Be The Eye Of The Storm


Another beautiful piece by Sanna.  Received via e-mail.  


Sanna Tarnstrom

Be your inner eye in your storm through your heart!!!
Dearest Heart – family !!! 

In September we will have 3 major events coming after one another that is important and significant to our future and for unification to take place. Hurricane Irma is one of these 3 events.

I don’t feel all events has to be weather intensity. It is about balancing out, collective purification and bringing back harmony to all the living, the elements and our creation.

These events goes way beyond our planet. At this moment their are similar events on other planets, in other roams/realities and existences. This is an organic multidimensional purification for our entire universe and beyond.

We are all connected to all chaos from within. It is all energy vibrational consciousness going through us. We get purified in the process. We open our hearts.

Be the eye of the storm, through yourself. Be the eye, center and anchor into your heart and see, truly see your truth…it is your truth you see… We all create our own reality, so see the chaos through the eye of the storm… Find the balance within, calm your creation, your truth…through your inner vision (3rd eye) and balance it all out by taken the creation/energies/chaos down to your heart and embrace it with love and care.

Be the balance in the storm, through yourself and embrace it all. After these 3 major events so much will be clear and understood. Trinity has spoken.

I will be doing a Free healing session, sending out divine love of grace frequencies for anyone who wants and needs to receive it.

This time, I will also focus on the intense unbalanced weather pattern energies all around the planet, like hurricane Irma for example. You are welcome to join in…embracing and calming the intense weather and bring in heartfelt divine love to it. ♥

When: Saturday 10 of September at 8 PM CEST (central European standard time) & 11 AM PST (Pacific Standard Time).

You can read more about it here on my Blog or on Facebook.

Let’s join together in a calming tender loving embrace, balanced through our hearts and be the zero point in the storm/chaos/intensity.

I’m sending all my love and balanced energy throughout the world for loving purification and harmony through my truth-center – my heart!!!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.