Today’s Continued Finds/Intel ~ 1/10


Earlier today my mate spoke with a local store clerk.  He told this young man about the Insurrection Act and pointed him to Monkeywerx channel while telling him the Act was signed off last night by the President.  “Biden?” the young man asked to which my mate smiled big and said “Biden isn’t the President.”  He showed the desire to learn more.  


lol…again if any of your “normie” friends/family really believe BYEdumb will be installed, why are they so desperate to remove Trump?  why do this (unless they are afraid and know what’s happening)?  

Elmer Fudd (Western Animation) - TV Tropes

Pelosi Says Impeachment and 25th Amendment Resolutions Will Be Brought to the House Floor Starting Monday



GAB – and guess who the GAB account follows?  “And then there were three….”  Eric Trump, Don Trump Jr and Dan Scavino Jr….Me thinks they are the ones behind GAB.  


Speaking of GAB….(makes sense – as it has been SO SLOW to upload – but it is still a really nice platform – a lot like facebook visually only you don’t have nazi fact checkers)….





My mate saw and saved this one:


i don’t think so……….

Capitol Hill Police Officer Dies from Suicide After January 6 Protests


US Announces the Lifting of Self-Imposed Restrictions on the U.S. – Taiwan Relationship – A Week Earlier China Was Preparing for War

“These CEOs Who Are Doing This Should Be Prosecuted Criminally” – Rep. Devin Nunes Calls for Criminal Charges Against Tech Giants (VIDEO)


Ok so this man keeps coming back in my face by many of you asking if I have been following his intel.  I used to now and then until a year or so ago. However…..After seeing Lin Wood post his latest, I’m diving in to listen.  The timelines are converging – as we have heard/read/been told when evil pulls its agenda they LOSE TIME – everything has sped up as I have been feeling.  He nails it!  Look for OUR plan to advance quicker and quicker in the days to come.  Zero point is incoming.  It IS THE QUICKENING.


Lin Wood (Parler) – we are counting on that silver to skyrocket.  We’ve been too “poor” to go the gold route but over the years we’ve gone the silver route when we can.  We are now in the quickening.  It’s gonna come out quickly and it will be EPIC.  Each day that energy grows.  Tune in.  It is palpable.  

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A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia & child sex trafficking. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.

You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through proper channels about the conclusive evidence of election fraud & acts of treason by many against our country.

Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debtor-state status. Our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy & a fresh start. Just think – no income taxes!

Good time to own gold, silver, land, etc. Real assets v. paper.

It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.


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Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.

This truly is the battle between good & evil.


Lin Wood also shared this one…Vatican still dark….That evil is being disposed of…

VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud


Last night he live-streamed and it was just live chat along w/the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  We watched our movie instead.  Tonight we will be checking into this chat.  The moment we have been waiting for is FINALLY HERE!  Been waiting decades!

We will have the livestream chat open at 12am EST and will be looking back at The Best of, ‘Slings And Arrows: The Official White House Weekly review ‘ –


And this earlier today:

Profile Photo

A travel/photo lid just called at The White House at 11:27am EST. Have a great Sunday everyone!

More intel: Insurrection Act has been signed. Michael K Jaco: Things Are Going to Move Quickly Now. Stay Frosty and Get Ready for Emergency Broadcasts


I have been feeling and saying for a long time – WHEN this goes down – the process of clearing the chess board – it is going to happen FAST….He is also hearing POPE has been arrested.  Linking more intel on that next piece.


98.4K subscribers

Schumann Blastin’ the night away…and reports of blackouts and road closures


Check it out:

Also reading reports of blackouts in Pakistan and The Vatican as well as road blocks in Rome.  The Vatican blackout and road blocks in Rome are still developing in terms of verification but I find it interesting given what I feeeeeel is happening (and it still feels different “out there”) and the recent intel on Italy and the U.S. election.  Perhaps the schumann is showing us what is going on…..


Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 9, 2021: The Final Phase: Resolution Through Escalation of Confrontation


Thanks to Bryan for sharing this one.  I gotta say it is the narrative in which I am aligning.  His logic also makes sense with me.  When POTUS is announced President Elect again and when all of this stuff comes out – there will be those who are still so anti-trump (and as we know many of these people aren’t pro-biden – they just don’t want that evil man Trump in office for one more second) who will go full on psycho.  At least they have the potential (and if it’s any indication from what I have been reading locally – wow) so SOMETHING Divine MUST enter and put that to ease.

I have been reflecting on all of this today – what will happen and now – and it has been my feel that this Transition Event will line up with the public arrests (as we know there have been arrests ongoing), public full disclosure and the declaration of a New Administration.  I am still feeling into that concept of a New Administration.  Whatever it is coming – whatever this pivotal point in time when EVERYTHING changes – I am not able to see.  And recall how Bill Wood said no one could see past that moment in time we call The Event.  I also align w/his intel where he saw the two timelines we are seeing play out currently merge upon that Event.

I know this – I am feeling different today.  Something feels significantly different.  A new energy.  I can literally all but smell “full new” ready to reveal itself.  Perhaps some of that seeped in today.  The old is really dropping away quickly.  A new door was opened today and I feel more will continue to “open”.  Perhaps that is what is indicated when saying “timelines converge”.  And perhaps the closer we get to that event the faster all contrary timelines collapse leading TO convergence into One.

One last add.  I was talking with a family member who is not that awake.  Or has not been that awake.  However, they said something today that gave me such a spark of hope.  They commented how they see things now – how scary it is – and how “they” (the controllers) laid out this plan so slowly it was easy not to see it happening –  until now.

AWAKENED!  So my point in sharing this is if THIS beautiful Soul can finally start to SEE – then EVERYONE can.  And that gives me Hope that all of us experience Transition in a way of ease and grace.  Love, V.  (i had to giggle as i read his “short and succinct” given how many times i say “ok this will be short and to the point” and i end up writing a much longer piece than intended.)


This will be a short and succinct discussion as most has been said. We know Trump has left the White House on January 6th and one can only speculate where he is now. But he is surely convening secret meetings with the military factions that support him to decide when and how to declare martial law.

Before leaving Washington D.C., Trump released a video that contained a “proclamation to disperse.” This was the video in which he told everybody to “go home in peace”:

This statement was the necessary step to invoke the militia or US armed forces to defend the republic according to


10 USC Section 254 called “Proclamation to disperse”

“Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

That was exactly what Trump did after the Senat and the Congress declared illegitimately, and in a criminal action by staging a false flag attack on the Capitol, Biden to be the new president. Trump did well to allow the events to play out so that all corrupt politicians made their final heinous moves and decisions that will legally rectify their arrest when the martial law is proclaimed.

The final battle has commenced under Lenin’s Bolshevist motto: “Who whom” (Кто кому). Who will kill his enemy first? There is no other alternative for the participants in this 3D chess game.

We know that in fact there are infinite alternatives and that this is what we shall introduce very soon on the earth but currently this is beyond the perception horizon of all protagonists embroiled in this final mortal earthly battle.

Trump and all the military factions that support him, and promoted him to become president four years ago, know that they have no other choice but to invoke martial law and arrest Biden and his corrupt clique, which includes also most GOP politicians and the vice president, who blatantly betrayed the current and new legitimately elected president Trump and the constitution, actually broke every conceivable US law. And they have to do it as soon as possible and surely before January 20th.

Trump has all the trumps in his hands. His political opponents and their GOP allies know that they participated in the most blatant and insidious coup d’etat against the republic, which is currently called “treason against the republic”. And in order to hide that, they did it in the most obvious manner possible, by staging a false storm on the Capitol by leftist terrorists, according to the playbook of all dying tyrants who desperately try to prolong their crumbling citadel of oppressive power with most brutal means and deceptions.

Trump and all the president’s men have no other choice but to declare martial law and arrest Biden and the rest now as otherwise, Biden will do the same immediately after he becomes illegitimate president and will turn savagely against Trump, his family, and all his supporters. You saw what they did to Michael Flynn.

It is a matter of life or death for Trump, his family, and all his friends and political supporters. Ultimately, it is a choice between freedom and slavery. Make no mistake about that. It will not be Biden who will make this decision but the cruel and brutal deep state behind him.

We know that this will not happen as there is also the Divine Intervention but how many people know about or believe in that?

This is all basic political alphabet and the most common situation in any revolution humanity has experienced numerous times in the past. The history books are full of such examples and you can even read Shakespeare on this matter.

Therefore, it is not a question of “if” but when Trump will announce martial law.

That is why the proofs from the Italygate are so important and so timely (please observe that the affidavit of the main Italian witness was signed on January 6th and I published it 2 days later) as they render the official legitimacy for Trump to declare martial law because of an obvious coup d’etat of a foreign state, Italy that is formally an ally of the USA, on the democratic self-determination of the American people and their republic. This is an act of war on the USA by his NATO allies, make no mistake about that. There is no other more portentous reason to declare martial law.

Hence humanity has less than 10 days to prepare for this event as the coup d’etat on the USA was committed not only from Italy, by the Italian government and the Roman elite (some accuse also the Vatican Illuminati), but also by many other NATO countries. This includes Germany where the main servers to forge the US elections were placed in the CIA headquarters in Frankfurt (By the way, I was harassed for many years by CIA paid trolls from these headquarters each day when I was still in Germany as we could trace them down.), the UK, through the participation of MI5Switzerland in connection with Dominion, etc. This is an international plot against the free will of the American people who they decide to govern them, and this is the end of the old world as we know it. Ponder about that!

Having said all that, the most important question for us is when the Shift will come along this expected sequence of events. As the declaration of martial law by Trump cannot be done at the last minute, it is more likely that this will happen in the next few days, possibly this weekend.

However, any military solution is a 3D solution and history tells us that it has been employed infinite times in the past and has never worked well. I do not think that even Trump is happy about that.

Therefore, I am inclined to predict, by pure logical deduction, that

shortly after the announcement of martial law and before a veritable civil war can break out in the USA, the interdimensional Shift must take place.

This is the optimal time for it to occur, at the height of the escalation of confrontation in order to prevent all the negative consequences of such a political crisis.

And how?

By putting all the people in a situation of utter shock and catalepsy caused by the profound energetic changes that this shift will bring about to humanity and the earth and for which the masses are not prepared psychologically at all so that they will fall into a state of total emotional and mental paralysis before they begin to assimilate what has happened to them. They will begin to remember that they have made this decision collectively at the soul level as they want to begin with a new life.

Then our time as ascended masters will come…


1/9 Reflection and Finds


(I am now on Gab at

Wow – it feels like I am in a completely different reality today – energetically that is.  I feel “doors” closing behind me and new ones awaiting.  A lift today.

I wanted to share something that happened a few days ago that I have continued to forget – until now – to share.  I was sitting at the table just looking at the sun out the window.  I had the house to myself so I was able to be in silence.  I was getting into that nice zone when suddenly I thought I saw 3 suns.  Nah, that can’t be, I thought.  It had to be just the one sun looking separate through the tree branches.  But I kept looking and there was indeed 3 separate round objects.  I grabbed my camera and by the time I turned it on and took aim, it looked like the 3 became 1 again.

It gets more interesting.  My mate came home and said hey I saw 3 suns in the sky a few minutes ago.  !!!  lol  Only for him he saw the 3 suns vertically whereas I saw them horizontally.

My feel on this?  We have human eyes and then we have our real eyes.  Many have been able to see certain colors and objects in the skies with their own eyes that no one else will see.  I see that as us being able to fully see with those real eyes – in those moments.  I am intending for that to continue.

And a heads up for those on parler – there is a code monkey account that is fake.  He is only on GAB.  A lot of alleged “intel” was dropped on that CM parler account that had a lot of people excited.  I was too at first – for a moment – until I reflected and went with how I felt within which was off.  I know deception.  And besides – there will not be ANY public revealings of specific dates and locations (as well as the Q team revealing themselves fully).  Not now.  The war continues and as such, deception and things hidden just have to be part of it.  Kinda sucks at times but I understand.

One last share.  A dream share.  I had a dream of President Trump and his kids this morning – a first.  I don’t recall any specifics.  I just know I woke up feeling at peace and happy.  Uplifted.  Right before I woke from this dream though I also saw an image of the schumann – another first.  I was seeing several black lines close together.  Timeline convergence.  I think back, again, to Bill Woods who said the two timelines playing out converge into one which is The Event – that Cosmic Huge SOMETHING (with many names) so many of us know is coming we just don’t know exactly what it is. No details.  I forgot to add this about what he said – that those using project looking glass were not able to see a thing beyond that compression breakthrough event.  It will be glorious as it is Fate.  Divine.

I am feeling this Italy revealings are the final piece in the puzzle.  I don’t know why – but I feel this gives the real go ahead to DECLAS.




My friend sent me this one.

from “Mike” (Mike Lindell – the My Pillow guy) on the Trump Team.  It’s About to Get Real



Beginning at the 34:00 mark for the “goods”…

54.2K subscribers

Good intel and some clarification on my part.  Wrap up HAS to be days away. Pence – I still feel was controlled all along.  If it turns out he was good all along – well he did an amazing job and all of these rabbit holes we have ventured down in was just him playing a role.  Even the gunner’s wife lip reading – those people could still be following a verbally spoken script. Ugh.  NO MORE MOVIES IN REAL EXPERIENCE.  N E V E R again.  Lin Wood continues to say he is guilty of treason (I would say the real Pence who I continue to feel is out of the picture) and given he is a Defamation Lawyer – he is not going to share intentional lies about others – esp. one in such a position of “power”….

1.96K subscribers



Ok – so Monkey is saying his sources are saying POTUS is at the White House – and never left.  However as he says there is not a no-fly zone around the area which apparently there usually is a no-fly zone when POTUS is on-site.  This is going to sound “out there” but today I heard it that POTUS is outside of inner space – on one of our advanced Space Force ships.  It’s a very good theory.  Has anyone visibly seen POTUS at the WH?  I also had this recall of a memory from about 3 years ago.  POTUS hadn’t been in office long.  One evening there was this amazing light show going on in one of the rooms upstairs.  POTUS later said it was Barron playing a video game.  Yeah, I never believed that theory.  To me at the time it was like I was seeing someone about ready to teleport.  It reminded me of seeing images of TESLA in his workshop and the work he did.  So….it is possible he simply left via such tech – teleported up onto a ship and can come and go at will.  No tracking.  I also feel there is a war going on in the military – white hats and black hats.

224K subscribers



I have yet to explain this one.  I did the same as well – on google (which I never use)….Any thoughts?



Yep.  That’s why I decided to get on GAB…It’s actually like F/B…If you are there, leave me your handle.  

BREAKING: Apple Suspends Parler From App Store Citing ‘Threats of Violence on the Platform’


Texas Attorney General Vows to Fight Big Tech Censorship with Everything He’s Got

BREAKING: FBI Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia – Sends Them Back to Shredder

Bare-Chested Man Seen Wearing Horns in Vice President Pence’s Chair Arrested on Federal Charges

Democrats Release Latest Draft of Articles of Impeachment – Will Formally Introduce Documents on Monday — Via Bannon War Room (VIDEO)

Gab CEO Blames CIA and Mockingbird Media for Latest PSYOP Campaign of Slew of New Accounts “Popping Out of Nowhere and Making Threats of Violence”




Fbook won’t even let me send a request to investigate.  So I have a temporary page you can follow me there.  I’ve tagged some of you – tried to add you as friends – but I know ya’ll would say “who the H is that?”  And I am not rebuilding a whole new page so just doing this as a temp. way to stay connected w/some of you until I get outta jail.  lol