The event 2018. The big split.


Editor’s note:  Very much resonating with this one.  Very very very much.  I have been invited to a luncheon with a group of women and I can’t do it.  I know the talk will turn politics (I would be the only awakened one, the only one familiar with ascension, new earth and the like and definitely the only one open to Trump’s doing’s regarding the deep state because these are deep hillary lovers) and well….you know I am not trying to be a snob because I’m not….but doing conversations that are not fully conscious…I can’t do anymore.  It is a huge vibrational mismatch for me. Yes ~ we are ALL worthy of the higher frequency, the freedom found and felt in “new earth” ~ and we all will be liberated ~ but the choice though ~ not all will choose “the good life” at first.  And I had hoped there would not be a split – but like Linea says… yes I am feeling it and it continues to be more palpable.  There are some situations in which I was already sensitive but now have become intolerable. I am more or less a hermit – finding my serenity with my family, watching the sky, eating a sweet treat ~ and even at that I long oh how I long for what I have seen and felt for so very long.  And that is a feeling that only continues to increase…


Published on Apr 8, 2018


A Vision for Nurturing


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Nurturing

We envision a world where we have set, as our highest priority, the nurturing of everyone and everything we see; where we have become adept at knowing precisely what every plant, animal, person, or environment needs in order to grow, blossom, flourish and experience its life to the fullest – and, thus, to express itself in all its resplendent glory.

Likewise, we see a world where we have grown to the point where our perceptions and intuitions can easily hone in on what is needed by someone else in any given moment. We can tell precisely what they need in order to be as healthy as they can possibly be, as happy as they can possibly be, as exalted as they can possibly be.

Indeed, we have become connoisseurs of the wants and needs of others, and in doing so we have created a world that is in support of us, always and forevermore.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.





By Jelelle Awen

Wonderful frequencies today for going in, especially if you have been busy all week, on the go, and working. If you’ve been serving love, you need the recharge of higher frequency connection to recalibrate and move out any toxicities that you took in that weren’t yours and yet needed to come in and out your heart space.

Galactic activations are just SUPER strong in the last two weeks. Activation of our star DNA is happening at an accelerated rate. We are remembering our multidimensionality in this activation and also that much of our genetic code is not human. So many of us are ‘hybrids’ in this way with roots and origins in so many distant and not so distant stars.

If you are less able to feel this galactic connection, it may be that your focus is rightly on your emotional body, this life integration. Or on unanchoring your 3D self that much more from the traumas of the past that still need to move and let go. Or, there could be abduction wounding undigested and not accessed, yet still in your field, as I suspect is true for so many of those souls ‘ahead’ of the collective curve in ascension.

Connection with your Protector can allow for this opening to remember and feel the trauma that these experiences can cause your Inner Child and other parts of you. These were meant as nourishing soul family visits and calibrations to help you BE here as an ambassador. Yet, our 3D fear-based filtering conditioning labels them as ‘against our will’ and, to parts of us, it can certainly feel that way. More about parts

Continue reading here.

James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 4/7/18


The Great Uncovering is Happening

by James Gilliland

April 5, 2018

April is going to get crazy. The multidimensional war is coming to Earth. It has been going on for a long time but now it is escalating.


April is going to get crazy. The multidimensional war is coming to Earth. It has been going on for a long time but now it is escalating. Things that go bump in the night, fallen ones, serpent beings, reptilians, negative greys, low level astral beings seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Many light-workers are feeling it, some are under all-out attack. It can be overwhelming and it is time to close the doors, any openings that let them in. Lines are being drawn, the masks are coming down, choices are being made and it is a time where the wrong choices due to denial or ignorance can be deadly. There is a shell game going on, find the dark heart. Dark hearts are acting like white hats and white hats are being demonized by the dark hearts and their massive network.


There are times when the light workers feel all alone.

There are times when the light workers feel all alone. Especially when those close to them fall or become victims of the clever unseen negative influences. These negative influences will come through friends, family, people from all walks of life with weak minds or holes in their auras due to self-serving beliefs, severe health issues, or substance abuse. Remember in most cases the negative is invited. The weak minded are also susceptible to “fake news”. If you don’t think you’re being mind-controlled watch this

Fake News

The fallen ones and their puppets have an evil genius. They know exactly what to say, can play you like a fiddle but their actions give them away. We want to believe them, depending on the degree of attachment and denial some are thrown a bone and take it because they desperately want to believe in the potential they are projecting on friends, family and lovers. If you go back and look at the actions you will realize it was a one sided or imbalanced relationship.

What are you bringing to the party?

People everywhere are waking up asking the big question, “what are you bringing to the party”? It’s not what are you saying, it is what are you doing and what have you done. When we look at this with brutal honesty we often find the words do not match the deeds. Most of the words are distractors, ways of avoiding personal responsibility and action. The bottom line is, if the same issue is reoccurring it needs to be addressed. The universe can’t be wrong and you the only one right? That is not enlightenment or spiritual – that is enabling, neediness and fear. It is also a lack of self-love. Sacrifice is a lack of self-love, enabling and disempowering. It takes both down the same path on the course of devolution not evolution. It is the wrong side of the fence in the days to come.

Service to self 2


Here are some basic indicators, tools for discernment. Make two columns.

On one side put self-serving, the other service to others. Love on one column fear on another. Anger on one line, joy on another. Blame on one side, personal responsibility on the other. Heaven on earth on one side hell on the other. Then give a percentage to each emotion and expression. This will give you a good indicator of the spiritual evolution and the contribution one is making. Might want to get someone objective to help you see what you might be missing in self or those close to you. A self-serving dark heart will not even look at this list. An enabler will overrate the percentages in denial of the obvious.

The Pleiadians often say the fear of expression retards evolution. One is afraid to say what needs to be said – the other does not hear what they need to hear.

The great uncovering is happening, the consequences are following: it is exponential and the world will not be the same in just a few short months. Most cannot accept the level of darkness and corruption, the enslavement through corrupt monetary systems, the extent of the pedophile and child trafficking networks, drugs, satanic worship, and child sacrifice is a hard pill to swallow. Most will continue in denial with the blue pill.

Luckily the white hats, the red pillers will prevail with a massive uncovering and clean up. The forces behind them are beyond belief, Universal Law will come to Earth. Get on the right side of the fence, stand in your divinity, release those who have taken the downward spiral. You can’t swim with shackles and the river is rising. The dark ships are sinking and the rats are abandoning the ships.

Gold Lion Oval
James Gilliland field

Be Well, Be at Peace, Do the Healing Process,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Anna Von Reitz ~ The Eighth Convenant


Editor’s note:  While I haven’t read every piece she has written, I have read enough over the past few years to know this is a new type of “voice” coming from her.  Bypassing the religious slant, she is talking about the new human and the new earth.  The rebirth of us all.


By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have studied piano know that the keyboard is divided into sets of eight notes called “octaves”.  The first and last note of each octave is the same, simply resonating at a different frequency.
Similarly, there are Seven Covenants recorded in the Bible, analogous to the seven separate notes of the musical octave.  The Eighth Covenant resonates with the First Covenant — the Covenant of Adam and the Creation.
When we speak of a “New Earth” — take it literally.  It is a New Earth that resonates with the Earth of the First Covenant.  We are in the Creation Cycle right now.
You will begin to see and experience some strange things and may even think that you are hallucinating, but this is not so.  You are simply beginning to perceive things differently, to function at a different frequency—and to see things that you otherwise wouldn’t be aware of.
You are all familiar with how a radio tuner works.  You turn the dial or– nowadays, push the button– and change the station.  As you do, you hear different songs being played, and we take this for granted. What is happening now is quite similar and is no cause for fear: the Earth is changing channels, moving to a higher octave of itself.
However, since this “changing the channel” affects far more than perception of radio waves, all your senses will be impacted—sight, sound, gravity, time, geo-spatial orientation, and even senses that you have that you aren’t currently aware of— are all being affected.
You may experience all the symptoms of detoxification.  You may have unusually severe allergy-like symptoms with runny nose and coughing up gunk from your lungs, especially if you are or were a smoker.  You may have bowel symptoms, especially runny stools; be on the watch for dehydration and drink plenty of good fresh water or better yet, natural lemonade or natural fruit flavored water.
You may feel disoriented, dizzy, and fatigued.  You may suffer odd aches and pains, pin pricks, lapses of memory, muscle cramps in odd places like the arches of your feet.  Your sleep cycle may be interrupted, sporadic, and you may feel the need to sleep far more than you normally do. Even young people may feel like someone just “turned off the switch” and pull an Energizer Bunny type collapse— desperately needing an afternoon nap for no apparent reason.
The waves of creation energy are passing through you and through the entire planet.  Everyone and everything is impacted.  Your pets and plants will all be off-kilter, too.
As uncomfortable as this can be, we are witnessing the (re) birth of our Earth into a new dimensional frequency, something that has not happened since the days of Adam. We are very privileged to be here at this time, and can participate in it willingly and consciously and without fear as parties to the Eighth Covenant.
There will be no big announcement about this any more than there is an announcement about a volcano erupting or a Monsoon. Insomuch as the Earth has a voice and we hear her, we are being told and merely need to listen. Those who are running around like chickens before a thunderstorm squawking about “climate change” are only seeing with their eyes and not perceiving with their hearts. If they listened to the Earth they would know the Truth and would bring themselves and their behavior into alignment.
As for you, reading this, you can help yourself and your family by accepting the changes going on all around you and adopting a good attitude, instead of a fearful attitude.  You can make the physical symptoms easier to bear by taking steps to detoxify — plenty of fresh non-chlorinated water, preferably with lemon or lime— eating a light mostly fruit and vegetable diet, and getting plenty of rest. This last may not neatly be accomplished in eight hour stints, but can be accomplished by going to bed earlier, taking naps, and other strategies.
Your life has always been a miracle, but now you are living within a swiftly evolving miracle that is much larger than you.  Bless the Earth and realize that the Eighth Covenant is rolling out and being accomplished in your lifetime.
The Eighth Covenant is called The Covenant of the Holy Spirit.  Those who have read the Testament of Revelations have been confused because it says that the world will be destroyed by fire, but that He will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth.  Be confused no more.
The world is not the Earth.  The “world” is the mirage-like set of constructions that men have made to better organize their activities and indeed, this world is being destroyed and replaced with something much better, and just as the scripture says, it is being “destroyed by fire” for the essence of the Holy Spirit is fire that does not burn, does not destroy, but instead revives and restores and grants new life.  Remember the “tongues of flame” that came down on Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit has accomplished, and is accomplishing, all of this.  He is connecting the hearts and minds of men and women of goodwill throughout the world to remake the world.  He is husbanding the Earth through the travail of birth.
Above all, do not be afraid, and do not allow your hearts or minds to be overly troubled.  This is for your good and for the good of every living thing. Whatever suffering there may be is only the pangs of birth, nothing unnatural, nothing unknown, and these shall pass and cease and leave us with the blessing of a new beginning and a New Earth and a new covenant, the Eighth Covenant.
Sourced from here.

Star Nations have Returned


The glowing, beautiful round orb ships you see around the 2 minute mark is exactly what I saw in the summer of 2009 that communicated w/me.  “See you soon” I heard before it winked out.  Soon is now…


Sourced from here.

Sandra Walter ~ Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part Two


Her words carry such a gentle, flowing energy to them…


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Easter cathedra, which seems so distant in this Now state, anchored the powerful Solar flare frequencies last weekend. Our first SUNday meditation was incredibly strong. Between the Divine Light encodements from SUNrise ceremony on the mountain and the surge of Source codes through the field, I wept through the whole first meditation with gratitude and activation.

The Sacred Marriage

Our Sacred marriage is presenting; the Divine Merge of Higher and Lower Self as a consistent experience. This is Embodiment; becoming the Christed Self. The current sensations of deep peace and Divine Presence are very much a part of this merge. Honor this intense love, balance, and desire to be at peace. Have faith, this purging-merging phase is quite purposeful.

Lucid dreams continue to indicate both individual and collective triggers for activating the crystalline bridges to New Earth. That is why this series is named as such; Stargate interaction is revealing global activations of the Divine alchemical marriage. Embodiment for the High-Vibe Tribe, awareness of these balancing frequencies in the awakened, and introspection for many unawakened. The shifting of Gaia’s magnetic grids with the Equinox influx affects our personal magnetics, and the old polarities break apart both internally and externally. Lean into the Solar winds, it can feel almost romantic to feel Source in this clear way again.

Remember that the higher vibration holds more sway over the lower realities. This is a passage to fully realize your Creator State of Consciousness and deliver the New Light with all of its Divine gifts for HUmanity.

As the energies transform and align us with the deep peace of Christ/Crystalline/Unity states, we will emerge from this phase of introspection with fully activated heart centers. It continues to feel more avatar-like, like being here and not being here, which is our renewed awareness of the holographic realities. As we Master the merge, we are capable as One unified force of Source to shift realities very quickly. We will be playing with this at the Sedona Light Tribe Gathering on Saturday April 14; join us if you can.

Lightbody Evolution

Our lightbodies are shifting and expanding to accommodate our evolution. Chakra systems purify and merge to support a new projection of Self. These higher frequencies of Source codes, which feels like the purest diamond-crystalline-Christ Light we can fathom, triggers our DNA to obey the Higher Self, the higher trajectory of Ascension. With the recent influx, the Source code is triggering the 5D New Earth as a palpable reality for all willing hearts.

During the merge of embodiment, DNA remembers the future creation of that Primary timeline in this Now. Future Self, Past Self, Now Self all unify; this intensifies as Solaris activates powerful Zero Point triggers. This is unfolding right now. The flashing in your Ascension column is the direct reflection of the Solar flashing activity already in progress.

Our DNA is also responding to the activation of ancient codes within Gaia. Gaia remembers you, Beloveds. She holds everything you have experienced here, and everything planted here for safekeeping until your Ascension. Notice how this phase of Lightbody expansion feels somewhat familiar, like going home. Starseeds and adepts will remember more of their previous Mastery journeys. The ancient peaceful, wise, creative, fluid states of being.

The Nature of Timespace and Light is Changing

We adjust our lifestyles, plans, creations, even our location to accommodate the higher trajectory. Yes, new skills are steeping forth. However the focus of this Pure Source-encoded light, which is literally God returning to us, is the embodiment of our Christed Self so we may globally activate the crystalline bridges to New Earth. Honor your heart as part of these Sacred Gateways.

The New Light is like moving into a new home. You created this brand-new home to be ideal; an ideal vibrational match to your higher consciousness. Old things are not going to fit, or feel right in that space. The denser emotions, habits, addictions, thought patterns, words, activities, and creations of the past are not going to feel or look right in that new space. The desire to purge belongings, clear spaces, change everything in the physical is a representation of what’s going on internally and energetically. Apply multidimensional consciousness to everything. Expand out from the personal journey, and see the metaphoric reflections of what is happening in the cosmos.

Take a moment to dream, to feel, to create that higher timeline experience for yourself. What does your ideal internal space feel like? What aligns with it, and what needs to be shed in this Now? The clearing becomes more refined as the frequencies grow more pure.  We are still realizing instant manifestation of internal change. And the only way – just like anything else – to get better at that instant manifestation is to practice.

Global Unifications: Participate to Assist and Receive

Beloveds, let us stay focused on the Divinity of this passage of global adjustments. Participate in the SUNday Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm Pacific Time. Spread the word, this is our High-Vibe Tribe co-creation and they grow stronger each week. They are an excellent way to join your Brothers and siSTARs in co-creating highest outcomes for all concerned, amplifying the 5D Christed timelines, and enhancing your own experience of Ascension.

New Moon unification coming up on SUNday, April 15 at 6:59pm PT.

The Light grows so intense some moments, it feels like phasing out. Sleep, nature, creativity and simplicity are blessings during this phase. Remember your are not a victim of the light, you are a conduit of it. Encourage the flow. Support the body, Gaia and the collective in handling this ever-increasing flow.

May all of Creation be blessed, renewed and purified into Divine Beingness by this Divine Light. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

The Event: Learning to live the unconditional Life


by Vera | Apr 6, 2018

The Event: Learning to live the unconditional Life


The shifts happening at the moment are beyond anything we have seen and experienced before. Many are waiting for “the Event”. The current energies are challenging yet again. Nevertheless, the potential for quantum leaps into new earth has never been bigger.


“The Event is coming.” We read it everywhere. And it is true, the potential for big shifts is off the charts. Yet, the event is an inner event that manifests in our reality. Only when we have found our inner balance and have worked through and transcended all of our ego-patterns and “shadows”, our reality and experience will be different. The energetic corridor we are in, offers this potential. So… it is another paradox. As long as we are waiting for “the Event” to happen to shift us into a new reality, it won’t. As long as we are waiting for something outside of us for our salvation, it won’t happen. Only when we do not expect an outside event to shift us, but we focus on our inner work, it will. Because the inner drives the outer, not vice versa.


No more compromising on our Essence


Respect. That is the word of this NOW. We are learning what it takes to truly be respected by others as it is the basic ingredient for all co-creation to come. And that means to learn to respect ourselves first. Only then we can manifest the respect of others.


A common ego-strategy to gain respect from others out of fear, is to be arrogant. We are judging others, we set rigid borders, we come up with rules and we put on masks of the “Mister know-it-all”, to hide our feeling of imperfection and of not being good enough. This gives us the illusion of controlling the situation and not having to look into our fears. We are building up a façade, behind which we are making us smaller than the others, giving them the illusion of being bigger and smarter. We love the perpetrator mode, when it gets too much. But in the end, we are just trying to satisfy our ego-need of attention and appreciation from outside of us. We are compromising our essence.


Another common ego-strategy is to play the pleaser. We are giving ourselves away, we blame others for our misery, and have no boundaries at all. By making it right for everyone and showing full effort to perform in a way that everyone feels good, we are wearing the mask of the martyrer, who is relentlessly busy with making everyone happy and healing the world and everyone around us. Everyone but ourselves. We love the victim mode when it gets too much. Also behind this mask, we are making ourselves smaller than the others, giving them the illusion of being compassionate. But in the end, we are just trying to satisfy our ego-need of attention and appreciation from outside of us. We are compromising our essence.

“So we see: Whether perpetrator or victim – the energetic frequencies and needs are the same. The strategy to get them fulfilled is different.”

So, we see: Whether perpetrator or victim – the energetic frequencies and needs are the same. The strategy to get them fulfilled is different. None of the strategies is successful, because they always lead back to inner emptiness. As long as we do not learn to fulfil these needs from within ourselves, we will continue to go through these spirals. When we compromise our essence, we are sabotaging ourselves. It is key to work through the old patterns. Allow them to be there, do not judge or blame yourself or others, find the perspective where you can see the purpose and feel the gratitude for it, and follow the energetic impulse what your system wants to do with this energy to process it.


The moment we learn to respect ourselves, and let the masks drop, we turn arrogance or the people pleaser into a healthy form of pride. Being proud of ourselves from our heart. Self respect and self-love. We are fully anchored into our essence and no longer compromise on our essence. Instead of creating borders out of fear, we set healthy boundaries out of love. We own our stuff, and take responsibility for our own energies and patterns. There is a big difference whether we close down or stay open. Staying open means to accept what is and where people are without any judgment, blame or expecations, and yet be clear on our wants, wishes and desires.

“We learn to clearly state what we want and what we like. We are creating our own energetic container, and our own energetic golden thread that serves as a compass for others who come into our field.”

We learn to clearly state what we want and what we like. We are creating our own energetic container, and our own energetic golden thread that serves as a compass for others who come into our field. We are learning to formulate our values and our personal constitution in all different areas of life, whether in our job, our relationships, our family, our health, or our home. By being very clear and open about our wants and wishes, we give others the opportunity to make a choice based on that information provided: Do they want to commit to this and be part of it, or not.

This has nothing to do with creating limiting rules or regulations and it is not about having any expectations towards anyone. It is nothing but setting a healthy base frequency from which we create and co-create with others. It is an invitation to join for those that resonate with it. When we learn to be very clear with our energetic container and our values, we truly respect and value ourselves and our own space. And that is the basis for being respected and valued by others.

We are now reaching a point where it is no longer possible for us to compromise ourselves, and to make ourselves small and to act according to other’s expectations. It becomes downright uncomfortable and way too painful when we do.


Triggers vs. not resonating


There is a big difference between being triggered, and trying to avoid an experience or simply not resonating. We often tend to not want to look at our “shadow side”. Now with the new lightcodes coming in, the triggers are becoming so intense that we do not have the chance to still look away and ignore the fear patterns which are still stored in our system. We often use the excuse of “it does not resonate” when we don’t want to get involved into something that actually triggers/scares us. And those are things that keep showing up in our awareness until we look at it. If we are honest to ourselves, then we recognize when actually something indeed does resonate parts in us that we don’t like. Our protection pattern is to shut down and ignore, run away or fight against it. A trigger comes back and shows back up in our energetic field until we are brave enough to take it, accept it and process, using the emotions that are coming up. Acceptance = Surrender = Letting go = raising personal frequency.

Whereas ‘not resonating’ is very different. When something does not resonate, it simply does not resonate. We do not feel it, and it is out of our energetic field and awareness -we have forgotten about it the next moment.


Co-Creation and Money


Co-creation is only possible with the mentioned containers and golden threads. These have important intersection points, like fixed stars, that are giving the direction and character of the own, authentic base frequency. The soul song.People come together to co-create with frequencies that resonate with each other, they are creating another joint container and golden thread they commit to. Like an orchestra. Between those fixed stars, there is all the space for individual freedom and letting energies flow, dance, unfold, and manifest.


A lot of people in the ascension process are experiencing being at zero with their monetary funds. That causes tons of frustration and the sensation of unfairness and hopelessness. “How should I contribute and create if I don’t have any funds available?” This is a normal part of the process and supports us to learn that abundance is not about money, but about love and community. That money is not a survival tool but a creation tool. When we give and receive money as an energy of respect, love, appreciation, unity and valuing of each other and the work we do, we are in a completely different energy than when we give and receive out of lack and mistrust, i.e. expectation. Of course that is only possible when we value and respect ourselves and our essence and when we trust that we are always provided with what is needed in this NOW moment.

It is part of the process to let go of the old beliefs around money completely to be able to create from love and invest into things with purpose instead of into things that make us feel safe.

This helps us to trust that we are ALLWAYS safe and that we don’t have to have a big savings account and lots of possessions to feel safe.


“We come with nothing and we go with nothing – why making such a big fuss about it in between?” Osho


Yes, we need tools to create with purpose, and they will always be provided when purpose is there. But we don’t need an accumulation of possessions and money to serve and contribute. Clinging is not part of the flow, it is an ego-program. The flow is a natural movement following the universal rhythm. We can observe it when we observe our own heart-beat or our own breathing. Clinging would be stopping the heart in its beat-point or our breathing in the point when we change from inhale to exhale or vice versa. Obviously that is not healthy, not in balance and not in line with nature and the universal heart beat and flow. We are in a permanent flow of contracting and releasing, of chaos and focus, of being and doing. So isn’t it the most natural thing to just have the patience for the next natural impulse to come?


Community and Abundance


Abundance starts from within. A community that cares for each other and lives in unity based on full trust is what provides us with abundance and freedom. As long as there is a form of mistrust, we cannot experience unconditional life. And we are growing into that idea of what it means to live unconditionally. Community and freedom comes with responsibility. That means to own our energy, thoughts, feelings and creations/manifestations and commit to a joint energetic container and values.

Someone who is committed to a project or community will keep the “own house” clean, and contribute without needing the extrinsic motivation of money. Life on new earth is no longer about survival, it is about enjoyment. Our last inner control mechanism are triggered in such a strong way to completely transform them. They literally are dying as they will no longer be needed.


Building Bridges – from Healing to Empowerment


A lot of people are confronted with big shifts in their work life / mission. All of a sudden, the old way does not work anymore. The time of healing work is over. It will no longer be supported and will no longer work to offer services that heal others, as this means to take the power away of people. Making others dependent of a certain method, service or teaching is an outdated 4th dimensional energy, that has no universal resonance field any longer. This timeline has been deleted. We can observe now everywhere how “spiritual kingdoms” are falling apart. Only what supports people in discovering their own power to come back into wholeness and inner balance will be supported and will work effortlessly. Just as with the money topic, we all have to look honestly into the mirror and ask ourselves if we are giving and receiving from a place of love, respect, unity, value and appreciation, or out of a need that we try to fulfil from outside of us, because we are not able to create it from within.

“The new way of working is building bridges”.

The new way of working is building bridges. It is not the purpose to just create a little 5D bubble exclusively reserved for a couple of enlightened ones that look down to the lower dimensions and feeling more superior than others. No, everything we did to arrive here served to prepare us to build these bridges for the masses to follow. These bridges need to be easily accessible for people that are still in lower frequencies. They need to work with things that people know and can relate to, such as the physical body, the senses, art, music, dance etc. They need to be down-to-earth and easy to understand. They need to offer explanations for the rational mind to understand, so that people are willing to give this bridge a try. And of course they are even more appealing when they include playfulness, fun, and adventure.


Body Upgrades at lightening Speed


As our whole body shifts to be able to process, contain and embody the 5th dimensional frequencies, it needs to restructure completely. The new light codes are rewriting our DNA. That happens by itself. I have written about this process in earlier blogs many times. We are shifting from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline structure. We all know, when we want to change structures, we need to break the old structure first before the new can form. When the old structures break open, old outdated information comes to the surface: The ego-programs. They play out once again like an old movie in our reality. The more we accept them, the quicker we dissolve them. This way, we make space for the new 5D programs.

Our body becomes lighter, less dense, all of our senses and glands are changed, our way of how we take in and produce energy is changing, we will need less and less food, our eyes will see more colours and higher frequencies, our ears will hear higher frequencies, our voice bands will be able to express higher frequencies, our nose will smell higher frequencies and we will be able to do a lot more things with the new light bodies. Step by step, unimaginable things like telepathy, teleportation or bi-location will become possible.

“Once the linear time-space continuum as we know it from the third dimension dissoloves, and we shift into quantum parallel experiences, anything is possible in every single moment.”

Once the linear time-space continuum as we know it from the third dimension dissolves, and we shift into quantum, parallel experiences, anything is possible in every single moment. We have infinite possibilities available and accessible and can manifest them easily by learning and integrating another paradox: Setting an intention and then forget about it. The more our linear mind is transformed into a parallel mind, the easier the forgetting and thus the manifesting will become. And again, this requires to shift the remaining ego-programs that are triggered and are showing up now that come from the cellular memory.



So, in short: We are learning to no longer compromise ourselves and our essence. And the more we do, the more our fear-based identity, which was based on lack, mistrust and fear (in the past and future) is transformed into a new love-based identity, which is based on abundance, trust and love (in the now). Once we mastered this shift, we are living the unconditional life naturally. No methods, no exercises, no meditation needed. Life becomes a meditation when you are present in the now full-time. It becomes effortless.


The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Sourced from here.


All Shifts NOW


We are in a moment of great change.  If you have been keeping up with the Q Anon posts, the speed of the Earth Alliance operations has greatly picked up pace.  I will caution that many of the followers of Q on 8Chan have a very simplistic view of what’s going on and tend to have a conservative vs liberal bias. Yet when you look at what has been done it has no political, religious, ethnic border.  And its certainly not about Jews, as the New York Times is trying to paint it.  That trite broad stroking of anything anti-Wall Street as antisemitism just doesn’t fly anymore.   There just aren’t enough Jews in the world to even pull what has been done off. Think bigger.  And frankly Jews deserve more respect than that kind of media manipulation of the public. Its not limited to any group. Its a planetary problem.

Conversely the pace of censorship by Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter under pressure of their “investors” and “advertisers” (ahem… CHINA INC).  The big Internet giants, according to Q, are all using the same AI algorithm that was in the hands of Edward Snowden in China, to target free speech they don’t like.   What exactly Snowden’s true role in all this is not exactly clear, double or triple agent or mole perhaps?  It does appear he never went to Russia at all, and that was all a hoax and he has been hiding in Hong Kong.  That story will come out in the wash.

BZ Riger had her web site I-UV.COM web site with all of Heather’s work scrubbed yesterday requiring a complete restoration from backup files.  The IP addresses said Morocco but the attack spoke of a major state actor (most likely China which has always been behind and a partner of Morocco for centuries).   Morocco just doesn’t have that kind of IT talent to do that kind of hack without assistance.  The country can barely keep its internet services operating.

The controllers (eastern “Dragons” and their western proxy burnable villain “cabal” of Rothschilds/Rockefellers and associated families wanted Hillary to be the next President, as did their deep state assets that they spent decades cultivating.   It was about disarming and slicing up America for profit.  Loose immigration policies were not about humanitarian concern, but human trafficking as they ones behind the scenes got upwards of $60,000 per immigrant from the IMF, and had “NGOs” in that immigrant.  “The American Experiment in Democracy” was always seen as threat to the old guard who controlled the planet.  The 2nd Amendment made outside invasion impossible.

Hillary and Bill secretly gifted public U.S. lands to the Chinese, various national parks, the mineral rights to uranium under the Bundy Ranch and other BLM lands as “sovereign Chinese territory” and “free trade zones”.  They also sold Uranium One to the Russians.  The real estate take over has happened in Spain and Italy and other European countries as China begins colonizing Europe.  The bankers know this. There are “free trade zones” in Italy that have huge dormitories of Chinese (with children) turning out designer hand bags so they can be sold as “Made in EU”.

When the Chinese refer to “interference in Chinese financial affairs” they are referring to a world they believe they own as a “divinely chosen people” of the gods. China calls itself “the kingdom of the divines” or “the middle kingdom” (the proxy of the divines) and they believe they “merit” the power to say who gets what on Earth.  Yet they do not follow their own meritocracy rules and they know it.
Chinese Dragons are trying to save face, because they know what happens next. Everything they did is seen.

Yet what happens next is a win for them and all, even if they “lose face” temporarily becoming known with all their doings becoming known.  They can’t simultaneously blame the Clinton’s and Rothschild’s when they were Adam Smith’s “unseen hand” as it were behind the financial system.  They can’t have an RV/GCR and put the old gal into a new party dress and pretend they were not running the whole thing all along!

Houston pastor with links to the Bush family selling Chinese “historic bonds”.   Many churches are money laundering operations.   Cash is easy to disguise as donations.

The recent clamp down of Julian Assange’s ability to communicate by Ecuador is brought about by pressure from China on Ecuador . China placed some very difficult financing contracts on Ecuador in the early 2000s.  The reason we know that was Heather the banking lawyer working on a way to make Ecuador self-sufficient and independent and China undercut her work with the President there with side deals to various Ecuadorian politicians.  China always has strings on its “investments” and is not shy about pulling them as it is now doing with Ecuador, Venezuela and other countries.

Today this tweet appeared on Twitter from shows the state of panic that China is currently in:

Sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton and the Deep State doesn’t it? That’s not an accident.

There’s a saying in banking, owe a little money, you worry.  Owe a lot of money the bank worries. Who better knows that situation than Donald J. Trump and the corporate bankruptcies he’s been through?  Who better to restructure what is essentially the greatest banking fraud ever seen perpetrated on the world in the secret bankruptcy of American in 1871?

If you want to understand the way Chinese strategy works, learn to play the game of “Go” and read Sun Tzu.  Its about fencing in your opponents choices.  The Chinese are very good at it. Patiently working at it for hundreds of years.  They’ve infiltrated every agency, every institution, every judiciary on the planet.  We in the west can’t conceive of such time scales of planning.  But its a rather two dimensional game that doesn’t factor jumping over fences or conscious quantum tunneling through obstacles and seeming constraints in ways they never dreamed possible.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is doing doing very well.  Honestly she’s handing her incarceration better than I and others supporting her are.    How that situation exactly resolves I am not sure. This case began in China.  We’ve seen first hand the Chinese and Federal Reserve corruption of the Judiciary so I don’t expect it gets resolved in the same way it happened.  I expect something unusual, whether a pardon by Trump, military intervention, or some other unexpected event… we shall see.  I would be surprised if her confinement last until her slated sentencing in June.

Expect the unexpected!

Sourced from here.