Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough


summary: do this NOW.  5 seconds.  5 minutes.  doesn’t matter.  feeeeeeeeel the END RESULT of what you wish to see.  new earth.  the solar flash.  free energy tech for everyone.  see it.  feel it.  i awoke this morning w/the knowing suddenly that just meditating for peace wasn’t enough.  then i check my e-mail box and see one of you wonderful people forwarded this to me.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] we know focused energy works.  we know meditating for peace brings down violence.  but then we still have the controller’s and their people doing their thing.  i personally, for one of my focused experience, will be focused on the reality without their power, without them – forever gone.  i will focus and feel that experience, a world where all are free. please do this – daily – for as long as it takes.  and share with everyone you know.  we can create this breakthrough – NOW!


Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough – Please Join Us!

Source: Galactic Channelings


Dear Reader,

We live on a beautiful planet. There is so much love and beauty. But the powers that rule it, the governments and the elite, just don’t seem to want to do what’s right. Mother Earth produces enough to let at least 10 billion people live in peace and abundance, but all our rulers can think of is how to keep their power, create conflicts and war, and make us pay more and more. Through dark brotherhoods and secret operations they ignore the will of the people. They try to keep us in a state of dependence and fear through the media that they control.

Isn’t it time to change that? Isn’t it time that WE decide how our planet is run? It’s easier than you think. Yes, really. There’s a law of physics that maybe you’ve already heard about, which is perfect for breaking this old and worn out paradigm where the rich few control the rest of us. This law is called the “Law of Attraction”. It says that whatever you focus on that you want, and truly feel in your heart, you attract to yourself. Just look it up on the web or in the library (read “The Secret” for instance), there are many, many stories of people who changed their lives successfully this way.

The way to use it, is through visualization. When you visualize something that you want, and you feel the joy AS IF IT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED, it will manifest itself.

You can apply this to your personal life, but also for the greater benefit of our planet and mankind. The more people that focus on it, the stronger the energy gets. The energy that is sent out by a group of people, multiplies itself, it becomes stronger than the sum of those people. Don’t just take our word for is, it has been proven scientifically. Just watch a video that we made about it, you can find it here:

Now, there have been many group visualizations and meditations already. For World Peace, for instance. Still, there’s no peace. Didn’t these actions work? They sure did! You could see it in our video. The problem is, that once the peaceful energy has done its job, if meanwhile the ruling powers keep working in the opposite direction, everything reverts back to the old situation again. Soldiers are ordered to pick up the weapons again that they laid down, crime rises again due to the difficult situation that people are still in, etc.


That’s why we need to focus on something that cannot be reversed. Never.

And that is: a BREAKTHROUGH.

Don’t worry about exactly what you focus on, energy is an intelligent thing, it will find its way. As you could see in our video, when people visualize peace, also crimes against people decline, traffic accidents decline, emergency hospital room visits decline, and stock market soar. Peace is peace, a breakthrough is a breakthrough. Energy knows where to go. If we focus on a breakthrough, it will find the weakest link in the chain that still holds this worn out paradigm together. And it will BREAK it.

When enough people visualize it, and truly feel it in their hearts, it will happen. It might be the 6,578th participant who gives the old paradigm its final little push, or it might be the 10,234th, but break it shall. Just wait and see.

Focus on something that will make you really, really happy. And feel the feeling as if it had already happened. Whether it is Obama announcing UFO disclosure, free energy becoming available for the public, a major tv station or newspaper revealing that 9/11 was an inside job, or something else major. It all comes down to the same thing: the end of the dark establishment. Just take your pick 🙂

What’s most important, is the joy that you would feel if this breakthrough had just happened. Visualize, for instance, war and hunger making way for peace and abundance, all around our planet. Desperate children getting new hope. Stress and fear making way for happiness and time with your loved ones. Corrupt politicians and ineffective medical care making way for inspirational leaders and true healing. Toxic food and oil based industry making way for healthy food and free energy. All these things ALREADY EXIST on our planet, but are still being oppressed by the dark system. That’s why we need a breakthrough. And we’re gonna make it happen!

We’re not going to name a time and date for all of us to do it, we ask you to do it NOW.

It’s not important how long you do it, 5 seconds is enough. The important thing is that you truly feel the joy of this breakthrough, as it if had already happened. That’s enough to add your own little (but BIG!) contribution to the quantum ways through which the Law of Attraction works. Together we make it a HUGE power that will change this world forever, for the good of the people.

Please go ahead, you only need to do it once. Stop what you’re doing (probably reading) and close your eyes. Imagine that there is Breaking News about something that you’ve been wanting to happen for so long, and feel the joy that you would feel at that moment. Visualize it………..RIGHT NOW!!!!!


That’s it! Did you enjoy that? Our collective consciousness just took your vote. Thank you. Your contribution was added to a huge wave of paradigm shifting energy that is already sweeping over the planet. The law of attraction will make sure that it comes into being.

If you have done your visualization, now comes the second important part. This project works through the ‘everybody knows everybody’ principle. It is said that within six times of forwarding, you can reach every single person on the planet. So, we ask you to forward this email to EVERYBODY in your address book that you think would like to join this action. By doing this, we can create an enormous army of light, even in one day!

Thank you so much for joining this action. Mother Earth and all of us who are longing for peace and harmony just like you, will be thankful to you. And to everybody else who joined, because we are doing this TOGETHER! Please forward this e-mail now. Don’t postpone it, NOW is the moment.

Thank You!!!

Adriano, Boogy, Guillermo, Jimena, Ale, Teddy, Eduardo, Cristian, Kiki, Stephan, Martin, Ute, Alain, Luísa, Kees, Alexandre, André, Winny, Milna, Puk, Per, Cagga, Diana, Dana, Gertie, Mara, U2awaking, Camelia, Gloria, Steve, Krystal, Elizabeth, Livia, Siniša, Leif, Sorin, Danusa, Yonghun, Takuya, Toni, Gloria, Charlotte, Guillermo, Maja, Zeljka, Haim, Claudio, Bénédicte, Stella, Darko, Slava, Javier, Michelle, Louise, Anneliese, Casandra, Eniko, Tauno, Pierre, Paco, Light River, Edward, Marijana, Petra, Alessandro, Sheldan Nidle, Colleen (feel free to add your name)

PS After the paradigm has shifted, we can use or collective power for other causes. Like cleaning our planet, helping people in need, etc. if you would like to join these actions too, please leave your name at the bottom of our site

Drop Into Your Heart


A good mantra I need to speak throughout the day…until it sticks.



Grandmothers,” I said as I stood before them, “what is the most important thing we can do today to help ourselves and others? There’s so much turmoil, anger and fear in the world right now. What’s the best thing we can do?”

“It is your heart that will lift you,” they said. “If you move into your heart and keep your focus there for only a few seconds, it will lift you.” Fixing their eyes on me they said, “You are looking at this situation the wrong way. You think there is some work for you to do. You think you should lift your heart, should make yourself think differently, should be different in some way, etc. etc.” They shook their heads back and forth, back and forth as they regarded me patiently. “It’s not like that,” they said. “Because your actual nature is love and peace, you don’t have to ‘make yourself’ do anything in order to feel good. If you simply drop into your heart and wait there, you will automatically open to peace and love. It’s the way you’re made. It’s your natural way of being.

“You needn’t struggle and you needn’t be afraid,” they said. “It’s the mind that manufactures all of that; there’s no fear and struggle in the heart because the heart knows better. The heart knows HOME; it is tuned to home. So get to know your heart. It’s time. Haven’t you wasted enough years following after those images in your mind? Aren’t you tired of all that racing, chasing and disappointment? “So,” they shrugged, “give yourself a break. Return to peace.

“Move into your heart and start to live from there. Try it! Think of taking up residence and then throughout the day consciously return to your heart. Like a magnet, let it pull you into peace and safety. Then rest at this quiet center point. You can always venture out again with the mind if and when you want to, but up until now you have allowed that ever-searching, ever dissatisfied mind to control your life. So much so that you’ve lost your affinity for peace, which is your natural state. We are urging you to return to it now. Return to balance.

“Go into your heart and rest there. Start by thinking of the center of your chest and of us calling you home. Then let yourself drop in. It’s like a cave or a nest inside yourself and there we will enfold you and hold you steady while you replenish. You deserve a break, so take it. Take it now.
“Living a heart-centered life will restore and revivify you. It will fill you full. Then you will have something to give to the world.”

To Learn more about the Great Council of the Grandmothers and how towork with the Net of Light, go to .

You may copy this message, but please copy the full message including our website links. Thank you.

Sourced from here.

A Vision for the Comforts of Life

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Comforts of Life

We see a world where every man, woman and child who lives upon this Earth has all of the healthy, nutritious food; warm, colorful clothing; inviting, safe shelter; practical tools; fun toys; love; friendship; companionship; enjoyable projects; creative endeavors and plentiful resources so that we are all living in abundance and comfort now and forevermore.
Tony Burroughs

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Deconstructing The Construct Ep 34 – 8 Feb 2018


Thank you to Murry for sharing this one.  Perhaps this feeling of “what’s taking so long” is that experience we have when we’re about ready to make a huge change and as we wait and wait time slows down – that is our experience – then BURST open into the new.  And yet I will say it feels like this process has taken far longer than necessary.  Timelines that were messed with are now merging back into One.  She refers to the matrix construct nudging us to look back behind us.  I feel it is also about diverting our attention away from our end desired result.  Don’t feed it.  The blast of energy forthcoming will touch all and will cause all to awaken to their next level(s).


Deconstructing The Construct Ep 34 – 8 Feb 2018

Published on Feb 8, 2018

Jenny Schiltz ~ We Are In Uncharted Territory


We are in Uncharted Territory

We are in Uncharted Territory


What a huge whirlwind of energy we have been in! We are experiencing massive upgrades to our physical form and purging deep conditioning and even collapsing timelines. The gateway we experienced on the 31st of January has left many feeling out of sorts and exhausted. Some, however, are energized by these energies. Whatever you experience is perfect for you.

Physically, I noticed lots of cranial expansion and upgrades in the brain. I experienced “headaches” in different regions of the brain that lasted 5 or 10 minutes and then it would move to another area. Many people experienced back of the head/upper neck pain as the cerebellum was rewired for a higher vibrational experience. After the upgrades, my estuation tubes are clogged and I am heading to a cranial/sacral treatment to ensure that all of the bones are properly aligned.  When the cranial bones are misaligned it can make unbearable the common symptoms of ascension such as sinus pressure, ringing in the ears, dizziness, nausea and the mental fog.

Digestion is still an issue for many and it is a good opportunity to ask the body what it wants.  This open line of communication is essential as we make the transition to multidimensional light beings.  We must reconnect with the body and really listen to it. Our culture has not supported this as many of us have had to “push through” illnesses, injuries, and traumas. The body will do what is asked of it until it simply no longer can and each of the times it was unheard will need to be addressed.

When my middle child was 14 she injured herself playing lacrosse. We were told by two separate orthopedics that she had pulled a muscle. Hearing this she then told her body that it needed to stop hurting and it did… she went on to run miles over the next few months and even started sliding in softball. Five months after the initial injury she had to go to the ER for a suspected appendicitis. While that was negative the doctor came in and asked when she had broken her pelvis in two places as we had not reported that on her history. We were shocked. As there was new bone growth it was obvious that it was not a brand new injury and it was in the process of healing. All this time she had been playing top-level lacrosse with a broken pelvis.

At the time I marveled at how amazing the mind is and how strong she was to be able to command her body. Now my understanding is completely different. At age 20 she is now working with a talented healer that is helping her reconnect with her body and address the many traumas it experienced in her desire to dominate multiple sports. When they tapped into the pelvic injury it was as if the body was holding onto a silent scream that it was finally able to release. My daughter is working on regaining the trust of her body as it fears the next injury is coming.

Often times when I see someone completely wiped away by this very physical process, there is often a body that feels unheard. A body that held onto traumas, maybe a sports injury but also abuse, neglect, fear, or even just the energy of “ I can’t be sick.” We live in a culture that views rest as weakness and recovery as not profitable. This is programming that must be recognized and healed. We need to come to a place where we can allow ourselves to rest without needing illness or injury as an excuse.

Anxiety is prevalent for many right now. There is a feeling that something is different or that something is coming. It is vague unease that many feel and then assign definition too. The human mind wants order and if you feel anxiety there must be a reason and it searches to assign that reason whether it be onto another or onto oneself. Many are asking if they are doing enough, on the right path, or what direction they “should” be going.

I decided to journey on this as I too have had this odd anxiety that I haven’t felt in years (Flower essences have helped). I knew that part of it was simply the energies transforming things and the body not understanding and sending stress signals, but I also knew there was something more.

As I settled into the journey, I found myself walking on the beach. The water was calm, gently coming into the shore and the sun shone so brightly. It was simply beautiful and peaceful. I was taking in the views, the smells, and the sounds as my grandfather, who is one of my guides, fell into step beside me.

I shared with him about the anxiety that I and others have been feeling as we go through this embodiment process and embrace fully who we are. He listened and said that he understood. He told me to turn around and take a look. I did and all I saw were two sets of footprints. He then told me to turn back around and take a look. All I could see was pristine beach ahead, but nothing else. Puzzled, I looked at him to explain and he said

“This is where your fear is. What lies in front of you has no path. Humanity has been conditioned to walk a path and where they find themselves now is in uncharted territory. This makes many uncomfortable as it is requiring each person to become fully responsible for their creations.”

Humanity has been conditioned to walk a path and where they find themselves now is in uncharted territory. This makes many uncomfortable as it is requiring each person to become fully responsible for their creations.CLICK TO TWEETI looked ahead at the vast empty beach and understood clearly why so many are feeling this unknown vague anxiety. There are no signposts ahead telling us which way to go. As belief systems on the planet continue to crumble we are being asked to step up, to lead ourselves. It is understanding that as all the conditioning collapses within us, as our true self-emerges, it is us that determine the direction we should go. The training wheels are off. We are responsible for our personal creation, our thoughts, and actions. It is us and us alone.

So as I stared at the unchartered territory in front of me I asked my grandfather “How do I know which way to go, which is the best direction?”

He smiled and told me to simply follow what makes me happy. “Follow what brings you joy and excitement.”  He looked at me knowing me all too well and told me that I need to replace the word scared or anxious with the word excited. “You will find that this simple change will bring ease to your fear of the freedom that is now yours.”

I then asked him what would happen if I choose a direction, begin to walk it and then decide that I don’t have the passion and excitement for it. He replied “Then you simply change your mind without the attachment of failure that was part of your old programming. How can there be a failure in any experience when the goal is to simply experience all that there is?”

As I came out of the journey I sat with his words knowing that for some of us the momentous task in front of us is to determine what makes us happy, what brings us joy? Who are we once the belief systems and conditioning has crumbled away? Each person must answer this question for themselves, search what it means for them without apology and without the fear of making a mistake. It is time for us to be the most authentic version of ourselves that we can be, no matter what that looks like or who it triggers.

In working with my highest self after this session she says to me, it is so much simpler than you think. “What if instead of calling light to yourself you call JOY to yourself instead.”


I hope that my journey was as helpful to you as it was to me. I am sending you all so much love and JOY as we transverse this unchartered territory. I appreciate all those that share the messages I put out, it means the world.

Jenny Schiltz

Sourced from here.

Negative Energy/Entity Removal Mantra


This one I was told originally came from (Lisa Renee)

“Beloved Holy Presence, with all of my heart, intent and consent I request to terminate any NETS, and their epigenetic and negative ego alien structures, which I have unknowingly co-created with that were harmful to my body, spirit of consciousness.  I ask the Beloved Holy Presence of my True Mother and Father, to eliminate any fibonacci spiral coding or reversal life sequences that emerge from a point of attachment in any of my structure and form.  Please terminate all alien bonds and corrupted elements that have siphoned my life force, from past, present and future.  I dedicate my entire consciousness and life force to the purpose of regrowing my Christos Sophia consciousness, to build and sustain the highest expression of my divinity in the structure of my diamond sun body on the earth, as God would have it be.  Thank you!”

Judith Kusel ~ Huge Energy Changes Going On Right Now


Judith Kusel – There are huge energy changes going on right now, and as all is immense flux, twirling, swirling and all is being rearranged.
Seeming chaos.
Seeming disruption.
Seeming as if all is not solid, one is not standing on solid ground, one is unsure of one’s footing, and emotions therefore then are within that swirl too, like one wants to cry for no reason, one wants to break out for no reason, things are volatile, unstable.
Remember that within the very eye of the twirling, swirling mass, there is a still point, a steady point, which is not changing. That is the anchoring point.
This is not a time to push, pull nor shove.
This is not a time to make big plans for what might not even materialize into form – for all can change in an eyewink.
It is rather to just allow yourself to breathe – in and out, very deeply and to still the incessant chatter of the mind.
Mind-games do not work at this time.
Neither does anything else.
Rather just allow this all to happen. Stay in the center, at midpoint: “This too shall pass!”
What is happening now is greater than you and me. Indeed, this is a cosmic storm, a greater reshuffling, a greater Masterplan at work.
The whole cosmos is in immense flux and flow and rearranging itself, and so is the Milky Way Galaxy.
We are but the tiniest cog in the cosmic wheel, lest we forget.
Hold onto your faith, and hold onto your visions.
Just allow.
This too shall pass.
As more and more of the ancient energy centers on the planet are being reawakened, as are the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal Pyramid Grids (as I go in detail into, in my new book, “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom) more and more energy is being released, not only cosmically, but what has lain dormant for billions of earthly years.
You are being carried on the wings of angels, and indeed, you are always held in the arms of pure, uncondtional Divine Love.
And when human emotions and insecurities run amok at this time, within yourself and others, remember to go for a walk outside, even if just to breathe in some fresh air, and breathe very deeply, and then root yourself firmly into Mother Earth and the Divine, so that you become a bridge between heaven and earth.
Nothing is missing.
All is well.
All is being reborn – reshuffled, reinvented.
You too.
There-in lies the hidden blessings.
Reborn in love and with love!

Judith Kusel

Sourced from here.