Latest Article from Ask Deano


Editor’s note:  Received via e-mail.  FMI go to his site here.


You Got It First – The Latest Article!

As promised please find below the latest article which was recently published today on my blog. I trust it resonates.  Feel free to share with your friends or in social media groups, we never know when some thing will touch another on their journey.

Sending lots of Love


More news from, please care by sharing…

askdeano freedom

Where to begin except with our own internal sense of well-being, with all that is at the moment.  There is so much to distract us with the way the outside world is behaving. To be honest this is perhaps one of the most difficult times in our existence. It is a pivotal point for all of man-kind to consider.  What is driving us at this time?

Quite frankly our inner essence is steering us.  In some ways we are on auto-pilot, so that we avoid the games.  There will be games, it really is our choice whether we continue to buy into it all.  Inner knowing shall be at the forefront now, with a firm focus on what direction we are heading.

Following our heart and soul, is what will keep us aligned and focused, we simply have to trust it like never before.  Think of all the hard work we have done so far. It shall not be spoiled because of someone else’s games.  Remember others will go to the most extremes to convince you to change course and direction.  So the heat is going up, and as long as we are aware we can simply rise above it all.

We Are Not Responsible!

Whilst it may be difficult to witness all the events and real devastation, one has to realise that we (you and I) are not responsible for any of it.  Mass media is being controlled and used, along with social media, to create a false sense of reality.  It is called mass-confusion!  The way to get lost, is by buying in to what they are saying.

There is a deliberate attempt to cause division, which works if others continue to pay attention to incidents that happen.  Yes, the incidents will cause an emotional outburst.  But this is part of the plan to deceive us.  The motto of “divide and conquer” has been used in times of war.  It is commonly used to break down nations of people.  It works very well with today’s social media following.  It is very easy to send a message to others that will cause issues.


Yes social media is beginning to censor and limit access to the network of truth.  It is using its ultimate power to switch on and off what we see.  It emphasizes its’ own agenda, and restricts what is real news.  Many may laugh at this suggestion, but those who are working at delivering truth are experiencing this right now.  We can support it each other by sharing our news and stories with our own networks.

Mystery surrounds what is really happening, and it will never  be revealed until after events have occurred.  Speculation only leads to low vibrations and misinformation.  Do what ever is necessary to stay connected to our own truth and desires.  Eventually we will see clearly, as the games are played.  As long as we are focused on our own internal essence we will remain in our own safety net.

As we approach some interesting historical anniversaries, we shall see begin to see Karma on a global scale being played out.  Many seem to forget that Karma does apply to all that is.  If one looks at the history of certain countries, and all the damage and travesty caused, it is not unusual for it to also have to bring it all back to balance!  We are experiencing an evolutionary process, which touches each and every one of us.


Turning our focus within and on our own micro-cosmos is the best way forward for the time-being.  There is a time of tremendous change ahead, and one which is going to affect all of us.  Those who are awakened are already in the midst of the changes. A new wave of souls is also present, one’s who are waking too, so that many of us can begin to start our missions.

Creating our own safe space is important, as well as maintaining an awareness of what is happening in the world.  We have been expecting this to happen, and no matter how hard it is to watch, it is an inevitable part of human evolution.  Following the essence that is deep within is the path to choose.

It is our internal essence, which will guide and keep us in love and peace! The Snow Queen keeps me warm no matter how cold she appears on the outside…inside lies the warmth and tenderness…the pure love…it is that which I see and feel .

Feel the love and become it!


Galactic Codex ~ 2/26/18


Editor’s note:  Yeah, well overall this is beautiful….but I do not like the implication that humanity isn’t capable of cleaning up this mess.  We are – with HELP – with the return of the resources and tech (inner and outer) that was taken from us.  Of course it doesn’t help when the majority still support the current systems in place so maybe we do need intervention.  I have been calling it forth for years – as an equal Being.  Bring it!  And remember ~ we are ALL “Ascended Masters” ~ we have just forgotten.  


Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.

As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created in the urgent need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex that regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and their relation towards the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies. This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth.

We will now state the Galactic Codex in a form that is understandable to an average awakened being in a human society.

Section  I: The Law of Divine Grace

Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience

To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic anomaly. To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily.

Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in the liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner connection of every living being with the Source and strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over matter which allows them to assist all living beings in their aspirations towards the Source and provide them with necessities of life.  Life was never meant to be hard work and struggle but rather a journey of joy and creativity.   Different subsections of Section I regulate all life in a liberated universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that conflicts never need to occur.  Let us explain the subsections:

Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance

This subsection guarantees a positive life experience for every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters provide for all necessities of living and for physical and spiritual richness and beauty using the power they have over redeemed matter of the liberated universe.

Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension

This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use their advanced understanding of spiritual technology of Ascension and by utilizing the Electric Fire of redemption assist all beings that free-willingly choose Ascension.

Section I/3: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala

This subsection is an instrument of regulation of all relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and alignment of all other beings regardless of their state of development and outer conditions.

Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information

This subsection is a guarantee that all beings receive all pieces of information they need to understand their role in the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other pieces they need for their decisions, growth and well being. All this data is provided by Ascended Masters or other beings that supervise the evolutions of various races and civilizations.

Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom

This subsection provides that every being has an unlimited potential of growth and life experience. Since all beings in the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom never opposes the freedom of other beings.

Section II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties

Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings

This section regulates the conditions in those sections of the universe that have just been liberated from the influence of the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. Then the Light Forces mediate the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often used to end wars and other armed conflicts.


Section III: The Law of Balance

Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh

This section regulates the relations between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the opportunity to accept the Galactic Codex, do the best they can to correct the mistakes they made and to live positively afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept, they are taken to the Central Sun, their personalities and soul essences are restructured with the Electric Fire and their divine spark begin a new cycle of evolution.

Section IV: The Law of Intervention

The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws

This section describes the policy of the Light Forces regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Dark Forces.  The Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of the Forces of Light.  On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene.  This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so called we-will-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-willwe-will-just-watch-as-the-suffering-goes-on nonsense). As in any hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful negotiation and tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and planet Earth will be liberated soon.

Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws

This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces.  The Forces of Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the living conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth.  The situation on planet Earth just indicates how much more power  darkness had over  Light on this planet. Fortunately, this is changing now.

Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary

This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force.  The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Then other Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by instructing the local population.

Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation.  So it is much better that it receives wise guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing  current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.

We have reached a state in which there is nothing that we can or should do to try and move anything forward.


Sharon McErlane
15 hrs

This beautiful insight came in this week:

“I was thinking about where we all are at the moment, and I realized that at the moment, it feels that the whole planet and all of us who are living on it (human/animal/vegetable/etc.) have reached a state in which there is nothing that we can or should do to try and move anything forward. When I think about this, I remember what it was like being in labour – I can remember spending hours trying to be present and to work with the energy of the contractions, but there came a point where I knew I couldn’t go on – what was happening to me was simply so much bigger than me or my will or my willingness to be there, that I simply gave up and stopped trying to do anything – there was literally nothing I could do, I couldn’t walk away from it, and it didn’t feel like I could go with it any longer with any sort of intention; I had no control at all, all I could do was surrender to the energy; and it was then, when I stopped trying to control even the tiniest aspect of the process, that a huge rush of energy came through my body, and shortly after that I could work with it again to start pushing my son out into the world. I trained as a midwife some years after he was born, and I saw many women (if not drugged) reach that point – some would even say things like ‘I’ve had enough, I’m going home now’; from my vantage point, it was always great to see a woman giving up at that point, because I knew that it meant that the actual birth was imminent.

“So it seems to me that we have collectively reached that point – and what is going on is so much bigger than all of us, that all we can do is surrender, be in the moment, and trust that that huge wave of energy will come in its own time; and it also seems to me that it’s really important that we take care of ourselves, and nourish ourselves and rest in the arms of the great mother and the net of light, so that when that wave does come we will be in a fit state to work with it to help birth the new.”

 Sourced from here.

Divine Encoded Upgrades Arriving To Transform The Human Collective


Blessings Beloveds,

We are now receiving Divine codes of authenticity. These codes are pushing the collective to be their authentic self with no holds barred, let the chips fall where they may. This is a very powerful encodement happening in the NOW.

These codes starting coming in yesterday and have been flowing all through  me today. I was sitting at my computer writing this and a surge of energy came in almost knocking me off my chair and causing extreme dizziness. This same surge came through an hour later just as I was finishing this article to publish it. This is how we feel energy, THROUGH the BODY and into the consciousness.

As the Ascension Process continues we will experience more and more codes and activations arriving as the days and weeks progress in 2018. This is what we asked for before coming here and this is what we are receiving.

These codes of Truth/Authenticity are arriving to open us up more fully to who we really are. The push to embrace and DISPLAY our unique self to others is immense. Many have felt this the last few weeks but the last few days there has been another huge unfoldment of these upgrades. These are some of the questions you might find yourself asking with this increased energy:

  • Why am I here ?
  • What is my authentic self ?
  • What was I put here to do?
  • What do I need to do right now to align with my true self?

Many are feeling lost during this time. They are going through another dark night of the soul. This is a wake up call again for those that have not continued the INNER work on themselves. The inner work is crucial as we get  further and further into higher frequencies and are able to hold more light.

The light body exist within Truth, so we must embody this truth in all ways to be able to fully be online with the light body.

The higher we climb in the ascension process the more inner work needs to be done. This work adds to all the other work we have done and builds layer upon layer. This is how all Universes and Dimensions were created, layer upon layer until completion is finished.

There may be feelings of sadness, anger, depression for all the things that are not understood yet about oneself. This can be worked through by oneself or with the right guide or teacher. Many times it takes someone else who has experienced this for themselves to help show the way.Do what is right for you, you will know through Divine guidance and who you are magnetically pulled to.

In my own process I went through the bulk of all of this back in 2005, this is when all sequences of unalignments came to the surface for me to process. This was the beginning of my journey of Mastering my own Frequency and guiding others to master theirs. This process has been long for some of us, as my own ascension process started in 2000 when I could no longer be a part of 3D society. Big changes have taken place in Ascension and upliftment in humanity since then and very big changes are still coming.

To access these codes fully, the inner work needs to be done along side of it, for those that may feel out of alignment. This means the search for the authentic self has to take place. There is no putting this off, it needs to be done now.

You can ask yourself: What is the road to my happiness and what will it take to get there? Then take action to travel this road. While on it you will see all that is not consistent with happiness showing up for you to delete out of your life. This is the *out of alignment* showing up, as we need to be on the road to our true selves and not a version of ourselves that is not living up to it’s unique potential.

These upgrades come in at different levels and cycles and they will continue until everyone has reached a tipping point frequency. Yes everyone, no (human) is going to be left out.

Some tips for getting through this:

  • Spring is here or coming in, a good time to start grounding again. Watch my video here for the technique that works
  • Drink lots of Water and fresh juices to replenish the system. Take a look at what you are eating to provide the body with the energy it needs.
  • Accept all frequencies as they come in and work to see where the *out of alignment* exists and what the frequencies are trying to show you.

To be the master of your own frequency is to first FEEL the frequencies as they come in as we will NEVER evolve out of this, it will only become stronger. Pay attention to ALL vibrations around you all the time. Work to evolve yourself and keep on working as this will never end, not in this lifetime or in any other reality.

Consciousness itself is about evolving, here in this reality and everywhere.

Mild Geomagnetic storms have come in over the last few days, these add to the energy bringing in heightened awareness and connectedness to all things.

Psychic experiences have been amplified. My husband was seen again by another family member existing in a location he wasn’t. For those that follow me you may remember my experience with my husband of him walking right past me and going outside then a few minutes later, he came out of a back room and said he had never left the room! Even I was shocked and I have paranormal experiences daily !

The days of authenticity are here and this is affecting everyone on the planet. As these codes become more intense, we will see more changes affecting everyone and our world will change as we transform.

Stay tuned for more information about Ascension and the Current Energies affecting all of us.

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2017 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website



A Vision for Love Overflowing


my cup runneth over…


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Love Overflowing

Here is another wonderful Vision from Carol Peacock, our friend at Sweetbriars Retreat Center in Springfield, Missouri. Carol says:

We envision a world where love is the answer to all questions.  Now that each and every one of us know in our hearts that love is the feeling that supports the highest good of all mankind, we allow ourselves to give it without hesitation.  We see that when we give love we trust and respect everyone, we are unselfish in our desires, we treat everyone as we wish to be treated, and we speak and act with gentle hearts.

Because we understand how important love is we always consider the feelings of others by being aware of the impact of our actions and words.  No one is lonely in this world because we all freely express our love and gratitude to each other for our co-existence on this planet. We love each other, we love the animals, we love the plant life, and we love God.  No one is jealous of another as they are overflowing with the love that is sent to them each moment of their lives.

There is nothing that we cannot handle now that we are sure that we are supported by the love of the Universe and all of Its inhabitants. Now that we know that all beings are motivated by loving kindness we feel safe, secure and peaceful in each other’s company.  Our love which is for the highest good of mankind knows no boundaries and everyone is aware of that.

There are no questions, no doubts, no fears, only LOVE and ONENESS.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Rick Jewers Update ~ 2/17/18


This one is Divine Providence for me.  I have been intending this one a lot lately – to “go” to that which resonates with me.  I rather like the term “reposition”.  I have spent a good deal of time the past few months disconnecting from all that does not resonate with me.  I have seen it show up in my daily life as “blocks” as well.  I am being called to let it go ~ and I am ok with that.  I also appreciate his thoughts on healers and the like also consciously on this journey charging ridiculous amounts of money for those seeking healing.  I understand the need to make money to “live” in this current system ~ indeed I do!  However my ongoing thought has been to offer pro-bono services and/or sliding scale fees to those who simply do not have the money but desire the assistance.  I also want to see website owners allow the sharing freely of material (as long as there is full credit given and a link back to the original piece).  That is what my feeling of what love does. That’s how I have always run my site.  Share it.  If it brings you site a lot of visits and increased income, so be it!  We can all thrive ~ in Unity.  




We need those of You that are being guided to leave Your present physical locations,to take the leap and REPOSITION NOW. We are setting up many New Strings/Themes for individuals that penetrate the old programming of Society, a Timeline for You to get in there, operating from a 5D level of perspective, to Create Good Change, that will emanate from Your presence in the New Location. Your Divine Presence in these New locations, Change the futures and are directly connected to more fully integrating the 5D into the current realities. The effects/affects of Your repositioning is immense and impressive, with a Higher caliber of experience for You, as well as a stronger Soul connection to Divinity that Creates a more impressive feedback of Divine wisdom into Your Now. These “leaps” must be taken and ALL Divine assistance is there to accommodate these repositionings, miracles will even occur for some to be able to transition to their New Physical Position upon Gaia. Most of You will be repositioned onto or near, the New 5D Grid of Ley Lines, and/or Power Nodules. This may be a temporary repositioning with also, New Nomadics stepping into their role.

Many of You are at levels that Your present surroundings will no longer resonate. You are indeed being guided at a Soul level and Divine level, to reposition. You MUST reposition to adhere with Your New Timeline and upgraded mission/purpose. This Time has been preordained for You and everything leading to this point, was not by chance, not coincidence, everything surely does happen for a reaSON.

Your repositioning will place You on Higher Timelines with more of the Higher Truths revealed to You in accordance with Your individual Journey and Purpose. Upon repositioning, comes a further strengthening of Your Divine Prowess inline with the overall Divine Plan/Ascension. Freewill on this planet was severely limited to You, to assure Your would be guided and arrive at a certain point at a certain time. To appease this Higher Calling, freewill was taken from the Human brain, so that Human logic could not rule what One did, and the going within to listen to the Heart, was a connection at the Soul level, which needed to be established, to take the leap into the New You. The Time has come for many, to Trust the Heart and ignore the logic, UNTIL, the brain is connected to the Heart and begins to obey the Heart and not outside influences at the brain level. The point of truly Trusting the brain begins when Ones Heart Chakra is connected with the Crown Chakra. This assures that Your thoughts then are coming from within, from the Heart, and are NOT being manipulated by “Thought Viruses”, that are NOT Your own.

Some “logic” that prevents One from repositioning is the false connections to a reality that no longer serves. Some may think they cannot leave because of family members. Others may think they cannot leave because of monetary issues. Some may think they cannot leave because of obligation. These and more, are false restrictions that are quickly severed when Ones intent comes from the Heart, to leave, to reposition. When You come to the realization that You must leave and can no longer tolerate a toxic environment, doors begin to open, doors that involve leaps, leaps of Trust secured by the Inner Knowing, that everything will be ok, and better. You have been given a choice to a degree, stay within misery and a toxic environment, or break free of it, stepping into the New Empowered You. Break the logic and make the leap.

All debt is an illusion, sharing and assisting another is the only thing real and supported at this time. Anything less than sharing and assisting another, is imploding, and You will see this on a wide scale, as those with greed are relieved of their wealth, when they resist to help another. Currently attached to greed and any other fear based emotion/energy, is the self destruct sequence named karma, that the negativity triggers for them and sets off a wave of events that strips them of anything. Since 2012 this mechanism has been in place and Now intensifies, as more Light Awakens and cannot be manipulated nor taken advantage of. Divine Ones are fully supported and if require assistance, it is administered to assure they get to where they must go. Divinity is breaking down the control of money, and the last thing We wish to see is a gathering of Wealth, unless it is immediately and temporarily shared for the benefit of many/All.

Anyone attempting to capitalize on this Ascension, or to capitalize on assisting others, are imploding, it is NOT compatible with the Divine Plan. We said this would happen a while back, and Now You are seeing this as so. The Ascension and those Ascending to Higher Prowess are Priority, Priority above MONEY. You were told that You only need enough and that donations would support You in the least, and if required something else for a sustainability, it would be Divinely administered. The False Prophets are being revealed and exposed, We do not wish to see credible Ones get tangled up in this implosion causing confusion and a set back to the Overall Ascension. Those of You given the Divine ability to assist others are to eliminate the profiting, the capitalism from Your work, God does not threaten, only lets others Know what is going on so that they may make better choices. We let You Know that there is INDEED an implosion mechanism set up on the planet directly connected to greed and overly charging another for services. Those with Higher Perspectives will automatically Know this, those with confused perspectives will realize their choice, and given the opportunity to rectify their action. Your Divine Gifts of assisting others are for Ascension applications, not supporting anything contrary, including charging One a ridiculous price for assisting them, feel this in Your Heart, does this feel right to charge someone that NEEDS assistance and has no money?. By charging One $100-200 for an hour of Your time to assist them with Ascension related things, when most that are Ascending are the poorest on the planet, does this feel moral, ethical, even Godlike? C,mon and get with it, get with the Ascension and get her done, the more that You assist in empowering at little to no cast, the quicker this happens, think about that.

Love and Light

Sourced from here.

Vera Ingeborg ~ Me Too! We are all in this together!


Editor’s note:  I LOVE THIS ONE!  And I feel ya’ll will as well.  Picture below sums it up perfectly for where I am at the moment…  As I told my mate yesterday “oh yeah I forgot – I am probably also feeling the collective experience”. grumble groan and a “f that”.  


by Vera | Feb 18, 2018

Me too! We are all in this together…

Just because my intuition and consciousness are intact to receive and transmit information to come through me, that is relevant for us all in the ascension process, and just because I am living a life outside of what we would call the third dimension, does not mean that I’ve got it all figured out and that I am surfing on a constant love and bliss wave…..
Me too… I sometimes feel sad, angry, lonely and tired of this whole ascension thing
Me too… I sometimes lie on the bathroom floor in the child pose crying and just wanting to die
Me too… I sometimes just scream “I wanna get the fuck out of here, this is too much to take!”
Me too… I sometimes have weird cravings for meat, chocolate, milk shake, coke, M&Ms…
Me too… I sometimes ask my self why the fuck I signed up for this
Me too… I sometimes lose hope for humanity and the spiritual community, seeing it going in circles and judging, blaming, hating outside forces for the own experience
Me too… I sometimes feel like I am in my own Truman show, and everyone is laughing about me not knowing about it
Me too… I sometimes don’t know what to do with myself and feel restless and nervous
Me too… I sometimes think I will never be able to handle this whole process with grace
Me too… I sometimes fall out of trust and doubting it all, thinking I might have just gone insane
Me too… I sometimes wish I could just wake up and be back in the place I call home
Me too… I sometimes feel I cannot bear the pain any longer
Me too… I sometimes panic about not being able to survive and to sustain myself
Me too… I sometimes doubt that there will ever be a consistent partner in my life that I can share romance, adventure, playfulness, vulnerability and joy with
Me too… I sometimes ask myself if I am a Narcissist and am actually giving people wrong information and guidance without knowing it
Me too… I sometimes ask myself if I will ever understand it all and if it will ever make sense
Me too… I sometimes have a hard time to look into the energetic mirror when something triggers me
….. and… no matter what…. I handle it to the best of my abilities with compassion, gratitude, and awareness, trusting that deeper inner knowing that is still there when my earthly self freaks out…

Me too…. I see the potential in what is possible when we join our energies and start to co-create
Me too… I feel this enormous sense of gratitude for all these amazing people in my life and on this planet, going through the same experiences and ups and downs to make this shift happen
Me too… I so enjoy living and being in the moment, with myself or with others, playing, sensing, feeling the perfection of all that is
Me too… I love to dance to the universal rhythm of life, dropping into this flow and trusting it takes me to where I need to be
Me too… I love to talk about energies, the magic of the universe, the dynamics, the things that are changing
Me too… I love this immense sense of freedom and joy when I am fully connected to all that is
Me too… I love to sit and watch the stars, the sea, the trees, the flowers, the animals and learn from them about the perfection of the circle of life and about sacred geometry
Me too… I love being part of this crazy adventure and going through human evolution while being alive
Me too… I love to experience how we all find each other through amazing synchronicities and how we are preparing to create New Earth together
Me too… I love to have broken free from the old system to inspire people to do the same
Me too… I am proud of us and how we are handling all these human challenges together
Me too… I am grateful for the community that is forming and that first glimpses of how New Earth will be are already visible.
Me too… I love the magic that happens more and more and becomes a part of daily life
Me too… I love myself, I love us all, I love life, I love nature, I love the Universe
Me too… I recognize how we are all connected and how everyone and everything I meet and experience is a part of myself

…. And no matter what…. I know deep down inside, that everything is happening in sheer perfection.

So… no matter what you experience, think and feel…. Know there are many other people out there, experiencing just the same. They might not be visible, but they are always there and always connected. We are doing this together. Thank you all for your courage, your inner trust and drive to take the next step, and the next, and the next – together with us all, to create the world we all deserve.

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The 222 Eye (2/22/18)


Editor’s note:  Video and article using info. from a variety of QHHT sessions to speak of this 222 Eye Energy Event.  I am also including a snapshot of when I pulled up the video and just happened to stop at the 2:22 mark (to get the link to the article).  Also note I was the 567th viewer.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Adding this after I published ~ had to add one last photo capture of number synchronicity.  As I was sharing this piece, I told my mate “you know, I have been seeing the 222 a lot lately which is an unusual number for me.”  Just as my mate says “yeah me too” I happen to look at the clock on my computer:  12:22.  See the capture for that little moment below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]


The 222 EYE – Feb 22nd 2018 EYE event reported to be coming.

Streamed live 6 hours ago


(here is an excerpt):

This is from 2 sessions with G. G is in the somnambulistic state of trance.  He has no memory of this when he comes out of trance because his conscious mind is asleep.  The consciousness that I am speaking with had a completely different personality, accent, and vocabulary than regular, conscious G. 

Session 1
Michael: What is your name?
NK: Ninak Ktub
Michael: Is there a message that you came to deliver to us today?
NK: This is a wormhole in space.  I see a large planet and a distant star.
Michael: Tell me more about it.
NK: It is The Eye. The Eye who sees all, coming closer.
Michael: This planet that you see, which planet is it?
NK: Planet X12. The Eye is coming.  It is passing X12
Michael: Why are you telling us this information?
NK: This eye, this blue eye, inside the light. This wormhole, it will appear.  
Michael: It will appear on Earth? When will that happen?
NK: This is not physical but a giant ball of energy.
Michael: What will this ball of energy do once it appears on Earth?
NK: There is a blast of Light. This is only for those who are awake. Those who are not will not know.It will be a surge of energy, a beautiful blue eye.
Michael: How many new moons until this appears?
NK: 3 (February 2018)This is unexpected.  This is through a wormhole.  People do not know that this is coming.
Michael: Is this different than the solar sneeze that will take us into a new reality?
NK: Yes.  This is smaller. 
Michael: What will it do for people who are awake?
NK: A Powerful surge of energy.  During this time, you must unite.  You will be stronger than now.  You will be stronger at this time. 

my screenshot of above video w/the 2:22 reference…

Sophia Love Update: Q & A for 2/15/18


Resonating with this one (although I feel cryptocurrencies tie into the central bank and are thus manipulated and controlled like ALL forms of currencies/investments.  my insight is to go w/the local currency trend if your community has one.  all is changing anyway).


These questions were asked and answered on February 15, 2018

Is someone able to connect now? I have questions.

We are here, Sophia.

Thank you. I will begin now.  


“There’s a big problem with this “EVENT”. Several people are associating souls released with thing that has been happening on a physical plane.
The website “prepare for change”( ) is an example. There are several others. Several things they wrote are “IMPOSSIBLE” to believe. Can you understand how “CHOSEN” people are feeling? Do you know what cause that? “APOSTASY”.
How about the Event’ date? Do you have any prediction for this EVENT?
With Love & Light. ”

This event is a moment that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if the definition is assumed to be a human activated one with only the human activators aware of its timing. This event is a happening that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if you assume it is a solar instigated occurrence and dependent solely on the actions of the sun.

This event, as illustrated in your questions, is causing a great deal of confusion for you here on the earth. It is not the Ascension. It does not apply only to some who are chosen. It is a global happening. The event that we refer to, and by “we” is meant those of us watching your world. You may call us Earth Keepers.

We refer to the event as a celestial happening. It has been called a “kiss from the sun” by an aspect of Sophia and we concur. It is meant to take place soon. It will most likely take place in the coming months, this year, before the summer months as recorded in Sophia’s home place. (United States)

This event is not to be feared. It will be welcomed and we daresay Sophia had a glimpse of it just now as she began to connect. *

It is a touch of extreme love, and will yield for you images of what absolute pure love looks like, feels like, and is. It is exquisite and will accelerate everything. We are as anxious as humanity for this. No worries. Just wonder.

You will be transfixed and moved into your natural home. The place you began. You are on a circular journey that feels as if it is a race. It is not. You will see. We are complete.

*So, As I began, I was overcome, overwhelmed and overtaken with ecstasy, joy, love. I am assuming this is bliss. This was before reading the question or engaging with anyone – What I saw were images of my loved ones, my children… The light was not coming from them but from me! It was huge and I was someplace else for quite some time. I was sobbing and laughing and shaking and generally out of it. Wow. (These were the words I wrote before connecting. Sophia)

Thank you.

Here is the next question.  


“Hello Sophia …
Some questions for you / your monthly questions if you please. 
Are the Lion People / Feline people the same or are there two different lineages or groups??  Might you be able to connect to one (or both if they are different)??  Do they have star seeds here at this time?  What might they like us to know?”

There is more than one race in question here. We, who answer you now, are the lion people. There are others, and more than one other feline race. The lion people resemble pretty precisely your male lions here on earth.

Yes. There are star seeds. They are here, although not in the vast numbers that the Pleiadians and Arcturians are. Our mission differs. Vast numbers are not required. I believe you’ll find star seeds of almost every race – on earth in this now moment. You are in a rare time and many choose to physically experience all of it rather than watch from the sidelines.

We’d like you to know that we are here with no intent to take over or alter your human systems of engagement. We are bystanders, not wanting to interfere or even guide. It is assumed though, that benevolent, respectful monarchy will become part of your dialogue because of our presence. We are regal, coming from a lineage that is the same. Human now, and experiencing the collapse of every aspect into a singularity – well – presence can’t help but be affected.

Excuse me, but Donald Trump’s image just ran across my consciousness. Did you put him there, and if so, why?

We did not. Yet the resemblance is uncanny, is it not?

We are complete.

Okay then, thank you for coming forward.

You are welcome, Sophia.

“Hi Sophia, Thanks for this. Can you ask about Bitcoin or Crypto currencies? Is it going to free us from the big bankers total control of us or are we being set up and manipulated somehow?”
The money manipulation on your planet runs so deep as to say it is bottomless. Do not assume at this now moment that any single idea or currency is without potential corruption. Not until the event has taken place and the control has been wrested from the hands of the owners/those running the program beneath them/the puppets. All currencies need deep investigation prior to investment.

There are beings on your planet who do this for you now – it is their mission. Find one you trust and use that advice if unable to dig into it yourself.

Having said that, there are two other points.
First, all currency represents falsely the real/true wealth, which is you. There will come a day where outside representation is not necessary – where you/the human, will be recognized as the value. You will witness this.
Second, these cryptocurrencies are your best bet for removing yourselves from the hands of the ones who hold your strings. If you desire investment, they are a way to accomplish both wealth and freedom.
Please tell us who you are.
It is I. It is One.
Thank you for coming forward.
Here is the next question. 

Madam, first off, thank you so much for your divine sharing…May I ask if the Yellow Rays (get it…my new way to spell race) have a name for their planet and society and the individual speaking? Lol…please convey our open-hearted invitation to come visit here & sit on a beach and soak up some of OUR Healing Yellow Ray’s…lol…Under some palm trees first…shade is pleasant as well… I Love Your Name…Its tone HAS ALWAYS RESONATED WITH HIGHEST VIBE!!! Now I know Why!!! Lot’s more to Hear and Learn…Blessedly

Hello! Thank you for sharing your frivolity. It is much rumored amongst us, the playful human. I can see why! Actually, I can feel why. What fun you are! Our planet is numbered, its name not known to your race. We have a word for it that would be spelled xyratouch.

Did I get that right? X-y-r-a-t-o-u-c-h?

We do not know! We think so. 😊 Your translations are pretty clear and we have faith in them.

My name is Zilo. I believe you’ve gotten it right. We so enjoy contact and do not know how to physically answer this question, yet your visual seeing’s are most pleasant with the imagery offered with his words. So, thank you.

Thank you so much for coming forward Zilo. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia. Thank you for the Palm Trees!

Our last question follows.  


“The news release is not so much news as it is distraction. This is a refusal to expose the real “outer space activity” – which is the sale, use and harvesting of the human on a massive scale for such a wide range of uses and reasons that have not even been entertained in this “news” piece just released.” (Note – this is a quote from a prior conversation)

“Maybe next time have him put a number on it, like how many people are we talking about here, and what exactly?  Like where are they going to, and where are they taking them?  I thought most of this trafficking stuff was limited Earth.  ugh.
Humans are a product. They are used for energy consumption, manipulation and physical slavery – via work force. The numbers are beyond comprehension.
Sophia senses right now the devastation or attempted devastation. “Attempted” because humanity today stands strong. Let me illustrate for you the vital point of believing polarity with your very essence – This gruesome trading of your race, capture and abuse of your race, was not a factor in your day to day if and because you were unaware of it as it happened. It was actually part of the plan.
Humanity has responded brilliantly. Now knowing, at the same time as awakening and unifying with yourself, you are not beaten, but more determined than ever to stop it. Not even for you personally but for all of humanity. This is the brilliance of the human and why you are regarded so highly and helped by many.
Thank you.
That is all the questions for today. Wow, that was quite a ride. I am spent and filled all at once. We are in for amazing everyone. Hang on to your hats!
I love you. Thank you.