

I had a very interesting dream last night.  Actually it wasn’t just a dream.  I really felt I was traveling that astral realm, “doing” some work.  I was with Michelle Walling and we were doing things with crystal’s.  I am not sure exactly what.  My “mind” doesn’t recall.  More of an inner body/inner feeling (that I am intending will be revealed to me so I can bring ALL of me on board with what I am feeling is another part of my mission ~ perhaps my next step as I was referencing recently).

Anyway, as my human self began to observe the Higher Version of me, my human mind began to feel doubt.  Me?  Do this kind of work?  This magic?  I had this kind of power?  Really?  ARE YOU SURE??!!

That is when I heard, up above me and spread all around me “You are a wayshower.”  I then felt “it is time to embrace this”.

I also felt called to begin working with a massive quartz crystal rock my daughter and I recently found that sits on my bedroom dresser.  I don’t really know what to do with it other than sit by it, hold it if I feel called, and see what comes to me.

As things out in our world we call “the system” change, so too will many of us be called to begin our next missions.

Some healing and a vacation are much needed in the interim…


Jenny Schiltz 11/14/17~ Unraveling The Matrix Programming


I LOVE this one ~ one of her best yet…  I deeply resonate with the idea of letting go of some of our “pieces” of pain.  Integrating it all has become exhausting.  


As the energy on the planet continues to intensify, clear and uncover the layers of “reality” some are finding themselves stepping into new and expanded roles. This energy is also uncovering so much of the destructive programming and behaviours that have been the norm for far too long.

I recently returned from an amazing and enlightening trip to San Diego. I booked this trip during the summer because I had this nudging that I had to be there at a certain time. I didn’t really understand why, but I knew it was important. The universe conspired to find me cheap flights, a place to stay that was perfect and a rental car whose bill totalled $111.00. Yet I still had no clue why I was going.

The three of us, my husband, youngest daughter and myself decided to make an adventure of the trip and see as much as we could see. On our first evening, we decided to go sit on a place called “Sunset Cliffs”. It was an area where you could sit on the rock and see the beach below. It was nighttime and the view of the stars was absolutely amazing.

As I was staring at the stars and settling into myself, this bolt of purple light split the sky and remained.  It was so bright that I was momentarily blinded. I asked my husband if he saw it and he said no, so I knew it was only meant for me. I then heard clearly. Open a portal.  It was my higher-self speaking from my heart center. I felt myself anchor deeply into the earth and at the same time grow huge. I saw myself large enough to touch the purple light in the sky and open it like a portal in the starry sky. All this black mist began to leave the area as if it was being drawn like a magnet.  When I felt that it was done, I closed the portal and returned to self. Still not understanding what took place, but not asking questions either.

I knew that I have done this work before but it has always been at night in my sleep or in lucid dreams. I had not yet consciously done this type of massive clearing while completely awake surrounded by others. I was asked by my team to share this as it will trigger the remembering for some and allow it to come to the forefront of consciousness. It helps us to understand who we are, our role and contribution to the whole.

The next evening at sunset in a different beach location, I was instructed to do the same thing. Again black mist rose from the entire area and went effortlessly to Source. I asked what was leaving and was told that it is a layer of the veil that keeps people asleep, trapped into moving from one moment to the next without any true awareness. It was shown to me that the simple removal of these energies creates enough space for people to look critically at their life and begin the awakening process.

The following day we went to La Jolla Beach and it was just gorgeous, yet there was this pervasive anxiety that translated into this feeling of “not good enough, not pretty enough, not enough money.”  This reached a really uncomfortable pitch when I got dressed in a wetsuit (holy hell).  So as my husband played in the surf with my daughter I sat on the beach and went within. First thing I did upon settling was to ask “is this mine?” and was told no. So I thanked the feelings and felt them leave. My higher self then explained that it was those feelings that would have a layer released that day. So that people could see how they were trapped in those “less than” but also “must be better than another” cycles.  So again, I opened a giant portal over the area and watched as layers of sleep left.

Before heading back to Colorado, the last portal I opened was right near the airport in San Diego. What left there was darker than the other places and had more of a goo feel. It was also the one that was most difficult and I called in my team to assist. I was told it was the most difficult because of the sheer amount of technology in that area. The technology and the large amount of concrete helped to secure the veil of forgetfulness and keep people looping in similar thought and behavioural patterns. These are the areas that need the most assistance.

Connecting the dots

When I returned home I had a client who is a healer, struggling financially. Her guides showed me that she is also to be going places and doing such work. I asked her if she had felt the pull to go to travel to different locations. She told me yes, but that she didn’t have the funds. Her guides told me that she undercharges and undervalues her time, energy and worth. They then went to explain that many are caught in the programming loop of self-sacrifice or that one must not charge for spiritual services. This control programming has left many exhausted, financially strapped, and in disharmony within as their soul is urging them to step up and do different work, but the paradigm they are caught in does not allow it.

They explained that many are getting the urge to travel, to go to different places, towns and sites. Travel does not have to be huge, it could be 30 minutes away to somewhere you have never been. That there is a reason for this as each of us carries a unique vibrational frequency and when we go to new places we help to anchor that particular frequency into the earth. They showed me an orchestra, each person has their own part to play, their own note. Another person could go to San Diego and assist that area in a completely different but no less valuable way.

What a paradox it seems we can be caught in. We want to be of service so we give and give, heal and heal without an adequate energy exchange and this does not allow us to be in service to the whole as was intended.

So the universe brings me another client who recently attended a practitioner’s workshop that works with morphic fields and understanding the holographic nature of reality. During the workshop, the instructor showed the participants how to track in the form where the programming regarding money and spiritual work lies. Although this client felt she resolved her issues in this area, she was able to see where it was in the form.  It is this unconscious programming that helps keep us trapped in a limited reality instead of one with infinite abundance for all. It is programming that keeps us from understanding that all is simply energy including money.

As usual, the universe shows me an issue in many different ways so that the understanding is complete. I then worked with another client who is a real estate agent and she also does reiki on the side. In her view, she felt that she was only doing her spiritual work when doing Reiki, however, her guides wanted her to understand that once someone comes from a higher vibrating place that ALL they do is spiritual work. They explained that helping someone find a place to live that allows them to feel at home is healing and very valuable.

We need to look at our definitions and realize that when we are open-hearted and higher vibrating we are being of service, what that looks like does not matter. All that matters is we listen to our heart and soul urgings.

Stepping Forward

While I was in San Diego another incredible lesson was learned.

One one of the days we ran around the city going to the Safari park, the zoo and Balboa Park. After the Safari park I was tired and instead of honouring that feeling, speaking my mind and resting, I decided I would try to keep up with my high energy husband and daughter.

By the end of the afternoon, I was a hot mess. I was so tired I could barely speak, my nervous system was in overdrive from all the people, and my back was so sore and inflamed my famous drop foot walk returned. What also returned was that feeling I had worked very hard to overcome – that I was a burden that I couldn’t keep up, that I was holding my family back. Really yucky thoughts that stemmed from when I was so injured I needed help dressing.

I was shocked that what I thought I healed returned with such a vengeance. Because I was so tired and energetically done, I felt all those emotions so deeply.  I couldn’t even process it, I just became lost in the feelings and felt myself sinking.

After a good cry and a nap to restore my energy field I went into meditation to get straight within myself. I found myself standing in what looked like a bus terminal and I found myself staring at a version of me sitting on a bench. This version is the one that felt all those deep, painful emotions of being a burden and a loser.  I immediately went to her and talked to her, telling her it was ok that we can heal this. This was how I had healed so many pieces of myself.

She looked at me and smiled and told me no. She explained that I had tried to heal this time and time again and it was time to let it go, to let her go. I immediately went into telling her how I could not abandon her, that I could integrate her into all that I (we) are. She told me to turn around and what I saw was a beautiful golden opening.  She told me that I was to go through that opening, move on and leave her.  I protested and she came to hug me, told me to be strong and literally pushed me through the opening.

I went through the portal feeling the energy rush through my system. I came out the other side where my highest-self was standing. She told me that while healing our aspects is important, not everything can be healed and integrated. Some things need to be left behind. I told her that I thought that part of the journey was to be completely whole within. She said it is, but it is being whole with our soul and all that keeps us from that must go. I sat with this knowledge and realized how many of us have been chasing our tails. We have been trying desperately to heal our damaged aspects, when there may be pieces that simply need to be released so that we may move forward.

When we have honestly understood the emotions these pieces have held and have worked to integrate them without success it is time to leave it behind. It is not spiritual bypassing to leave behind what no longer works once it is understood.

For those that this resonates with, take a moment and think about the things you need to leave behind. Honor them, love them and then let them go.

Sending you all so much love as we step into who we are. Take care of you!

Jenny Schiltz

Today’s Pondering’s…


Well, I did have some good insight’s that, as always, arise when I am in the shower.  Now I seem to have forgotten them.

So instead I will begin with a thought I have been having lately:  How much longer will I be needing to do this site?  I really feel we are on the cusp of such massive change, I have this ongoing feeling I am going to be called to a new role.  Certainly if what I and you and so many others have seen/felt is going to be occurring in the upcoming weeks/months, I will be one of the ones in my area to be a go-to.  I have given out enough business cards and spoken with others in my little ‘hood here, I am sure some will say “Hey let’s go talk to Victoria.  She’s into this woo-woo stuff.  Maybe she can explain.”

Or maybe this is all just a bunch of silly nonsense.  Some days I have to ponder that as this waiting experience tempts me to just toss the past 20 years and move onto something more practical.

But that is not who I am.

I ponder the changes to come.  I read some channeled piece earlier that spoke of the upcoming changes and how chaotic, abrupt and violent they will be for awhile, implying the necessity in this.

Nonsense.  Absolutely frigging nonsense.

Change is scary.  Cognitive dissonance is going to be a real issue.  However, reading how many will be displaced from their homes, left to fend for themselves and how many souls will simply choose to leave (because it is part of the plan) doesn’t resonate one bit with me.

To begin with, there is suppressed tech waiting to be released to ensure we do not have to experience hunger and homelessness and disease. Tech to clean up our environment quickly.

We have had enough of the suffering already, right?  Hasn’t that been part of the enslavement agenda?  Oooh, it’s good for you.  Builds character.  Teaches you invaluable lessons.


Another question ~ how do these (supposedly) enlightened ascended ones know souls will choose to leave?  Again, more nonsense.

And please ~ doesn’t anyone realize when these beings address the masses as “children” and “dear ones” ~ they are not seeing us as equals?

Again, we have had enough power-over and “we know what’s best”, right?

If I were in the position of being one of those Beings capable of sending messages to the masses, I would be using my Ascended Abilities to HELP.  I would ask “What do you need?” and if I could provide it, by goddess I would. If I couldn’t, I’d search the cosmos for those who could.

This IS a rescue mission here.  And ALL are being called to participate.  For when one is truly liberated, given his/her freedom, that benefits the Whole.

I would also be working with other Being’s to ensure a smooth transition.

It saddens me, frustrates me more than anything, to continue to read this nonsense that is just another layer of this darkness of separation that is ending.

Perhaps some final messages they are trying to toss out in the hopes of keeping people in fear as long as possible?  Realizing “they” won’t be worshiped or looked up to any longer?

The reason I began this website really did start with the phrase:  Love In Action ~ Now and what that phrase, overall, means to me:

Love helps.

It is that simple.

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Your support this past year has meant so much to me and to be honest, has surprised me.  I dove into this over 10 years ago and started my first blog.  I was lucky to have 5 followers.  Now I have over 100 subscribers and who knows how many others who aren’t subscribed. Pretty good for going this alone in one year. I am humbled by the experience.

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Dennis Kucinich Exposes The Permanent Government Behind US Foreign Intervention


The only time I campaigned for a candidate (2004)…  Met him and felt, overall, he was the real deal.  More untarnished than most.  Notice how he uses the term “conjure” when referring to the CIA and conflicts.  Conjure: To call upon something to appear, as if by magical means.  


Authored by Adam Dick via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

In a recent interview with host Wilmer Leon at the Inside the Issues show, former presidential candidate and United States House of Representatives Member Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) discussed how what Kucinich terms the “permanent government” has worked to ensure the United States continues pursuing destructive foreign interventions and to keep America “at the precipice of a much wider war” irrespective of who is president.

“There’s an unbroken line going back over the last 30 years where American presidents have continued to proceed with an interventionism that has been counterproductive,” states Kucinich.


This “continued commitment to a failed foreign policy of interventionism, of unilateralism, of first strike,” Kucinich continues, “imperils America,” “does not make us safer,” “separates us from the world community,” “has people looking to extract vengeance on Americans,” and “has made the world a more dangerous place.”

Saying we need to look beyond the personalities of the succession of US presidents from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to Donald Trump, Kucinich recommends we “look at the foreign policy establishment of the United States of America” that, he explains, includes people in the State Department who have a neoconservative ideology, in the Pentagon who are dedicated to the military-industrial complex, and in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who can “conjure conflicts” and “try to justify the further involvement of the military and the State Department.”

Continue reading here.

Ascension Event and Solar Flash ~ Near Death Experience ~ Man Sees The Other Side


Very fascinating piece…  And wonderful conversation/interview..


Ascension Event & Solar Flash | Near Death Experiencer Sees the “Other Side” — Josh Ever is


Published on Nov 5, 2017

Old Video Footage of Trump on Letterman in 1986


Part of his grooming for his current role.  And anyone who thinks he is an idiot has been watching too much mainstream and even some alt. news crap.  He is arrogant and egotistical at times, but stupid?  Absolutely not.  


Donald Trump on Late Night, 1986-87

Published on Feb 21, 2017

Interesting Julian Assange Tweet


Saw this at first on a social media private group.  Verified by going to his twitter page.  


Dear our offer of being ambassador to the US still stands. I could open a hotel style embassy in DC with luxury immunity suites for whistleblowers. The public will get a turbo-charged flow of intel about the latest CIA plots to undermine democracy. DM me.

Gaia Portal ~ 11/14/17


Interesting.  And can I express a collective “WHEW” at the term “final phase” as I know I am not the only one feeling like a turtle walking in molasses crossing that line into the AAHH REST YES FREE space.  


Generations of conscious Hue-beings assemble for the final phase.

Illuminative elements prepare the foundation.

Stealth workers soon to be visible.

Descriptives concur with the final phase.