NEW EARTH HUMANITY CODES: 2222 – Higher HUmanity: “The Rift” Has Been Sealed Through this recent Stargate Harmonizing Alignment NOW Completed, Integrated and Anchored in


This one is the most beautiful, resonating pieces by Lisa to me thus far and something I have been feeling and contemplating ~ and going within to Remember and feeeeeeeeeeeel.  Full return of Unity of and for All.  I am reminded of a song I wrote about 15 years ago when I was channeling a lot of info from my Higher Self: “Always remember who you are ~ and it will get easier every day.  Live with an open heart and you’ll see…just what I mean.”  My human self, obviously, has needed some training/discipline to incorporate that message fully.  



For those who are unaware, January 1st we activated SOURCE CODES: 2222, which are Higher (Consciousness) HUmanity Codes, for each to activate, integrate and embody here. These codes, part of my “purpose/role” as a Gatekeeper and Guardian of Our NEW Earth and Higher HUmanity too, is to access, integrate, embody and deliver these codes to each ready to do this too.

The 2222 Code is POWERFUL, and has infinite aspects to it. I’ve been sharing some of the previous ones up until now, which still stand available to each, as well as this next “increment”, that’s now fully anchored into our BE-LOVED Gaia, Universally and Galactically too, through a “Marriage/Union” with a recent StarGate Opening and “closure” that has now occurred. This one is different, than most I’ve observed and integrated, as this is the first time I’ve observed a “Rift being SEALED”. [Golden Seal] I will explain a bit further, as this entire sharing is Light Encoded for each to absorb/hold for their own evolutionary and transitional journey here.

This Set of Ancient SOURCE Codes works/deals with the Separation (Rift) between many existences, that each brought forth into this “now”. Within each one of our physical bodies, there is the separation of Heaven and Earth (Hell dissolves), the separation of Human and Higher Self, the separation of God and Human, the separation of Galactics and Humans, the separation between the Universal (aspects of ourselves) and Earth(ly) aspects as well, the separation between Angels and Gods and Humans, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as well as human masculine and feminine, the wounded/hurt child and the Pure Divine Child and every aspect both laterally and horizontally as well. Each one of these represent us in our totality, and each aspect holds distortions (immense distortions) until all of these distortions are observed and energetically cleared within every cell.

The division/separation between old earth and NEW, even this must dissolve with each one of us, me, all, you. The division in everything must dissolve for Unification to occur. As each holds out this division/separation (duality), then this continues to play out within and with “out”.

This SEALing is a “healing” (for human aspects/humanity), a whole’ing, a merging, a marrying, a union off aspects, energies, existences, universes/planets/galaxies/Gaia, collectives and individually too. This StarGate Closing is the conclusion of an era of Earthly/Cosmic separation for all who are ready, to dissolve, resolve and clear their own REJECTING/REJECTION of their own higher self/lower self/universal self/God Source Selves/Angelic Selves/Galactic Selves, Unconscious with Conscious selves, which is avoided through unconscious programming that each may still hold within. This dis”own”ing allows each to now OWN all fully, assists with full acceptance of each’s own selves easier, through the release of any unresolved beliefs, emotions and stories once held, which created/held judgment separation by way of guilt, shame, hiding, blame, animosity, disdain and in-difference within as well.

Where each was holding this, this becomes a projection out, which creates the physical reality to respond accordingly for each to experience in order to see. There was great separation through wars and battles, which play out within each until Purity Love Consciousness and Unity can emerge fully from within.

For the human aspect, there is great hurt and pain, where humanity turned against itself. For the higher realms observing, this observation was unacceptable behavior as well, because of the awareness of how all is affected, yet by each holding these codes within, each’s template can now integrate these to hold HIGHER HUMANITY WITHIN, which correlates to transmitting a much higher vibrational transmission for a NEW HUMANITY to emerge and become visible externally, because EACH is HOLDING THIS VIBRATION themselves. The KEY (KeyCode) to our NEW HUmanity is within each (codons), which are activated/turned-on as each is ready to become an integral part of evolving HUmanity, assisting HUmanity and shape-shifting HUmanity through their own Purity Love Consciousness here.

The rift between Heaven and Earth is unified with the implementation of these codes. For all who are here to anchor Heaven on Earth, this is for you, as well as everyone too.

As an Angelic Warrior (Gargoyle Energy), a “Protector” of HUmanity, clearing the betrayal of humanity, we are here to “deliver” (awaken) humanity from itself. Through the integration of these codes by each, this is possible now. The separation being severed, the wars, the fights, the battles dissolve as each stops fighting themselves, condemning themselves, disowning themselves, trying to “kill” themselves, hating/hurting themselves by dis-claiming unresolved aspects of themselves, by holding these aspects out separately and instead merging/integrating each through acceptance, love and appreciation, respect and immense sacred re-connection and Divine Union of Each from within.

Through the activation of these Light Codes and conscious choosing to integrate/unify/hold these within, this can be accomplished as all are ready to open up, release and receive. Through Holding Love for HUmanity with every cell, each’s reality will begin to shift, each’s perceptions, each’s energy, each’s separation will dissolve for NEW LOVE to emerge from within.

For Eons, our Earth has held these codes of separation and betrayal and wars. These energies have been released for Universal/Galactic timelines/existences to be resolved. For Eons, the attempts to re-unite, re-unify have always met with a “fail”. This too has now changed, as the capability for each to anchor this within and on this multi-dimensional earth is now possible and “done”. For eons, each carried separation between the dimensions, separation between the realms, separation between existences, separation between “statuses” and more. This too now dissolves for all ready to embrace this fully from within. For eons, separation was “written” into human genetic coding, as well as galactics and other aspects too. This too now dissipates, dissolves and resolves, within each ready to embrace our NEW.

These HUmanity Codes unite, re-unite and resolve. These bring together that which held separation, duality and disharmony between the Realms. These HUmanity Codes are available to all who are truly ready to embrace, truly ready to accelerate, truly ready to anchor the Heavens within themselves, the higher realms within, the Galactic Regions/Races/Civilizations and Codes for Higher HUmanity here. These HUmanity Codes restore each to full REMEMBRANCE, as each is truly ready to release their own separation fully from within. These HUmanity Codes re-unify the Gaia and it’s inhabitants, the Heavens, the Gods, the Kingdoms, the Planets and Galaxies alike. These HUmanity Codes elevate the consciousness of all Earthly Vessels and BEings to Awaken through Love and return to existences forgotten, without the distortions anymore. These HUmanity Codes are available to all, now activated within each’s DNA, now activated within each’s Field of Consciousness to be integrated fully, through the elevation of each’s own consciousness, by reaching/going deep inside and allowing the Purity of their own Soul to emerge fully and by living from this place/space all of the time now. As each opens their heart fully to return to self-love, self-respect and self-acceptance of all aspects/versions of selves, they are to reconnect with their own HUmanity inside.

These HUmanity Codes deliver humanity, awaken humanity and cleanse humanity of all previous unconscious actions, as each is ready to take full responsibility for every action from this point forth, as each is truly ready to step-up and fulfill their own highest purposes/missions/roles here on our Multi-Dimensional Earth. Let all the old go…. you don’t need it. Stop claiming it, holding onto it and making it your current reality here. Focus from within this moment right here. This is the one you are now creating your entire experience from, right now. This now… this is how you make a difference. In every moment… your vibration, your energy, your beliefs, your mentalities, your actions and what you invest/support with your own energy for you to experience here.

I love you. This sharing is your activation and acceleration codes. All you have to do is read/absorb and repeat, until you feel it and live it as your way of being here. Share with others ready too. This completion now means that each can accomplish this within themselves. No one waits for collectives anymore. You “change” collectives as you shift/embody/change Earths yourself. This is Our NEW (Earth) HUmanity now. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. Embodiment = Full Divine Union of all aspects within self
Gargoyle Energy: Guardians of HUmanity (Protector of humanity from itself). I will be sharing more to assist those who are ready to activate and step into these roles as well.

Sourced from here.

Guidance for the Wayshowers at this “time”


Editor’s note:  Posting this at 11:44.  I so much relate to this one and I hope it will inspire/fill-up some of you as well.  Last year while in meditation I was shown and heard “You are a Wayshower”.  I am not so much into labels but have appreciated that experience given the pieces I find on the term, which resonate fully.  I have become SO sensitive to the energies of others ~ more than I have before. We had 3 people over yesterday and I wanted none of them near me.  Not to be rude of course – it was purely an energy “thing”.  I am very tuned inwardly now and feel – KNOW – this is my truth and is serving a purpose.  Having read some other pieces about now being the time to GO DO and send out my energies to do this or that – which none of that resonates with me – the words below indeed resonate w/Who I Am.  I am now aware each of us are here for our own reason/purpose so not all words will resonate with everyone.  This IS a very individual process of transformation and awakening.  I will write up and share a piece later as to what I am “receiving” today about this process.  Lots of love and peace to every one of us…[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light will link up across the WHOLE of GAIA as a HUMAN GRID SYSTEM. They came in, this lifetime to do this, for humanity, for Gaia, her kingdoms, the solar system and beyond (ripple effect). They know who they are, they serve the WHOLE, period. So this post is specific to those individuals:

After recent Trigger Point (spurring the ‘loving detachment’ phase), came a rest period.

Now we enter a period of SELF CARE and CLEAR OBSERVATION MODE, in order to be at optimum frequency at the time of the ‘LIGHT WAVE’. It is essential (and you know it) for this period, or will very soon realise this within. Self care means caring for all our bodies:

Sleep needs, food and fluid needs, exercise needs, skin/muscle/blood/nerve needs (your body will tell you what is required).

We have already pulled away from much. Yet there is a paramount need for awareness in what we allow into our own time and space. What drains you? Who drains you? Be aware and take action for the highest good (the ALL). Being aware of outside forces draining our energy field is paramount to ensuring, holding, rising to our highest frequency possible NOW. When helping another, are you simply ‘feeding’ them or is the assistance serving the whole? Being drained down of your own energy when participating in other human contact is something to look into, at INNER level.

Our emotions are our indicator (gifted by our Higher Aspect), to show us how aligned we are in any one moment TO our Higher Aspect. There is a centralised point of balance, harmony, peace and bliss. There are energies either side of this serving as a barometer. Where some emotions are lower energy frequency and to the other side of the scale are higher energy bursts of frequency. The third dimensional construct labels human emotions, yet at their core truth, emotions are just energy at variable frequencies. It is essential at this time, pre-shift to observe our own frequency (via observation of our emotions), in order to adjust, work at, in order to BE the balance, BE the harmony, BE the peace, BE LOVE. And keep observing, keep adjusting back to central point of balance in these NOW times for we must BE the highest frequency at LIGHT WAVE, to serve as we intended to all along.

Work AS THE LIGHT BODY. For you are it NOW. You know that, so work as THAT for it is YOU. By now you know what to do from your inner guidance system. Connections increase and heighten now as intended per individual and their divine missions. It’s action time pre-WAVE. Gaia and her kingdoms, galactic, humans…are connecting NOW pre-Wave at increased levels, working together at energetic levels for the greatest good. As the human that connects the HUMAN GRID, you will be working (knowingly or unknowingly) with the other humans doing the same GRID task. This is focused work…be aware of anything ‘outside’ TRYING to distract away from this work.

Awareness in all moments now… up until LIGHT WAVE. Dark energy will try all methods to lower your frequency. They are aware of you. They will use whatever means, be it a sick relative, the elderly, friends, loved one, family, fellow Lightworkers and people just now awakening at this 11th hour who feel confused and panicked. Dark energies will LITERALLY use ANYONE with any weak spot they can enter. Use discernment and watch your own energies as a gauge. Guard your own energy with your own tools. The dark know what’s coming. So they will attempt to infiltrate the HIGH FREQUENCY humans who create the HUMAN GRID at LIGHT WAVE point, those that absorb the highest light on behalf of the ALL.

For these ‘humans’ (starseeds) with this pre-agreed task, we have now reached (or you will reach very shortly) Self Care Mode (not selfish care mode…huge difference). We continue to help others yet will have AWARENESS at this juncture. At this 11th hour, we NOW discern where help will or can be of benefit. Yet quietly knowing each are divine aspects of Source, each having THEIR individualised experience within the illusionary scenario, and knowing all ARE LOVED and cared for. Each human chose this planet, at this time, and ARE responsible for their OWN energy having chosen their current path at pre-birth stage. As Love for ALL we continue to assist, but not at the expense of the GREATER PICTURE, or the expense of the ENERGY we have thus embodied, continue to embody for we have come here to BIRTH NEW energy through our physical bodies on behalf of the UNIFIED FIELD of ONE.

Naturally, as we embody more energy and become heightened frequency beings, we are able to withstand greater, more powerful energies with each current and ongoing incoming wave. These current and timely incoming energies WILL ONLY become stronger in order to build up our human body’s physical and mental ability to withstand the LIGHT WAVE at the highest capable INPUT to the human vehicle. At LIGHT WAVE point, energies will enter through the human vehicle thus creating MULTIPLE (repeat, multiple) wave patterns within the whole physical body. So not just one wave pattern will be felt within the body. Currently, in REAL time, we are physically and etherically building to this ability with each incoming. Yes it is currently felt as strong multiple energy patterns in the head, and more recently lighter patterns are being felt within the rest of the body…however, as a guide…the nearer to the LIGHT WAVE we get, the clearer and STRONGER the HEAD and BODY multiple patterns will be. We build, we withstand, we take it…because we can.

Starseeds…We came in to do this…it IS our mission. So NOW, we build ourselves, retain our highest frequency at all times, regardless. Use discernment, maintain your own frequency. It’s very much the time to be CLEAR about this.

So much love, honour and respect.

AL 05/03/18

Sourced from here.

Message for Lightworker’s


This reading is for Lightworker’s. The reading is concentrating on the upcoming Event and our mission.  My  readings indicate it will be the 3rd week of March. We all know time is iffy to pin down. It constantly changes. I have been keeping up with it and in the last week the time has not changed.

I will tell which card, the position, the meaning and my interpretation. I used the Celtic Cross 10 card spread. I also used my new Steampunk deck with is very spiritual. Although I didn’t know it when I bought it a week ago.

My question for the reading was: A Message for Lightworker’s

3 of Cups   position representing Lightworker’s and also the present

A spontaneous unexpected joy or pleasure will happen. Lightworker’s will be brought together honoring each other, our past achievements, accomplishments and our future intentions.

I think describes how Lightworker’s will feel when The Event occurs. We will know what is happening and it will fill us with joy. Our bodies can handle the energy from The Event. We will in fact feel awesome because we will have confirmation as to what we have been working so hard and preparing for.

The Tower     The crossing energy at play

It will be an unexpected event that changes everything. Then the real work begins.

The Tower represents The Event.  Yes we have been working hard but, the real work we have been preparing for our whole lives begins now. The blood sweat and tears we shed on our journeys was all for this moment. We will instinctively know what to do. We will be there for each other and others.

4 of Wands (reversed)    The foundation of my question

There will be a period of transition with little stability or security. There will be a breakdown in communication and a lack of harmony in the world.

This is how the world will be. The condition of the world and after The Event. This is when our job begins. We will be providing stability and security to people. We will have the answers to what they want to know. What happened, why it happened and what to do about it. We will comfort people who will be very fearful and shocked.

The World      In the recent past position

Successful completion excellent job! Be proud of yourself. You have mastered everything you wanted to and needed to.

This we recently completed in the last few weeks. This phase of our mission we accomplished. We are completely ready and trained for the next phase of our mission.

8 of Pentacles (reversed)    this is the present

The time of learning is over we have all the skills we need.

This is a rest period for us. We have learned and mastered everything we needed to. It is now time to rest. In a few weeks we will be very busy.

6 of Swords     the near future

Leaving a situation behind with help. We are escaping a bad situation.

We will have help coming to us. We will not be left to suffer. We already have done all the suffering we needed to preparing for this.

Lovers    this represents our attitude

A love that even time will lie down and be still for. Our union will create something even more astonishing and more powerful than it would have ever been as individuals.

This is the Lightworker’s coming together finally. We will come together and spread love that is more powerful than we ever could have imagined. We were born for this. We were created for this moment. I also suspect since we have been kept pretty isolated. That we will meet our partners. Most likely Twinflames. After all a 144,000 is an even number.

9 of Cups (reversed)      this represents others attitudes

A lack of joy, dissatisfaction, greed and materialism.

The people around us will feel this way. They will only be concerned for themselves and be miserable. It will be our job to show them a different way of living. That there is another way.

9 of Wands (reversed)  this will be our hopes and fears since the card is reversed it will be fears

Lack of resources to deal with challenges.

Resources will be dwindling but we will always have what we need for our mission. If you look back you have never not had what you needed to accomplish missions. So have faith and trust in the Universe. The Universe always has our backs.

8 of Cups                  Outcome

Leaving something behind to search for something else. We haven’t been living our lives. we will now. We lived that life to gain knowledge for our real lives. We now take that knowledge and use it in our real life.

I don’t know about you but as a Lightworker I never felt I was living my true life. I was always yearning to be with my real family. I never felt like I belonged because I really didn’t belong in. We lived that false life of pain and suffering to gain the knowledge and training we needed. Our real lives are about to begin. We will finally be ourselves, with our real family, and where we have always belonged.


This is my spread for Lightworkers and for what is about to happen in the coming weeks. If any tarot readers out there want to duplicate my cards and positions. I would be very excited to hear how you interpret the spread. You can email me at or send it through the contact form. I love hearing from people and answering questions. I learn from everybody that contacts me. Each of us has information that fits together. We each hold a piece of the puzzle that fits together for the big picture.

Love and Light.

Dawn Bailey

I am a magnetic energy worker, lightworker. My journey has taught me that there are many different energies available for lightworkers to work with on the Tree of Life. My mission is to help all life on beautiful Gaia. You can find me on Facebook or my blog or email

Sourced from here.




Restructuring DNA


This is beautiful, powerful and helpful.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


March 3, 2018

The Energy Therapists

Enlightened Being, Energy Being:

The shift is imminent.

You may feel changes in your physical body.

You may feel foggy in your mind.

You may feel like you are not yourself or that your human body is different or changing.

You are right. We are in the process of changing, shifting and altering your DNA.

You will start to see visions.

You will start to experience vivid dreams.

You will start to receive information in different ways than you have before.

We are here to help you. We are here to guide you.
We are here to assist you. We are here to connect you to what you have been before.

It’s there.

It’s here.

We are going to bridge the gap for you so that you can level up and make the shift.

Be aware of the information you receive in your dreams.

Be aware of when you get information.

There may be times when you receive downloads at certain times of the day or when you are doing something. You may start to receive downloads as you get in the shower every morning. You may start to receive downloads when you first lay down at night. You may receive downloads in your dreams.

Pay attention.

There will be information encoded into your dreams, into messages numbers and into repeating patterns you see.

These encoded messages will help you navigate this new journey.

These encoded messages are helping to restructure your DNA.

These encoded messages contain information that will help you become a beacon for other light beings.

You may want to journal. You may want to record, and you may want to start to discuss your messages with others.

We are here to help, and we are here to take you to the place you were before so that you can release rejuvenate, and revive the celestial cosmos.

Be Present Energy Being, Be Present Enlightened One.

Guidance to Help the Process of DNA Restructure

Get into a comfortable position whether it is sitting, laying down or standing up. You may want to be close to a chair in case you need to suddenly sit down.

Imagine a spiral of energy just outside of your body, swirling in a gentle counterclockwise direction.

Pay attention to the colors, images, light patterns and sparks that are both contained and given off while the energy is swirling.

Allow the spiral to collect and remove all the information, feelings and emotions that do not resonate with your higher self.

As the spiral removes all of the things that do not resonate, gently allow the spiral slowly to enter your body in clockwise position. This will integrate the light particles, the love and the essence into your physical, spiritual and emotional being that will elevate you, rejuvenate and revive you.

As you begin to feel the energetic shift in your body. Surrender to the restructuring and altering process of your DNA as it occurs.

Breath slowly and deeply during this process until a calmness has washed over your body. This is when the process is complete.

This process is helping you to prepare for Ma’at Ra – Heart Healing Therapy which will be released in the near future.

Sourced from here.



Sophia Love ~ Some Info on the Event


Received via e-mail.

March 1, 2018

Is there someone who wants to connect?

There is. It is I. It is One.

Thank you for coming forward.

There are things to say.

Yes. Please go ahead.

This event approaches your shores very rapidly now and you feel it. There are storms of energy. They intersect and intervene with other storms, creating an energetic avalanche. This is the feeling you have.

You cannot see it yet. You see evidence of it in your lives and media. You feel it in your unsettled moments. This will culminate in a cascade of color and light. The occurrence of this cascade is your signal that it has begun.

What exactly has begun?

The one-way journey taking you to another place. This place will be of your choosing.

Most of you have chosen already. What you see and feel now are the results of that choice.

This catalyzing event happens now.

Please be more specific. When exactly is now?

Now is a precise instant chosen by your central sun in cooperation with Gaia. Understand the effect the human has on this. You are not separate, but a part of Gaia. You, as a collective, skew and shape and direct and accelerate and slow down her progression and evolution. Each as components of the One.

As you recently found out, Sophia, your lengthy illness has manifested in your hair and recognized by one (who was) without prior knowledge of the illness at all.
(Note – My stylist asked me what was wrong with me, just last week, as she was cutting my hair. I had not told her anything. Sophia)

This is how oneness operates.

The impending event is a mutually driven one. The humans can speed its arrival with preparation, with readiness. It has been deemed that it will occur with the least damage and the maximum benefit. Trust that this is so.

An exact day can only be estimated – it is seen to approach rapidly and expected within weeks. Humans can change this, as can Gaia. Is this clear?

It is, yes.

This incoming celestial manifestation will take you all to another place. This place will be either wonderful or uncomfortable, according to your choice and preparation. You will decide alone.

Some will leave, either in body or not. Most of you have already decided. As is always the case, what this looks like for you will depend on your level of awareness and acceptance.

This is something new. All of you will know when it happens. There will be no mistaking it.

There is nothing to be fearful of.

All of you know on some level what this means. It was always part of this life’s journey you are taking.

It is not the end of this life, yet it represents actual, physical alteration of this life.

Of our physical bodies?

Some of you will choose to exit when or as it occurs. This is rare.

The alteration is within.

As it is in every case, the changes within then manifest in your world. More light will emanate as your frequency has been accelerated. Your systems of control will disintegrate in this frequency. These include monetary, government, educational, health – all pseudo societal necessities will be removed and/or restructured.

What about the earth, and physical changes there?

Some places on the earth will shift. There will be calamity (perceived) and loss (perceived). This will not occur immediately at the moment of the approaching event – but soon after.

As your world appears to dissolve in chaos, it is important for you to recognize that a new world is coming right behind it. It already exists actually.

Your participation with this new world will color how it looks.

This is about the blind men discussing and describing an elephant. Where they stand determines what they feel and then describe.

This holds true for all of you, Sophia.

Your new world is waiting. Embrace whatever part you are close to and allow the whole to present itself. It will. You do not have long to wait.

It is no longer you are the ones you’ve been waiting for – but

You are the ones. You have anchored the light. It is done.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. Well done.
Wow, wow, wow. I am already in a new place as this was received and now recorded. Unpack your bags and put your hands in the air folks, I feel that we have boarded the ride, are sitting at the top of the first loop, and the operator is reaching for the switch to begin our trip!
This is a free publication so please share!

One day is set aside each month for questions.
Send any questions for  any one of these beings to me at
My blog is always free & found here

Alexandra Meadors ~ UPDATE FOR FEBRUARY 26, 2018


Update for February 26, 2018

Hey There Fellow Galactarians!

I would really like to give everyone a heads up regarding some energy changes that have taken place on the planet.

As of five days ago, a “filtering system” implemented by extraterrestrial forces was removed by The Creator. These supposed friendly ET’s were claiming they were doing us a favor by filtering the spectacular energies Creator has been releasing into the contained space of this matrix. If these energies had been allowed to stream in as originally intended, all of us would have been gradually bathed with this upliftment over the course of many years WITHOUT RESTRAINT. Now that the “filtering system” has be removed, you may be noticing a tremendous layering of peace from this Opening of Light. You might also be noticing an intense ramping up of health issues as these pure light frequencies climb.

Please note the reference to friendly ET’s. It would be well worth the time to contemplate why another group of beings claiming to be our allies has made this decision FOR US! It is not something that I would have agreed to. How ‘bout you? Friendlies are not always what they appear to be….

With this influx of energies, many have contacted me with accelerated and ramped up health issues. I am seeing a similar theme among most, where unresolved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues are really rearing their “ugly heads.” I would like to remind everyone that this is not a time to get panicky or even desperate. This is a time to face this “stuff” HEAD ON so these issues can once and for all be addressed. What manifests in the physical is always inclusive with what has or had occurred within our psyches in past lives, including emotional, mental and spiritual trauma. The days of denial, resistance, and unaccountability are coming to an end folks!

What do I mean by this? Well whatever our patterns are in this life, whether it is anxiety, sleeplessness, anger, heart disease, urinary track infections, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, depression, chronic fatigue, etc. etc. etc., all chronic health and emotional issues are part of a time loop. You have experienced these challenges over and over and over again in most your other lifetimes with just a different version of the same problem(s).

Remember how long we have been in this virtual reality game:



The reason health issues may be revealing themselves with a gusto now is because the point of origin to these issues was never reached and the abundance of light is shining a light on them for us to see and notice. Or you may have chosen to ignore them for millenniums…and now unrestrained Light Frequencies from the Creator are reaching us at record levels. With more light, darkness can no longer remain hidden, even within ourselves.

This is a perfect example of why I continue to state that now is not a time for making great alterations in your life on the physical plane, such as taking on new moves, new homes, new marriages, new anything! This is a time to go within, spend time with yourself, face your pain, sorrow, rage, illness, and suffering. It is clearly a time to make the connection between your health and whatever is broken within your heart and mind! If you desire to make changes on the physical plane, ask yourself where you can catalyze a gratitude attitude for all of this coming to an end and find some fresh new perspectives in these final moments within The Game!

MASSIVE shifts and victories have occurred within the last 5 days that continue to accelerate the actual date of our homecoming and when we will be leaving this virtual reality! Plans have been expedited for our arrival so use this time wisely! 

I am attaching links to some of the specific formulas I created with Creator for these final moments here on Planet Earth if you are interested. Whatever you choose to do right now, ASK THE CREATOR to help you release any resistance you may have as you prepare for your next journey.

And don’t forget to state daily the following proclamation:


Sending you love from my heart to yours,

Alexandra Silby Meadors


Copyright © Alexandra Silby-Meadors All Rights Reserved.

You may copy, forward, and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Sourced from here.

A Vision for Accepting Our Differences


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Accepting Our Differences

Here is a touching and timely Vision that came in from Kerianne Spellman. We can’t thank you enough for this one, Kerianne. It is beautiful.

Kerianne says: “First and foremost, thank you for your amazing work. You are making a difference.

I am an actress and acting teacher of children and teens. I love my students and they teach me every day. A vision I would really like to see is …

I envision a world where people accept the differences of one another. I envision a world where parents embrace their children, regardless if they are gay or straight….

I envision a world where its okay to say “Mom, Dad, I think I am different. But I am proud of who I am, and I hope you will be, too.”

I envision a world where people can admit who they are, and not be attacked or disrespected. I envision a world where young gay men and women are safe…and not only safe, but celebrated!

I know this is for the highest good. So be it!!! And so it is.”

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