A Vision For Joy


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Joy

We call this one a Vision for Joy, however Debbie Friedman from www.CleaningOutTheCloset.com originally entitled it, A Vision for the time of Joy, with the rediscovered pleasures of play, fun, work doing things we love. You’ll be hearing more from Debbie as she has contributed several very insightful Visions for you to enjoy. Thank you, Debbie! 

I see a world where Joy abounds for everyone. Fully present in our physical forms, we rejoice in this new age of celebration.

No longer slaves to the manipulative control paradigm of the past, the time for Joy has returned. Play is honored as a natural expression of our very being, and with childlike joy we lovingly rejoice and explore. We delight in simple pleasures and the wonders of our world. We engage in community and conversation and connecting with each other. The fun of living in this third dimensional world has been restored and the Universe constantly amuses us. Laughter is particularly revered and we hear the joyful noise wherever we go.

Open and connected to Higher Wisdom, we are inspired, and creativity is fully expressed without bounds. Every moment is embraced in pure delight as we purposefully and passionately honor our earthly journey and adventure.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.