Ben Fulford Update ~ 12/11/17


Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California


The power struggle and undeclared civil war at the top of the Western secret government intensified radically during the past week, with mass arrests of Khazarian gangsters around the United States and elsewhere, multiple sources concur.  There was also a declaration by U.S. President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a move that is not what it seems.  We will discuss this further below.

First, though, we need to look at the extremely unusual events taking place in California.  These days, the citizens of that state must be feeling like the Solomon Islanders did during World War 2 when the Japanese and Americans fought on their land.  There is now very strong evidence that energy weapons like lasers are being used by opposing factions in California, agree Pentagon and NSA sources.

“The heat is on, as the Bel Air fire in Los Angeles targets the Getty Center pedo underground base, while the fire in San Diego apparently targets U.S. Marine base Camp Pendleton,” note Pentagon sources.  Videos have emerged showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky and setting off fires.  Furthermore, buildings are being completely destroyed by fire, while trees standing next to them are unharmed.

What we are witnessing is the hunting down of members of a Khazarian faction in California that has been systematically sacrificing and torturing children as well as eating their flesh, say White Dragon Society sources.  We understand that this is so horrific that it’s hard for many of us to believe.  Some readers wrote claiming that an article we cited last week in which Hollywood director/actor Mel Gibson talks about Hollywood elites eating baby flesh was disinformation.  It is true that we did not confirm it ourselves with Mel Gibson.  However, so-called mainstream news organizations like The New York Times are now reporting that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating the eugenics organization Planned Parenthood for selling the flesh and organs of aborted babies.

The Khazarian Satanists who carry out such activities have ruled us for so long that they feel safe publicly displaying their symbols all over the world.  For example, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) building, constructed in 1882, has a family crest over its main gate and at its side entrances.  As you can see from the photographs below, the crest belongs to the

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Sourced from here.

Sarah Sanders ~ The Goddess Responds To The Patriarch CNN (cabal news network) Fake News Reporter


And quite well, I might add.  There is a huge difference between making honest mistakes and intentionally sharing false information.  Their credibility is gone.  Time for them to exit the stage and let Truth enter.  Let myself and other Truther’s take the stage…  (it gets good at the 4:53 mark, btw)


MUST WATCH: Sarah Huckabee Sanders has HEATED EXCHANGE with Fake News CNN’s Jim Acosta

Published on Dec 11, 2017

The Light Body Is Forming Through The Heart, Activated Through the Emergence of the Divine Feminine


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

At this time of high acceleration the light body has also accelerated in it’s transformation from the HUman Body.  The light body forms through the sacred heart. The beginning phase of the light body formation starts with the opening of the Heart chakra. As it opens it then works to open even wider to let more LOVE in which then builds up to allow more LIGHT to develop inside of it. As more light permeates the Divine Heart, more compassion for all sentient beings develops and takes hold. This can also be referred to as activation of the Divine Feminine. The Divine feminine exists in all beings.

The Divine Feminine’s main function is through the Heart and Heart chakra. The opening of this energy center provides more love, compassion and connection with all things to take place. This is the connection of Source, through Creation. As the Divine Feminine is the Divine Consciousness that creates and maintains life. Through this sacred connection lies the connection to the Entire Universeand all of Reality.

My own heart chakra was fully activated in 2012 on 12/12 through a Psychic Clairvoyant experience. As I was sitting on my couch in the living room of my house I noticed a white flash coming in through the window. This white flash then turned into a white dagger  piercing my heart center to fully open it up. As it struck me I had incredible pain and slumped to the side for a few minutes. I was trying to compose myself to tune into what had just happened. After a short time the pain was gone and I felt refreshed and more energized. I was told by my team in the higher realms, this was the Divine Source dagger opening up my heart chakra fully to be able to teach about Ascension and the Ascension process. All of my experiences are very dramatic through Psychic Clairvoyance. This is how I chose to experience this lifetime.

High heart pain has been a common ascension symptom and an uncomfortable feeling. This is an indication of the Heart expanding to bring in more love and light and to start the Light body transformation process through the opening of the heart chakra.

Chakra Openings

Each chakra in the body has to expand and fully open in the Ascension process. You may feel pain and vibrations as the chakras open to allow more love and the light body to reconfigure the DNA of each energy center. When the vibrations start they can and do go on for days as the chakras are beginning their activation cycle. I experienced these vibrating chakras back in 2011 through 2013. As each chakra would open I would feel the vibrating sensation that would last for weeks and months at a time. It may not happen this way for everyone, again I always experience things more dramatically and eventfully. It will depend on their level of Truth and where they are in their development in the Ascension Process how they experience the chakra activations, but each chakra must be fully open for the light body to build. Look for activations within the chakra centers to open during times of high energy. ( Vibrations in every chakra is an advanced symptom, which means your light body is transforming)

As each chakra opens, the Heart chakra expands even more, allowing in even more light and love. All systems are connected to the Heart Chakra as this is the foundation of the light body formation.

Higher Realm Activations  have come in recently to continue to build the light body. When you feel these you will be uplifted into the higher states of Bliss. For those that experience bliss this is the feeling of the 5D through 12D states of existence.The feeling is a complete oneness with the Divine Source. These times of experiencing this bliss is happening more frequently now than ever.

If you have not felt it, work on keeping your vibration high at all times. Do not listen to the news, do not get involved in politics ( everything is going according to Divine plan now, we no longer need to be involved ) and stay away from anything main stream media since this is not aligned with Truth. Try to unplug from the 3D world as much as possible, this will help to raise your vibration.

As the Human species evolve into the light body, they will have more access to the Animal and Fairy Kingdoms which have recently evolved to the next level also. You may have felt this the last 6 months. as I have talked about it before in my articles. You may, now more than ever before, be able to tune into your pet or even an animal you see a picture of. This is happening as we moved into higher dimensions, we now see the connections between all of life. As you look into your pets eyes, you will feel more than ever before. You will feel the special consciousness that they are and have an over whelming feeling of protection for them. We have all had this feeling towards our pets but not this is at a much higher level of awareness. As a compassionate caretaker of animals myself, I have known since childhood they were special and to be handled with care. They are the carriers of unconditional love and the teacher of this to humans in this realm.

You may also want to become a vegan or vegetarian. This is happening spontaneously for many as I have talked about in the last few articles I have written. When it happens you will know it and it is not something that can be forced, either you will feel it or not. There is a higher state of consciousness reached when this happens. It will eventually happen for everyone.

The fairy kingdoms have also opened and come into the forefront now with the building of the light body. They are actively working along side HUmans. In many of my client sessions I now see the fairy connections to many of my clients. I see the fairy realms working with them and working to uplift humanity as a whole. It’s very exciting when I am tuning into clients and keep seeing the fairy realm appearing in their energy field.

As the light body builds, through the Heart chakra this activates more Compassion, more Love and more Light for the recipient to be able to hold. As the light increases in each Human we come closer to the higher realms, as the higher realms are all LIGHT. There is no darkness and no duality there.

In order to hold more Light, work to delete all the darkness from your being. Do not embrace it, transmute it instead into Light through healing of all dark and unhealed aspects of yourself. Look for TRUTH as this holds the highest amount of Light and this is how we connect with the Creator of All That Is.

It is through the Light Body that we will expand into the 5th dimension and beyond. It is through Truth, Compassion and Love that this expansion will take place. It is through the Heart Center, the Heart Chakra that this is all possible. It is through the Heart Center that the Divine Feminine emerges to Transform this world into the New Earth.

December dates coming up : I will be talking more about these in the days to come.

December 12th 12/12/17 Stargate Portal

Work to open your heart chakra on this Sacred Day and to Heal any left over wounds from the past.

December 21st Solstice Divine Heart Portal

More details to follow.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Sourced from here.

Here Are the Smoking Guns, Mr. Trump….by Judge Anna von Reitz


I normally don’t post Anna’s stuff but this one had a resonating energy of NO MORE ~ Freedom NOW.


Well, folks, for all those who have pooh-poohed what I have been teaching about jurisdiction and the fact that the American People have been bamboozled and mistreated by their own employees— the members of Congress and the military— we now have the definitive proof in their own words: Pamphlet 27-161-1 from the War Department/Department of the Army.…/Military_L…/pdf/law-of-peace_Vol-1.pdf

This “little” document, only 232 pages, was supposed to be widely distributed to the public and to the court system back in 1959 — and wasn’t. Please notice the title, “The Law of Peace”.

This is what the dirty bastards have owed to the American states and people since 1860 and what they have deliberately withheld on false pretenses so that they could justify creating “public trusts” in our names and then raping and pillaging those public trusts.

It’s not just the filthy crooked Congress. It’s the filthy crooked military leadership as well. This has not taken place in a vacuum. They knew what they owed us. They knew what they were supposed to be doing. And here is the proof— published and in their own words, with their own document numbers.


Read it and weep!

And as for me, I am totally justified. Everything I said. Everything I told you. The jurisdictions. The citizens. The nationals. All of it. Black and white. Take that, Larry Becraft. Take that Bob Hurt. Stuff it, American Bar Association.

The ABA has been nothing but a worthless self-perpetuating crime syndicate on our shores, a “professional” fellowship for pirates engaged by foreign governments for the express purpose of pillaging innocent people–and then using the ill-gotten gains to go pillage more innocent people throughout the world.

All the “law” schools in this country might as well be burned down or turned into hospices.

And all the military schools, too. We have somehow perpetuated a military that speaks of honor and has none.

Our own military has sunk lower than the worst kind of Third World junta, and they have less excuse, because they have had the trust and power and wealth and education and privilege to do things according to the actual law and according to their oaths and they have failed us. They have failed the entire world.

When I read this document in their own words part of me wanted to explode with satisfaction: here at last, unequivocally, flatly, in the flesh, is the proof of all that I have said and proof that they knew it, too, tied up and wrapped with a bow.

And the other part of me wanted to find a bathroom and retch, because what this also proves is the extent of the corruption that has infested not only the Congress, but the entire military infrastructure as well.

The Judge Advocate Generals have known all along that the American people were owed the Law of Peace and they sat there on their velvet tuffets and imposed the Law of War instead. They did this in the most venal self-interest imaginable. They did this in gross disrespect of the Public Law, in gross disrespect of their Oaths and Obligations, and in gross disregard of international law as well.

Everyone who has occupied the office of Judge Advocate General since 1959 deserves to be court-martialed. According to the distribution page on PAM 27-161-1 every Legal Services unit in the Active Army, the National Guard, and the Army Reserve received a copy.

As if this was not enough to prove the complicity and the gross betrayal of Congress and the US military of their employers, we have this expose from Forbes Magazine and the University of Michigan:…/has-our-government-spent-21-tril…/…

The amount of money mysteriously missing from these military budgets just happens to be roughly the same amount as the National Credit owed to the American states and people: $21 trillion. Remember that the way this system is set up, their US National Debt always exactly equals the National Credit owed to the American states and people.

“So where’s the National Credit?” was the first question out of my mouth many years ago, and now we know.

Read that— our own military embezzled the National Credit owed to you and your family and sunk it off-shore somewhere for their own benefit. Who is responsible for this outrage? Members of Congress and the various Secretaries of Defense beginning with Donald Rumsfeld.

The vermin have borrowed against our assets under false pretenses— our land and our labor— until they could borrow no more, then they have stolen the credit owed to us, and they are sitting there in Washington, DC, planning their excuses for imposing martial law— which they have been imposing illegally for 150 years anyway.

The American states and people were always their Priority Creditors and they knew it and they stole your credit and lied about the entire circumstance to the American people and the rest of the world.

These horrific liars and hypocrites have done this all to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy and quaint little books about George Washington and the Cherry Tree fed to school children to indoctrinate them into believing their Big Lies— and continuing to go along and serve this monstrosity without question.

Forget the Russians. Forget the Muslims. Forget the Zionists, too.

The Evil is right here, right in your face, just as Edward Snowden told everyone it was. It’s home-grown, not imported.

It’s right here in the run-amok federal agencies— the “DOJ” that couldn’t find Justice (or their butts) with both hands, the FBI, the BATF, the CIA, the DIA, the DARPA, the FEMA, the “Homeland Security”, the NSA, the BLM, the IRS, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, the whole lying rotten pack of disgusting predatory vermin who can’t seem to do their jobs or figure out who in the hell they actually work for. It’s the “departments” of the “government”, too— the “Department of the Treasury” that hasn’t existed as part of our actual government since 1924—all of it so incredibly mucked-up and criminalized that it defies description.

And let’s not forget the “Federal Reserve”— a bunch of nasty old European interests that never actually had a leg to stand on, a pot to piss in or a place to throw it out— until Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal Democrats decided to give our country and the value of our labor and our gold and silver reserves to them in exchange for their support of the Democratic Party’s quasi-communist agenda.

And that isn’t saying that the Republican Party is much better, either, because they have sat on the sidelines and sucked off the cream and wrangled to benefit their own corporate interests with complete disregard for this country and for the people who sent them to Washington, and without any more regard for law or honesty or honor than the filthy Democrats who have sought to enslave everyone on this continent.

Mr. Trump doesn’t just have the job of draining the swamp, he’s being forced to use alligators to do it.

So now that you all have the facts and the proof, where are your mops and buckets? Light up those switchboards. Make those telephones ring. Hit the “share” button until your finger bleeds. Sit down and explain it to your wife: we’ve been betrayed from within by unimaginably corrupt and stupid members of the US Congress and even more corrupt members of the US military.

Make the Bad News go viral— because the first step toward solving a problem is knowing that you have a problem and defining what it is. And then bringing pressure to bear against those responsible— the Judge Advocate Generals, in particular, the members of Congress in general, the so-called Federal Reserve, the IMF, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the heads of the agencies and commissions, the cabinet members and department heads, all the politicians from here to breakfast.

Print copies of this article and copies of the Law of Peace pamphlet and copies of the Forbes magazine article and dump millions of copies on the internet worldwide so that the truth can’t be erased by another convenient book burning or computer failure. Save copies to your hard drives and back them up. Make hard copies for your personal libraries. Make a hard copy of the pamphlet and take it to court with you, ready to throw down in front of the judge. Make them run screaming into the bushes, where they belong, cowering under a fence with a porcupine as their only friend.

Start asking–hey, where is my $21 trillion dollar National Credit? Why am I being mischaracterized as a “US citizen” when I’m not and don’t want to be? Who the hell is responsible for falsifying all these public documents? Why am I being tried in a military tribunal under the Law of War when I am owed the Law of Peace? What kind of fraud game is going on here? Who do you people think you are? How dare you put your filthy mitts in my pocket and think that I am obligated to pay your salaries for this kind of “service”?

Just say “No”. Say it loud. Say it clear. Let it be heard from sea to shining sea. And join the chorus.


To see other articles by Judge Anna von Reitz please visit her webpage at

Submitted by:  Wynter Moon

Sourced from here.

James Gilliland Update ~ 12/11/17


A beautiful update by James.  Encouraging.  Uplifting.  Can you feel it?  I can ~ it’s subtle ~ but solid.  Interesting too as last night I told my mate we are at checkmate.  The jig is up.  Nowhere to go but up ~ into Love and Freedom for All.  

December Update

Hecho en Mexico

by James Gilliland

December 10, 2017

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed, contemplating “Do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own?”

fishing village

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed contemplating – do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own. ECETI was created to be a different world where people would live a spiritual life in harmony with nature as a template yet no man/woman is an island.

There are just a few Huichol (Native Americans in Mexico) – two in counting – asking for coins, but for the better part the homeless and jobless are far and few between. Might be something America can learn from this. The family unit is very strong here with children and women walking hand in hand at the plaza. I actually feel safer here than in the states. Yes, there is room for improvement but it is amazing how the people do with what they have and make the most of it. One of my projects in Mexico has been to help out the Huichol doing presentations with all proceeds going to the village. There are many villages that don’t even have a well or bathrooms. I have found in Mexico if you don’t get drunk, do drugs and stagger home late at night there are no worries. Most problems come by making bad choices. Your odds are a lot better here staying safe however than most major US cities.

If you take a look at what is happening in America the white-collar crime is epidemic. As you move up the ladder of power and wealth it gets darker and darker in most cases. Hollywood, the music industry, politics, industry, where it often ends up in elite rituals, sexual predation including pedophilia. This includes Satanic ritual and child sacrifice.


The fluoride, the chemtrails and project mockingbird are working. For those who do not know what chemtrails are, search geoengineering and the NASA Papers.

It is time to take the blinders off end the denial and address these issues. Not addressing them allows them to flourish. Draining the swamp includes all the fore-mentioned. For those who have been following the Russian collusion investigation it doesn’t get any more insane or fraudulent. Unfortunately, the cognitive dissonant, integrity-challenged lame stream media and their mind controlled following (often referred to as the liberal left) have no shame in continuing in this agenda. The fluoride, the chemtrails and project mockingbird are working. For those who do not know what chemtrails are search geoengineering and the NASA Papers. They actually name CNN as their chosen disinformation and mind control venue. I would also look into DEW, directed energy weapons concerning the California fires. Our hearts go out to those whose lives have been disrupted and lost their homes.

california wildfires

(This Saturday night on As You Wish Talk Radio I’ll be interviewing Sharon Barrington, aka Nano Girl who has inside information on the geoengineering of many of these fires.)

Research who is funding the violence, the separation game and their past history in other countries.

They divided the countries, created social unrest to the point of social economic and environmental collapse then bought everything a penny on the dollar taking over their currency and natural resources often in the name of democracy. The despicable elite or what some call the cabal. They have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon creating most of them. The swamp are their hands and feet. For those who need it spelled out Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Open Boarders and a few others are their avenues of creating social unrest and separation. They prey upon past injustice and emotion to create division. Many are doing their bidding thinking they are doing the right thing in protest yet in truth they are serving the very people they are against. The source of the problems.

An example of how corrupt the Deep State is, in their attempts to take down the duly elected president, is the real crime.

deep state swamp

credit: Oathkeepers

An example of how corrupt the deep state is in their attempts to take down the duly elected president is the real crime. Russia Collusion investigation ended up in Hilary and Bill’s lap, along with Obummer and many on the special council members to investigate what? Russian collusion concerning selling 20% of American uranium to Russia receiving a 145 million dollar kick back. The vast majority of investigators, lawyers etc. are all Clinton sympathizers. Most have donated large sums of money to the Clintons and the Demoncratic party. A party replete with sexual predators, bribes and embezzlement. Almost all of them are dirty and they each know about each other’s dirty laundry. That is why they almost never get prosecuted for blatantly obvious crimes. This includes some republicans as well especially the rhinos. Now they are feeding on themselves spilling the beans on others to take the heat off themselves.

What I find so incredulous is not only are many of the FBI lead investigators anti Trump, many are also pedophiles, sexual predators pointing the finger at others caught in the act. This is why the military and the white hats have to step in. They also busted a major fetal body parts for sale and human trafficking operation directly tied to the Clintons. Pro-abortion for profit involving planned parenthood. This so incredulous most cannot comprehend or go into total denial when confronted with the truth.

I feel sorry for the misled and the ignorant but maybe they have a lesson in discernment and doing their own research before jumping on the band wagon to hell. Actually, that is a metaphor.


The latest scandal is Pelosi and Mueller having an affair.

The latest scandal is Pelosi and Mueller having an affair. If it is true it’s like skull and bones meets skull and bones almost literally. Peter Strozk, the man who changed the wording to give Hillary a get out of jail free card for the obstruction of justice, lying to congress, destroying evidence, etc., during the email scandal, the one who hand delivered the fake Russian dossier was also caught having an affair with another investigative lawyer, Yates sending her anti Trump emails. Strozk was the lead investigator with a vendetta and a sorted past. The whole investigation into Russian collusion has turned out to be a 7 million dollar nothing burger, a terrible waste and now is moving into criminal activity on the part of the council which could easily be defined as, “treason”. The swamp is being drained, the sexual predators and pedophiles are dropping like flies and the ones screaming the loudest to impeach Trump are the ones who have the most to lose. They are all going down.

clinton closet

The enlightened Chinese Elders are major players backing the white hats in putting an end to the cabal. They have had apparitions of Quan Yin and other masters including contact with Pleiadians and other spiritually and technologically advanced beings. They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds. Putin has also had contact and if there is any collusion with the Russians and China it is about ending the cabal. I can talk about this now because it is now all over the internet. I have said repeatedly the GRV cannot happen until the round up. It is totally irresponsible to allow billions, trillions of dollars to get into the hands of the dark hearts. There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.

The latest information confirms the Marines loyal to Trump have taken over the CIA and FBI headquarters and now have actionable evidence regarding the coup and the dirty laundry used by top politicians and the agencies to bribe and blackmail the others. Checkmate. With now over 5000 indictments heads are going to roll and the swamp will be drained.

They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds. There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.


What we are seeing is the effect not the cause. The cause is the earth evolving, rising in frequency.

She is being assisted on high by the source itself, God/Creator/Great Spirit whatever name you want to give it. I say it because it is not the bearded gods of the past, it’s the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse.

It is not alone. Masters, Saints and Sages, Ultradimensionals, Inner Earth beings, and our ancient ancestors are returning. The Grand Reset is underway and these are what many refer to as God’s armies. The trans-dimensional war has already been won. Now the eradication or rehabilitation of the fallen ones, some negative ETs is well underway. The original intent was for Earth to be an Eden, a place where all life could evolve to its highest potential. It was terraformed many times by 12 major Star Nations with others later adding their DNA, plant and animal life. That is why geneticists cannot figure out why there is so much alien DNA on the planet and how it could have evolved naturally. It didn’t despite the brainwashing called scientism.


Enjoy the ride, we are living in exciting times.

Enjoy the ride, we are living in exciting times, help has arrived and now it is time to devote our energies to creating Heaven on Earth and living under Universal Law.

For those who do not know what Universal Law is it is the principles and understandings for a healthy society and environment. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

It’s time to try something different.

James Gilliland field

Pass this on far and wide,

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Mars Rover Really In….Canada?


But wait a minute, NASA wouldn’t lie or mislead, right?   Image result for eye roll emoji


There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA’s rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they are allegedly sending back from Mars are taken in remote areas of our planet. But if NASA’s rovers are not on Mars, then where exactly are they?

NASA Mars Hoax: “Rover” Is On Devon Island, Canada? You Decide

First of all, evidence suggests that the pictures that we see on NASA’s website are not even taken by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers. It is very possible that by now, both rovers are stored in a hangar, somewhere at NASA’s JPL headquarters, and have been replaced by their smaller and more practical baby brothers. Sure, if needed, they can always be taken out for a spin, but other than that, the smaller rovers are more convenient to work with. One of the known locations where NASA is playing around with these small rovers is Devon Island, Canada. (It’s worth noting that Devon Island is “the largest uninhabited island on Earth,” which seems like a pretty good location for a fake Martian photo shoot).

Continue reading here.  

Monday Morning Q Message


currency…hmmm  fireworks could be referencing China.  the following comes from heather ann tucci jaraff’s social media feed yesterday:

“easy, peasy, Chin-easy” …the fraudulent commandeering and subversion done under guise and operation of “debt” is known, and every detail meticulously recorded…inclusive of who the “Chinese” acted as a Universal agent for…

no “buy back” necessary…and it was an “inside job” 😍

all records being opened now…every piece of data in existence…all can handle it and deal with it…


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A Psychic Confirms The Message I Received Last Week About “In 6 days…”


I just happened upon this on my social media page.  I’m rather floored at the moment as the synchronicities are amazing.  First the reference that by the 18th/19th we will be in alignment with our Galactic Center.  About 10 years ago I first heard we would be returning to our Original Home – the galactic center.  I have “known/felt” in my body for the past 2 years or so that we have been moving, are being moved, back to our Original place next to the real sun – our galactic central sun.  As some of you recall, several days ago I awoke to hearing “in 6 more days you will no longer be here”.  I was not sure if that meant I return to original earth (I am liking that term better than new earth) or that we, this realm we are on, would be fully shifted. Perhaps a bit of both.  For the past few weeks, I have been telling my mate we are getting ready to find that sweet parking space and park.  For good.  I can FEEL that energy in my body.  I have used the reference of Jodie Foster in Contact – when she’s in the pod – and the sound that the pod makes as it is gearing up to travel via the worm hole to Vega.  I can “hear” that sound in my body and “feel” that it will speed up until the shift.  The final parking. So how wild is it to see that same reference in the movie being used in the piece below.  My mate frequently says “We’re good to go.  We’re good to go…”

Oh, and btw, I am a Capricorn.

We are going home.  She and her intuitive friends say the 18/19, I say the 12/13.  Who cares.  We are almost home.  Enjoy the read below and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Much love…


Lucia René

9 hrs

I normally take the month of December off, but this December seems to be different. I’m committed to much energetic work for the planet this month and am breaking my normal December silence to give you a head’s up…

I’ve been working with a few other psychics. We’re watching a developing situation closely. It would appear that we are preparing for a planetary event, starting more or less around the 18th or 19th of December where the Earth will align with the Galactic Center.

The result of going through this momentous transit will be the realization of what so many of us have been working for, for so many years.

Nothing to fear here. If you’ve done your spiritual homework, you’ll well prepared for the physical splitting of the worlds that looms just over a week ahead of us. Since 2002, I’ve done my best to implement my dharmic assignments and hand off as much of my knowledge as possible. Now, it’s up to each of us to align with what is highest and best for our soul’s blueprint.

Two old sailing terms come to mind that have steered many a sailor through turbulent waters:
“All hands on deck.”
“Steady as she goes.”

Rather than outline the situation here, I’m going to suggest delving into some material and doing your own intuitive research.

I found a very interesting astrological article by Denise Le Fey of HighHeartLife written back in June 2017.

Excerpt: “…Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC [Galactic Center] in November and December of this year, and then, two days before the December Solstice, Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while, simultaneously, it all just unfolds like the great Divine evolutionary event all this…actually is…”

Those of us working together have found the info in the above article to be spot on. The full text is here:…/last-saturn-conjunct-galactic-…/

Another astrological article, which lays out the December influences is by Simone Matthews of UniversalLifeTools.

We have found the diagrams in this article especially helpful for visualizing what is about the occur. The full text is here:…/galactic-alignment-sup…/

I’d also like to suggest that you watch the 1997 film, Contact with Jodie Foster, paying special attention to 2 things:
1) The “security” chair they construct for her to sit in, inside the space capsule, that was not part of the original Vega star design (which symbolizing our remaining control issues)
2) Her experience of 18 hours, outside of time, where she enters a higher dimensional world

For all of those in my sphere, who have tapped into my field over the years, I’m sending each of you all of my love and support. Let’s unstrap our seat belts and melt into the ride of our lives.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side where we’ll commence, after many long years of preparation, to finally begin creating a New World.

Best wishes,

Today’s Sun ~ shaped like a lemon


Ah there was a time the sun WAS a lemon – in color…

Our Sun.  Real?  Fake?  I know we have a simulator.  Does that mean it is displayed in front of the object we call the sun?  Yes?  How often?  There is so much talk about our sun and yet how “real” is it?  Is it a giant plasma ball?  A portal?  Both?  What we see one day is it different than what we have seen the day(s) previous?  Covering up (attempts) by the simulator?  I go outside at night and I can now feel in my body how close all of those projected objects are.  I can feel the imprisonment of the dome.  I demand to know NOW.  And I demand to not only KNOW now but to have the freedom to GO to the REAL earth.  NOW.  We all have this right.

Aye aye aye ~ here are today’s captures of that bright object in the sky.  The shape of the day being a lemon.  Likely due to the sun simulator.

Last picture shows some dumb ass pilot trying to determine which direction to head.  (sarcasm is in my blood tonight…please forgive me…)