Affirmation for Awakening Humanity


Oooh, I love how quickly the Universe brought me this little gem.  I headed out today to get some food ~ alone ~ which gave me the chance to think out loud.  On my mind and in my heart was this desire to awaken the rest of humanity now.  N O W.  I didn’t know how to do this.  Do I start telling others who are supporting the system blindly that their support of it is supporting darkness?  I was thinking about parents who vaccinate their children, support hillary et al, watch the mainstream media, believe in over-population and other eugenic’s platforms, go to church and give away their power through worshipping and sacrifices at the alter ~ all of these things when supported have allowed the dark to continue ~ and I have felt I am at the end of allowing ANY of that into my realm.  In short ~ I felt this deep fatigue and frustration in other people’s choices affecting my life.  I want the NEW and after 20 plus years of being on this journey, I WANT IT NOW!  And we need all of humanity to awaken and join in as we create the new – beginning with our thoughts.  Stop feeding the old and it WILL crumble.

ARGH!  lol

I couldn’t come up with anything that I felt would be effective so I let it go and watched people around me.  The lady at the bank who looked so bored and I thought “you did not come here to spend your days working at a bank”. I thought the same thing as I watched a young man run around from car to car pumping gas.  Tears welled in my eyes.  I took a deep sigh, sent a thought of “remember when you were a child” and headed home.

In time I saw this affirmation show up on my social media feed.

Please put Your “HEART PULSE” into this Affirmation Now.

“We Awaken the Masses NOW, Anything not of the Light, crumbles. And so it is.”

I can indeed support this with my thoughts and energies.  Will you join me?

[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

(the above quote was found here.)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Affirmation for Awakening Humanity”

  1. Love your style of writing ✍️ very awakening very insightful looking forward to reading and sharing more of it of course the expansion of consciousness of it is amazing thank you victoria.

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