish to move into the higher dimensions and leave behind the lower vibrations, and the need for re-incarnation. With that in mind I am putting together extracts from Kryon’s recent messages that relate to the “Innate” which is probably new to many of you. It is important that you try to adapt your thinking to what is required to follow the new path to the higher levels of vibration.

Extracts from the messages of Kryon relating to the Innate are mainly from:

“KRYON 2017. Teaches exactly how to instruct your cells to heal.

Innate – your second brain in quantum synchronicity.

Innate is programmed for spiritual survival. Innate comes from inside each of us. Every single thing comes from the God within. Spontaneous Remission is by Innate, but it will not work where there is a negative response. Innate wants what is good for you and makes you comfortable. Innate is connected to your Higher Self and Akashic Record of the Human Being. Your brain keeps you alive.

Say the following affirmations out loud “Today I will release things that do not work, or keep me from moving forward” Say also “Release anything that defines what I am that is not majestic to my body” or tell Innate out loud, “I release all things in my Akash that keep me from seeing my magnificence, today”. Science finds that cells “listen” and the chemistry is created by consciousness. You have free choice and Innate knows it, and awaits instructions. Innate knows all about your past lives, and it will do what you tell it but you must speak out loud.

Innate is not a brain function and is not centralised, it is as one “Smart Body Innate” Innate is a field and body wise anywhere that DNA exists, and is tuned into it and keeps you alive. It is the governor of what you need. Innate is connected to the Higher Self. The Corporeal Body (of a material nature – physical) is the one the brain controls and is beginning to create a bridge to the Innate through intuition) and there will eventually become a time where you will be your own medical insurers, you will know not only what is going on in your body, but also your Akash. Innate is programmed for spiritual survival, and is intelligent and knows what you need. Prime Directive of Innate is to do everything it can for you to allow an awakening to take place. The Prime Directive is spiritual survival and everything is designed around it to push you forward in any way possible to allow an awakening, and for Humanity to go across the bridge and move into an ascended planet status. It is spiritual awareness and that is what Innate is for, and in the process Innate crosses the bridge with Corporeal chemistry, and in very, very different ways Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission.

How can you have a disease disappear overnight, how is it possible that the Corporeal Body can react and cleanse itself overnight of something so unbalanced. How can tissue grow at an accelerated rate to appear overnight? I have just given you things the hospital can check over and over, and that they have x-rayed. You would say it is a miracle – No! it is Innate that is the power you have. When the Innate starts to build a bridge to the Corporeal Self the Human Being as you know it disappears, and the one that takes its place will have a long life and even repair itself – even grow limbs back. That was the very way it was designed and Dear Ones, it should make sense to you. Innate is your second brain and responds to acupuncture, and everything starts to change but the Great Central Sun. You get attributes of your past lives through the Innate. It can go in and pull out the things and place them on to your cellular structure. Innate knows you, so build a bridge between your human consciousness and Innate. You can become your own medical intuitive. Everything will start to change and you will know you are not from Earth, but the Great Central Sun. Innate creates emotion and can change every cell in your body. Karma is pulled forward through the veil, it is an energy of unfinished business. You will have to re-program Innate now that the old paradigm has finished, so ask it to drop your karma.

Homeopathy – Innate awareness.

Homeopathy, is not scientific, it requires a small remedy that is designed for each individual and what ails you, and your biology is designed to “listen” to what you are saying. A Homeopathy remedy is designed especially for you and your body follows the instructions, it is a system that works and millions use it. Innate sees your intent and with “Innate Awareness” it happens. It is part of the new Humans, and in every single Human Being there is a beautiful system of it that acts upon what you give it. It is chemistry at its best and your body is standing by to help. It is in the DNA and is tied up with the Innate, your Akash and your Higher Self. Innate wants what is good for you. It is a beautiful system of awareness. Slowly over time you will start feeling the Shift, and you will know it works.

Reset your body and tell it to “Release everything inappropriate for the beauty of whom I am” also “Today I will lose all inappropriate things”. and “I release all that keeps me from moving forward” also “I release anything that defines who I am” and “I release information that is not magnetic to my body” and “I release any or all things in my Akashic records that would keep me from feeling my magnificence today” Experiments in science show that all cells listen to your consciousness.

Thanks to Kryon through Lee Carroll for this enlightening information.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to: Left click on the heading “Subscribe to the Tree of the Golden Light Weekly Messages” and it will take you to the Subscribe page – go to the bottom and under the heading “etfirstcontact” enter your Email address twice as requested. You will receive a confirmation if you are successful. You can also “unsubscribe” from the same page.

Sourced from here.

James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 10/13/17


I have pulled away energetically from James lately but found this one to be spot-on.


October Update – Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein, Pedogate, WW3
by James Gilliland

October 12, 2017

I am writing this newsletter in hopes we can avoid the ultimate sacrifice these deviant souls are planning and that is World War 3.

composite connect dots

Has anyone connected the dots? Vegas is referred to as Sin City. Hollywood fits into the same category. We can’t ignore politics and many of the agencies connected to positions of power. If you want to know who is at the top of the food chain – follow the money. Who owns the better part of Hollywood and Vegas?

There are forces at play – seen and unseen – in all of these venues. Predators, pedophiles, Satanists, psychopaths, a network of some very twisted power-hungry people. In their eyes the ultimate power is total domination. This includes the power over life and death and in some cases ritual sacrifice to appease Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, or some other dark deity. If you ask these poor demented souls why they would inflict so much pain and suffering on others – which includes innocent children – they will tell you their God demands it, it makes him (in some cases her) very happy. You cannot ignore the unseen evil influences that inspire such inhuman acts.

absolute power corrupts

Another way to say “draining the swamp” could be “draining the lower 4th dimension” where most of these unseen evil entities reside.

This is well underway.

What you are seeing is just how corrupt and deviant people in positions of power have become….

There is a network of soulless humans, by that I mean they have given their allegiance to inhuman or unseen entities due to their lust for power, wealth, and notoriety. You can see their work whenever you turn on the news. The main stream news is also complicit in covering up, misguiding the public and in many cases demonizing the very people trying to correct the situation. Again, who owns the lame stream media?

Another way to say “draining the swamp” could be “draining the lower 4th dimension” where most of these unseen evil entities reside. This is well underway. Their physical counterparts are also being exposed, the entire network be it Hollywood, Politicians, Alphabet Agencies, Corporations and the elite or cabal. What you are seeing is just how corrupt and deviant people in positions of power have become. You don’t climb the ladder of what they deem success in many cases without selling your soul. Many actors and musicians have come forward exposing this but it happens in all walks of life.

I am writing this newsletter in hopes we can avoid the ultimate sacrifice these deviant souls are planning and that is World War 3. Sound insane? It is. The ultimate wag the dog. These are not sane people and their overlords have no respect for life, in fact they are at war with all creation. Even if it means sacrificing themselves or their families. These are psychopaths, soulless humans directed by entities that feed off the pain, suffering, and destruction.

vegas inconsistencies

In the Vegas Mass Shooting, consider this:

Why did the major CEOs sell off their stocks a few days before the event?

They can buy them back at ten cents on the dollar. Why was the staff on the 32nd floor where the “gunman” took refuge told not to come to work? Before the shooting. Now the second shooter turns out to be Jesus Campos the very security guard wounded and proclaimed as a hero. The staff were all called in to a meeting before the event began. There are two more shooters to come – wonder when they will give them up.

There was ten minutes of shooting with a break in between. 600+ wounded, 60 per minute, one person every second again not including the time to reload and the pause. A standard AR will fail at that rate due to metal fatigue. There were no drums or belts found necessary to sustain bursts of 85 rounds as recorded in the audio which also clearly establishes multiple shooters. Where were all the casings? The police scanners clearly described multiple shooters. The lights were turned on making the targets easier to hit yet even so the extreme distance, darkness, and accuracy is an impossible feat without multiple shooters. Shooters at close range.

Now when you understand false flags you will find this event fits the scenario perfectly.

false flag what is it-

“The term ‘false flag’ originally referred to pirate ships that flew flags of the home countries of the ships they were approaching to attack and board. The pirates used the false flag as a disguise to prevent their victims from fleeing or preparing for battle.

The term today extends beyond naval encounters to include countries that organize attacks on themselves and make the attacks appear to be by enemy nations or terrorists, thus giving the nation that was supposedly attacked a pretext for domestic repression and foreign military aggression.”

Or more succinctly put: events where one country would take the flag of another and use it attack their own people to rile them up against another country to go to war.

The way to find out who is behind the false flag is to ask who benefits, who provides the solution? Problem, reaction, solution are the control mechanisms to enslave the masses.

Who owns 50% of the stock in most of these casinos? Who stands to gain with new increased security measures selling more back scanners and metal detectors? Who wants to turn America into a police state and disarm the people?

patriot act

911 brought us the Patriot Act written before the event. It brought us endless wars with countries having no ties whatsoever to the event. Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, he and Saddam Hussein were enemies. The supposed terrorists that carried out the attacks at the Twin Towers were from Saudi Arabia according to passports yet in truth it was an inside job. The weapons of mass destruction never existed. Yet all the agencies and the news kept pushing the lie that Saddam Hussein was responsible. This resulted in the deaths of millions, many of which were US soldiers, a loss of personal freedom and privacy. The very things they were fighting for.

george orwell

Who cashed in on this event? Why was the insurance on the twin towers tripled right before 911? Again, follow the money. Does the name Silverstein ring a bell? The guy who owned the buildings who said pull the buildings. How can you pull a building (which is a term demolition crews use) unless you already set explosives? Building 7 fell in its own footprint as did the twin towers with no resistance. This can only occur if you blow out the steel supports. A plane cannot take down a steel building, end of story.

So now we have Obummer funding and arming Isis and running guns to the Mexican cartel. Hillary is up to her neck as well, Benghazi is also tied into an arms sale gone bad, there is pay to play politics, extreme corruption with the Clinton Foundation, destruction of evidence on the grandest of scales, a long chain of murders and absolutely no accountability. This is not just the fallen demoncrats. John McCain was also videotaped meeting with top Isis leaders in what seemed to be on a regular basis. Where is law enforcement, the justice system? You have actors and musicians coming out in support of these despicable politicians and billionaires why? Because they are all part of the same network. Then there is Harvey Weinstein. An extreme Hollywood predator billionaire they all rubbed elbows with putting any doubt to rest of the extreme double standards and extreme lack of moral ethics. Finally, after enough pressure Hillary denounces him. Has she ever denounced Bill? Was she quick to demonize the NRA and go for the gun grab?

There are those who make fun of Trump when he says we need to drain the swamp. You want to know who the swamp is. The very people attacking your president with false accusations, double standards, trying to create a diversion from their own despicable deeds. Everything they accuse him of they themselves are guilty of. The ones pointing the finger and screaming the loudest are the ones with the most to lose when the swamp gets drained.

They might as well just say “I am a pedophile, a sexual predator and love Satan”. It is standard modus operandi accuse the others of what you are doing. Then get the compromised press to run with it. The problem is people are waking up. I also have my concerns with some of the people Trump has chosen to rub elbows with, another story in itself. I hope it is a case of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This leads us back to Las Vegas. Look at the target. These are people who want the swamp to be drained. People who want a government by and for the people. A government that abides by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights a thorn in the globalists ass.

People who want a government by and for the people. A government that abides by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – a thorn in the globalists ass.

Unfortunately, the very people that claim injustice and divide the people against themselves against a tyrannical system are the tyrannical system. Open Borders, Black Lives Matter, Antifa all are funded by George Soros. An admitted Nazi billionaire with a long history of discrimination and a traitor to his own Jewish people. He smiled and revealed in the fact that he went door to door with his Nazi handler and ratted out his own people. Do you really think he sees Blacks or African Americans to be politically correct, as equal? Do they matter other than being a means to an end? Antifa is against NAZIs and fascism but their leader and main funder is a Nazi and they resort to fascist methods. He even stiffed them by not paying them for disrupting political events often leading to violence. Open Borders is just another means to an end, a way to topple countries, destroy their way of life and economy so he can profit at their expense. None of these groups are fighting against tyranny they have been duped into fighting for tyranny. A formidable force that uses their own oppression in the past against them to carry out their own dark agendas. Nothing is as it seems.

wake up

There is a way to make sense of it all. Know the goals of the Cabal, know how the network works and who are the main players. Educate yourselves as to the nature of the beast. Know there is also an unseen evil at play.

The new age programming that evil does not exist comes from these very same entities. The guilt trip for discussing these dark hearts and denial programs came from this very network seen and unseen. Those who accuse you of fear porn are the fearful. They are afraid of acknowledging the obvious.
If you want to stand for something stand for Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom, and Prosperity for All. Most of which is within the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The true Republic. Yes, we need to acknowledge and make restitution for past injustices but right now the restoration of the true Republic, the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the best option, the best path towards Universal Law. These were doctrines written to end the tyranny, they have been usurped, marginalized, virtually ignored by the global elite which owns the network including the just us department.

These divinely inspired documents, the foundation of America are the tools to drain the swamp. Yet tools do nothing without the educated use of them.

One day we will all live the dream expressed by Martin Luther King. He was the voice of the future. It is our destiny to Unite as one people, one planet and join the rest of the universe in peace. Not under the leadership of the Cabal but under the leadership of people chosen due to their spiritual awareness and history of service to humanity and the Earth.

How long that takes is up to us


James Gilliland field

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

James Gilliland field
You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In ALL healings, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.
1.     Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2.     Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3.     Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened. (repeat if you feel it is needed)
4.     Tell them they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love. (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5.     Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6.     Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7.     Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close your aura to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.

If you are interested in more of James’ teachings order his books here
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