MAR 22

Posted at 10:57h in Cosmos 

Have you been feeling off this week? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Even though we can do a lot of things to get ourselves uptempo and energized—great food, adequate rest, a bit of activity—sometimes events are happening around us that have an impact on our ability to stay on top of our game. This week, the unsolicited drop in your energy could be related to something that is entirely outside of your control.

GeomagneticsOver the last few weeks, the energy of the sun has been astonishingly high. At the moment, there is a massive chasm on the Earth-facing side of the sun. This 200,000km wide coronal hole ejected a high-speed plasma wind out into the solar system on March 13th. These ejections are so powerful and so fast (over 600km/sec) that once they get near the earth’s electromagnetic field, all sorts of geomagnetic events begin to occur. Solar storms like this one temporarily affect the earth’s magnetosphere as the solar wind and flares make contact with the earth’s aura. We too are affected by this as our electromagnetic aura is profoundly and intimately integrated into the earth’s field as well.

Solar MeditationThe effect of this storm is most powerfully felt between March 21st and March 26th and can have a series of impacts on your personal experience throughout these days. This can be even more palpable if you already are emotionally/mentally/spiritually sensitive, empathic, an energy worker, etc. Not to fear though, these fluctuations are part of our personal evolution and we can ride out these energetic shifts through introspection, proper rest, adequate water intake, positive affirmations, meditation, and unconditional love.

Beyond the Biology of BeliefOne of the things that can occur during this period is the experience of an ‘ascension flu.’ This happens when our full-being is going through a quick increase in our light-holding capacity. It’s almost like a biological version of a computer operating system upgrade where the body needs to purge, reset, and regroup with the new information. As the body begins to hold more light, the lower density energy must be released. This can happen in all kinds of ways, including:

-Headaches/temporary memory loss/aches and pains
-Nausea/upset stomach (solar plexus)
-Unsolicited irritability, anxiety, frustration, anger, worry.
-An unusual increase in hunger or thirst
-Increased awareness, intuition, insights
-Seeing energy/orbs/flashes of light
-Increased sensitivity to energy in the body like warm palms, buzzing chakras, crown tingles
-Increased synchronicities
-Increased awareness of positive/negative energy in others
-Technology disturbances

Continue reading here.

WSO ~ Don’t Eat Orange Snow That Fell in Eastern Europe – Wait…Orange Snow?


UPDATE:  THIS IS HUGE NEWS!!  I had to make some changes.  I had the wrong YRFT video and the wrong year on when the toothed “chompers” surrounded Uranus.  Same image as showing up in Steve’s video surrounding Earth.  Viewing the image from YRFT you will see ~ earth was/is next.  She also made mention of the Easter Egg ~ and uh I haven’t mentioned this yet but a couple of weeks ago I began feeling the exit was due on Easter Sunday.  She says the easter egg is the birth.  My mate got chills when I told him this as he said he too had had the same feeling a few days ago but hadn’t wanted to share.  

Editor’s note:  If you go to the 08:41 mark in Steve’s video, you will see what looks like “chompers” grabbing hold of earth.  The Yellow Rose for Texas, in her “A Series of Shorts” video (you can see it here) captured the same image back in November of 2017 – and this same image was surrounding Uranus.  Go to the 11:47 minute mark to see it.  My feel is this is happening to all of the planets in our system – Earth being the last (watch the video and you will see Earth is indeed next).  It feeels to me Earth has been moved towards these “chompers” and perhaps this is the process (removing energy ties and the like??) for being released as we exit this realm.  Anyway, it was quite an OMG moment of connection for both my mate and I.  No coincidence.  

As far as the orange snow in Europe is iron oxide- measuring at 4x the normal amount – leading some to speculate it’s due to the Nibiru System.  All’s about ready to be fully revealed friends…  The rainbows in the skies and clouds are being seen daily now and they are not chemtrails.  These it is said will appear right before the event.  Or let us call it what it is – the Exit.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 25, 2018

Amanda Lorence ~ Update for Wayshowers




As explained here before, on 01 Dec 2014, I was shown a visual of our SUN, with a massive energy ‘cloud like’ formation around it. The ‘cloud like energy’ appeared powerfully stormy, but NOT of rain clouds. Not sure what it was but it behaved as gaseous behaviour. I have not seen physical clouds likes this on Earth. The colours of these ‘gaseous’ like clouds were blue, pink, purple, yellow and Green. All of the colours, of the ‘cloud like’ formations coagulated, mixing, melding into each other…around the sun. I was given info, that when I saw the PALE GREEN (‘cloud like’ formation), I could take this as a sign, that it is ‘time’. In other words, the green will be seen last, before the anticipated high energy wave is released via our Sun towards Gaia.

At the time of this vision, it was hard for me to believe that those pastel colours and ‘cloud like’ formation could be possible as I had not seen anything in the physical, even vaguely similar.

This year, many images now depicting the specific hue of the colour GREEN in our skies are being seen by many and photographed, and have appeared on social media. I can now understand that what I was shown in 2014, was the same colour ‘green’ within a natural rainbow spectrum of light rays. Also evident in the last month, rainbow spectrum light formations seen around the world, around our sun, and away from the sun in natural water cloud formations (Pic below show the colour ONLY, of the HUE of pale green I speak of).

So I wish to write with CLARITY NOW:
IF (???) I see the green ‘cloud like’ gaseous looking formation I was shown in 2014 around our Sun, I will post a short post, that the “GREEN CLOUD HAS BEEN SEEN, EXPECT MAIN LIGHT WAVE”. I do not know how much linear time we will have between the green ‘cloud like’ formation appearing, and the huge LIGHT WAVE arriving for earth and her inhabitants. Knowing I may/may not have time to explain THEN, I’m explaining NOW, in advance. I can not anticipate explaining or answering questions at that point. So let’s get clued up NOW, in advance.

IF (???), I see the green formation, I will post that I have. So please share then, if you can, to advise others if you feel called. Then all we need to each do, is relax, allow, and absorb the long awaited GOLDEN RAY of light.

All my love
25 March 2018



Editor’s note:  I would LOVE to get some love from the sun ~ if it would come out and visit…


Johanna Hultin – Something absolutely unique, and previously unheard of, namely a Transmutational Sun-Solar frequency SHIFT and Major Upgrade is due during the last week of March – the coming week.

The sun is quite literally up for its greatest shift and upgrade yet, as far as I understand in the history of mankind, and it’ll even change its position as this happens, if only for a milli-micro second. This motion – in the actual physical – will be too brief and too subtle for the human radar and technology to detect, no doubt, but never the less, the event is one that WILL have a MONUMENTAL impact both instantaneously and over time.

Those now alive on Earth will live through a historic “Before and After” event , mark my words – there is the sun as we know it in this Now, and then there’ll be the “new” sun – the post upgrade/shift sun. No, we won’t be able to detect the difference with our physical eyes, but those accustomed to energy work will most definitely KNOW it, and I dare say that all living beings will be feeling/sensing it, one way or another.

I have a strong feeling that we need to be aware and prepared in order to make the most of this unique event. As always: awareness, focus, intention, will(ingness)  and action are the key words.

Starting NOW, spend time ‘DRINKING & BREATHING’ IN the sun- and the solar light (the solar light being the sun’s ENERGY VIBRATION, the frequency it holds and sends out, while the sunlight is the physical phenomenon; the light rays),

Continue reading here.


Today’s Message ~ 3/24/18


I have had a rough time today.  I spent much of it napping, journaling and releasing crap.  Inside I felt I was just done with it all.  Just fed up and done.  

Did I say done??

I spoke strong words.  “These are not my thoughts.  They are not OF me.  I no longer give you any attention no matter how much you pop up and grab at my attention.  I am NOT YOU.  Leave!  I will do this as long as it takes until you get so bored, you implode.”

I then felt very drained.  I cried to my mate “I don’t know how much longer I can do this reality.  I want to go to where we have seen for so long.”  He could only sympathize as he has the same experience.

I needed some inspiration.  Something said “go get a bible.”

Uh, a bible?


That’s like telling a hillary fanatic to find a redeeming quality about DJT.

Ok, so I go get my bible and decide to grab my book on the Dead Sea Scrolls. I thought I may get a better message from that one.

I scroll through the DS scrolls book (hey nice little pun there, eh?).  Nothing jumps out at me.  NOTHING.

I keep feeling the nudge to open up the bible.  It won’t bite, I joke with myself.

So I open it up.  Just picked it up and open it.  No thought.

I turn to the book of Isiah.

And my eyes go right to the speak of now is being made new heavens and a new earth.

W O W.

How people will live long and healthy and happy.

How the wolf will lay with the lamb.


And how we will no longer remember the pains and trauma’s of this realm.


Tears come.  Strongly.

Thank you.


It is #checkmate with the criminals in government.

#checkmate with all who have enslaved us and gaia.

Home is calling.

And I am ready.

We are ready.



Thank you for supporting my work fellow earthlings.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

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Sophia Love ~ The Event ~ Reports from the Collective


Editor’s note:  Resonating chills, bliss and a smiling heart as I read this. Thank you Sophia Love for putting this together!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  We are about to be “unplugged” in order that we may fully come Online as Source Super Powers of Love.  I remember the one dream I had of the Event in early 2017 ~ the main message was “this changes everyone and everything by returning the internal experience of Pure Divine Love.”


Today I’d like to share some additional reports regarding this upcoming Event.  Sources are dreams, higher selves, QHHT sessions and One.  I will keep each anonymous while sharing as much as I am able to comfortably.

These were given to me or shared with me by some of my readers, these are not my own dreams or QHHT sessions.

In that way, what is offered here is from all of us, a collective imagining of what is heading our way.  Enjoy.

“I watched another video with Allison Coe. I was happy to see how many others described rainbow light like I described in my dream. The light was alive. It washed the manufactured and dirty veil from our bodies minds and spirits. With it came telepathy and the ability to communicate directly without being recorded and tracked by the dark side. Rather than being and end unto itself, it was simply a tool in the coming transition wherein humanity reclaims their sovereignty rather than being it handed to them. It all comes down to free will.”

“Event to happen by April 15, not sure of any date, with intense bright light immediately followed by ripples of colored light across sky, those whose vibrational levels are not quite high enough will leave the earth for  72 hours and then be returned to Earth to get to raise their vibratory rate, those who cannot/will not raise their rate will be off Earth and taken to another 3D planet, I estimate between 35-50% of Earths current population”

Regarding ascension symptoms:
“The turmoil is akin to a simmering pot.  It’s been simmering these many years. It boils over now because, in a sense, the heat has been turned up.  This is not heat from you.  It is coming from the increased frequency. It has to be seen and adjusted as the heat won’t be going down but increasing.”

“You will not be separated from any loved ones for long enough to worry, but yes, some of those will be on the ships.”

“It will be like the blink of an eye.  Surreal and then everything changes. This is real. It is a joining and recognition of all of you.  Every component. This gives you your full force.”
“These coming times will not feel easy, they will be confusing and could appear frightening.  You know better.”

“You will be empowered to experience and express your full selves, not leaving behind your ego self this time, but incorporating and including her and him into full expression. This means all parts join in the most joyful and desired ways.  It is the only outcome seen now.”

“There is a wave of light coming your way.  It is one in which the colors will be seen as well as felt. It is not one that will be experienced on a purely sensual basis.  It will be visually perceived.
In the majority of the people it will not be understood. This wave is not exactly as seen in the images portrayed by the entertainment industry.  These images are close. They have been presented now in order to instill fear.”

“The image of this light and color love/light wave is more like a moving flowing group.  You will not have to decide to move into it, it will move through you and although it will be unusual, it will not cause fear. The effort at bringing an element of fear to it will not succeed.
This is because the power of the energy/light itself is stronger than anything every experienced here on earth. It will not be overcome by anything else.  It will be known and felt as love.”

“There will be a moment. This moment will or may be confusing for those among you who have not ever attempted to operate from a point of love. It will not last.”

“This is not to say the wave will have the same effect on each of you.  It will not.”

“Many of you will segment this out as if it were a dream.
Some of you will have it occur while sleeping but will recall it as a dream – a dream you may not even speak of until life feels so very altered the following day or someone else mentions the same sort of dream.”

“It comes at you even now, make no mistake. It will also be an isolated physical happening in which there will be a beginning, a middle and an end.  There will be a time known as before the event and a time known as after the event. It will be marked and recognized.”

“The time leading up to the event is right now.  The time after the event comes soon.  This event is not days long but will be recovered from for days after.  It will change everything for everyone.”

“The physical man-made systems will all be altered.”

“You have heard and now expect something in March of your current year.  It is true that something happens in March but it is not the event as you are expecting it. It is a leading-edge wave of love, an introduction to light filled energy that sets the stage for what is to be known as the event. It begins now. It will be known to have happened in March of this current year. That is specific as I am going to be.”

“It is in these pre-cursor waves of energy where you’ll find hearts begin to open and things begin to thaw.”

“You cannot plan your life around its timing. All of you will be protected during this event – it is not one of destruction or of fear, quite the opposite.”

“The event is a singular moment that is set to “on” very soon. It is humanity and the earth and the central sun (that pull the switch).”

“All is perfectly done. Your place when the event occurs is perfectly chosen. You will see. There will be no missing it, sleeping through it, or fear around it.”

“It will not be seen or forecasted.  It will simply arrive.”

“Simultaneously for everyone on the planet – the wave arrives.”

So that about covers it!

We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With gratitude and so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  
Much obliged.

Sourced from here.


Amanda Lorence ~ A Message for the Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  The past few morning’s I have awoken with the feel that April 1st was going to be the start of something permanent and significant.  


Amanda Lorence
2 hrs


Timelines are perceived by some as linear (past, present, future). In truth they are non-linear as many of you know (all occurring simultaneously in the NOW).

At this point in the collective MASS awakening and ascension timeline on GAIA, the Lemurian timeline and the Human 2018 timeline will become ‘timeless’. Whether this is a physical sight and solid appearance, or whether it is that REAL-TIME telepathic communication begins in EARNEST between Lemurian energies and many humans, I do not know. We will know soon.

The dates 1-7 April are significant. I don’t work with dates, so that KNOWING in itself shows me the huge significance. It is significant for each human based on their chosen path. It is extremely clear, since recent shift at Equinox, that “It is done”, “All is ready”, “Each have chosen”. This means that all plays out perfectly for each individual facet as chosen at their higher level. There is no right or wrong, just experience. And each will contribute to this period accordingly. 1-7 April is significant for each human to absorb and take FULL responsibility for their individualised thoughts and actions during that time period. Advice would be to use your own INTUITION and not what others (including me) say…only you know YOU, your path, your journey. Another does not know YOU as well as you know YOU. Listening to your inner guidance will show each human HOW to focus through 1-7 April, if they quieten down and listen within. Many will not quieten sufficiently to hear their inner guidance system, yet the cruder nudges of intuition and gut feelings are easier to pick up on to assist each person…should they choose to act upon themselves. I repeat, 1-7 April is significant. Yet I do not know why or how yet. I’m passing on this definite forecasted timeline, well in advance…in order that each are aware, to choose how to be ahead of time, to adjust, balance, quieten, be the neutrality…if you chose such focus. Always a choice. No judgement exists, except within you.

1-7 April, I will be offline merging consciousness directly with GAIA assisting her as this energy. I’ll be working energetically with inter-galactic energies also. Of course, if info arrives within 1-7 April dates, I will hop on here to pass on.

It’s all moved up a notch since the recent Equinox; we’ve shifted, the incoming patterns have altered (new energy patterns within our physical bodies, new colour sequences and patterns incoming to Gaia) and all our human collective work across the planet reflects that shift. So many humans are assisting with precise focus in these significant times.

One Love.

AL 23 March 2018

Ep. 4: The Sun and The Solar Flash (with Joshua Dharma)


Listening…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  I had forgotten I had subscribed to his channel awhile back as I really liked his energy.  Good find, mate!  


Published on Mar 19, 2018




Editor’s note:  I was called to read this.  I appreciate that I did.  Lately I began to feel an inner switch within that reminded me I Am is what is Abundant.  (I also remain passionate about seeing abundance for all of pure heart ~ in whatever form he/she desires.)  



by Jeanie, published on March 22, 2018


     I feel infinitely wealthy! My cup overflows, my bounty runs over!
      I am bursting at the seams with excitement!
     I have become VERY CLEAR about TRUE ABUNDANCE of life! It has always been there. I see that now. I see how I have known it as LOVE!
     LOVE IS.  Sometimes I knew it and felt it, other times I feared and kept myself from experiencing it. In those moments that I felt fear, I experienced things I didn’t like. When I trust that I am safe, all is well. Even better now, I know that the most DELIGHTFUL things happen when I am APPRECIATING LIFE NOW!
     As a single mother I struggled financially, and at times was blessed. I see how my thoughts and feelings played into what happened! From my perspective,I held many beliefs about money that didn’t serve me, or anyone I knew.
     For a time,  I believed that it was Godly to be poor. (I heard  it in a sermon somewhere ). I suppose on the flip side of that is a belief that, only bad people have lots of money. I can see how society supports that belief.
     As I said, money has been a thing I’ve not had a lot of. The funny thing is that we’ve always been taken care of. Somehow, someway, it always works out! I do my best to take care of me and mine, and there is always enough. I have pursued many things in an attempt to create more abundance for my family. I have educated myself, I have worked, learned,invested, and given. I keep giving and it keeps flowing through!  LOVE IS the TRUE CURRENCY in my life! I trust that no matter how financially wealthy I may become, it will pale in comparison to who I am and the love I flow in my experience! I FEEL like the WEALTHIEST ONE ever! I am Feeling the BLISS of unconditional LOVE and seeing the fruit of it in my life! The more money I get, the more money I share and I am having so much FUN DOING it! That’s the key –FUN! The more fun I have, the more there is to have! Now that I am KNOWING MY WORTH and FEELING at EASE BEING MYSELF, the more LOVE I AM ALLOWING In all ways!
     One of my favorite ways is SYNCHRONICITY. I was glowing in appreciation for time spent with family,  and how HAPPY I am to be able to GIVE! I felt moved to pick up a book I had just purchased, I opened it up and the number of the story was significant. I read the message and LAUGHED OUT LOUD at the confirmation it gave me! I know now that what comes financially, or otherwise,  Is going to change me for the better. LIFE IS SO  GOOD!
Sourced from here.

Looking For Your Event and/or New Earth stories


Hello readers and subscribers~

Do you have a dream, vision or story you wish to share about The Event or New Earth?

Or perhaps you just wish to share your perception.

If so, please go to this link and fill in your information.  I will be creating a separate category for your experiences and will share them far and wide.

Thank you.  Much love.  Peace, blessings and freedom~

