Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep # 59


the feeling of not being able to be fully here – nice to hear that as i have been trying to FORCE myself at times to be fully in the present moment and my mind just isn’t going there….g.i. symptoms lately (some purging but not as intense as in the past)….and blurry eyes……other sources i have read too are saying the merge is happening (heard recently it’s complete)….i had a moment in the past week where i felt myself mourning for the good bye of this realm –  not a first so i thought ok how many times do i have to do THIS?!  just putting it out there….that’s what i am aligning with at the moment.  sounds like any blocks in this realm to hinder or block our ability to feel the experiences/changes/upgrades etc. of last year – that code was removed.  


Published on Feb 26, 2019



i aligned w/this one a bit….mostly about the incoming blasts of energies and how the system is lying to us (withholding info) about it – as i was saying earlier about these ongoing missing data points w/the solar wind graphs….i also aligned w/the “ascension” symptoms….yesterday i felt so “ugh” all over – haven’t felt that in a long time – and my first thought was “oh god – not another round of ascension symptoms”….which to me are just bodily effects resulting from energies….and these days this leads me to thinking ok if this is a movie – a simulation – and my real body is in stasis outside of this realm and my consciousness is in this projected/altered vessel – WHY would this vessel be feeling the effects?  or is it my REAL body experiencing the energies and that experience is being projected onto this version?  or is it perhaps possible that whatever happens to my REAL body – this vessel i am in now feels it too?

others have to hold these questions.  there are many who as well have reflected (in some cases insisted) we are just in avatars – real body in stasis – playing out a video game of sorts.  and yet i don’t hear/read these same people asking these questions.  digging for the truth.   makes me ask  the obvious: “why?”



Published on Feb 10, 2019

Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis 1-22-19 ~ Time Shift Blog Planetary Gridworker


editor victoria’s comment ~ this is a good one.  i was going to write a piece in a bit – a brief one – about the difference between yesterday and today (what a difference a day makes – indeed!) but instead i’ll just share that w/lisa’s piece. as i mentioned last night i felt a timeline shift – very visceral in my body.  was it happening at that moment or was i just tuning in to what had already taken place?  likely the latter.  i immediately stood up and said “NO I OBJECT” and stopped giving the situation my energy – which for me at the time such energy focus felt as if i were keeping the timeline insert going – giving it power.  this experienced followed a very challenging day where i felt just “off”.  i also noticed people i spoke with – that i know – seemed different.  certainly different than in the previous interaction.  at the end of the day i told my mate “it was like which person did i get today?  an old version?”  he agreed.  this timeline manipulation seems to bring up a feeling of angst inside – deep levels of frustration and the overall feeling of being messed with.  today?  very different experience.  i feel more fluid and free and relaxed.  mate had the same experience.  as i have said i am a sensing type – visual’s are rare for me – but when i feel a timeline adjustment i feel it is coming from “them” trying to stop what is naturally in place.  visually i get a murky color in my mind.  and what is already in place ain’t going anywhere.  when “they” mess with it – whether it’s the matrix AI program or matrix supporting entities (who knows if it’s one or both – i do not) – i can feel the harshness of it but then the natural new timeline gently but HUGELY makes its way back in.  like the waves of an ocean – you cannot hold them back.  

i am going to just share this one – an article i posted awhile back (that was not mine) mentioned the last day to jump to the new timeline is january 31st – tomorrow.  i am not sure if that is a literal experience – and i am just observing while intending for the timeline (experience) i desire and see. however i find it interesting that given my experience yesterday and last night – that timeline messing deal – that it would happen so close to the 31st.  

this particular section from lisa’s piece spoke to me:  “It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful.” feeling into this i could sense this could be describing the merging of the New with the current (and the New is really the “old” of Home which is why it feels familiar – because it is).  

here’s another portion that spoke to me:  “As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission.”  this doesn’t impact me as it once did – now i can see it and know what is behind the experience.  when i was a child i had moments where i would ask myself if there was something else doing this to me – something “outside” of the person doing the ugly doing.  i am more neutral now – although yes the trigger’s still arise.  mostly makes me want to offer up a physical smack along with a few expletives.  time for another body detox (celery juice)….

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What an intense week it has been leading up to the lunar eclipse event.  I’m hoping that sharing more about what defines a gridworker is supportive to help connect in with the many layers of emotional and spiritual processing that is occurring now, as the field is shifting and many of us are reclaiming our lost pieces of identity and undergoing deeper self realization. As we find that deep connection with our spiritual core, we stabilize our lightbody in that we can more gracefully endure some major shaking and quaking in the planetary grid network. This appears to be due to the accumulation of many ongoing gridworker projects coming to a head over the last week, leading up to the Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st, and a recent showdown for eviction that occured in a centralized hub for the Caduceus network that is located in the center of the United States.This week felt extremely important in the alignment of future timelines, meeting into a crossroads that presented as either anchoring in more deeply the descending AI phantom timelines, or rising into a better alternative or option beyond the mind control. This week was a shift in realities, changing of reality bubbles, and this may have been felt as deeply transformative, even life changing. This event is incredibly impactful in the change of the bodily functions, shifting metabolism, shifting bio-rhythms, the intense pressure that is exerted when a physical thing has to transform and shift into another format, another option, another direction. Sometimes, we need a major spiritual catalyst that provides intense heat and pressure, in order to provoke major changes that impact our lives and transform our consciousness forever.

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.

Planet Grid Shifts

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.[1]



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Denise Le Fay ~ Parallel Earths & The Coming Separation


editor victoria’s comment ~ very interesting.  it continues to be my feel that ALL break free from the illusion – however not all go to land on New Earth/Home.  in time yes perhaps, but given this does seem to me to be a situation where we truly get to make our own choices – according to Source Original Creating and Freedom – some simply will want to continue on with a more “3d-like” experience.  money.  limits.  politics.  although there will be much more freedom in that experience.  kind of like a slow entry into something totally NEW that the majority (i align w/her percentages, btw given my own personal experiences) simply would not be able to “handle” at this point.  that feels loving to me.  so what feels like a separation is not a forced separation as we have experienced for so long.  if that makes sense. one experience that keeps coming back to me is a conversation i had almost 15 years ago with a friend.  i told her to consider the idea of a way of being that didn’t include money.  pay to live.  it offended her.  she said “as long as it isn’t FORCED on us.”  i said “isn’t that what we’re currently experiencing now?”  did what i say sink in?  i don’t know.  but today she is a rapid trump hater and she and her husband stopped speaking with me because of my politics.  sad but that’s what happens.  we go where we align, right?

anyway t/y patricia for telling me about this one.  i kept forgetting to find it and share – but Life spoke and guided it to me 2 more times.  i got bz and shared.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


The above image is intended to represent the Separation of Worlds, the old physical Earth world and energies reaching their final Expiration Date December 21–23, 2012 and continually reducing energetically from that date forward. The image shows two parallel lines, one continually increasing, the other continually decreasing side-by-side. Replace those two parallel lines of blocks in the image with two parallel physical Earths, an ascending Earth that’s been returning to full organic energies and continually increasing energetically, and the other old inorganic patriarchal Earth that’s been continually decreasing energetically since December 21–23, 2012.

At some point these Earths that have existed parallel to each other will completely split-off, separate from each other and no longer exist in this old position and state. The NEW organic Earth will continue to energetically and physically ascend while the old inorganic Earth continues to rapidly decline and eventually exist no more. That inorganic Earth world most of us incarnated on in these lives reached its full Expiration Date in December 2012 and will not exist indefinitely. This is the Separation of Worlds and it is now very close at hand physically. Some say it will happen physically in 2019, and for a couple of years I’ve thought it would happen in 2020 due to multiple things, one big reason being the approaching Saturn Pluto conjunction throughout 2019, then it reaching exact conjunction on January 12, 2020 at 22° Capricorn. Look at those numbers!

Before we go further I want to briefly clarify what I mean by organic and inorganic Earth. Earth was originally organic meaning Source designed but it was intentionally manipulated by Team Dark negative aliens and beings into a profoundly diminished inorganic state many thousands of years ago. They did this to parasitically use physical humanity and Earth, the solar system, much of the fourth dimensional Astral plane and more as their personal etheric and physical energy food and fuel sources. They intentionally distorted Earth, other planets in this solar system and humanity so severely that it all was energetically diminished to an inorganic state. Original organic humans were beautiful, loving beings that respected each other, Earth/Gaia, the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine, females in general and all else on, in, around and off planet. However, when Earth and humanity were seized by negative aliens, humanity was intentionally distorted into being anti-human, anti-Earth, anti-female, warring and murderous because that is how those negative aliens were and felt themselves; “humanity created in the image of god.”

Some Ascension teachers and some channels have stated that old patriarchal inorganic Earth will last for another 100 years, some claim another 300 years, and a couple of channels have claimed it will exist for another 1,000 years. Based on what I know as of this moment—and I reserve the right to know more tomorrow and the next day and the next—much of when the old inorganic Earth completely disappears depends on the Embodiers Pathpaving from the physical in-body levels now. Don’t feel pressured Embodiers, Forerunners, First Everythingers by this because you have, we have been doing this all along anyway.

 The more you/me/we Embodiers, Forerunners, Pathpavers Embody and elevate ourselves, our physical bodies and DNA etc., the faster we automatically pull and lift everything and everyone else behind us up to increasingly higher energy levels. Think how race cars draft off of the lead cars. Like my old cartoon drawing of the Angel with a huge chain over its shoulder intentionally hauling Earth up stair-steps all the way back up to organic frequencies and state internally and externally, you and I have been doing exactly that throughout this entire Ascension Process. We have always been those who Volunteered to incarnate in these current lives to in all ways override and elevate what was long ago stolen and horrendously distorted energetically, etherically and physically by Team Dark negative aliens and other beings. Said simply, the Volunteers incarnate now came in to clean up the negative aliens and beings ancient energetic and etheric distortions done to Earth, the solar system, much of the 4D Astral and to global humanity and continually energetically override and elevate everything back to a fully organic state, DNA, human consciousness, Earth and external reality.

We could have stopped this monumental Ascension Process effort years ago because the agreed upon base ascension level had been reached, however, because we were soul-deep into all this evolutionary ascension business physically ourselves, we decided to pull the whole thing up even higher, then higher than that, and yes even higher than that much to the many cosmic onlookers surprise. Many of them weren’t expecting us to do that but we have and we continue to do so today because we’re of the heartmind of “why not go as high as we can with this now and Embody and Pathpave even higher for everyone?”

Respectable run-of-the-mill ascension wasn’t enough for most of us after the early transmuting and residual clearing Work was accomplished so we collectively decided to go for higher gold so to speak with this Ascension Process on physical Earth. Why the extra Work, aches, pains and additional old negative bullshit from the old lower fronts? Because cosmic spiritual opportunities like this only come around every few hundred million years or more so why not take it as high as we could for ourselves and Embody, build and Pathpave energy migration routes for the rest of humanity coming up in 2019, 2020, and 100, 300 or 1,000 years behind us? We already hurt like hell and had gotten used to being strategically stationed around the entire planet as living Lighthouses isolated from other Embodiers and Forerunners, so a little more of it all wasn’t that big of a deal to us at that point within the Ascension Process. We’ve taken Earth and humanity back to planned Divine Source organic energy levels, plus we’ve taken it to Crystalline Christ frequency availability for every human that may desire that as well. Wind us up and stand back because this is who we are. Source knew we’d make the decisions to go farther and higher long before we knew we would.

Because the Volunteers took a vote over a decade ago about the state of affairs with the Ascension Process on Earth back then, and the majority voted to wait longer in hopes of more people elevating their frequency and joining the Ascension Process by finally getting so sick and tired of the old global negativity, we waited. However, that long wait is now over and the Separation of Worlds is close to happening.

Will The Separation of Worlds Happen On The Physical Level?


To discuss this I’m going to use the percentages of 28% existing on the NEW Earth and 72%existing on the old Earth that Inelia Benz talked about in her November 15, 2018 blog article.

Frustrating that it’s 72% after our 2007 vote to wait and give them more time to get fed-up with the anti-human heartless negativity and all else of the old Earth world and start developing heart and a desire to stop the global internal and external personal and collective pain. After all of our individual Forerunner ascension blood, sweat and tears Work transmuting, clearing and continuously increasing our frequencies and Light and Pathpaving energetically for mass humanity, there’s still 72% of global humanity that prefers the old negativity, insanity, personal and collective pain(s) and everything that went with that lower frequency inorganic state, consciousness and Earth world. That’s why I voted for the Separation of Worlds to take place in 2007 because I knew we wouldn’t get the numbers most Forerunners were hoping for and believed was possible back then. They won’t in 2019 or 2020 either which is why the Separation of Worlds is finally going to happen on the physical level. There are many Forerunners, Embodiers, Pathpavers etc. that cannot exist in this in-between state any longer because the gap in frequencies and people is too great and too painful at this point. The full separation from the old inorganic patriarchal Earth and humanity on it must happen soon for the Forerunners to thrive and continue the Higher Work for all.

With some of the earlier choices, votes and Work revisited again here for perspective, we’ve finally reached that point within the Ascension Process where these two parallel Earth worlds cannot continue as they have been since December 2012, and the Separation of Worlds is about to unfold physically. Let’s cover some of that to get a better awareness about how it will most likely look to those in the 28% group. To explain this I’m going to talk about some things I already have many years ago at TRANSITIONS when I first experienced them. It’s time to put these different experiences and events over the years and decades into perspective in relation to the 28% and 72% groups of people on parallel Earth worlds. Become more conscious of your nonlinear being and Work you’ve done and continue doing both in and outside of linear time and space.

I want all the elders and others who’ve been living the Ascension Process as First Everythingers from the very start to remember back twenty years ago or so to when you first noticed other people rudely getting in your way when you were somewhere shopping. Remember how suddenly people were walking up and standing in front of you way too close physically and refused to move out of your way? Remember how they’d just ignore you and your shopping cart and what you were doing and trying to look at on some shelf in stores? Remember how goddamned mad it made you having strangers treat you like you didn’t exist, like you were invisible? Yeah, you see where I’m going with this. Those people weren’t intentionally being rude or disrespectful to we First Everythingers, they did not see, feel or sense us standing right there in front of them and this began happened repeatedly twenty years ago! Because we were vibrating at a slightly higher and faster FREQUENCY than they were, those individuals didn’t see or sense us at all. This has always been about different individual levels and rates of frequency and vibration. Higher and faster, lower and slower. If you doubt this try this. Intentionally induce an emotion in yourself that’s based on something you’ve experienced that caused you to be really angry or fearful. Recreate that emotion in yourself as completely as you can then pay attention to how your vibratory rate drops. After this, intentionally induce an emotion in yourself that’s based on something you’ve experienced that caused you great joy or peace or gratitude etc. Feel that in yourself and your body and honestly compare the radically different frequencies of those emotions and the different levels of frequency they produced in you. Existence today in dying inorganic Earth or in NEW organic Earth basically comes down to which frequency range each of us has within us and maintains. Anger, fear, hatred, greed, causing pain to ourselves and others or respect, honesty, compassion, equality, real freedom, sharing all with all and so on.

Next I want all the Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners to remember back to the start of the physical, biological Ascension Process in 1998–1999, and how when driving your vehicle other drivers would nearly hit you and/or run you off the road. I want you to remember how they would change lanes and almost sideswipe your vehicle, or how they’d suddenly pull out in front of you, how they’d run red lights and almost hit you and on and on and on. Other people drove their vehicles like you did not exist, like you were invisible and simply not physically there. These mega jerks endangering us, themselves and other drivers may have not been the mega jerks I, we first believed they were because over time we realized they DID NOT SEE US which meant we had to pay extra attention to not only our own driving but everyone else’s. We were invisible to many people when we drove and that was truly harrowing and another aspect of us living the Ascension Process first and at a higher frequency level than the majority. Many people couldn’t see us and our shopping carts in stores nor did they see us in our cars when we were driving them. Like living and Pathpaving the Ascension Process first wasn’t difficult, painful and dangerous enough we’ve also had to physically deal with and emotionally cope with our being invisible to a good part of humanity since 1999.

All of us who began the physical level biological Ascension Process first because we were per-incarnationally coded to do so in 1998 or the start of 1999, began living our lives and realities in a higher frequency space from that time forward and has continually increased in frequency and vibratory rate, expanded in size and amount of Light energies we’ve continually embodied and Embodied ever since. Because we’ve been continually increasing our “Light quotient”, evolving, ascending in all ways and literally living and existing within our personal secluded higher frequency physical homes, apartments, properties etc. since 1998–1999, we’ve been living the continually increasing Separation of Worlds the entire time.

I wrote about a few experiences I had throughout the decade of the 2000s that dealt with this from my Forerunner of the Forerunners higher frequency perspective. One of these many bizarre experiences looked to me like I was viewing certain lower frequency physical humans and locations through a very long dark tunnel. One time some neighbors yelled at me from down the street and when I turned to look at them they appeared to me to be small and very far away and I had to strain to actually see them through this long dark tunnel. The first time I experienced this it was shocking and as usual my first thought was, What the hell is wrong with my eyes?! There wasn’t anything wrong with my eyes, I was simply viewing those neighbors and other people who existed in the 72% group frequency, consciousness and old Earth world reality from my position in a higher and faster frequency level.

I’ve had many face-to-face encounters and battles with very evolved Team Dark aliens and other demonic beings etc. and yet, as odd as this may sound to some, it was a physical awake experience I had in the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) in the mid-2000s that really shocked me to my core. Monsters? Yeah, whatever, been there done that. Having physicalbuildings disappear while I’m physically standing in them is a very different story, or it was to me back then. Today I think I’d be ecstatic to witness the old lower frequency Earth world totally disappeared from my view and personal reality. These past twenty years of living the Ascension Process as Forerunners should have prepared each of us emotionally and psychologically for the ultimate separation from the old inorganic Earth world, reality and its 72% population.

I had to go to the DMV office in the mid-2000s and after waiting in line outside the building for nearly an hour, I finally reached the only public entrance to the office. When I crossed that threshold into the building—which I’d been in many times before—I couldn’t see anything in that large building other than the tiny narrow queue line leading up to only one window. Everything else in the large DMV building was pitch black and literally physically gone from my perspective. The only thing I could see was one tiny narrow line I was in inside the office that was dimly light overhead by one very dim light. I couldn’t believe what I was and was not seeing! There were no sounds at all which is rare in busy loud public buildings like the DMV. I remember thinking to myself how profoundly grateful I was that there were a few people ahead of me in this line and that there was at least the one dim overhead light so I could even see where to go and then how to exit the building. I was in the DMV office for about twenty minutes and the entire time 99% of it remained completely invisible, blacked-out, soundless and with only that tiny single line dimly light overhead the entire time. I was never so relieved to exit a physical building than I was that day.

There have been numerous other similar experiences where I couldn’t easily or clearly see or See at all certain places, buildings and people that exist in the old lower frequency Earth world. Likewise, since 1999, there’s been many people in the lower frequency 72% group that couldn’t see, hear, feel or sense me or you in the 28% higher frequency group. My point in going over these two radically different levels of frequency and existence again in January 2019 is to remind us that we’ve been living the Separation of Worlds ever since it started in 1998–1999 on the physical Earth level. Additionally, its continually accelerated every month and year since December 21–23, 2012. It will most likely reach complete physical separation from the 72% lower frequency Earth and human population on it at some point in 2019.

The big question on most everyone’s heartmind is how will this final physical level Separation of Worlds look and feel to those of the 28% group? And how will it look and feel to those in the 72% group?

From the 28% perspective, physical NEW organic Earth and reality will no longer have the 72% individuals in it. They will not exist in this higher frequency NEW Earth nor will any of the old negative patriarchal systems and structures. That dream I had in December 2018 where a kitten spoke with a human voice, “There’s a lot of Work ahead of us” is making more sense now that we’re in 2019 and facing the completion of the Separation of Worlds physically!

I know that many of you reading this have personally experienced buildings, people and areas suddenly just not be there more than a few times. You’re driving somewhere and old familiar landmarks are nonexistent and you momentarily get lost because of it. They weren’t torn down by physical construction crews, they’re simple gone. Certain places and people just disappear and you do your best to not get rattled by this and continue with whatever it was you were doing when you discover some more of old Earth reality is gone. This is much like what it will look like and be to those of the 28% group on NEW organic Earth; all the lower frequency people and systems and all else will simply not be there.

From the 72% group perspective it will just be what it’s always been to them. They won’t even perceive our departure. The old Earth world and reality they prefer will still be there— for the time being —so to them there won’t be any change whatsoever. What is today, and will accelerate and increase in the old lower inorganic Earth world is its escalated deterioration and eventual total demise. It has no energies supporting it to continue, so for the 72% group, life on old expired inorganic Earth will continue to get increasingly unpleasant. They all have the option of individually migrating to NEW Earth via increasing their frequencies, their Light quotient via the Ascension Process which will help them make the evolutionary transition. Not everyone within this 72% group will do this in 2019, 2020, or 100 years or 300 years or 1,000 years from now however. Most will but not all.

Personally I sense that the remaining time left for old inorganic patriarchal Earth’s physical existence is very short. 100 to 300 years at the very most. The Embodiers been very intensely intending both the elevation and acceleration of the entire Ascension and Embodiment Processes for ourselves and humanity behind us and it’s working. I’ve never sensed that there’s 1,000 years left for old negative Earth to exist as it disintegrates. I feel it’s much less linear time than that.

To gain access to ascended NEW Earth the 72% individuals must raise their individual frequencies up out of all that’s been normal, accepted and encouraged on the old negative inorganic patriarchal Earth world. Again, this is about different levels of frequency and individual “Light quotients” as it’s been called. You either vibrate higher and faster or you don’t. Remember that the Forerunners waited for an extra decade for more of the 72% people to increase their individual frequencies via the Ascension Process energies and naturally evolve, “ascend” to a higher frequency. We waited a long time for them to do this and it was hard on us in just about every way to do so but we did it. The waiting period is finally over however. Now we’ll move on and it’s up to the 72% to increase their individual frequencies and traverse the ascension energy migration Pathways we Pathpaved for them for this very reason.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ As usual there will probably be some interesting questions and answers discussed about the strong probability of the physical Separation of Worlds taking place at some point in 2019 in Comments under this article so I recommend you check out the Comments too.


 At some point during the last two weeks of December 2018, I had a visitation from a group of seven ET Lightbeing types. I didn’t write the date this happened down so I can’t remember exactly but it happened during that time. I was awake when this group of seven ET Lightbeing types intentionally appeared to me. Nothing was telepathed by them or me and this visitation seemed to be more about them letting me know that I was (as of December 2018) in a NEW higher place and that these types of direct conscious meetings would continue not only for myself but for most all Embodiers.

What struck me about them was that they all looked exactly the same. The image above is a close representation of them in that they all were the same color—white in this case—and all the same height, size, shape etc. They were identical and yet I knew they still had some individuality to them. They all wore the same floor-length white robes, had no hair and barely any facial features and milk-white skin. They were a small group collective but as I said still had some small amount of individuality left in each of them. Everything about them was white and of Light. They stood very close together and didn’t move, speak, telepath or do anything other than reveal themselves to me because I had reached a level where these types of meetings and visitations with new to me ETs and other Lightbeings could finally start happening. These NEW visitations are due to our Embodiment levels to date, the Crystalline Christ frequency DNA continuing to connect within us, our latest intentional positioning within the Photonic Light, and the physical level Separation of Worlds probably happening this year. All those things we’ve Worked so long and so hard to reach are finally starting to manifest in multiple ways because we’re existing at a high enough level for them to do so. And, far more to come all year and beyond as well.

As we continue to Embody Higher Self within lower physical body self; as we continue to Embody greater amounts of NEW Crystalline Christ frequency DNA connections; as we continue to intentionally and consciously drive our Ascension Embodiment Processes, the more we’re going to find ourselves in NEW territory and realities along with far, far more new to us Universal neighbors. This isn’t in the future but in our now lives and realities and it’s all going to expand like never before in 2019 due to the upcoming final physical Separation of Worlds. Well done everyone, now comes the really exciting NEW everything. Are you ready? Are you really ready for it because it’s coming and soon.


January 9, 2019

Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange.

 Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.


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An Interesting (brief) Update from Yellow Rose for Texas on Twitter


editor victoria’s comment ~ here is my feel and understanding of this one. we are at the optimum frequency/space….and when the curtain falls, the construct collapses, however you wish to label it, being we are already at the frequency “outside” (our definition of Home), we don’t likely need a massive solar storm event…. meaning we likely exit w/o one (thus the reference to a carrington event.)

and ooooh – just tuned in with clair and brother rick is doing the same at the same time.  we each got the same message.  1) that this stargate is real.  and 2) as he got – they will be appearing everywhere.  and as i got – this is just one of many such creations that are being put in place for our exit.  







The Massive Galactic Wave that is NOW approaching planet Earth even as we speak, that Galactic Wave is coming closer and closer.

And it is destined to raise the Consciousness all at one fell swoop as it swoops across the planet, as it spreads across the planet.

This tsunami of Galactic Wave will spread across the entire planet. And it will do so in a very short period of time.

So, every life form on the planet cannot help but feel the immense Consciousness that comes with this Wave, the great Shift of Consciousness that comes with this Wave.

And it all has been leading up to the culmination or the great Crescendo that Sananda has spoken of. We are nearing that Crescendo. . .

Be Happy in this NOW Moment and focus on raising Your Consciousness.

~ <3 ~

Photo: Wave of Angelic Frequencies…Rainbow Bridge captured by Astro Pierre


Schrodinger’s Other Cat Update for 12/15/18

editor victoria’s comment ~ well i don’t dig that deep into the meter/energy graph reads – i keep it pretty simple so i appreciate their work on this.  today was another day where i thought my GODDESS WHEN am i going to wake up rarin’ to go?  and wtfrig am i doing at night when i sleep?  this fatigue is wearing on me – more than ever – and i wonder how much longer i can keep functioning as a semi-humanoid?  not exaggerating or making light of that statement/question – i am beginning to wonder this daily.  geesh this is getting intensely ridiculous!  i am having a conversation with a new connection on our real bodies being in stasis elsewhere.  it began after i shared my own dream experience where i saw myself –  only looking larger and younger – and was surprised but also knew it was me (still surprised to see myself like that though) – confused too – and felt i was given a gift to see this.  the feeling was “quick take a look so they don’t see us letting you see yourself”.  this new connection has some knowledge of this area.  with all of the fatigue i have been feeling i continue to want to know:  WHO AM I and WHERE AM I.  and this isn’t some esoteric question any longer.  nothing deep nor philosophical.  this is a literal question at this point.  today at the store i saw what i can only say was a giant – female.  i have never seen a female that tall.  she was well over 7 feet – and quite stout.  special nordic blood?  my girl kept staring and while i was telling her to watch her staring i too couldn’t help but look in awe – and wonder – i wonder if that’s how tall i really should be.  like avatar.  

also getting more clear on this dimensional stuff.  the whole 5d ascension, i feel, was another control program.  a better one but still another matrix (as in control) program.  we are UNLIMITED Being’s in our Pure Form – so why would we need to have a limited experience (4d, 5d, etc.).  given my research has shown me you can have evil/dark/controlling beings at a variety of dimensions, the concept “higher vibe = more benevolency”, is, in my feel, an illusion.  i received the feel last night (perhaps it was confirmation – as i have heard this one before) – the 5d ascension did not happen as it was cleaned up.  dimensions are part of the separation/control narrative.  when all just IS – and at that we “land” where we resonate – what we DESIRE and FEEL to create and experience.  if that makes sense.  as i say – some days words don’t cut it to share the story/feel/creation i hold within at the moment.

on we continue…..(seeing ya’ll – subscribers that is – still aren’t getting post notifications.  i just gotta let that go for now.  you can still see everything under the latest posts.)  


UPDATE3 ~ 12-15-18 00:10 UTC

A couple of years ago, we regularly dreamed about working various tasks on “the 31st floor,” taking the elevator there in our dreams. (We work on different floors, now.) Anyway, look at the 31 Hz level that just popped up on the Moscow SR meter:

Hm. That wasn’t there before, was it? Not on this graph, anyway.

And ha! Right on cue: another CME. We were just talking about looking for one this weekend:

This may be your solstice CME upgrade… unless we get more. This is directed away from us, bt we feel the effects regardless.

That could be why we were seeing these:

Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 12.18.36 AM
Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 12.19.07 AM

Also: the Kiruna meter is looking kinda… sine-wavy… lately, like a vibrating piano string:


What a day. Time for bed.

CONTINUE READING HERE (for the entire piece which goes back to 12/13).


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Kp Message 12-14-18… “Message(s) from the Body”

Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ still playing around with the subscriber list stuff – had a moment of genius when i decided to make a back-up copy of subscriber’s emails just in case (have i said more than once i am not particularly computer literate?  just isn’t my thing…)  so this piece by KP is spot-on.  today we had a dear friend over and we learned he is a Trump supporter.  we realized this was the first time we have had a trump supporter in the house so it was a wonderful conversation.  however it was draining to me in a way and noticed as i spoke i got so choked up i had to stop talking.  this congestion – is speaking to me.  speak words of love.  stay out of the drama (don’t i say that enough that drama and conflict aren’t aligning with me?  yes i think i do…)….  observe.  BE the NEW.  BE the version of Me at Home.  ok i will give that a try.  as KP says – this is me at this moment.  i will do my best to share all of the happenings (in a more detached manner)

in this grand awakening while respecting the needs of my body/self.  


I’m often not sure what these “Kp messages” are going to be about, until after I’ve started writing them. This one is more of an observation type post, about what’s been going on with this physical body.

The past several days I’ve been experiencing, pretty much every day, a type of extreme coughing. And, yes, I’ve requested some healing assistance, from a couple people, and the Universe. But tonight I noticed that the cough-initiation was particularly strong when I was watching / listening to some of the “exposure channels” videos (x22Report, SGTReport, Operation Freedom, et al.) and they were covering all the apocalypses going on. After a couple three minutes, I found my body severely wanting to start coughing again.

The message I get right now is to stay away from those channels, and perhaps it is time for my Spirit to be at rest from all the apocalypse things. Those things will continue, and it does not require my “close attention” to them.

This is possibly also a message (to my Self, at least) that it is time to start looking at the Higher Energetic levels into which we are traveling. We’ll see how all that works out.

I’m just conveying what has been happening with me, and that’s all that it may be about, but that’s what it is, for this moment, at least.

Aloha, Kp


Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Another Major Timeline Shift, Meterage & Whammies for 10-30-18 [UPDATE]


Editor Victoria’s Comments:  Thank you Patricia (and later on brother Rick) for giving me a heads up on this one.  I am including just portions of this piece.  The link is below to read it in its entirety.  I found a few things quite significant.  One the reference to a huge timeline shift (I know some say this is all over – I am not feeling that – I am feeling the opposite – wouldn’t surprise me if we had another today).  Secondly, the odd CME and the interesting oscillation on the east and west sides of the sun.  That brought to mind Yellow Rose for Texas and her “some go east some go west” theory (if you aren’t familiar with this, go to her youtube channel and watch her “The Gist of It” video)…  Third, the reference to a huge removal of low vibe fear stuff (for me it felt like the self loathing program as I referenced a couple of days ago)….and lastly…when I woke up this morning, I had two images come to mind:  Christmas and Home.  I recently read someone saying “when this game wraps up here shortly, we go home.”  We are ready, aren’t we?



Wow. Talk about the day before Halloween. There was a massive timeline shift around 8:00 am UTC (1:00 am PDT). Sorry in advance, this post has some large animations…

You’re basically seeing The Event behind-the-scenes, as it were — as it happens. This explains the various symptoms we’ve all been having the last 4-5 days, building up to this latest SHIFT. This was a total removal and redirection away from some negative, low-vibe (fear) kind of stuff. We are slowly being directed away from it, and this was the first major step. 

<figure>Recall Lisa Gawlas’ “U”? There it is again.</figure>…

AND, there was also a very small, odd CME yesterday:

<figure>Looks like we’ll feel the influence of this on… Halloween.</figure>Interesting that that new Parker Probe is right there… though we doubt any puny terrestrial/NASA tech can induce a CME from a star. NASA: Where the ‘N’ Stands for Knowledge. They have designs on using this new probe in concert with HAARP, thinking they know what they’re doing: they don’t have a clue.

Speaking of actual knowledge, the sun has been… fluttering… lately. There’s this odd energy oscillation on East/West sides of the sun, and this CME happened in the middle of that. This is probably how The event will unfold, but on a much grander scale. OR… you’re seeing timeline pre-SHIFT.

<figure>Watch on either side of the side. See tht flutter?</figure>So, that’s the meterage portion.


Interestingly, last night — before the above SHIFT (which was around 1:00 am PDT) — M2… psychically “burped” (!) in a meditation… and a pink-purple energy bubble came out, went up and POPPED! That was a first.

Later, some of kept hearing The Pretender’s, “Middle of the Road,” which we figured was an immediate call to meditation and movement. So we jumped into it…

Sure enough, our actual physical surroundings made a CRACK sound… like we had to concentrate and get on board as the bus was leaving! Then we were through it. Talk about waiting till the last minute. After that, the song changed to, “I’ll be home for Christmas.” You can interpret that any way you want.

This morning some of us woke with,”Tonight’s gonna be a good good night,” repeating over an over, which later turned into David Bowie’s, “Let’s Dance.” Again, you can ascribe any meaning you want.

More as it develops.