4chan Users Find Evidence Atlanta Airport Blackout Was Part Of Intentional Cover-Up


A possible sting by the Alliance ~ showing that ONE cargo plane taking off (in spite of the mayor and FAA announcing no incoming or outgoing flights while the outage was in effect) ~ thus making visible what had always been hidden before:  Special cargo planes allowed to leave the US Border without inspection.

Focusing on this being a revealing moment ~ especially since no one was killed or hurt.

The plane’s path:  Mexico to Atlanta, Atlanta to Liege, Liege to Larnaca. From there, who knows.  Looks like previous stops was Tel Aviv…


Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world’s busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta’s mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have noticed one interesting piece of the story that no one in the mainstream press seems to want to mention. That right in the middle of this over 12 hour supposedly complete air traffic shut down, a single plane was mysteriously allowed to leave the airport. Which leaves us with an obvious question. Just what was so special about this lone permitted flight?

The plane in question 4X-ICB, is a cargo plane that arrived in Atlanta from Mexico City at 1:00 PM, just literal minutes before the alleged power problems began to make the airport go dark. The plane would then go on to leave for its next destination at 6:27 PM, right in the middle of the blackout that ran from about one to midnight. With the official record indicating that the first flight post blackout was not allowed to take off from the airport until 12:56 AM the next day, how then how do we account for our mystery flight?

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.