Lions Gate ~ August 8, 2017


Thank you to reader Deborah for forwarding this one to me.  Quite interesting for me personally as last night I was guided to listen to some releasing work (Judy Satori) and part of it included releasing karmic ties to your personal soul group (which interestingly enough included the number 44).  

Today is August 8th and marks a very special energetic peak for the 2017 LionsGate. The LionsGate happens every year and begins from the 26th of July until the 12th of August, and this happens due to the constellation alignment with Sirius A/B, Sun and Earth.

Once the Sun of Sirius and our Sun combine energies, this opens a powerful window of transformation for our Earths Morphogenetic field and memory. The Binary Suns of Sirius is the Mother Sun of ours due to our solar gravitational pull is orbiting Sirius. Why this is important, is that through the LionsGate window there is a geological opening happening in Egypt.

The Sphinx is a guardian and gatekeeper to the Halls of Amenti which is the womb space and hold the records of Earth. Currently, the IODP team is in Egypt to assist with this transformative energy and has a global team of 49 dedicated Souls working the grids during this phenomenal time.

We will be posting regular updates about our findings and service work. You can stay in touch via our facebook page:

Now today is the day to gain access to the deepest records of your being and ancient self. As the Suns of Sirius combines with our Sun in a direct alignment, we all will be receiving this energetic upgrades in full momentum.

There are six opening in total around our planet. However, Egypt’s portal was the significant passage used in Atlantis before the Grids blew and the collective’s consciousness fell. This womb space in the central core of our planet and holds all the records of every civilization that came here and consequently holds the genetic records of each human race.

This is important because our species is undergoing a genetic mutation and transformation into a new template. So today is an opportunity to tune into Egypt and receive the messages from you ancient self and set in motion what role you choose to play in this Golden Age.

The Particle Convergence is upon us (21st August Solar Eclipse), and this is the time to jump timelines into your highest potential and transcend the karmic memory from your past.

The Institute of Divine Potential will continually be updating our Facebook page with Live feeds and videos sharing the latest in Egypt.

Stay tuned in,

With Love The Family of the Divine


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.