Can the Global Financial and Economic Collapse be Mitigated, or Averted Altogether?

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…But why was Trump specifically chosen?

Because what is about to play out in living color, during prime time — EVERYWHERE ON PLANET EARTH — is so HUGE that the star players had to be ready to perform their roles.  And Trump has been preparing to play his very special part his whole life.

Trump is a bankruptcy expert.  He’s a specialist in this area of expertise which will come in very handy for what the United States is about to face.  That is quite obvious to anyone who has studied the economic and financial landscape of the USA.

For the uninitiated, there is only one way out of the current predicament for the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS).  Because the central banks of the world, like the Federal Reserve System, were set up as an international banking crime syndicate, the banksters have made off with all the loot.  In so doing, nations large and small, rich and poor are now crushed by their sovereign debt loads.  Likewise, the people of most nations are even more burdened by mortgage loan debt, credit card debt, school loan debt, and other forms of personal debt.  Similarly, Corporate America and cities have their overwhelming ‘fair’ share of corporate bond debt and municipal bond debt respectively.

Both in the USA and the EU, the policies of ZIRP* and NIRP*, respectively, have literally destroyed the economic systems and financial architecture—irreparably.  Therefore, there must be a major reset throughout the GE&FS.

*ZIRP = Zero interest-rate policy; NIRP = Negative interest rate policy

Many thought the final collapse of the GE&FS might come during the Shemitah year of 2015, or at the end of the Super Shemitah year in 2016 as these major events have occurred with utter predictability in the past.[1]  However, the world was in no way prepared for such an eventuality.  Obama was so ill-equipped to deal with anything but the golf course, as were his clueless underlings.  Merkel, Hollande, Renzi, Cameron and Trudeau were likewise put into power to exacerbate the economic plight of the world, as they all did and still do.

Hence, what has happened is that the Higher Power has benevolently conspired with the people of good will in America and the world-at large, to ensure a more orderly collapse also known as a reset. Executing such an unprecedented reset (and unparalleled rehab) will take the presence of a true master.  Such a one who truly operates outside of the central banking box and political sphere, but who is surrounded by financial engineers and economic technicians, is in the best position to marshal the nation through this very formidable yet inevitable process of controlled demolition.

There is no other way out.

Read the article in its entirety here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.