A Prayer

I know the last few pieces of mine have been rather hard-hitting, full of some angst and pain.  I’ve had a lot to purge.  And my ego has desired for me to stay safe and avoid being hurt, which resulted in dealing with those voices that say “Look at the world!  Why are you wanting to have faith and hope?  Why would you want to give your Love to ANYONE?”  And my personal favorite, “Screw being patient!  I want what I want NOW!”  As I continue to tend to my wounds and see the wisdom in my ego (yes, I do believe it has something to say) I rise back up into Who I Am and intend the reality in which I am choosing to help create.  Tonight, this came to me in the form of a prayer, which I now share with you.

Children, Play, Rock, Swing, Leisure

I visualize a world that is safe for our children to play in the streets, at the parks, in the homes of their friends and family.

I visualize a world free of disease.

I visualize a world with pristine waters, clean air and fertile soil.

I visualize a world economy that is resource-based.

I visualize a world that offers all people healing modalities that are effective, quick and painless.

I visualize a world where all foods are truly organic, in abundance, provided for all.

I visualize a world where Truth is something to share freely and equally desired to hear freely.

I visualize a world where thoughtfulness and kindness are in the hearts of all people.

I visualize a world where freedom reigns.

I visualize a world without borders and endless laws.

I visualize a world where access to clean water, abundant healthy food, clean air, housing, education and healing are Sovereign Rights.

Mostly, I visualize a world in which I feel safe to send my child out into, in which I feel proud to share with my child, in which I can finally say “yes honey, what you are being taught and told is true”.


Please, visualize this with me!

Peace and blessings now~


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.