Today’s Challenges


I am going back and forth today between knowing when to stand my ground, how to go about it and when to just let go.

For awhile now my inner voice has guided “if it’s 3D stress, let it go.”

And yet I also tell myself “Ok, I am still here dealing with these system inconveniences.  How much energy do I invest in them?  Will I be able to just be released from all of their influence by creating my own timeline?”

That is my hope.  My wish.  My focus.  Until it no longer is.

Today the system 3D evil was comcast.  As I told the csr today “if I had a dollar for every time I have had to phone you and point out an error you have made, you would be paying me right now.”

Energy draining experience and yet if I wanted voice mail services, that is the choice I had to make.  45 minutes later, I had a credit and the words “voice mail” included once again in my phone service option (which was an error on their part – it was removed when it should not have been). There is more to it than I am sharing ~ they royally screwed up on more than just the removal of my voice mail services ~ and the issue is being investigated on their end.

And so it goes.  The sun has returned after blasting rains and temperatures hovering around 48.  My girl was gifted an awesome microscope.  I am awaiting releasing a serious amount of anger energy tomorrow with my healing session.

I continue to speak my truth – out loud – and wonder if I am not digging deep enough for my voice continues to be raspy far too often.  Could be my deepest desire for telepathic communication to be returned with speaking words done gently, softly, joyfully with people I choose to.

For now, I enjoy the sun and will create space to take a much needed nap.

Physical experiences:  throat scratchies, itching on my sides, fatigue and an overwhelming tiredness accompanied with the words “I want the shit over and my freedom returned NOW”.

Freedom is, after all, more than just a state of mind.  That is, however, where it begins.

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Timelines All Over The Place


I had another “glitch” in the matrix occur again.  New timeline.  Whatever you want to call it.  A neighbor of ours who in timeline #1 had just one dog, then in timeline #2 had two dogs (that was last summer) and now I notice has just the one dog again which makes timeline #3?  Or has #1 returned?  Or ??????

I really want to know is this part of this process of “exiting the matrix”, ascension or is this due to CERN messing with things?  A little of both?

Curious minds (that would be me – highly curious and quite commanding) want to know.

The Schumann is spiking somewhat but not like it was in previous days.  I feel that so much these days and much prefer the large, on-going spikes. I resonate with the frequency and have concluded I am not in alignment with the frequency of the lower ends and the corresponding systems that align with them (pay to live, competition and the like).  Today I surrendered myself to the truth that I have never resonated and never will.  And that is ok.  How to “BE” and “BE WELL” in this frequency that is still ticking/kicking is the quandary. Perhaps the answer can be found in the song I heard yesterday (and in my mind today on the way home) – when the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around.

Well aside from that, getting out with the people today helped lift my spirits.  Refocused.  I meet with my new mentor next week for some new direction and guidance.  So very ready for a new experience ~ whether while still in this realm or the next.  It is time.  I am ready.

Love to you all ~

Victoria (the occasional wearer of the “grumpy” hat)

Where I Am Today…


done with waiting.

done with trying heal myself.

done with trying to rest.

done with trying to keep up with financial demands.

done with trying to keep up with ANY and all “demands”.

done with all that is “out there”.

i just no longer care in this moment.

so there you have it.

i.  don’t.  care.  anymore.

phil will sing it for me…

Animal Communicator ‘Talks’ to Aggressive Black Leopard, Watch What Happens


Thank you Laura for sending such a beautiful beautiful piece.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Anna heard him request his name to be changed from Diablo, which means devil, and connotation he did not appreciate. They renamed him Spirit. He's now seen relaxing out in nature, rather than reclusively hiding in his night shelter all the time, like he used to. ( Screenshot/YouTube)

This excellent story is how angry leopard Diabolo became peaceful after communicating his concerns to a human telepathically.

Sure, we all communicate with our pets. Our cats understand “Here kitty kitty, dinner,” and our dogs know what we mean when we command “Sit Booboo sit,” and we learn to understand their body language, meows, and barks to a certain degree. This is way beyond that. We’re talking interspecies communication—telepathically sharing thoughts and ideas back and forth.

“Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals,” explains the intro of the documentary.

Read the entire piece here (plus watch the very moving video).

Diane Canfield Energy Update


Massive Activations coming in tonight, Frequency Shift Occurring!

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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Hibernate Until We Evacuate


Woman, Bed, Dream, Sleep, Fantasy

that phrase just came to me.  anyone else having the same/similar feels?? we all slept a lot of hours last night – even the littlest one.  i am now fully feeling i am on an amusement park ride that is always changing and is not gonna stop until, well, it does.  so in the meantime the best thing for my body is to just sleep.  cocoon.  hibernate.  two words i feel much of.


More Energy Signatures Showing Up On The Mimic Array ~ Origin: Antarctica


With the ongoing meteor bombardment plus the latest discovery of a highly unusual hole showing up down there, we are left to wonder:  What the heaven is going on down in Antarctica?!


Massive energy pulse above both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! – Origin Antarctica

Published on Oct 11, 2017