Kp Message 7-5-18… “Something quite ‘Massive’ is now in motion”


editor’s note:  reading this lovely piece, i had a sudden visual of this beautiful massive mountain emerging from a pile of rock and debris ~ with all of that rock and debris falling off, being purged ~ all that does not resonate w/this new forming beautiful mountain is removed for it simply does not belong with this New Life Form.


This has been “hitting” at my consciousness lately, particularly since after the 6-19 water incident I experienced, but much stronger the last week or so.

I feel this is happening on multiple vibrational levels, and particularly it is manifesting rapidly into the 3D vibrational arena. As I look at it, via “Higher Eyes” (whatever that means), here is what I’m seeing, regarding the “Massive” part:

  • Massive rising in consciousness among all humanity, in all parts of the planet.
  • Massive “illumination” of every single corner of (so-called) “darkness”, “shadows”, etc. This is on all levels, individual, group, social, political, planetary. Nothing will be hidden anymore, nor can it be.
  • Massive “chaotic boilings” occurring on all levels, including individual, group, social, political, planetary (we’re seeing lots of that right now (freak outs, incitements to violence from “peace loving individuals”, TDS*, etc.)). All that has been hidden is “boiling to the top”.

I’m seeing some type of “steam roller of Light” (could be something like a rotating “Wheel (Vortex) of Light”) going through, passing over, various locations of turmoil and chaos, lifting up those who are aligning with the elevated vibration of the Vortex, and throwing out those who are involved with the “chaos creation”, throwing them to “Care Centers (Emergency Rooms) of Light”.

Quite the deal, right? So who knows if this is the deal, but it’s what has kind of “come” to me.

It could be that many of us will be part of the “Care Centers (Emergency Rooms) of Light” as things progress. Since I was recently “saved” by an “Emergency Room” in a hospital, I can understand that there are indeed times when each of us need some type of “intensive care”, if only for a short time.

The planet is ascending as a collective, together, even though now it often seems like there is this massive division. We will make it through this period of time, and will all enjoy the benefits of being in the new higher vibration into which we are moving.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced from here.

Energy Update: Current Energy / July Forecast / Powerful Eclipse Season Coming


By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,


Today’s energy is very High and a good day to get things done. I see this continuing as we have been in an energy lull the past 2 to 3 days and are now coming out of it.

The energy of the past few days have been very sluggish and tiring. There was no focus and it took everything we could to be able to function and do our normal things. There was also an element of having little patience for anything outside our realm.

This sluggish energy came in as a cleaning energy to clean everything out of our system that is not needed in our Ascension to the New Earth. This is why the frequent naps take place, overly tired,  as a way of washing our energy within us clean to start the new day again when the cleansing has taken place.


July will be a very busy energy month. Eclipses are known for bringing in Intense energy and Ascension Symptoms along with them. Full moons and New moons coincide with these eclipses which always make them extra powerful.

While there are many different energies that can bring Ascension Symptoms in, there are many that can be pinpointed to certain events and there are some that can never be pinpointed. These are energy waves that come in from the Creator and the Galactics to help mankind with evolvement.

This is why its best to always be in the moment of Now, and concentrate on what is happening now rather than to question why it is happening. It is best to wait until afterwards, when the energy has passed to be able to see the connections to what it represents and why it manifested for humanity.

Here are some key dates in July to keep track of and you may want write these on your calendar so when the energy starts to come in, you will know why it’s happening:

July 13 New Moon

July 13  Partial Solar Eclipse

July 27 Full Moon

July 27 Total Lunar Eclipse

August 11 New Moon

August 11 Partial Solar Eclipse

August 26 Full Moon



As human consciousness grows with all of these energies that will continue to come in through July, many are now beginning to see what has been happening all along. This will be insight for many because they had no idea what The Wizard was doing behind the curtain ( Wizard of Oz) . Now we see this curtain being pulled back and all being revealed for everyone to witness.

This is what is needed, for everyone  to witness what has gone on within a group consciousness. It is only through the group consciousness that the most rapid advancements and evolvements are made.

The new group consciousness that is evolving is one of complete opposition to what has been taking place in this world for eons. This consciousness does not want any part of the “past way of doing things”. As someone evolves this consciousness grows until they do not want any part of the 3D system any longer. They understand the manipulation and control that takes place and their vibration does not resonate with that energy.

As I look back to decades ago when this began to take place for me, this is exactly how it manifested. It is not easy to pull away from the 3D world, yet it is the world I live in. The new World then becomes one of higher consciousness and evolvement and we then stay away from anything that is NOT THAT.

As the many now going this higher consciousness movement, they now have the courage, the insight and evolvement on their side to be able to start to implement change. And this is exactly how the NEW EARTH is formed.

Many have been forced to look under rocks and really SEE what is there. What is there has not been pleasant, but the many needed this awareness fo facilitate the change that has been needed to manifest “our new way of being”.

We are at the very beginning stages of this complete TURN AROUND,  that is to take place. When it starts to gain momentum, it will rapidly change for all. It will change in a blink of an eye, or it will seem that way. Everyone will be on the same level of consciousness and they will no longer be a part of the lower vibration so it will no longer have the anchors to hold it in place.

As more and more evolve into higher consciousness, old practices will no linger be allowed. Love will be the order of the day and evolving consciousness will be looked at as the number one priority when the dust settles. This is the way of life for me, there is nothing better than to evolve our own consciousness and then reap the rewards after the upgrade is done.

This is the reality we are heading into. One of compassion, love, nature, nature and evolving ourselves each and every day. The Creator will take center stage since there is a Creator for this Universe and this Creator is very much involved in all aspects of everything that goes on.

Waking up Tip: How can you help others to wake up? When you go out into 3D and are confronted with misinformation, be strong and let others know what is correct. You must have authority in order to do this, in other words you have to know for sure what you are saying is correct. I do this as a service to plant seeds in others about the waking up process and that not all is as it seems in 3D. This can have a beautiful ripple effect when handled with care and love. Intention and Truth are everything and many will know it when they hear it.  I have seen amazing results from everyone as they now have access to new information they have not had before and a new way of seeing things.


I will update with more energy reports as energy waves takes place:)

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

Sourced from here.

Sophia Love ~ Message from One ~ 7/2/18


received via e-mail

July 1, 2018

Is there someone who wants to connect?

Yes, Sophia. It is I. It is One.

Thank you for coming forward.

I reach you now at once again a critical moment. Not critical in a sense that death possibly approaches. No. Yet critical in a sense of vitally important. You, as an individual and you, as a race, approach soon your rapid expansion. What this looks like varies for each of you, yet what it feels like does not.

It is in the interpretation of the feeling, the emotional aspect, where differences are perceived.

You will hear the Event described vastly different by each of you and it is not a different happening but a different perception of a happening.

It is in these perceptions that you differ.

The observer effect holds true in every case.

The Event is a rapid switch or increase in frequency.

It will be felt viscerally.

I am getting visuals.

You would like to share them now?

I would, yes.

I saw/see at the same time, two women. One smiling with her arms outstretched and head thrown back. Her hands are moving. It is like she is waving it on or in or through her – I cannot see what she is responding to, only in her expression and action do I witness it.

The second woman looks ill, she huddles herself in blankets, pulls them around herself and the feeling that accompanies this is fear. She appears in darkness in my visual. This is in sharp contrast to the first woman, who was outside, her hair was blowing in the breeze.

That is what I saw.

What you witnessed describes/displays just two ways of the many that this Event will be experienced. Outdoors, indoors, standing, lying down, awake or asleep, it will be noticed. Whether or not you are cognizant of what it means when felt is a personal choice. Decisions in this regard have already been made.

For you are human and individuality of expression is your hallmark trait.

Your message is coming too fast to decipher now. Please adjust so that I can get this down. I am seeing DNA strands.


What happens for you as you experience this physical Ascension and what has been called “the Event” is that parts of your DNA previously unused will turn on.

These are things you may already notice.

I have been having many experiences of telepathy and sight beyond the usual 3D sight, these recent days.

With the completion of the Event, it is as if your unused component parts are invited to the party.

This doesn’t mean they will all show up.

It means that they have reached maturity in a sense and are now allowed to.
Whether or not they participate in your current incarnation depends on your personal choice for evolution. These choices have been made.

They will not be un-made or changed, but instead they will be now evident for all to witness.

Each body holds equal capabilities. Each lifetime utilizes and learns from specific actions and choices.

What is imminent is the Event.

What gets played out now with the Event is your choice of Ascension process.

It is now for you to focus on your inner desires, dreams and beliefs. As the answers to your questions show up – believe them, regardless of their source. For you are entering a moment of magic.

It will last as long as you respond to its offerings and allow them to multiply.
Within them, YOU burst forth – YOU.

This is the physical representation of your actual signature. This takes time.

Imagine the upheaval if your world was transferred overnight into one with 8 billion Genuine Articles. The strangeness would overwhelm you all and what is a beautiful thing will become un-feasible to comprehend. This is chaos and not the plan.

No. Instead, the Event opens the door – extends the invite and each of you decide just how deep into the rabbit hole you want to go.

It is not a question of if you are able to. Instead it is a playing out of your decision about whether or not you want to.

Each of you will go just precisely where you’ve chosen and it is the one perfect place for your soul’s evolution. Trust every decision made from a base of joy.
Remain open to magic.

You’ve come up to that door and are about to live there.

This is what I wish to share with you now.

Thank you for coming forward.

This conversation ended. As it did, and I was writing the last few words, I heard “It is done.”

I do not hold a clear sense of exactly what is meant by this or what is “done” – the conversation? The topic? I guess we’ll find out together.





The Full Moon is on June 28th at 12:53 am just past the midnight on the 27th. This moon is called the Strawberry Moon. As in the current energy that has been taking place, we have things happening energetically on the Full Moons and New Moons. You may have felt this energy for the past few days. Along with this has been the High Solar Wind and some Geomagnetic storms.  Since the Solstice on the 21st, we have experienced high solar wind just about every days. For a couple of days we have had Geomagnetic Storms hitting us.

You may have experienced these symptoms during this past week:

  • Sleep Issues
  • Depressive Thoughts/ Overly Emotional
  • Thinking Back to the past and thinking about how it could be changed
  • New Insights about the future.
  • Increased psychic seeing, clear sight


We can see from the numbers we have had increased energy all week along with heightened Solar wind and 2 days of the last week with Geostorms. Note: Normal solar wind is around 300.


      • 22 /325
      • 23/500 with geo storms
      • 24/450
      • 25/414
      • 26/647 with geo storms
      • 27/528

These symptoms are caused from the combination of high solar winds and the full moon energy coming in. I suggest grounding and drinking plenty of water and fresh juices. Grounding does NOT mean walking along the earth with bare feet, it doesn’t mean sitting in a chair outside with bare feet. To have the maximum effects of grounding, it TAKES pulling your consciousness/energy/ spirit BACK inside your body from above your body.

Yes it’s very specific as in all things that are done with the correct technique in the spiritual realm. If you have not watched my video on the correct technique, go to my you tube page ( listed at the bottom of this article) and you can access it there.

The Solstice brought in new beginnings, so now is the time to think about where your life is headed and if it is headed in the direction you prefer. The full moon compliments this energy and works to give us what we desire. In this reality it is always about making choices about what we prefer. When faced with a choice to make, do not be too quick to make it as the Universe does not work on 3D time. The universe can be much slower in giving us long term information. Every day now is a new day to make new choices and every day we may have a new outlook on what we want in our reality.

I noticed when I was in the 3D (management) world I was forced to constantly make decisions quickly and this never felt right to me. This is because it is not right. Since I have spent years now in the higher realms, I am very slow to make any major decisions knowing that each day can bring in new awareness and new insights. It is all about Energy after all, and letting this energy guide us, so remember each day we can wake up and decide that it is the day to make our decisions or not and both are ok.Let the energy work its magic, without restricting it or wanting to control it. The Universe has its own timeline and will let you know when the time is right.

Do not be afraid to step out of the 3D world and do what is not expected. The 3D world is one of man made social constructs that do not lead to enlightenment. I always tell everyone psychic knowing and the 3D world do not mix. Psychic awareness works completely outside this reality while the 3D world is very restrictive on what is allowed.

As you work to expand your awareness and delete the 3D overlays your auric field will strengthen and expand out, giving you much more insight into what is really taking place. This is not the reality we are shown everyday through the news or the tv. If you have not shut your news off, now is the time to do it. This will only cause a lower vibration. Work to do these things slowly and start cutting down the 3D world when you can and instead expanding the spiritual world at the same time. There is no better time than on the full moon to start !

I will update as energy changes occur to keep everyone up to date !



Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel where I will be sharing my RARE ET in person Experiences soon.

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

Sourced from here.

The Energies ~ Clearing Out Old Matrix Programs, Allowing in the New


The energies… so overall the more clear of fear (old matrix) that we get, the less dramatic we tend to feel the energy waves. This is just a natural occurrence of the more light we have re-internalized, the less fears we are currently holding onto in our systems. Also less and less fear, is also a natural occurrence of ascension. So overall, it does definitely get easier.

However… the Solstice Energies I experienced very strongly. Not much drama playing out, but just very consistently powerful light, pumping thru the grid, that I felt way ungrounded by the 4th day of this. I felt in a high vibe and in a state of super universal love. Which is pretty much my default state, but it was intensified for about 8 days in a row through the Solstice Energies. (What was your experience, the few days b4 and after the Solstice??)…. So thru all this that I felt thru the Solstice, what do I make of it? Everyone is unique… for me I know that multiple things happened with me, that I will come to see as we go on, after my feet are touching the ground a little better after 8 days of being “in flight.” I know I’m in New personal timelines, bc Spirits way of showing me this is I hear 3-5 new songs on the radio all of a sudden one day, as I’m driving. Also, as I log onto Facebook I am seeing and feeling different things than I was the few days before. I am acclimating to my new “consciousness spot” on the grid right now, and it’s like I’m testing out the “New hardware.” I feel different in the way I operate. When I describe things as “more light” or love/ universal love… I am not meaning good vs. bad… no… I am meaning that, as we did the illusory programs of the old matrix and therefore the consciousness therein, we naturally** are more loving. Bc the illusion was subconsciously keeping us in subtle consciousnesses (programs, wounds, limiters), that withheld love from ourselves + the world. Once we clear old limiting energy, as these waves make us do, we then love ourselves more and more. In other words, we have removed the limiter/ blinder, than our own beauty starts to become quite apparent and unmistakeable. And therefore, we see more and more beauty in the world. Once we remove the illusions, as we so naturally have been doing, we then see Love everywhere, including in ourselves, bc Love is what is left. I don’t mean this in a poetic way (tho I love poetry)… I mean this in a literal*** way. Everything is made our of the fabric* of love, bc that is literally the material* of the universes. Creator is made out of Love, bc Love is what “just exists.” If you were to take Science really really deeply, where would you end up? *Love*, of course, which is what Einstein came to, especially towards the end of his life. He was always able to see, that the universe is essentially a doorway to seeing the deeper reality, which, essentially is Love. So…. even dark beings, AI beings, anyone not in the light… they were created from*** light and love of the Creator. So while we will prefer light and love Beings and experiences, we will see that love is indeed everywhere. Once we are hanging out here behind the illusions, we do feel much better, more powerful, and the experience of love Will be daily… no matter the circumstance… we can get annoyed at the inconveniences of 3d… but still we experience love as a reality almost constantly, bc we have surpassed the illusions. The labels on Self drop.. “I’m not successful”, “I’m a weirdo”, “no one understands me,” “I should be further along in my life,” etc etc… dropping these illusions.. makes you feel more Love as your Reality. We are still having our New Earth… which will be even more Loving. It’s no coincedence that we have come to a place of wanting Love as our Experience… and this is exactly what we are having in our future timelines on New Earth.

It’s not so relevant to tell someone to be nicer, to love everything and everyone, to act better. That’s still functioning in duality. Beyond the matrix we see that this person acts this way bc of being conditioned to feel powerless and not loveable. Typical matrix programmings. So we start to see that the issue us lack of self love and empowerment. So instead of telling someone to love others, we start to tell them to love themselves. To see* themselves behind any illusory labels they adhere to about themselves. Then… they love others, bc now they love themselves. Forced feelings of loving the world will not work, but self-love thru seeing yourself as you are beyond what the matrix has told you about yourself… that’s when we automatically feel more Love for everything. And yet, we can still choose what is best for us. Loving All, does not mean we are to take abusiveness… no… bc self-love will start to feel so natural that you will just ignore or dodge people who are not acting from love. You will just let them be. So if you find yourself having less than loving feelings for the world, do not go into judging yourself for that. Instead ask, where can I love myself more, where can I drop the illusions that don’t allow me to experience myself as Love? This will then automatically make you “nicer” and feel* more Love for all and for yourself, as our default experience.

The matrix sort of ripped away Love from our Beings. So then we feel this lack, especially in the West, in which we have accomplished a lot, but something is missing, something feels “unsettled”… we are looking for the feeling, the experience* of Love. And until we get the experience of Love back for ourselves, we cannot find it in anything nor anyone. No combination of the perfect life ingredients will “give” you Love. Not until you get back to it, for yourself, as an Experience. Then you will feel satisfied, satiated, settled, calmed, fulfilled, as our general reality experience. Self-love, Ascension makes us “get it back.” It’s the feminine principal of creation, re-claimed by us as a Being. The feminine experience and affirmation of life, that we “lost” at our entrance of the matrix. We get it back and that’s when things are pretty fun even when it sucks. Being in this feminine way still keeps room for the masculine flow of life within us. We are not pushing out the masculine. We are allowing both* to flow. We are still going to be masculine, but upon the universal templates of universal love, universal flow, breath, ease, earth, water, cosmos, nurturance, softness. Being here, then being masculine becomes much more in touch with your divine self’s flow. It’s a different experience, and I feel that after we have shed root/ material level limitatons, this Experience is what starts to happen. Resolving root topics is way less about working more, or harder. Its ridding the illusory consciousnesses on your inherent value and that having money requires certain actions or circumstances. Once you can see that you emit gold just by breathing, we re-identify ourselves with money.

Lots of root topics that we have shed past/ matrix illusions on this year… we have done so very well 🎇

Btw, past 2 days for many of us have been about releasing entrapment based love experiences from the Past, in which we were not acknowledged in full love But we were still in love with the persons not loving us. We may have had an experience or feelinhs come up, that we had deep feelings of love or even admiration for someone(s) who are unable to reflect love and acknowledgment back to us. It may feel like almost pining for this person and wanting to feel their love for you, and just sorting thru feelings of unhealthy love and healthy love. Allow the feelings of desire for love to be there, while in your Sovereign observer space. It’s energy that is working itself out. There is a lot of heart energy and sacral/ sexual energy with this one. It is processing into a healthier love template for us. Tears randomly for two days now. Release and let go and allow it space. Your higher self is likely amplifying feelings of love for someone who isn’t good for you, so that you can process it out on a conscious level, and not just the energy level. I could say a lot about what happened in my reality surrounding this and maybe I will, but if I do I will probably make my profile un-public to do it. Being not fully loved, not fully acknowledged in all-of-you, has kept us not running wild and free in our Spirits. Creator told me as i had a communication with him/ her last week, that if incarnated, s/he would love to run free like wild horses. As this is healing our of my system, I am remembering Creator’s words that told me his/ her desire is to run so free. That’s what we want as spiritual and physical beings. The release we are doing right now has to do with becoming free in the places we were making ourselves small bc someone didn’t love that part of ourselves. It seems to be romantic and sexual kind of love, more than the other kinds of love. So we have a lot of energy going on right now in our heart and sacral energies, my vision showed me that my sacral center is almost 50 percent filled with energy that I need to release. The blocked energy is just the old energy that is releasing at this time. It’s probably a good idea to flow our sacral and sexual energy right now, and these are the times in which our orgasmic energy releases a lot of energy that it can surprise us. This is all in flow with what we are doing right now, which is love & sexual freedom from past denser experiences. The image is of tantric energy, in which sexual energy becomes alive and is a Whole-Being experience, when sexual interaction is based in Love, acknowledgment, and seeing the divine in each other. We are coming back to this even more the last two days. Feel free to share any experiences you feel comfortable with sharing, on what has come up for you in romantic themes, or anything that you have been experiencing…. ⚘🌸🌸

Sourced from here.

The end game. Big Intel. Source for this info can not be revealed. Gamechanger!


editor’s note:  thank you sistar d for giving me a heads up on this one. overall i am in alignment w/this one.  listening i had chills and tears.  i have long known (going back to early 2000’s after watching the first Matrix movie) that we are in a simulation.  and we are getting out.  this is probably why i have struggled with getting fully on board w/the ascension timeline/story.  in many ways it has felt like a story – another program.  we are already ascended master’s/being’s in these human vessels and i have long seen this cycle as a rescue.  a release of the prisoners.  earlier tonight one of you said you had a knowing many of us have done this before.  not the first time i have heard that – each time i have i resist it immediately.  however tonight i decided to play it out.  let it simmer within, without judgment or a story.  in the shower tonight i had this feeling – it is highly possible i have done this before.  “rescue missions”.  jumping into physical bodies and venturing into other similar prison/controlled like realms that were hijacked from the virtue of freedom – which i feeeeel is the universal law.  ….  as far as the date, who knows for sure.  we have all been privy to dates that come and go.  i also feel there are manipulations of timelines, all sorts of energetics involved with this process – lots of logistics.  much like “draining the swamp” (had that insight earlier today before knowing of and listening to this video, btw.)  

i would like to know who/how/where she received this “intel”.  why would one want to hide having such information?  perhaps for safety reasons.  anyway we will “see” soon enough, right?  one last insight/observation – i have not seen her so grounded and serious.  her energy felt different in this one – very sure of herself.  solid. let’s call this in.  call an end to this game.  i am hoping a lot of insightful conversations result from this one.  


Published on Jun 19, 2018


Personal Channeling: My Mission & The Event


editor’s note:  i align w/the last message in that we call forth this event.  this is our experience, our creation, what we came here to help co-create.  we are ready for the grand finale.  all will experience it differently based on choices, who they are and what they wish to create/be/do.  we have been working on bringing forth the energies of awakening.  i see it this way (and feel it this way) ~ we begin to awaken, we draw forth new energies to us.  this cumulates until the big finale which is also being created by other being’s (doing the logistics of grid/program removal).  a multi-faceted experience.  call it forth now in thanks.  i also like the part about all getting it – having a big a-ha moment (the biggest me thinks!).  i saw that in the event dream i had.  my neighbor up the street, the one who never smiles or displays any emotion, upon the event energy blast, came almost floating out of his house, smiling.  he got it big time – i could feel it from him.  like a cosmic universal memory blast – “oh YEAH THIS is who i really am.  DUH!  how could i have forgotten?”  


Personal Channeling June 18, 2018

I removed names for privacy reasons, so ***** is not me cursing, it’s names that have been removed.  lol

What is my mission – or what are my missions right now and have they changed at all from what I came here to do?

Your mission is to work with others to strengthen the grid of light – to hold the light. And therefore you must not think anything is required of you but live from your heart – focus on the heart. Rid yourself of programmings of anger and hostility and anxiousness. Trust. Focus on the heart.

What others am I supposed to work with?

All others are self. You work with those who come into your experience. For they are drawn to you for a common purpose. There is no need to worry that you will miss opportunities. You are on the track of what you are meant to be doing – you are doing what you planned to do without even trying. Trust the divine plan, for you helped create it. And you are living it. You cannot not live it. You can live it in different, alternate ways, but you will still live it no matter what.

Can you talk about Event portals and timelines and energies and gateways and bridges and – I don’t understand any of it? And what was the light bridge thing that I saw from the 21st/22nd through the 26th/27th? What is that about? Why was I seeing like a strip of light on the calendar days across those days?

It is your time to integrate the light on those particular days. It fluctuates, but that is the approximate timing. There are many lightbringer days for you. We do not always show you them. The significance of these days is to allow you to integrate more light, more purity of the heart, more understanding. A great deal of you will experience similar at this time. It is not important what sort of mechanism is behind this or what sort of mindset is behind this. As we said, people will resonate with what feels right for them. We might suggest that you just record for yourself when you have thoughts – without planning to share. Just pick up your phone and record your thoughts so that you can write things down later if you wish. This will help you integrate.

What are these light codes and translations people are doing? What is the significance of that? Is that important?

It is important to those who need them. It is like looking at art. When you see a piece of art you like, it is for subconscious reasons based on your experience in this life and other lives and it creates a feeling. And so just as you would look at a beautiful painting and have a feeling of appreciation or happiness, there are some who read light codes and have a subconscious triggering of a certain feeling or a certain state. Again, we would advise to not think too hard and have fun. Go with what you’re interested in. Everything in the divine plan has a purpose and an intertwining and the divine tapestry is already in place. You are just experiencing threads in different times. It is all good.

When I was doing ****s reading I saw this intersecting line on his timeline and then when I read the one from October last year I remember seeing a line that intersected where everything would change after it. Just like that, but this one is a lot closer and I couldn’t see anything after it. But I got the sense that it was a big change. How does that work? What is that?

It is for your education and your expansion.

Is it a personal event or is it a global event?

It is a personal global event. [laughing]  It is The Event – when everything shifts.

So, I have a question. If there are people like **** who don’t believe in any of this and don’t think about stuff like this and they’re into the present and preparing and making sure they’re safe – when this event happens, will they rationalize it away, or will they start waking up just like we did years ago and it’ll just be this long process of everybody else waking up? Or is it going to be more dramatic? Or something different?

Something different. It will be as if you are all different people. Different beings. Similar bodies, same memories, but with a completely different understanding of everything.

And that’s The Event I’m seeing crossing *****s timeline?


How will that effect *****?

He, along with everyone, will be, as you say, “blown away”.

What about my children?

They will feel relieved because there is a way they think the world was supposed to be, and when this blockage is removed, they will breathe a sigh of relief and say “oooooh, okay. Whew”. It will be as if there has been a vice around your brain – closing and tightening your whole life – and that vice will be removed. And you will feel mentally lighter. Even those who are not awake will understand. It will be an “ah ha” or “ahhhh, I get it now” moment for everyone. Everyone, everywhere. No matter what culture, country, language, economic situation. You will all just “get it”.

And that’s right here? Like really close?

At this time it seems likely. A few weeks to a few months.

No offence, but it’s been “a few weeks to a few months” for what seems like years now.

Yes, but your shift in your consciousness and your own perceptions and your own ability to live from the heart and expand your mind bring it closer. The more you do this, the closer it gets. There are some dates that are more optimal – more likely than others. It could be July/August, it could be October, could be December. It all depends on you which timeline comes into being.


[Okay, y’all! Let’s aim for the July/August one!!!!]

Sourced from here.  




Sophia Love Update


editor’s note:  getting hesitant on sharing these.  the info on the georgia guidestones doesn’t set well w/me.  anyone who knows of these stones, in which i heard of and looked into them almost 15 years ago, knows what is written on them.  a population of no more than 500 million.  depopulation.  and what happened to her “the one” saying the event would definitely occur most certainly by the summer solstice here in the western hemisphere.  if i had received that info i would definitely be questioning this “being” about now.  but that’s just who i am ~ one who appreciates those who keep their word and at least if not able to keep, he/she/it owns it.


I hope you enjoy today’s edition!


June 14th, 2018

There are questions. Is there someone available to answer them now?

We are here, Sophia. We will respond as we are called to. Please go ahead.

Thank you for coming forward. Here is the first question. It is meant for anyone who feels that they can answer. 


By the way, I’ve got a question:

With all the talk about ships (us going, “them” visiting), no one ever mentions how we are able to breathe.  I imagine each species has their own requirements as to atmospheric pressure and oxygen (or whatever is used), etc., so how would this work?  Or is the idea of ships simply a metaphor for joining together in a way we can understand, but there are no actual physical vehicles transporting everyone around?  Like telepathy taking care of the language barrier, is our “meeting” also done without physicality?  How else could such diverse beings intermingle on Earth or elsewhere?

Hello and we appreciate the question. It demonstrates an introspection and depth of thought we don’t often get to engage with, not in real “time”. Your questions are indications of your awareness of the multiple possibilities. There are more (possibilities) than this message can hold. We will address specifically the physical ships. We are Andromedin, yet the process holds for all races about to embark on Earth’s rescue mission. Breathing is accounted for within the ship itself. It is not a metaphor in this case.

There are some of you who will be moving to and from the ships – at times perhaps returning to Earth or else another home. Each choice is individually made.

You need not concern yourself with the air or its chemical composition as all of that has been considered. We are not that much different – those of us who are prepared to assist physically I mean. Know that you, and all who accompany you, are to be gently accommodated for the maximum comfort.

Thank you.

Here’s the next question. It is for the formless being I’ve spoken to prior to this moment.  


Question for this being… In case one would like to experience the physical again. What exactly would that process be for someone like you? How do you and where do you go to start that?

What is the procedure like? Planning? etc. etc… Since our memories are erased of the in between stages….and speaking of… why is that? Brain can’t handle the download I’m assuming but
some recollection would be nice.

Also does one have to experience the physical as the Game that we play here on Earth with all the struggles? Or can you go elsewhere where it’s not so hard.

I mean it’s hard for some…so hard they take themselves out.  Just the daily keep of the body can be tough with lifetime gym workouts and maintenance and illness…. how many colds flu and viruses do
we go through here a lifetime?? a lot!  Does one take all this into account before they come? Thanks.

So many questions! All forms and aspects have rest periods, or the option of taking one. This is not quite the same as ascending into non-physicality, but instead rest and reflection and life without form. The choice to do so will be yours as well once you exit your current focus, or better said, the choice is yours right now.

Each life is experienced and felt. Right now, your focus draws you to this dense “3D” body with its colds and other ailments. Yet in your dreaming you move your focus elsewhere – once you exit you move your focus elsewhere.

Prep is not necessary, other than choosing what will most benefit your purpose and growth. Once that is decided, multiple experiences are available to you. This current one holds its shiniest gems without memory of others you’ve experienced.
You had to believe it or it never would have happened, not in the way that it has.

It comes always to what you felt would benefit you – the beneficial effect may not be obvious until after the current life has been completed, but it is there nonetheless. Every memory is becoming more accessible for you as the veil thins and Earth’s frequency is adjusted. It is your desire and belief that brings each into your reality now. I cannot stress (enough) the power of expectation and belief to you. It is the reason for all the fear control on your planet. You can use it to your own advantage right now. Choose to remember a life as a formless aspect – write down your dreams upon awakening. Soon you’ll remember without dreaming and you’ll experience true expansion.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. You are welcome.

This next question is for the plant-like beings.



I felt these beings and their desire to be on the New Earth.  Can you verify this with them? 
Also, I’m wondering how they move. Do they have roots?  Is the soil disturbed when they move?
Ooohhh! You have sensed our wishes!

(With this came a visual – long, lanky, plant-like appendages. It feels Giant sized. Sophia)

Such an interesting question and telling of the human. No, there are no roots. We settle and suckle when necessary – these are parts of our form and never permanently “planted”. Such a marvelous question.

Thank you!

(I see 3, maybe 4 very large smiles with bright eyes gazing at me. Sophia)
You are welcome.

This next question is for One.  


My question for ‘The One’ or whoever wishes to answer the question:

Who constructed the Georgia Guide stones, to what purpose and is it relevant today.
Love and Thanks.

Note: The answer you’ll read here was brief and such a surprise to me. I will include a bit of research I did after I received it, after it is given here.

These stones were built by the Rosicrucian’s. The intent is clear. Magic must be stated/declared to work. What better or more permanent way to do so than to carve it in stone. The spell is ongoing. It was not known how long it would take.

Okay then. Thank you.

I had heard that name before but had associated it with early Christian roots and nothing sinister. I spoke to a fellow seeker who confirmed that, yet also that there were different factions, not all of them with positive intent. So, I researched and feel the results below will expound a bit on what was said here.

First, Rosicrucianism: A few words from that article are “The society wasvariously called Brothers of the Rosy Cross, Rosy-Cross Knights, and Rosy-Cross Philosophers; its adepts are called Illuminati. There was muchdiffusion of ideas between the Rosy Cross and Freemasonry in Englandduring the 18th cent.”

Second, The Georgia Guide stones: A few words from that article are In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote.[2] When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous.[2]

Notice the similarity of the pseudonym, Robert C Christian to “Rosy Cross”. Sophia

Here is the last question. This is for anyone, but perhaps One would respond?  


I got a feeling that they were made by giants for pets. Maybe human pets? Pets is the wrong word but it kind of conveys the relationship between the giants and the humans they were protecting from other cannibalistic giants who preyed on humans.

Of course, I could be crazy! Have a good life today.

Structures to hold life forms do not make sense when the life form is no longer present. This is the case with these homes. The body that entered… (I feel that you are attempting to send a visual, but I am not seeing anything specific. I sense something though and it makes no sense to me. I sense slimy, almost worm-like. I have to go, I will come back to this later. Sophia)
Could you address the question posed yesterday “What are the Russian Dolmans?”
The structure you have referenced…
Please send an image.
I do not see people going in and out of them. I am getting that the only way to insure a sturdy and long-lasting structure was by using the weight bearing possibility of each stone. Rather than leave an opening and hence one section of the roof unsupported, a hold was bore into one of the stones – it could then serve as a door and a support for the roof.

I’m seeing still some sort of reptilian-like being using these for shelter and filling up the structure on the inside.

I am getting that they are not burial chambers, not human inhabitants at all. Each is an impression and the only image is of a scaly-skinned being filling up the domicile with its body sort of curled around itself.

Yes, Sophia. The comprehension of these comes as you expand (empirical) beyond the current focused era. This becomes clearer as you move there and trust what you remember and subsequently see.
Okay then, is that all there is to say about these structures?

At this time, it is, yes.
Thank you.
That’s all for this month’s edition. Send all questions to See you in July!
This is a complimentary publication so please share!

Kp Message 6-15-18… “About that ‘Kilauea Erupting’ thing… Energetically speaking”


editor’s note:  i can certainly align w/kp’s message.  all of this purging ALL life is going through.  to resist will only create an energetic backflow.  i know – i have experienced it.  deep breath.  let it go.  allow.  go with the flow.  be with and in the flow.  release what is called to release.  notice the body – notice where there is tightness.  strain.  for myself i am tuning in when i feel rushed.  ungrounded.  bz.  i am practicing intentionally sloooooooooowing down – including walking around the house.  flow doesn’t feel like it operates at a fast speed.  it doesn’t rush to its destination.  it enjoys the scenery.  i recall once an intuitive told me i was taking the “scenic route”.  at the time i was offended.  now i see it was meant as a message for me today.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


I’m using a new “selfie” photo, one taken on Mauna Loa (on 5-23-18), with Mauna Kea in the background. I suppose these will always change, as the flow of energies change here on the Big Island.

Now that being said, I want to say this about that “erupting thing” going on over at Kilauea.

I was speaking to someone a few days ago and it kind of flowed out from my consciousness that the Kilauea flow was a much larger energetic event that many might have “sensed”. I’ve really not read anyone else’s “ideas” or “channelings” about it, if there are any. This is just what I have “got” about it.

I personally don’t care what physically, in a 3D way, “triggered” this event. That has nothing to do with what I’m communicating. As an energetic “Light worker” type, I felt we (many of us on the islands, and elsewhere) were involved in opening pathways for the flow of energies around the planet. Hawaii, and Kilauea in particular, is a key point for planetary energetic flows, and there have been numerous missions to Kilauea to assist in closing off certain “old paradigm” energy pathways, and later, opening up new energetic pathways. In my view, this was completed on 4-26-18, via this mission. And although it was called “New Foundations” mission, I know at that point that a foundation had been laid to allow the new pathways to open.

On May 3rd, the lava lake dropped and a fissuring on the east rift zone started. The new lava flow, and new energetic flow, had begun. On 5-11-18, another Kilauea mission was carried out, called “Pathway Mission”. That seemed to do even more to open things up… and the flows and fissures continued to grow… big time.

Now all this might sound ridiculous to many. But that is not important. This new flow, this quite large and impressive flow, had started, and reflects what is occurring all around the planet, particularly around the Pacific rim. It reflects what is occurring all around the planet, geologically, politically, spiritually. The new flow of lava (energies) consumes the old, burns it up, and all who care to try to resist it. The planet is opening up energetically, just like the new lava flows. Those who choose to resist, are being consumed. And it is their choice to either join the new flow, or be consumed by it.

We have been working for this for many many years. And now that new players have come in to play their roles in caretaking this new lava flow, bringing planetary change (let’s see, for example, Trump, Putin, et al.), some are resisting, or bitching and moaning about those new players.


It’s tough, baby… but all are capable of doing this.

The Kilauea lava flows are showing the planet what the current incoming energies are all about… Elimination of the old and outdated… Laying of new foundations… And even bringing in the new “green energies” (remember the olivine in the lava?) all at the same time.

So I suggest we continue to align with these new energies, align with the new “planetary lava flow”, and assist them in whatever ways our Higher Guidance guides us.

Aloha, KP

Sourced from here.


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