A Vision for Equality and Fraternity 


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Equality and Fraternity

We see a world where we have learned to transcend our hierarchical tendencies whereby we have stopped seeing ourselves as “more than” or “less than” one another, but now we only see ourselves as equal in every way to each other. Indeed, we have tamed the Reptilian complex (the R-complex) which lies at the base of the root of our brains and, in doing so, we are no longer having to deal with our territorial tendencies, our fight or flight responses, our kill-or-be-killed reactions, our defensive postures, our control issues and all the violent, harmful behaviors these activities used to engender.

The beast inside of us has disappeared and, as a result, the beast outside of us has gone away, as well. Hierarchical and separatist thinking in all its insidious forms are vanished from our human experience. Now, equality and fraternity reign supreme, as we celebrate peace, prosperity and paradise on Earth having returned to the forefront of our lives.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.



Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough


summary: do this NOW.  5 seconds.  5 minutes.  doesn’t matter.  feeeeeeeeel the END RESULT of what you wish to see.  new earth.  the solar flash.  free energy tech for everyone.  see it.  feel it.  i awoke this morning w/the knowing suddenly that just meditating for peace wasn’t enough.  then i check my e-mail box and see one of you wonderful people forwarded this to me.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] we know focused energy works.  we know meditating for peace brings down violence.  but then we still have the controller’s and their people doing their thing.  i personally, for one of my focused experience, will be focused on the reality without their power, without them – forever gone.  i will focus and feel that experience, a world where all are free. please do this – daily – for as long as it takes.  and share with everyone you know.  we can create this breakthrough – NOW!


Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough – Please Join Us!

Source: Galactic Channelings


Dear Reader,

We live on a beautiful planet. There is so much love and beauty. But the powers that rule it, the governments and the elite, just don’t seem to want to do what’s right. Mother Earth produces enough to let at least 10 billion people live in peace and abundance, but all our rulers can think of is how to keep their power, create conflicts and war, and make us pay more and more. Through dark brotherhoods and secret operations they ignore the will of the people. They try to keep us in a state of dependence and fear through the media that they control.

Isn’t it time to change that? Isn’t it time that WE decide how our planet is run? It’s easier than you think. Yes, really. There’s a law of physics that maybe you’ve already heard about, which is perfect for breaking this old and worn out paradigm where the rich few control the rest of us. This law is called the “Law of Attraction”. It says that whatever you focus on that you want, and truly feel in your heart, you attract to yourself. Just look it up on the web or in the library (read “The Secret” for instance), there are many, many stories of people who changed their lives successfully this way.

The way to use it, is through visualization. When you visualize something that you want, and you feel the joy AS IF IT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED, it will manifest itself.

You can apply this to your personal life, but also for the greater benefit of our planet and mankind. The more people that focus on it, the stronger the energy gets. The energy that is sent out by a group of people, multiplies itself, it becomes stronger than the sum of those people. Don’t just take our word for is, it has been proven scientifically. Just watch a video that we made about it, you can find it here:


Now, there have been many group visualizations and meditations already. For World Peace, for instance. Still, there’s no peace. Didn’t these actions work? They sure did! You could see it in our video. The problem is, that once the peaceful energy has done its job, if meanwhile the ruling powers keep working in the opposite direction, everything reverts back to the old situation again. Soldiers are ordered to pick up the weapons again that they laid down, crime rises again due to the difficult situation that people are still in, etc.


That’s why we need to focus on something that cannot be reversed. Never.

And that is: a BREAKTHROUGH.

Don’t worry about exactly what you focus on, energy is an intelligent thing, it will find its way. As you could see in our video, when people visualize peace, also crimes against people decline, traffic accidents decline, emergency hospital room visits decline, and stock market soar. Peace is peace, a breakthrough is a breakthrough. Energy knows where to go. If we focus on a breakthrough, it will find the weakest link in the chain that still holds this worn out paradigm together. And it will BREAK it.

When enough people visualize it, and truly feel it in their hearts, it will happen. It might be the 6,578th participant who gives the old paradigm its final little push, or it might be the 10,234th, but break it shall. Just wait and see.

Focus on something that will make you really, really happy. And feel the feeling as if it had already happened. Whether it is Obama announcing UFO disclosure, free energy becoming available for the public, a major tv station or newspaper revealing that 9/11 was an inside job, or something else major. It all comes down to the same thing: the end of the dark establishment. Just take your pick 🙂

What’s most important, is the joy that you would feel if this breakthrough had just happened. Visualize, for instance, war and hunger making way for peace and abundance, all around our planet. Desperate children getting new hope. Stress and fear making way for happiness and time with your loved ones. Corrupt politicians and ineffective medical care making way for inspirational leaders and true healing. Toxic food and oil based industry making way for healthy food and free energy. All these things ALREADY EXIST on our planet, but are still being oppressed by the dark system. That’s why we need a breakthrough. And we’re gonna make it happen!

We’re not going to name a time and date for all of us to do it, we ask you to do it NOW.

It’s not important how long you do it, 5 seconds is enough. The important thing is that you truly feel the joy of this breakthrough, as it if had already happened. That’s enough to add your own little (but BIG!) contribution to the quantum ways through which the Law of Attraction works. Together we make it a HUGE power that will change this world forever, for the good of the people.

Please go ahead, you only need to do it once. Stop what you’re doing (probably reading) and close your eyes. Imagine that there is Breaking News about something that you’ve been wanting to happen for so long, and feel the joy that you would feel at that moment. Visualize it………..RIGHT NOW!!!!!


That’s it! Did you enjoy that? Our collective consciousness just took your vote. Thank you. Your contribution was added to a huge wave of paradigm shifting energy that is already sweeping over the planet. The law of attraction will make sure that it comes into being.

If you have done your visualization, now comes the second important part. This project works through the ‘everybody knows everybody’ principle. It is said that within six times of forwarding, you can reach every single person on the planet. So, we ask you to forward this email to EVERYBODY in your address book that you think would like to join this action. By doing this, we can create an enormous army of light, even in one day!

Thank you so much for joining this action. Mother Earth and all of us who are longing for peace and harmony just like you, will be thankful to you. And to everybody else who joined, because we are doing this TOGETHER! Please forward this e-mail now. Don’t postpone it, NOW is the moment.

Thank You!!!

Adriano, Boogy, Guillermo, Jimena, Ale, Teddy, Eduardo, Cristian, Kiki, Stephan, Martin, Ute, Alain, Luísa, Kees, Alexandre, André, Winny, Milna, Puk, Per, Cagga, Diana, Dana, Gertie, Mara, U2awaking, Camelia, Gloria, Steve, Krystal, Elizabeth, Livia, Siniša, Leif, Sorin, Danusa, Yonghun, Takuya, Toni, Gloria, Charlotte, Guillermo, Maja, Zeljka, Haim, Claudio, Bénédicte, Stella, Darko, Slava, Javier, Michelle, Louise, Anneliese, Casandra, Eniko, Tauno, Pierre, Paco, Light River, Edward, Marijana, Petra, Alessandro, Sheldan Nidle, Colleen (feel free to add your name)

PS After the paradigm has shifted, we can use or collective power for other causes. Like cleaning our planet, helping people in need, etc. if you would like to join these actions too, please leave your name at the bottom of our site VisualizeDaily.com.

Drop Into Your Heart


A good mantra I need to speak throughout the day…until it sticks.



Grandmothers,” I said as I stood before them, “what is the most important thing we can do today to help ourselves and others? There’s so much turmoil, anger and fear in the world right now. What’s the best thing we can do?”

“It is your heart that will lift you,” they said. “If you move into your heart and keep your focus there for only a few seconds, it will lift you.” Fixing their eyes on me they said, “You are looking at this situation the wrong way. You think there is some work for you to do. You think you should lift your heart, should make yourself think differently, should be different in some way, etc. etc.” They shook their heads back and forth, back and forth as they regarded me patiently. “It’s not like that,” they said. “Because your actual nature is love and peace, you don’t have to ‘make yourself’ do anything in order to feel good. If you simply drop into your heart and wait there, you will automatically open to peace and love. It’s the way you’re made. It’s your natural way of being.

“You needn’t struggle and you needn’t be afraid,” they said. “It’s the mind that manufactures all of that; there’s no fear and struggle in the heart because the heart knows better. The heart knows HOME; it is tuned to home. So get to know your heart. It’s time. Haven’t you wasted enough years following after those images in your mind? Aren’t you tired of all that racing, chasing and disappointment? “So,” they shrugged, “give yourself a break. Return to peace.

“Move into your heart and start to live from there. Try it! Think of taking up residence and then throughout the day consciously return to your heart. Like a magnet, let it pull you into peace and safety. Then rest at this quiet center point. You can always venture out again with the mind if and when you want to, but up until now you have allowed that ever-searching, ever dissatisfied mind to control your life. So much so that you’ve lost your affinity for peace, which is your natural state. We are urging you to return to it now. Return to balance.

“Go into your heart and rest there. Start by thinking of the center of your chest and of us calling you home. Then let yourself drop in. It’s like a cave or a nest inside yourself and there we will enfold you and hold you steady while you replenish. You deserve a break, so take it. Take it now.
“Living a heart-centered life will restore and revivify you. It will fill you full. Then you will have something to give to the world.”

To Learn more about the Great Council of the Grandmothers and how towork with the Net of Light, go to www.netoflight.org .

You may copy this message, but please copy the full message including our website links. Thank you.

Sourced from here.

DRAINING THE SWAMP: Two more officials cited in FBI texts step down


The FBI’s media chief and the head of the Justice Department’s anti-espionage section are both departing.

Two more senior government officials who were prominently discussed in text messages exchanged by FBI personnel formerly assigned to the Trump-Russia investigation are leaving their positions.

Mike Kortan, FBI assistant director for public affairs, is set to retire next week, an FBI spokeswoman confirmed. In addition, the chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, David Laufman, resigned this week, a department spokesman said.

Continue reading here.   

FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In “Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy”


  • Undercover FBI informant William Campbell has given written testimony to Congressional investigators after an “iron clad” gag order was lifted in October
  • Campbell was a highly valued CIA and FBI asset deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry while Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI
  • Campbell was required by the Russians, under threat, to launder large sums of money – which allowed the FBI to uncover a massive Russian “nuclear money laundering apparatus
  • He collected over 5,000 documents and briefs over a six year period, some of which detail efforts by Moscow to route money to the Clinton Foundation
  • Campbell claims to have video evidence of bribe money related to the Uranium One deal being stuffed into suitcases.
  • The Obama FBI knew about the bribery scheme, yet the administration still approved the Uranium One deal.
  • To thank him for his service, Campbell was paid $51,000 by FBI officials at a 2016 celebration dinner in Chrystal City
  • When it emerged that Campbell had evidence against the Clinton Foundation, a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (of FISA warrant application fame) slammed Campbell as a “disaster” potential witness.

Continue reading here.

We are beginning to feel a bit uneasy about all these birds: Thousands of birds invade gas station in Houston and the sky of Dallas within two days


Birds, birds, and birds, all over Texas… And in huge numbers! A news anchor in Houston captured an eerie scene when she stumbled upon an invasion of birds while out getting gas for her car. Between this and the freaky swarm spotted flying in the sky over Dallas earlier this week, we’re beginning to feel a bit uneasy about all these birds. Don’t you?
Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018, Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018 video, Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018 pictures
 Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018, Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018 video, Thousands of birds invade the sky over Dallas on February 2 2018 pictures
The first creepy footage was captured by Christine Dobbyn of Houston’s ABC13 on February 2, 2018, at a gas station in Houston, Texas. She wrote as a caption to the spooky video: “I like you birds, but this kind of freaked me out:
Continue reading here.
Here are a few explanations from scientists.  You will see ~ there is no solid consensus as to what is causing this:

Yale Ornithology Professor Richard Prum added that the flock may have been disturbed from its original spot for the night and so moved to a well-lit spot.  … “So what I think may have happened is that a night roost was disturbed so that the birds left the roost in the dark. They might flock away at this point looking for a safe space. That could lead to birds flying down to the well-lit gas station. They are obviously not feeding on anything, so there is no real reason to be there except that it is well-lit and not too disturbed. So better than all the alternatives at that moment.”

UCLA Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor Thomas Smith pointed out that we often see the even spacing behavior when birds are perched on a wire. …  “I don’t know why they’re on the ground; species such as these form communal roosts at night, but these are typically in trees — could they be confused by the bright lights of the gas station? They are not feeding… I don’t recall ever seeing this before.”

Above sourced from here.

Q Posts for 2/10/18



Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 89220c326006
Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns
Expand your thinking.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325862
https:// www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/2010/07/exclusive-google-cia/amp/

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325644
[3] https:// www.globaleaks.org

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325580
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.
[44] remaining.
Wizards & Warlocks.
Save the best for last.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325453
Seals are wonderful creatures.
Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.
Silence is golden.
Games R FUN!

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325370
You will cease to exist.
Truth to power.
How’s the bunker these days?
[14] live
[PEOC force failed]

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325300
Thank you Dopey.
King to pawn.
Eyes on.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325284
Clown black op sites.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 567809325272
JFK Con Room.
https:// www.cia.gov/kids-page/games/break-the-code/code-1.html Would you believe this site is actually used to comm to rogue operators? @Snowden [John]

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 237dde324485

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 237dde324477

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 237dde324405

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 237dde 324395
“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK – Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all.