Ascension Energies and Symptoms ~ A Bit Of Silly

[wpedon id=”208″]Puppy, Dog, Pet, Pets, Yawn, Yawning

Some of us (yes, me included) often get so serious with all of this Ascension business.  I still don’t know how some seem to know the types of energies and exactly what they are doing.  I just focus on symptoms and have definitely noticed, on the days when the heliplots show strange readings, I often feel like a zombie.  Today was no exception.

Rather than go into detail on that though, I decided to write it up in a way those of us, undergoing the current KAPOW of today, can relate to.

Incoming energies……WOW…..yadda yadda blah blah….body hurts….yadda blah blah…crystalline transformation……..blah yadda blah……..must take nap NOW…..blah blah and yadda yadda…..STARGATE PORTAL yahoooo…..blah blah yadda yadda yadda……me no wanna eat OMG i am FAMISHED….blah blah….electrons and protons and tachyons OH MY………blah blah blah yadda……..O M G will this EVER end???………yadda yadda blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

That’s all for tonight beautiful folks.  Over and out!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.