Rick Jewers Update ~ 12/21/17



Whereas an appreciable number of You have NOW reached an unsurpassed SUSTAINED level of vibration, IT HAS TRIGGERED SOMETHING ELSE GOOD AND IMPORTANT.

Your words You Now speak are coming more from the heart. If You Whisper ever so slightly to Yourself and feel where the words are coming from, You will find that the words are coming from deeper down in Your chest, in the heart area. Whisper a few times and feel the words travel up from the heart BEFORE they change into voice/vocals.

So, You NOW know that You are speaking from Your heart instead of speaking from “off the top of Your head”, this is important. Your heart KNOWS things, while Your brain only THINKS it knows, that is a big difference in the matter of TRUST, but also, it means that Your spoken word NOW has a resonance of a higher frequency piggybacking Your voice. You may not notice the change in Your voice, nor the pitch, but it has taken on a stronger quality of energy that carries the “codes”.

When this happens, You begin to more easily transfer “codes’ back and forth with another of overall similar vibration. These “codes” are attached to Your Divine Gifts AND these “codes” can only be shared with a very compatible match. You carry ALL “codes” for ALL Divine Gifts and are ABLE TO TRANSFER AND ACTIVATE EACH OTHER IN THE GIFT DEPARTMENT. This is important.

So, FOR EXAMPLE , if You have a female that has one of her gifts working very well, like clairaudience, and another female of equal vibration that has her clairvoyance working well, and the two meet/or talk on the phone for the first time, it is very possible that by the end of the conversation, each will discover, a new gift is awakening within them. They may discover that each of them NOW, have BOTH GIFTS. THIS IS ALSO WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BE CONNECTING NOW AT LEAST AT A VOICE LEVEL. You are growing rapidly and this will only accelerate Your growth further, when ready.

So essentially, You may activate and trigger codes for each other Now from the VOICE in addition to Your energetic fields. The VOICE will have more effect than Your energy fields when You are not in the immediate vicinity of each other, hence the verbal connection.

Love and Light

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


check it out…


Affirmation for Awakening Humanity


Oooh, I love how quickly the Universe brought me this little gem.  I headed out today to get some food ~ alone ~ which gave me the chance to think out loud.  On my mind and in my heart was this desire to awaken the rest of humanity now.  N O W.  I didn’t know how to do this.  Do I start telling others who are supporting the system blindly that their support of it is supporting darkness?  I was thinking about parents who vaccinate their children, support hillary et al, watch the mainstream media, believe in over-population and other eugenic’s platforms, go to church and give away their power through worshipping and sacrifices at the alter ~ all of these things when supported have allowed the dark to continue ~ and I have felt I am at the end of allowing ANY of that into my realm.  In short ~ I felt this deep fatigue and frustration in other people’s choices affecting my life.  I want the NEW and after 20 plus years of being on this journey, I WANT IT NOW!  And we need all of humanity to awaken and join in as we create the new – beginning with our thoughts.  Stop feeding the old and it WILL crumble.

ARGH!  lol

I couldn’t come up with anything that I felt would be effective so I let it go and watched people around me.  The lady at the bank who looked so bored and I thought “you did not come here to spend your days working at a bank”. I thought the same thing as I watched a young man run around from car to car pumping gas.  Tears welled in my eyes.  I took a deep sigh, sent a thought of “remember when you were a child” and headed home.

In time I saw this affirmation show up on my social media feed.

Please put Your “HEART PULSE” into this Affirmation Now.

“We Awaken the Masses NOW, Anything not of the Light, crumbles. And so it is.”

I can indeed support this with my thoughts and energies.  Will you join me?

[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

(the above quote was found here.)

DuPont Mayor confirms ‘mass casualty incident’ training was underway when Amtrak derailment occurred


I just…I just…so not surprised but damn WOW.  Will the masses chalk this up to just a coincidence??  All that is hidden is REVEALED NOW.


Just like 9/11 and the London bombing of 2007, the training drill somehow went live creating the exact scenario officials were enacting at the time

DUPONT, Wa. (INTELLIHUB) — Ironically, City Mayor Mike Courts and his team, along with numerous agencies, were conducting a training session for a ‘mass casualty incident’ closeby when the Amtrak Cascades derailment occurred killing six and sending over 70 others to the hospital.

According to the report, ‘many agencies’ were in the area planning their day for the exact same scenario as it actually played out in real-time.

That’s right, just like the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center attacks and just like the July 7, 2007, London bombing, the drill tragically, somehow, went live at the exact time. (i.e. the exact scenario officials were training for actually happened)

 Continue reading here.

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The “Cabal”


Hope ya’ll got your popcorn and chocolate.  The exposing and cleaning continues to get more intense and interesting….


Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The “Cabal”

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom spoke to FBN’s Stewart Varney to discuss recent bombshells concerning the FBI, whose top brass has been conducting a highly politicized witch-hunt of President Trump on behalf of the anti-Trump establishment, while protecting then-candidate Hillary Clinton from criminal charges related to her email investigation, Clinton Foundation involvement in pay-for-play schemes, including a farcical probe of the Uranium One scandal.

James Kallstrom, Fmr FBI Asst Director

When asked about morale at the FBI towards the end of the interview, Kallstrom dropped a very interesting breadcrumb:

Varney: What’s morale like in the FBI now?


Kallstrom: It’s not good, but I think recent events that I’m aware of are going to improve that because there’s going to be actually something that’s going to happen, in my view.


Varney: You going to leave us on that?


Kallstrom: Well I think there’s a lot of patriots that have had it up to here with what’s going on, and they’re going to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been. How they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation, how other things were done that are so anti-what the FBI and the United States and this country is about.

Energy Report:December 19, 2017 ~ The Rainbow Bridge Has Anchored Between Symphonic Universes


Well I can certainly relate to some of the symptoms ~ in particular the itching and foot cramping.  Our community used to have the most awesome massage therapist and reflexologist.  I need to find one of those foot people again ~ amazing results!  


December 19, 2017

Maria Bethencort

My Heart Family, (FB post)

Transdimensional Incoming Source Energies continue to amplify through this intense spiritual passage.

The synergy of solar and cosmic energies is accelerating DNA repair and clearing, chakra balancing and expansion across ALL chakra systems on the planet.

At this time humans are at 3 different Chakra/Consciousness/Frequency system expansions, across 3 different dimensions, 3D,4D,5D+.

3D is Human Spiritual Awakening. (7 Chakras)

4D is Galactic Awakening. (13 Chakras)

5D+is Multidimensional Awakening. (NEON chakra system)

Incoming Source Energies are Electric and Magnetic both, (among many other things), and as The Energies integrate into the grids, antimatter is shifted DOWN to the realm of matter to manifest physicality, and matter shifts UP to the antimatter realms.

As the frequency/consciousness of the earth increases, futile energy and consciousness is magnetically removed and phased out As per the Law Of Resonance and the Law Of Attraction.

Left behind at the last gate sort to speak.

This is the same principle as a planet traveling through space, going through a black hole and being shifted to a higher consciousness exiting through a white hole at the other end.

This is how Symphonic universes link up one to another, black holes, wormholes,Portals…individual frequency must match the entry Portal for the soul to continue through to the higher frequency universe.

This is what has occurred through this trifecta 10/11/12 Portal Of Year 1,(2017),as the timelines have separated and the Forerunners have anchored to new Creation timelines In the next Symphonic universe.

I can honestly say these energies are the most intense I have ever felt. And they shift so quickly, and can trigger those around us instantly. Almost like they become a different person.

Incoming Source energies affect our “Bodies” differently…

Our bodies being Emotional, Physical, Mental, Energetic, And Spiritual. Each is it’s own consciousness and frequency.

When we heal all all aspects of “ourselves”, we step into our mastery and walk in service for the Highest Good Of All in Love as a clear channel of our Source to assist in this amazing shift.

The is the path of the Forerunners/Volunteers.

As we anchor new timelines many of us have been physically alone due to the fact that there are not many others at our frequency, our timelines,…yet.

This is where Faith and Prayer come in, it takes time for those souls that we love to join us in the new earth.

Energetic bridges have to be built to a new Creation, a new timeline by the Forerunners. Once the timeline anchors, the love between souls call them magnetically one to another.

And so it continues, cocreation between souls.

The Rainbow Bridge has anchored between symphonic universes, separating ascension and descension human experiences and evolution. It acts as a pathway for all levels of chakra systems in The Heart Collective.

All souls have a color ray aligned to their individual energetic signature.

The Rainbow Bridge carries all color rays within it, so it can be crossed by All.

The Incoming Winter Equinox Energies And Incoming Christ Consciousness Energies will finalize the last of the Crystalline Dna process for the Forerunners/Volunteers in preparation for year 2 (2018) And also an 11 year.

Crystalline itching can be extreme. My Head and shins are the most intense.

Incoming Energies are affecting ALL, and causing massive triggers as the sleeping collective can no longer ignore what is being brought to the Light.

Light-> Information.

Information is flooding the collective, triggering many to extremes As they no longer have the option to remain asleep.


Emotional outbreaks are the result of the inner child healing, which is part of emotional memory healing.

Our emotional expression comes from the Frontal lobe of our brain.

It controls thinking. Memory. Behavior. Movement.

When Incoming Source frequencies resonate to an area of the brain, that is how the blockage is released.

When/If triggered, forgive yourself.

If someone else, remember your own awakening and expand upon your compassion and acceptance. Remember how it was for you.

The ascension process is a stair step process, no one is more or less, they are just at a different step.

The Forerunners are very strong spiritual catalysts now on their energy alone, don’t even have to be doing anything or saying anything.

We are huge triggers.

We are.

Awareness is key.

We need to be responsible with our energy at all times and know how hugely it affects others.

Also, we need to discern the reason why we are experiencing something, and our ROLE in the Creation.

Is it our Creation, or is it a Collective Creation?


Panic attacks are the result of mental healing and disconnecting from the ELECTRIC, old 3D matrix.

Releasing Fear And False Light Programming.

Mental synaptic rewiring is hugely amplified by solar activity. Solar flares, solar filament releases and coronal holes…etc.

NEGATIVE thought loopholes have intensified during this transition as we become more telepathic and begin to “hear” others with our expanded senses.

Discernment, again is key.

Is it personal or collective clearing?

We Transmute Thoughts For The Collective, so don’t be surprised if you have some very dark thoughts pop up out of nowhere.

I have and it was very surprising How dark they were…

Transmute them and keep going.

Here is an article I wrote in 2013 of how solar flares and sun activity affected me during my awakening.

The more we connect to our Heart, the more sensitive we become to Incoming Source Energies.


As we anchor “The Christ Crown” during this passage, we build up the last of the Sacred Armor which allows for those that will walk multidimensionally in service to be able to move between dimensions without interference.

Interesting that in the Bible, this spiritual armor initiation is called the Helmet Of Salvation and protects your Divine Mind.

Set Your SACRED INTENT to fully activate your Christed Armor and seal,shield and cloak your self from any outside interference through this passage.

Once on the other side of the Portal, Gnosis is accessible to all who are at the frequency to receive the Gift, as the ”Hueman” mind can no longer be controlled by outside consciousness and limiting mental programming has been upgraded.


Physical pain can be intense during this passage as any blockage in the expanding chakra system is intensified as embodiment continues.

This is cellular/Dna clearing which is also clearing our Divine Endoctrine System, a network of glands that secrete hormones and affect growth and metabolism.

Lately I have noticed my hair and nails are growing super fast.

Depending on the Incoming energies, our brains are being affected as our lobes, brain stem and cerebellum return to their original divine blueprints and begin to expand to a higher level Language Of Light.

Physical Symptoms are ALL over the place as the DNA shifting happens so quickly.

-Complete emotional detachment and soul disconnect from all so the NEW World is created. We are not recreating Atlantis, or Lemuria…we are creating a new Heaven On Earth, not the one we descended from, for we do not replicate experiences.

This is occurring as we Create A new world…imagine the Hyperboleans descending and Cocreating the world we just left behind.

-Sleeping a lot and once again going into the Triad Sleep Cycle.

Waking up, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55… This synchronizes The Forerunners To align outside 3d4d time and space, and align to True Universal time.

This is how we become multidimensional, and travel in and out of time.

-Time is speeding up hugely after having been experiencing massive time loops since 11/11.

-Lucid Dreaming, extreme, to where it feels I can actually stay in the dream…

-Awareness and knowing of Incoming Cosmic Source Waves before they affect the grids, Gnosis Is accessible to All now who have raised their frequency To resonate.

-Enhanced Multidimensional communication across all grids.

-Hand and feet Chakras- itching and some cramping as they once again expand.

-Massive connection to Galactic Soul Family with need to unify, to be together, need to find each other.

-Increasing telepathy with soul family members, AND with 1d and 2d Heart Collective Light Beings.

This can get very noisy inside thehead when out in nature and EVERYONE not human also has something to say…spiritual boundaries must be set at all times.

-Awareness Of All spaceweather, extremely so.

-Body shaking and vibrating.

Kundalini rising experiences, including long term bliss and conscious awareness.

-Rashes in skin, hives. Especially if I eat gmo, hives all over my throat, even after transmuting food.

-Vision blurriness and double vision when Occipital Lobe Activations occur.

-Filament Eruptions cause a sharp physical pain in my Heart when they happen.

-Feeling “inner cellular Spin” increasing, which causes body to feel wobbly and disconnected, almost as if it can’t keep itself together. This can cause nausea or feeling faint.

-Rapid Frequency Light Upgrade Symptoms. FLU. Rapid fever rising, extreme thirst, can cause digestive releases.

Brain fogones can be extreme.

-Energy Dross- Waking up drenched, feeling cold inside, hot outside, and vice verse. Body temperature going haywire.

Sign Of Massive dna repair and raising of frequency.

-Food- Seem to be eating mostly white or yellow.

It seems as if I am a newborn and can do very basic food.

Nothing resonates. I only need a little bit, it all feels so heavy.

The Occipital Lobe is responsible for sight, color perception and object recognition. It Houses the Third Eye, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland and the Well Of dreams chakra.

Upgrades and downloads have intensified And are affecting this clearing massively.

The Temporal Lobe is responsible for Hearing, Learning and feelings. When ringing in the ears is present, it is this area of the brain that is affected.

The Parietal Lobe houses Language and touch.

When Incoming energies affect this area of the brain, we often Hear nonsensical language, cannot make sense of what is being said, feel tingly everywhere.

The Cerebellum is responsible to balance, coordination and speech.

When we feel dizzy and wobbly, it is this area of the brain that is being affected.

The Brain Stem controls breathing, heartbeat, and temperature.

Being aware of what is happening to our bodies help us to shift faster, for Light is information and it is to be shared, so that it removes fear from the ascension process.

Reminder that Source is Divine Intelligence and Healing.

The Light goes where is needed without our human input. Our goal is to be clear channels of Light and Love to anchor incoming energies into the grids so that all living things on this earth benefit from it.

As we prepare for the anchoring of The Christ Consciousness, know that everything is divinely perfect.

We are Shifting very quickly now.

Honor Your Body.

Set your SACRED INTENT to walk in Service for the Highest Good Of All in Love.

Ask for assistance if this passage becomes too extreme, this Is a free will planet and our Light Family cannot interfere and help if we don’t ask.

We have to believe and have Faith.

And we have to Pray. A lot.

May everything Unfold For The Highest Good Of All in Love.

We are Love, for Love is all there is.

And we have enough Love for All that needed it.

And then some…

Upwards And Onwards.

Inwards and Out.

The Only way Out is In.

Let‘s finish this.

Once and for All.

And so it is.

I send my Love to All.


Public announcement by Sanat Kumara


I knew Trump drinking with two hands symbolized something…  



Public announcement by Sanat Kumara

This is Sanat Kumara I take this opportunity to come forward now to announce that you beloved children of light have completed your mission…. we have reached quantum mass. Victory to the light. The Resurrection has begun, the return of the Christ en masse is actualized this very moment. Each one of you will become to feel yourself as part of the bigger whole. The veils within are lifting as the christ-mas codes for completion of ascension are pouring in by divine decree thru the Resurrection Solstice portal. Even if in this moment you feel lost, in pain, or in fear…. trust this is the beginning of the end. A new star is birthed, the christed star within your heart will now start to shine as ONE and show your path, your mission, though you may still feel doubtfull this very moment, know and feel in your heart it´s a new dawn. As divine union is created within your heart, duality is breaking, a new consciousness is born. You have done well beloved ones, you have come a long way, now you may rest before the great celebration. The return of the bewinged ones is now. All celestial forces and star nation alliances are gathered to usher in this divine annointment of the cosmic christ in all… whether you are consciously aware of it or not. It is an offering, an invitation to choose the light, to choose love and let all else behind. It is given freely, thy that chooses is the chosen one. The 144000 is the christ code of the cosmic christ, the vibration and emanation of elohim, which you came here to anchor. Kodoish kodoish kodoish. It is done, it is done. Victory to the light. ~ Sanat Kumara with Grace Solaris

I am still overlighted by Sanat Kumara… actually this cannot be put into words…. but I can say that this is the moment we have been waiting for FOR SURE…. it is done and the celebrations can begin.

Note: To those who are not familiar with beloved Sanat Kumara, here an introduction: http://www.kuthumi-hands.com/myblogs/sanatkumara.htm

Sourced from here.