The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ The President’s Intention Circle


These words need to be spoken and put into Action ~ Love In Action Now.


The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

January 2018
The President’s Intention Circle

The President and all his people stood in a large circle on the lawn, holding hands. In the circle this day were cabinet members, staff members and congressional leaders from both parties, as well as the president’s immediate family. All went quiet as a tall stranger on the east side of the circle welcomed the group. This man was a non-political, non-sectarian figure who emanated a personal power that was perhaps even more magnetic than the President’s. As he spoke, a hush fell over the gathering.

“Today, we do something new,” he said. “Today, we invite the Highest Good into our world and into our lives. Today, we abandon the old manipulative ways of manifesting our wants and needs. No longer will we resort to the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove methods for invoking dark idols for the purpose of advancing our own personal motivations. Instead, we stand here today to make intentions as One dedicated to the Highest Good for all mankind.”

You could hear a pin drop as all attention was riveted on this strange, powerful man who seemed to glow from the inside out.

“Accordingly,” he went on, “I intend that from this day forward, everything we say and do on behalf of this country and the world takes the Highest Good of each and every person on earth into consideration. Furthermore, I intend that all wars, warmongering and personal gain from human suffering stops now and forevermore; that all profiteering from another’s sickness stops now and forevermore; that all gene-splicing and geo-engineering stops now and forevermore; that all man-made weather interference programs stop now and forevermore; that all debt is lovingly cancelled and forgiven from this day forward; that all unclean environmental practices are stopped as of this moment; and that all current forms of energy production are quickly transitioned into the 100% efficient, zero-point energy prototypes we have secretly had at our disposal for over 60 years.”

A few grumbles were heard around the circle, but, undaunted, the stranger continued. “Instead of the ways we’ve done things in the past, now, today, we embark in a new direction. With our intentions we have set the gears in motion for unprecedented change, change such as our present generation and all generations past could never have imagined. For as we all align with these intentions, we open the gate for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to return to all mankind.”

He paused momentarily to look at the crowd and gauge their reactions. No one stirred.

“With these intentions we will create a world where all men and women are free and unencumbered; where all men and women are truly equal in the eyes of one and all; where all people will know that they can live their lives out without it being interrupted or interfered with by anyone anywhere; where optimum health and vitality are returned to everyone; where all secrets are brought out into the light for all to see; and where everyone is given equal access to all the bounty this world has to offer.”

The grumbling had subsided now because those present had rarely heard anyone speak with such power, with such certainty. For these few moments, the President’s own power was eclipsed by this unusual stranger.

“This day marks the time when we have cleared the way for all good things to come to our people. The by-products of our intentions here today are many,” he said, “for the new direction we take here by coming into alignment with these visions and intentions will bring into manifestation abundance and blessings untold. Indeed, with the advent of zero-point energy, all peoples are freed from debt and isolation; with the advent of a clean environment, all people will enjoy good health returned to their bodies; with the advent of no man seeing another as beneath him, equality and true brotherhood returns to our world; and with the laying down of all weapons and manifesting mercy toward our fellowmen and women, we step into a world of peace. This is what we create for our children’s children here today – a world of freedom, a world of joy, a world of peace that gives rise to the greatest civilization ever to exist on this magnificent earth. With these intentions we set the stage for a new direction where we are expanded and filled with love for one another, where all people everywhere are free, truly free, now and forevermore! And, finally, with these intentions we clear the way for all hearts and minds to open wide, for our joy to shine forth from within and for peace to reign for thousands of years and beyond!”

Again, he paused and took a long breath before continuing, “Are we all in alignment with the intentions made here today for the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone everywhere?”

Without exception, the word “YES!” resounded from each leader in the circle, echoing across the lawn, across the city and out into the far reaches of the cosmos. And the cosmos smiled down on the new light emanating from the earth. This is what the cosmos had been waiting for. Now there would be peace. 

NOTE: If you would like to invite the Highest Good into your life and into your world, you can join our circle of leaders and align with these intentions by hitting the YES Button above. 

You are really beginning to realize
that the world can be as you envision it

Today’s Divine Energetic La La Crash and Burn Moments…


The day began with a beautiful dream this morning where I saw white swirly waves of a fog-like energy.  “These are the beginning waves of the event energies.  Stick your toes in if you wish.”  As I did, a very peaceful feeling came over me.  As it did, I awoke to hearing the line from a Bee Gee’s song, “Love is such a beautiful thing.”

I had a good amount of energy after that, in spite of having some gastro issues, which have been a thing for me lately.  My energy lasted for most of the day until late afternoon when in the middle of playing my guitar, I was hit – HARD – by exhaustion.  I knew I needed to lay down right there and then.  As I did, I drifted off to sleep within moments, hearing “downloads are happening”.  I allowed for the experience as I slipped into a deep deep sleep.

I awoke an hour later, hearing my mate say to our girl it was time to shut the blinds.


It was time to get dinner together.

Thankful for leftovers.

I stumbled into the kitchen, threw stuff into the oven and realized I was feeling achy.  I moved my body, stretching it before suddenly having to rush off for a purging moment in the bathroom.  Enough said on that one.  Third time I have had this experience in the past year after the feeling of incoming frequencies ~ make room ready or not here they come.

What I wouldn’t give for an inversion table at the moment.  The need to stretch my body is strong.  Yoga and stretches will have to suffice.

Mental fatigue too ~ more than one moment of “what was i doing where a i?”…  That one hour nap really would have been lovely if it had been a 3 hour nap.  So wrapping this one up now.  Off to have an epsom salt essential oil foot soak.

Happy Awakening!



Trump broke with Justice Dept, called for release of memo: report


President Trump broke with top officials at the Justice Department and called for the release of a classified memo purported to list Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses by the U.S. government, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

Despite warnings from top officials at the agency, Trump reportedly told Attorney General Jeff Sessions through Chief of Staff John Kelly that he wants to see the memo released, believing that it will shed light on the special counsel investigation.

Trump “is inclined to have that released just because it will shed light,” a senior administration official told the Post.

“Apparently all the rumors are that it will shed light, it will help the investigators come to a conclusion,” the official added.

The decision to release the memo rests with the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes. Earlier this week, the Justice Department warned the committee it would be “extremely reckless” to release the memo without first supplying it to the agency for review.

“Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose this information without first consulting the relevant members of the Intelligence Community,” associate Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote to the lawmakers on Thursday.

Republicans in Congress who have seen the memo say that the contents are “shocking,” and voted this week to allow House members to view the memo in secure locations. The Senate Intelligence Committee, however, has been reportedly blocked from viewing it.

Continue reading here.

What Is Form Submission 1649 And Was Reference to it Removed from Sean Hannity’s Twitter Page?


The Deep State got even deeper (and more stately) this weekend, when Sean Hannity’s Twitter account—the only place to find all the hottest car crash vids to distract ourselves from the objective existence of truth—was briefly taken down. It’s back, now, but people have already gone full pizza-parlor-pedophile ring in their theories about what happened, especially since the last tweets Hannity sent out were repeated messages mysteriously stating “Form Submission 1649.”


Continue reading here.

Q Posts (i seem to have missed)


posting a piece on this form 1649 later…


Time to play, Dopey.
Black Forest.

AnonymousID: 803654176166
>>175711 Holy crap!!! Q, you’re killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I’m guzzling coffee to fight it. God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: a9c289176185
Nobody is sleeping tonight.
Let that sink in.


AnonymousID: f2a911175603
Im British, and have been on the Trump train for about a year and a half. Like most people, when i first heard Donald Trump was running for president i was very skeptical. But then something magical happened. I watched one of his rallies. And i saw the his eye. The words in his tounge. He spoke about draining the swamp, and didnt care for Politically Correct nonsense that is killing society. He bellow words of America First. And it was glorious! The moment that 100% solidified in my mind that DJT was legit was at the new york dinner. Where he and Hilary had to make a speech infront of the elite. I rememebr Mr Trump imsulting them to their face – the look on their faces was something i will never forget. He has had the MSM attacking him 24/7 and still stands strong. Immigration is down, black unemployment is down, Hispanic too, and lets not forget how the value of the USD value skyrocketting. I think that President Trump is the greatest person to have walked this Earth. And so are persons like Q, who have been working in the shadows for the good of all. God speed everyone. God speed. On a side note: any chance after USA has been un-corrupt, can you maybe sort out the UK. We are hurting. Bigly 😉
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 9400a1175711
May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 9400a1175503
Note the last drops on the other board.
Think logically.
Refer to past crumbs.
Do you expect HRC, GS, Hussein, etc to stand in a PUBLIC courtroom w/ potential crooked judges and tainted ‘liberal’ juries?
How do you defuse a bomb?
Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?

AnonymousID: f6af13175432
Is [19] a marker for FBI? —-
FBI immediates no longer with us, i.e.fired
Self suicide if actioned because we hear all and know they plan to take cyanide tablets if arrested. —-
Could the above be a correct decoding?
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 9400a1175461
[19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals. Think nuclear stand-off.

AnonymousID: 64748a175139

18A539B4-3085-4E11-8945-D….jpeg Form 1649 false imprisonment Was Hannity sending out a sos?

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: bc342e175260
Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).
Imagine if these people were removed.
Total control re: MSM.
They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.
Re-read past crumbs re: security.
Where is JS?
How do we truly protect those important to us?
[19] immediates [no longer with us].
Self-suicide if actioned.
Real life.

Jenny Schiltz ~ Seeing Your Way Through Patterns and Belief Systems


thank you robin for sharing.  i always appreciate jenny’s authentic, accepting words/energy.  i am sure many of you can resonate (as i did!)…


There has been so much taking place energetically recently. I will do my best to keep this simple. This has been a challenging but deeply rewarding time as many of us take embodiment to the next level. The best way that I can describe it is there is a “clicking in”. Grounding one’s energy has changed for many as well. It seems that the more we ground our soul into the body, the more we are grounded in the earth naturally. The connection and integration of energies are becoming seamless and require a new level of dedication. It is the honoring of the body, mind, and spirit at all times and allowing yourself to flow with whatever the energies demand at the time.

I have taken the last 4 weeks off to integrate these energies and take care of myself. It has been one of the most intense times as the downloads have been huge and seem to have a “hangover” period attached to them. It reminds me of having a newborn and how sleeping when the baby sleeps is the rule of survival. I am finding that when my energy is high it is time to get a lot done and when it is not, it is time to rest, reflect and integrate. Ideas are streaming in for many but they don’t have the physical stamina to put them in place just yet. Write all the ideas down and when the time is right you can begin the creation process.

There is a balancing and healing taking place of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. In order for these qualities to become stable within us (heart-centered nurturing combined with heart-centered action), we must heal where it has been corrupted. We must see what the belief systems are that created this distortion of the energies and heal it but from a place of love and forgiveness. Observe what is coming up within you and what gets triggered. These are clues to what needs seen and brought into Divine balance.

The more we clear these distortions the more our outer world (your own personal world, not the collective) will begin to match your inner world. It’s when we realize that everything is a message, everything is happening to lead us in a direction of deeper soul growth.


Making sure that you are hydrated is essential in these energies. Often water is not enough as it goes right through you. Adding a pinch of salt (Celtic and Himalayan are great) will help your body make the most out of the water. Pineapple juice has been really calling me as well. In these super high energies, I notice that my skin becomes very dry, the lips may split and oddly enough my fingers will look slightly pruned as if they have been soaking in water. These are my physical cues that more self-care is needed NOW. Look to see what your own personal clues are so that you can help yourself before the energies have you flat out.

The digestive system has been receiving a massive upgrade. This area of our body can hold density and upgrades can be quite uncomfortable. Some will find that their intestines actually ache and food is not digesting easily. For those experiencing this, I recommend the B.R.A.T. diet (bananas, rice, applesauce & toast) or some equally bland diet. Mint and Chamomile tea helped with the bloating as well. Others are finding that the only time the stomach is not aching is when it is full and the desire for carbs, meat, and other dense foods is high. We are so highly individualized with where we are in this process and there are no right/wrong answers. Play with your diet, listen to what your body is asking for and throw away whatever belief system is in place that may stop you from honoring your physical form.

Continue reading here.

More “Q” Drops ~ 1/27/18





“Stronger Together”

AnonymousID: 02ab71181208
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 6ac3b9181282
Heart attack.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 6ac3b9181169
:Heart attacks can be deadly.
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180606
Who controls HW?
Who really controls HW?
Why are movies made to glorify past ‘true’ events?
What is a PSYOP?
Conspiracy PUSH/LABEL [awake]?
Spider web.

AnonymousID: 79010a180316
ES would not have been able to get out of HK if Clowns wanted him caught. Spook all along.
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180445
How does he clear customs?
How does he end up in Russia?
Who was the 1st agency he worked for?
Who taught him the game?
Who assigned him w/ foreign ops?
Why is this relevant?
Future unlocks past.
Watch the news.
Spider web.
Stop taking the sleeping pill.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180137
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180225
Happy Hunting Anonymous.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180137




“Bring them to heel”

Define heel.

(of a dog) follow closely behind its owner.


Q Posts Link to Council on Foreign Relations ~ Many Companies Listed “page no longer exists”


Thank you to Dustin Nemos for capturing this.  Please subscribe to him if you haven’t already.

Below is the link as provided by “Q” yesterday.  If you scroll through you will notice many of the companies have gone “red” meaning the page no longer exists.  Bailing?  Assets frozen?  I will monitor to see if more continue to “go red”.  You can monitor yourself as well.  Together we Unite, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  Freedom!