The Crystalline Earth, The Old Earth and the New Power Returning! Part 1


Finally!!  A day in the field, alive, vivid and so informative.  I had three readings on my schedule, each and every one couldn’t be more different from the other.  There was one intense constant however, the love that came thru the field with each and every reading.  The for us, the love for Life, the love of the earth, it was so big, so encompassing, so….. total.  That is the purpose of all these energies, storms, earthquakes, its all intensifying the field of Love.  I’ll explain that more in the reading it came thru as I get to it.

Even tho I had my voice back and it held steady thru the entire day (into even now,) the moment I connected with each lovely lady, OMG the coughing.  My first connection created such a massive storm in my lungs and mouth that the intensity of cough saw my upper dentures (my lowers were still in the jar lol) fly right out of my mouth!!  Screw that, I kept them out until all the readings were done!! lol  Thank god I get my permanent implanted dentures installed next month!!

Wait a minute, I just got ahead of myself.  Before my readings started, I took a shower.  In my shower, I was begging for the ability to see and understand and keep my voice thru the day’s appointments. Until that moment, I had not seen one preview of what the field looks like at all.  In my shower, I was given a glimpse.  it was so beautiful, but very confusing too.


Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.  

Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.

Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.

Imagine my surprise when I connected to my first lady and her ground looked like it was made of tons of aqua aura crystals.  Just the tops of the crystals emerging out of the ground, this amazing blue luminosity to them.  There was no dirt, just these cyrstals popping up thru her field.

aqua aura.jpg

Honestly, I didn’t even think aqua aura during her reading, only after it was finished and I started pondering it.  It was stated that these are all clear crystals with the blue luminosity reflecting off of them.

It was also explained that those who live on the “new plane of earth emerging” the ground is made of this energy system.  Powerful Source energy infused in the ground we live on, in the bodies we work from and the air we breath in.

In the last several years, anytime I seen the essence of Source/Creator/God in a reading, it always held this amazing blue color.  Gold in my readings always represent the highest source of spiritual energy I can see.  So connecting with the aqua aura crystal afterwards made perfect sense if we look at the spiritual qualities of the way its made: Aqua aura is created in a vacuum chamber from quartz crystals and gold vapour by vapour deposition. The quartz is heated to 871 °C (1600 °F) in a vacuum, and then gold vapor is added to the chamber. The gold atoms fuse to the crystal’s surface, which gives the crystal an iridescent metallic sheen.

So aqua aura is the closest visual we have of really understanding what we are made of and how.  Now our duty, and truly it is a duty, is to learn how to use this amazing power, that is the ground, that is us, that is the air we breath in and out.  Do not look to the properties of the actual aqua aura crystal, wayyyyyy to limiting!!!! 😉

It was also explained that the ground and air and her (our) bodies are still coming together in form.  In it’s fullness.  She asked many an amazing question, the replies blew our minds.  Most of which, I am going to save to share until tomorrow, otherwise I would be putting out a novella today.  The one thing I do want to say that came thru, there is no future that is set, yet.  It will not be set into a true form until we pass the equinox on the 22nd.

Many people are still deciding who they are day by day, minute by minute.  Just like the constantly shifting path of the hurricanes, so too, we are shifting back and forth with each conscious and unconscious decision we make.

I was so curious to see how my second lady was going to unfold in the field.  For many months now her team strongly suggested she find a way of of her current living situation for her and her baby girl.  She is living with a man who is not nice at all and fears for her life should she leave.  So the staying I completely understand, which is her choice.

Her reading opened up so drastically different from my first lady.  She was planted in the earth from her waist down.  From her waist up she was covered in the deepest, darkest dirt (mineral rich) that I had ever seen.  It covered her completely, save the whites of her eyes.

It was explained that she is completely grounded into the old earth that will be ceasing to exist over the next generation or two.  (It will take that long for all those still aligned with the old earth to leave/die off.)

However, she is not completely helpless or even dis-empowered.  Quite the opposite to our delight!!  Because her actions and her heart are pure and true, she is bestowed with all the elements of the earth to assist her in her desires and demands.  We all have fortified the old earth with much power and energy that is still available to those whose hearts work from love but their entanglements keep them grounded to the old earth.  This is not only the people we live with, or jobs we endure because we are afraid of not having enough money, but the series of thoughts that keep us there too.  None of that takes away from the love of the heart, which allows the power of earths elements to cooperate and work with those on the old earth.

She mentioned something about her baby daddy and instantly I seen him, as a loose root system floating above the ground.  No connected to anything, not formed as anything .  He really kinda looked like this:



We all know how powerful the elements of the earth are and I was stunned to hear her practice sessions with the elements once she reminded me that she lives in South Florida.  We all know there is a massive steam cleaner heading that way and the winds are a powerful force on earth.  She was instructed to use the winds of change that are coming, completely partner with them, and let them wrap their circulation around these flimsy roots and do what they can with them.  Not to tell them what or how… the wind is highly intelligent and very conscious.

Let me take this moment to tie in my last lady of the day.  Holy freakin shit batman!!  I really figured I would see either crystals or dirt… hell no!!  The moment I bent over to connect to her field, with the fastest of motion, something slithered under my deck and stopped just below my feet!!  The focus was not on the field itself, there was no field visual, it was all on this massive…. MASSIVE serpent that slithered under the deck.

It’s girth was easily the size of a softball, HUGE.  It had these scales, come to think of it, more reminiscent of the scales of a fish than a snake that were so iridescent in the sunlight.  The majority of the body were many shades of green.  The top of the head was the most beautiful red I had ever seen.  He lifted his head up so we could see what would be his throat area and the amazing blue… OMG, so stunningly beautiful!!

What he explained was that he was the power (and that is a word he is very very adamant on using) of the earth, what we would consider her Kundalini.  He is also my ladies power, her kundalini energy, partnered fully with the earth energy.  (The new earth as well as the old earth.)

He explained that is from the same serpent clan as the original serpent the fable of adam and eve sprung from.  (Just for the record, it is the serpent that called the story a fable.)  He explained that he and the clan (others like him) are very real and reside in another plane of existence, but are making their return as they partner with humans open to receive and harness the power of their existence.

My lady asked about dragons, is he related to dragons.  This is where information I had been waiting to understand came thru.  He explained that the dragons, lizards and such are part of the same Tribe, but he is of the serpent clan.

He never came out from under the deck and did explain why.  He was in my root chakra energy field, which was why his head was red.  He was using our ability to talk/communicate, which is why his throat was blue.  His scales will change color and frequency depending on what he is doing.

I found it kind of funny when she talked about magic and he quite sternly said he is not associated with magic but power.  Pure power!!  He even made us say it in a sentence to feel the difference in vibration.

I Am the power of the earth.  I Am the magic of the earth.  There really is a difference in feel and frequency.  He explained that it is the power of the earth that is doing deep and major house cleaning for the love of humanity.  The earthquake off the coast of Mexico, the series of hurricanes here in the USA, the storms brewing elsewhere and the more that is to come.

This is how the garden of eden 2.0 becomes restored, brought to life.  Any good mother will do deep house cleaning.  Any good (or hell, even bad) mothers will appreciate the children’s help with the cleaning.  But don’t stand in the way and block the broom, it must get done!  It WILL get done.

He also explained that the earthquakes that are taking place are digging up all the deeply seeded, very hidden dense energies and thoughts that have been buried.  The winds and the storms are transmuting it into pure energies for new in-powered use.

Now let me come back to my first lady for a moment.  She had asked so many wonderful mundane questions.  I have to say this especially since it was said back to her yesterday, we are living a mundane life spiritually.  Do not ever think for a moment, to ask about your personal life or the personal lives of others is not focusing on your spiritual path. IT IS your spiritual path.  It is all one and the same.

If we continue to separate our physical lives from our spiritual lives, we are going to see our spiritual lives bloom and our physical lives plummet.  What good is having spiritual attributes if you cannot afford to eat??

Before I close for today, I do want to include what I had seen of the last quarter of this year, after the equinox closes its door on our choice points.

Even tho there is no future to see until we cross the plane of the equinox, we were shown the temporary situation of the last quarter of this year for those who made it thru to the other side of the doorway onto the full crystalline earth.  It is one thing to align with the Source of All life within our hearts, it is a whole other ball of wax to live 24/7 as that.  In continuing unconditional love and non-judgement.  The powerful ramifications of even the slightest old ego thoughts can be catastrophic.  So the way I had seen this last quarter was like a large spiral that we will walk towards the middle.  I found a picture, had to laugh that it is at the Vatican, only, this is flat or even with earth, not going up or down.





At the center was a trap door.  If one could not hold the pure vibration of love consistently, the trap door opened and away they went.  I can only assume they went to the old earth, but the clarity of where was not revealed.

We cannot be in fear and love at the same time, not with the pure powers of Source energy in all we emit.

Let go of all fears and become a living, loving partner with the earth.

Big big ((((HUGZ))))) of Power United!!!!

Lisa Gawlas

Sourced from here.

Sandra Walter ~ Palpable Unfoldments: Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to all holding space during this Full Moon week integration. Obviously, this is a strong series of clearings and restructuring initiated by the August Gateway and eclipse. Even though it appears to be USA focused at the moment, this will radiate out from the eclipse activation (North America) soon.

Our Full Moon integration week brought strong X and M class Solar Flares, Geomagnetic storms from CME impacts which will unfold throughout the weekend, and associated Earthquake, elemental adjustments (weather), and plenty of Service work for all Lightworkers to attend to. Choose your area of expertise and assist in stability, integration and balance as these eclipse and timeline-split related frequencies provide a more palpable, physical experience for the entire collective.

As always, the effects on the body vehicle are what they are. Be sure to take note of the shifts in your consciousness; changes to the energy fields, heart center, visions, thought patterns and choices are amplified during this phase of our Ascension. The experience of collective UNITY consciousness, rather than personal symptoms, is a clear indication of timeline choice. More on that next week. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and those in Service are busy assisting – not preventing – all of these clearings and adjustments to unfold with as much ease and grace as possible.

Continue reading here.

Be The Eye Of The Storm


Another beautiful piece by Sanna.  Received via e-mail.  


Sanna Tarnstrom

Be your inner eye in your storm through your heart!!!
Dearest Heart – family !!! 

In September we will have 3 major events coming after one another that is important and significant to our future and for unification to take place. Hurricane Irma is one of these 3 events.

I don’t feel all events has to be weather intensity. It is about balancing out, collective purification and bringing back harmony to all the living, the elements and our creation.

These events goes way beyond our planet. At this moment their are similar events on other planets, in other roams/realities and existences. This is an organic multidimensional purification for our entire universe and beyond.

We are all connected to all chaos from within. It is all energy vibrational consciousness going through us. We get purified in the process. We open our hearts.

Be the eye of the storm, through yourself. Be the eye, center and anchor into your heart and see, truly see your truth…it is your truth you see… We all create our own reality, so see the chaos through the eye of the storm… Find the balance within, calm your creation, your truth…through your inner vision (3rd eye) and balance it all out by taken the creation/energies/chaos down to your heart and embrace it with love and care.

Be the balance in the storm, through yourself and embrace it all. After these 3 major events so much will be clear and understood. Trinity has spoken.

I will be doing a Free healing session, sending out divine love of grace frequencies for anyone who wants and needs to receive it.

This time, I will also focus on the intense unbalanced weather pattern energies all around the planet, like hurricane Irma for example. You are welcome to join in…embracing and calming the intense weather and bring in heartfelt divine love to it. ♥

When: Saturday 10 of September at 8 PM CEST (central European standard time) & 11 AM PST (Pacific Standard Time).

You can read more about it here on my Blog or on Facebook.

Let’s join together in a calming tender loving embrace, balanced through our hearts and be the zero point in the storm/chaos/intensity.

I’m sending all my love and balanced energy throughout the world for loving purification and harmony through my truth-center – my heart!!!


Sophia Love Update ~ How To Activate Your Superpowers and A Few Words From One

Super Heroes, Group, Costumes, People
There can be no mistaking a great day, a beautiful afternoon or a perfect moment. These, although cosmetically different for each of us, contain some key attributes that are similar – perhaps identical.

Things like peace, freedom, joy, comfort, stimulation, laughter, excitement, vitality, abundance, love, honor, pleasure, beauty, fun or challenges fill us up and satisfy us, bringing forth some sense of gratitude.  Our dreams for a better world inevitably contain one or more of them.

We know what these things feel like. We can conjure happy, fantasize freedom and imagine abundance.  In order to effectively co-create our new world, these need to become the emotional background of our moment to moment thoughts. Sort of like a walking meditation; a constant living prayer.

We’ve heard this before: “You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought”. It’s true. Right now, as we step further into conscious creation, it’s like we’ve activated our super powers. The current frequency supports all of our intentions and magnifies whatever it is we believe to be true. We can contribute to catastrophe or amplify peace with equal effect. The choice is ours.

There is so much happening. Remember, we are not bystanders to this news. We are co-creators of every moment.

I’m heading away for a few days, and will be out of range and off line. This doesn’t mean I will be leaving my ability to contribute. I will be affecting the field with love, laughter, fun and a bit of solitude, as I spend time with family and in the mountains. The air is clear there; our vibes will expand without interruption.

It’s been suggested that we each start a daily practice of meditation. It’s a great idea! Perhaps you have done this already. If you haven’t, here’s a good place to begin – here, and another one – here, thanks to Victoria and Cobra. This timing is maybe not as critical as the doing of it; if you miss a scheduled event, do it anyway and anytime you remember and are able to. We are so very powerful.

There is a message from One included here below. I’ve also heard from the Pleiadians and have set a special blog page, “Pleiadian Pipeline”, on the website for them here. Sign up to get their messages as it sounds as if they will be having more to say now!

Earlier this summer, K-town at Mysterious Radio Podcast interviewed me about my book, “Inclusion”. Check that out here!

The choices of focus today make my head spin. They seem to shout “Look at me! Be afraid!” What we can do without fail is come back always to source.

That source is you, is love and is evident in your light. Everything else, as scary or shocking or wonderful as it may seem, is merely costuming and special effects.

The real magic comes from you. You are an anchor for the light.

You are the ones we’ve been waiting for – let’s do this.
A few words from One…

September 5th, 2017

It is I. It is One. There are things to say now.


Where you find yourself now is a tenuous spot.  Much rests on these next few “moments” of linear time in the earth construct.

This means not that the outcomes are ultimately altered, but that the process by which they are reached can be. What is of utmost importance now is focus and belief, belief and focus, intent and acceptance, focus and belief.

For the human being has before him now, his opportunity to alter the collective history.  In a very real sense this is always true. At this now moment it is a conscious opportunity.

The energy present and available to the race not only speeds things up, which is felt by everyone. It also makes manifestation a more direct and instantaneous outcome of thought. Lines are blurred a bit. Crossovers are possible and happen.

This is evidenced in the recent flooding in the USA.

What the lightworkers are called upon to do now is to focus their combined force towards the outcome they desire and keep it there.

You’ve said, Sophia, that you are anchors for the light on the planet. Yes.

How this works is that the focus amplifies outcome – outcomes can be catastrophic or near misses or relatively peaceful – it depends on the intent and belief of the populace.

No longer are you being shielded from your possibilities.

You are not bystanders to these end times. They were written as they were and when they were because the far-seers of the time saw them that way. This does not guarantee truth.

For sure, something is happening that follows closely the predictions of ancient, in some cases, and recent, in others, texts. Yet, and here is what I wanted to say to you today –

the human is unexpected and at this now moment has surpassed prior expectations for compassion and for generosity of spirit – for love. 

This changes expectations and, as a result, outcomes.

Realize now that you are not bystanders but co-creators.  This includes the weather, your government and military forces and any current programs or systems.  You have not only the power and opportunity for this, but the responsibility for this. Lightworkers – this is why you’ve come to this planet at this now moment.

Never has a regular habit of meditation been more critical. This is how you determine the outcome.  This is how you create the outcome you desire.

Realize you’ve already altered the plans of those who still believe they run the show.

Your power is held in your belief. This is so vital to this moment that it bears repetition.

Your power is held in your belief.

There is nothing you cannot create. Hold on to the truth that you are not, in truth, changinganything. For nothing happens until it is created.

See what the world is presenting now as happening as little more than a pivot point – create the view you desire. This could be the view of your breakfast, the path of a storm, the actions of a police force or government body.  Hold on to the desired end result and do not allow your focus to be altered by any presenting “facts” along the way.

Your world now moves into new frequencies. Rest comfortably in them and hone your creative power.

This is why you are here.

That is all.

Thank you.
That’s it for today.

With so much love and gratitude,

Check out my books and sign up for my newsletter, here!  Thanks for writing reviews on Amazon!

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. 

Lisa Brown ~ Current Cosmic Quantum Energy Report: Advanced Intelligent Life Forms DNA Activations Delivery Integration Into All Earthly Physical Bodies of Matter


These Advanced DNA Codes go straight to what you are ready to experience (whether your human is ready or not). All of this is on a Soul Level, your SOUL dictates this experience here. Everything you experience is directed by way of this. Only as you connect to your own PURE SOURCE LIGHT/YOUR SOUL will you truly start to understand how vast and important all of this is. Your experiences assist you with this.

These Codes carrying/deliver UPGRADES for:

  • Your NEW Nervous Systems
  • Your NEW Auditory Systems
  • Your NEW Viewing Systems
  • Your NEW Operating & Processing Systems
  • Your NEW Bio-Electric Transmitter/Receiving Systems
  • Your New Cellular Communication Systems
  • Your NEW Connection Systems
  • Your NEW StarGate Linkage Systems
  • Enhancing Your Crystalline LightBody Structures & Earthly/Planetary Link-Up Capabilities

Read the article in its entirety here.

A Vision For “Good” Money


Editor’s note:  Or no money.  Either way, ready to be with such like-minded Beings NOW to create this.  Tired of talking about it.  Ready to DO.


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Good Money

We see a world where we, the people, have evolved to the point where no one is deliberately taking advantage of another; where there is honor, accountability, clarity, and integrity demonstrated by those who maintain our systems of exchange; and where usury, interest, inflation, double-talk, and mismanagement have gone by the wayside because our society, and everyone in it, has seen through the schemes and scams of those who would make money off of money itself.

We see fair and equitable standards in place whereby anyone, be they individuals, institutions or communities, are free to set up their own systems of monetary exchange without repercussion from tyrants; and, within those systems of exchange, people are happy and thriving because no one is subtly stealing their energy, energy they may have worked very hard to accumulate.

We envision a world where the storage of money in banks is completely unnecessary, since all peoples are honest and doing unto others as they would have done unto themselves.

And ultimately. we see us as a world full of happy people who are so empowered that we are manifesting whatever we need in the moment directly from the Source of All That Is. In a world such as this there is no need for money, since love and trust have taken its place.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Achieving Your Permanent Residency On New Earth And Always Experiencing Heaven On Earth


Editor’s note:  Love this one – esp. the paragraph in bold.  A few months ago I began telling my mate the 5th Dimension is just the next step in our ongoing journey of Experiencing.  



Lisa Transcendence Brown

It’s not only do-able, it’s already been done. It will not be an easy task, as you will have to work through every aspect of yourself that is not your Ascended Aspect of Christed Consciousness, God-Source-Creator Consciousness, Purity-Love Consciousness, to resolve and finally decide that the ONLY REALity you are willing to allow/create/participate in is NEW EARTH NOW.

This is about your EXPERIENCE, how you treat each other, how much you truly care, how much you keep perpetuating the old through your own separation-needs-beliefs and how much you RECOGNIZE the external reality as REFLECTING BACK TO YOU a multiple-dimensional EXPERIENCE, to show you what you still hold inside of you, your own consciousness or unconsciousness…

You WILL have to choose (Choice Point), in every moment (Zero Point), what you are willing to accept, what you are willing to do to intentionally anchor your highest dimensional reality/timelines into this physical here. No one can do this for you, only you can. That world out there, your Universe, your reality… and every EXPERIENCE will show you exactly what you need to see in order to understand/accept your RESPONSIBILITIES AS A BEING OF LIGHT and PURE LOVE here.

Every exchange will show you what physical dimension your body (and consciousness) is in. Every experience will provide you an opportUNITY TO CHOOSE HOW you desire to do this experience here. Your human will have drama, chaos, conflict and excuses, trying to hold on, with stories of obligation/guilt and who did what to who or who is doing what… when none of that matters… because it’s your excuse that you keep speaking/telling yourself, it’s your story that you’ve convinced yourself of that either keeps you in an old unconscious reality (that will eventually play out as HEAVEN or HELL) …. first the energy, then the physical…

As you DEDICATE YOURSELF TO SERVICE, dedicate yourself to anchoring LIGHT, dedicate yourself to ONLY BEING LOVE and transmitting the highest vibrational REALity, you will start to understand what is not PURE/LOVE/UNITY… and then you will have to choose… if you are going to continue that old version of you/reality or “take the higher road”, hold the vision of the highest timelines available and do whatever you see/your YOUniverse shows you that you must do/contribute in order to achieve that reality in this physical here.

Multi-Dimensional Realities are a complilation of many things. It’s opening up FULLY to the possibilities, the opportunities, the visions/dreams and realizing that those realities only occur when you achieve the OVERALL VIBRATION within yourself, with all of you and all that you have access to as well. You start to see the bigger picture, you actually LOOK TO SEE where you can actually contribute to making a difference and you do the things that your little human didn’t want to do, thought menial or bring you into UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS as a part of the whole. You work through your own discomfort, stop sitting back expecting things to be easy… as they are easy AS/AFTER you’ve done the work. Inner work/outer work, both are important here. The outer work is as a result of what you hear/see/feel inside, it’s what “helps” make things easier for all, yet not in the old ways of trying to fix/save, but in a way of that you actually care, about each other as SOULS and you come together as this.

OpportUNITY will present itself, and you have to be ready to JUMP, you have to be ready to embrace those Heavenly Realities that support, by becoming the supporter/supportive one. You have to be ready to step into the WayShower Role, to see how you can contribute and DO what you see, instead of seeing what you get out of things first…you will start to realize that you will RECEIVE based upon your contribution as LOVE.

Your HEAVEN ON EARTH will materialize for you, when HEAVEN INSIDE is where you live, when/as you BRING YOUR SOUL SELF out, from within. As you share and maintain your own Christed State, being a Angel, being your Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran, LeMUrian (and more) —- PURE ASPECTS without distortion of your human ego, then your outside will become HEAVEN ON EARTH for you to WALK-IN AND PLAY IN — for you to EXPERIENCE, without having to “go back” to any other dimensional reality anymore….. You do this by embracing, holding and BEing your HIGHEST ASPECT YOU in every moment and no longer compromsing this for anything….

It’s not only possible, it’s already REAL… Heaven is a PHYSICAL DIMENSION (Hell is too). Before 2012, these were just “etheric realms”, yet the Ascension of Earth into Multi-Dimensionality changed all of this…. by opening up Physical Body Ascension for each to EXPERIENCE Heaven or Hell through increasing the POLARITY for each to awaken “faster”, by whatever means necessary to remove/dissolve the VEILS OF AMNESIA that were a part of our AGREED psychotic state of Unconsciousness.

These Veils ‘interrupted’ your access, your ability to see & understand, because they were supposed to, as this was called YOUR HUMAN EXPERIENCE/EXPERIMENT here. The physical reality is a Symbol, a metaphor, an EXPERIENCE that your human aspect must DECIPHER & DECODE in order to start to truly see how all truly is now.

Your human aspect that lives from a limited human mind, a linear reality, cannot understand any of this, which requires physical experiences to resolve all of that ENERGY held in cellular memory, in every part of the physical body that only your Higher Self/Soul Self can see/feel/read/understand. Your heart must open FULLY for you to FEEL FULLY AGAIN, for you to start to listen to and understand your own feelings, listen to and understand your own pre-programmed beliefs that dictate the frequency bandwidths that your body vibrates in/out of constantly, easier when the density has been cleared. Every cell will go Photonic/Quantum and move within your body, racing and charging like never before to “carry you” (vibrate you) into a higher dimension. Your body will start to re-wire/re-calibrate/re-code it’s DNA/Genetics and re-work itself and your own telepathic connection with your body and listening to your higher self will “tell you” what is going on, what needs your attention and what your body needs to do this evolutionary process easier….

Your ignorance/not wanting to listen/feel/hear/honor (ignoring) or your paying attention/listening/caring/supporting/embracing will dictate your experience here.

Heaven is already a PHYSICAL REALITY and can be experienced ALL OF THE TIME, AS it becomes IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO YOU. Your physical reality is DESIGNED to shift your consciousness, so that you will now choose/do this more often than not, until it’s the only thing you choose.

NEW EARTH IS GALACTICS SOULS walking in a PHYSICAL REALITY, united, working together cohesively, as LOVE … where beauty, magnificence, peace, kindness, consideration, caring, respect, honor, integrity, gratitude, appreciation, generosity, contribution are abundant, therefor all is infinitely abundant and EXPERIENCED in every moment and way too.

Each must access HEAVEN inside, the Higher Realms from inside, to that the LOWER REALMS/HELL can dissolve from inside, so that outside can re-align vibrationally to match this in the physical….

When you WALK in a YOUR PHYSICAL REALity, you walk as love, you walk in your Ascended State of Consciousness, you walk as the ONE that CREATED everything you EXPERIENCE here. You walk as an angel, as a Goddess/God (without Ego) as PURE DIVINE ESSENCE LOVE. You touch the lives of everyone, you hold the highest vibration there is, others FEEL that you actually CARE, they FEEL your PURITY… you need to tell them anything… for you TRANSMIT PURITY from the CORE & DEPTHS of your ENTIRE BEING…. OUT through a UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS that YOU MAINTAIN and HOLD…. THIS IS CALLED EMBODIMENT, where your entire physical reality is HEAVEN all of the time, and this can only occur/happen when it’s the only space you occupy/allow yourself to reside.

YOU are the one that must anchor enough LIGHT within you for your whole REALity to shift/change. YOU are the one that must get up every day and focus your own energy on what you came here to do. You are the one that ULTIMATELY has to choose. You are the one that must “look out there” and see how you can contribute, you are the one that must step-up and be ready to fulfill your own Soul Purposes & Galactic Missions here. You do not “wait” for anyone/anything else to do any of this for you… you must do this yourself.

The Physical Earth is comprised of infinite-multiple dimensions that your consciousness must activate and achieve first. Then your body gets to come along… this is how all works. Magic, surprises and amazingness appears all around you as your Plasma Crystalline LightBody evolves, giving you the capABILITY to experience all of these dimensions in your physical reality. You must TUNE your vision, tune your thoughts, tune your vibration, tune your heart and entire being constantly to actually SEE and FEEL what was not visible before.

The planet & atomosphere is now FLOODING constantly with the highest frequencies of encoded Christed/Galactic/God Particle Light than ever before. The dense/sleeping human body was not equipped for multi-dimensional existence, therefore it must go through a rigorous transformation “to get up to speed”, in order to walk multi-dimensionally….

The amount of DENSITY that was CREATED (required) to hold unconscious 3rd Dimension (and 4th Dimension) in place was immense. The process of de-densifying in order to transcend those physical dimensions is just as so….

The 5TH+ Dimensions (it’s not just the 5th, as this is just the beginning, as each transitions/crosses over the RAINBOW BRIDGE) to ENTER the Gates of Heaven, to actually walk in/exist in these higher dimensional (Lighter Density) REALities that are not possible to the limited human mind, are only accessible as each decides to commit to HIGHEST EXISTENCE from inside and with all that they are/do. There is no other way to “get here”…. it’s got to be that IMPORTANT to each one … or it is not achievable, because compromise will always enter in. 

Judgment is the Leading form of separation, because your human still plays in duality realities inside. You must become the OBSERVER of REALities through your own Higher Consciousness Soul Heart and accept what is not logical, release that which no longer serves your own UNITY-CONSCIOUSNESS-LOVE Existence here. This will never be about anyone else… this will always be about you and what you are creating, allowing, doing, being and your own contributions for all of HUmanity here. When you judge, you separate off. When you hold back, you separate off. When your heart closes, your mind does too and you separate off. When you allow your head to run the show, you separate off. Where you hold resistance inside, you hold yourself in separation. Where you make excuses, you do this too. Where you are not ready to OWN all and release it/reconcile it and return all to LOVE, YOU hold on to ENERGETIC REALities, that transmit the frequency for the reality you experience UNTIL you are ready/willing/able to finally shift. Every ounce of that old unconsious programmed energy must dissolve for you to ACCOMPLISH shifting your whole YOU to a higher dimensional plane where you get to actually EXPERIENCE highest everything in your every experience here.

Yes, EVERY EXPERIENCE can be the most amazing everything, if this is what you hold, if this is the only thing that you will entertain and allow… It’s your separated human aspect that disconnected and kept creating the old realities for you to keep experiencing until you got tired of those, until you broke/broke down (this breaking actually breaks the geometrics that held the old constructs of reality in place within you), until those molecules/cells can integrate these new encodements into them and RE-SHAPE YOUR REALITY… in order to take new physical form “out there”….

Your every action, your every thought, your every belief…. transmits ENCODED TRANSMISSIONS that tell physical matter HOW TO TAKE SHAPE and MATERIALIZE your Physical REALITY for you… Your human aspect of you, does not hold the ability to “do this at will”, as it has not gained/achieved/accessed Christed/God/Source Consciousness, which gives you these easy and simple capABILITIES here. HOLDING your most expanded State of Consciousness is HOW you gain/achieve these abilities again. Your heart & mind must be PURE, for your template to be RESTORED to PURITY, your original template, which activates PURE ALCHEMY states with great ease… and just by BEing your highest aspects of yourself in your every moment here.

Your physical reality is a CREATION from within you. Returning to your own Christed State, returns you to SOURCE CREATOR again. This POWER, this ESSENCE, this is a way of BEING… it’s a whole new EXISTENCE… it’s not a “just here and there” or “when it serves your own human wants”…. it’s how you LIVE YOUR LIFE, it’s HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS, it’s HOW YOU CONNECT and communication through a deep profound sacred love and respect that transcends all things human….

HEAVEN is a place now, that you WALK IN and materializes all around you as you HOLD YOUR PUREST STATE from inside and as you no longer accept less or keep recreating less to experience in your own physical reality world…..

There are no words to describe the experience or explain fully, as it has to be EXPERIENCED to understand. This is not a “free ride”, you do not get to sit around and wait for it to happen for you, you actually have to do the work to integrate integrate integrate and step up constantly until your “new way” is easy, natural and everything is fully aligned.

When you open your eyes, look for the different dimensions, FEEL them and identify each one so that YOU CAN UNDERSTAND…. then choose to continually shift your own vibration to experience the ONES that support achieving HEAVEN ON EARTH here. Open your MIND to actually look, decipher and see…. then you will REALize what you must do…. and listen to your You-niverse as it instructs you… for as you MERGE FULLY, there will be no more separation and you’ll stop “going back” because you won’t allow this/or choose it anymore….

I love you! I’ll share some photos of walking in Plasma Crystalline Heaven, as there are no words for capturing the entire actual experience. These do reflect… In order for each to truly understand, I’d have to share every moment, which is not possible. Make/anchor/integrate your own Heaven by letting go/releasing all from within that is not. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. The moments that are not magical and amazing, are showing you what is no longer in vibrational alignment, what you are to release/releasing (on a cellular level/from your own consciousness) and where you have to actually choose/decide, where you need to re-align fully from within you…. for “that” represents your “old unconscious you” or your new/higher dimensional realities…. Keep intentionally tuning/re-tuning. Your physical experience depends on this. Keep anchoring & integrating. ♥

The Disappearing Self


Editor’s note:  I have been in the disappearing third/fourth dimensional self all this year.  Overall it is quite neutral, but at times it is frustrating as the feeling is living in groundhog day.  I know I am transitioning outta here and the desire to leap is so strong at times, so having the same experiences even in neutral/observer state feels quite stale and frustrating.  The desire for new is so strong!  


By Vidya Frazier

It can get really weird to be part-way through the Ascension process. Aspects of your personality self are falling away. New aspects are emerging, but you may not relate to them yet. And they don’t fit comfortably with the other parts that are in the process of disappearing.

Your life may be shifting dramatically, as well—relationships, your work, your health. It can all be very disorienting. You can feel fractured and unintegrated.

The only way to make sense of these experiences is to understand that part of you is living in a fourth-dimensional reality, with some lingering third-dimensional habit patterns—and part of you is now living in fifth-dimensional reality.

“Not All Here”

I’ve found there are a number of ways in which this transition from one dimension to another can be experienced. The first is to feel the sensation that you’re “not all here”. Somehow, all of you isn’t present. And no matter what you do to bring yourself fully present, it doesn’t happen. You’re only partially conscious somehow. You sense another part of you is somewhere else, but you don’t know where and you can’t get there. And you can’t bring both parts together.

The Absent Self

Ascension symptoms can include a sense of no-self.Other times it can feel as if what you’ve known to be your “self” is actually absent altogether. There’s nothing at all here. You can see your body, and be aware of thoughts in your mind and emotions in your gut—but there’s no substance somehow to any of it. It’s more than not being familiar with what’s present—it’s as if your individual self has actually somehow disappeared.

This sensation at times can be an incredible relief—it’s as if the ego self has finally disappeared and there’s nothing left but consciousness, awareness, presence.

With this experience, you feel a natural sense of bliss that carries you and yet a deep inner peace that keeps you grounded. Fear is absent, self-judgment and unworthiness have disappeared, and love floods your whole being in a very natural way. For the most part, you’re simply observing yourself, your life, and everything around you. It’s as if everything is just happening on its own—and you know it’s all perfect.

The Emerging Fifth-Dimensional Self

A fifth-dimensional self is emerging.Another way to experience the disappearance of a sense of self during the Ascension process is blissful in a slightly different way: the old ego self is gone, but there is a sensation of a new, lighter self that has replaced it.

You’re not totally familiar with it at first. Your references points have shifted and there’s very little you can say about what’s different—and yet, you know that you’re not who you used to be.

There’s a sense of deep ease and well-being that’s present, and your heart is open. You feel a natural optimism, a deep trust of what life has in store, a sense of endless possibilities. There’s no feeling of lack or limitations. You’re just present in the here and now, enjoying each new moment as it appears.

Both of these last two experiences—a complete absence of an individual self and the emergence of a new self—are extremely pleasant. Old third and fourth-dimensional reference points, emotions, and beliefs have been suspended. You’re experiencing fifth-dimensional consciousness.

The Disappearing Third/Fourth-Dimensional Self

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension is a process.But there are other times in which the feeling of an absence of a sense of self is very different. You’re not knowing yourself as pure consciousness, nor are you experiencing the sense of a new, lighter self floating along in life.

All you know is that the person you’ve known yourself to be seems to be slipping away and that your life feels somewhat empty and flat. Activities you used to enjoy no longer draw you. People you used to have a good time with now either bore or irritate you. Passions you once had have greatly diminished if not disappeared. Nothing new has appeared yet to take their place.

You’re not exactly depressed. In fact, you can even experience some lovely sensations of love and joy that waft through you at times. There’s nothing really to complain about. You just kind of feel neutral about everything—no emotional ups or downs. And your life has somehow become small and contained.

This is the experience of feeling identified with your third/fourth-dimensional self that is disappearing. You know your fifth-dimensional self is present somewhere, because you’ve had glimpses or even longer experiences of it—but you can’t access it yet at will.

Living with the Disappearing Self

Many shifts take place during Ascension.In my experience, all four of these ways of living with a disappearing sense of self can happen to us in our process of Ascension—or some mix of all of them. And they can all be somewhat disorienting, if you don’t know what the bigger picture is: that you’re in transition from one level of consciousness you’ve probably lived in for thousands of years into an unfamiliar and much higher level of consciousness.

What can get hard is when you feel stuck in the evaporating third/fourth-dimensional self. If this happens, it’s helpful to remember that it is on its way out, and the feeling of flatness and the uncomfortable changes in your life will eventually begin to disappear. At some point, your fifth-dimensional self will begin claiming you more and more often—until you have permanently established yourself in this new frequency.

The key is to not stress when you feel stuck in your disappearing self. Remember that you won’t be stuck forever; as it continues to fade into the ethers, more and more of your emerging fifth-dimensional self will begin to show up and remain for longer and longer periods of time.

If you find yourself moving into a need to compete, defend yourself, argue with others, get depressed, or struggle in any way—see if you can step back and simply observe these tendencies. They are being shown to you, so you can recognize them clearly as part of your old consciousness that is in the process of leaving.

Whenever possible, stay positive, do what you can to keep your vibration high, and hang out in gratitude. This way, you are consciously choosing to participate in your Ascension process—rather than feeling helpless as it lovingly pushes you, pulls the rug out from under you, and tosses you around, in order to keep you moving forward.

I Quit !!!


Thank you to Sanna Tarnstrom for sending me this beautiful, raw, authentic piece to share.  I awoke this morning with a similar feeling/mindset. I know many of you will resonate.  I love how many of you are such prolific writers ~ you humble and inspire me!


I quit !!!

Last night I had enough… But it wasn’t the feeling like the other hundreds of times… Where I naked in the moon light , stripped of all my energy and spark, on my knees, crying my heart out in the middle of the night…. Asking my universe, WHYYY?! 

Where no answered, help and embraces came… Where I felt like the most lonely of people in this whole wide existence! Those many times of being in the eye of the storm, but still don’t see and understand. Please, here my call! Anyone out there hearing me?! At the bottom and never see a warm embrace and smile in sight. Down in the pit of darkness, where the shades can’t come off. It is just You and only You there, hearing You. That is how it feels at that moment.

As for those many other times… Yes, I see and understand now… In the fire of a moment, it can all go. I have felt that way so many times, I don’t even bother to count those moments anymore…

Here and now… Alive and sort of…kind of well… seeing last night as a different kind of moment… I had enough… But it was another voice speaking out this time. It was the voice of understanding my own worth and self-love. It was an honest voice. A kindness of tender care coming from within, from Me. I felt a gratitude of some kind. Hard to put words on it, but what I can say….is that, it wasn’t with struggle or hardship… No, not at all… It came from my divine spark of Me. Strong, clear, bright and loving.

A shift inside and then…. I turned my back to everything that didn’t felt honest, good or healthy for myself. All inner doubt, the fear, the past illusions and burdens that wasn’t mine. The heart-breaks from long past, that didn’t fit in with my real heart’s pure knowing of myself. 

I said; I quit! Like, walking away from a situation, a job or a person… I will not take part in this anymore. I will not do this to myself anymore. I will not lead myself astray. I will not feed any lower energies or entities that gives me hell. My heart has no more room for that kind of living and existence. 

I quit from all the dis-empowering, all the on-going days and nights of years of psychic attacks. Treatments from other realities that brings me to the drained rock-bottom. Artificial intelligence that only are there to completely destroy me, silence me and brainwash me. I quit from playing a part in that reality. No more!

I quit from blaming any outside forces or events from my own life experiences. I quit from giving my power away. I quit from putting myself down, in any way shape or form, that I know deep inside my heart isn’t true in the first place. I quit NOT being completely honest with my heart and soul. I quit, I say, I quit!!!

And so….in a smooth moment…in the eye of the storm…I became the storm… I saw it through the eye of that storm. I felt a higher truth inside. And then….I smiled… 

I becoming a little emotional writing this….as it means a lot to me… But also from a feeling of that higher truth that still moves inside of me. Me life force and my breathe didn’t “fail” me this time or went back into survivor mode again.. And…I’m still smiling…

This was and is a very big thing for me. A shift that will bring so many blessings and gifts… I’m still adjusting to this shift inside and letting it slowly but surly integrate and become part of my essence, fully and honestly. I feel it is a learning process…always caring for myself in this way… Stepping into the self-love light is not always so easy….but I did it and I’m sticking around… But this time I will do it with an honest sight to life. In the way of ease and grace giftes me. With the wisdom and remembrance of being the eye of my storm and sticking to my love-plan.

It is not hard, it is truly very simple once you’ve crossed that threshold and sink deep deep into yourself…your self-worth, your honest true heart’s knowing, that persona that you know is the only way to be, truly be… With authenticity and that pure unique charisma only you have.

I except my good and less good sides, just as my good and less good days… But I will never bring myself to a place of complete dis-empowering again. It is done. I quit and I have played out that role to the max! That part is over. I know it.

Last night was very active, as so many nights are for me. I am embracing all parts of it, all sides of it. It is my life, isn’t it?! I will stay proud and listen to my heart. In stillness or in kaos…. Really….what is the difference anyway?! 

We all learn from the trails and tests of life. We walk our paths as we know how. It is different for all. And so it shall be and always will. We learn, by walking our path, to see the grace and beauty in all life experiences. Both hard and easy. To master all our souls questions, wonders and quests…we need to master to walk in shades of grey. It is the only road that leads back home. 

I wish you all a magical and beautiful weekend. Take care and always listen to your heart. Be your truth. Let your heart do the bidding and “smile that shine out” to the world…

Always in Love & Care,

Today’s Thoughts…


We are in the middle of watching Valerian and the Planet of a Thousand Cities.  The opening scene shows a beautiful planet, beautiful blue-skinned beings.  The number of Beings on this particular part of the planet was small.  It was very communal and they were all obviously solidly connected and supportive of one another.  The scenery – spectacular.  Coastline.  They are very peaceful and speak a light language I resonated with.  They also touch themselves lightly on the 3rd eye area when communicating.

Several weeks ago I began speaking (again) in interesting tones and chants.  Also at this time I began touching myself (and at times others) on the 3rd eye area – sometimes in silence – sometimes when speaking.  It feels very natural so seeing this last night was quite emotional for me.

Let me tell you I could pack up a few things in minutes and live among Beings like that.  In fact the experience I had was rather surprising.  The longing to live that way.  For try as hard as I have throughout this incarnation, I do not fit in here.  This is not a judgment on those who do or anything else about the constructs of this current system/reality.  Not at all.  It’s just an acknowledgement – of full purity – that it does not resonate with me.  And I can no longer pretend or fight the feeling.  It comes from deep within and is a feeling that has never once waned.  I simply long for something else.

After showing some of how these Blue Beings live, they are then unexpectedly invaded. Obviously a peaceful species, their solution is to get into one of their ships and vacate their home planet.  I won’t share what happens next, but let’s just say I was in tears.  As the movie progresses, it is obvious they have learned and have still remained very peaceful.  The movie also portrays the concept that there are multiple dimensions and physical beings have the ability to travel between them.  Easily.

It brought out further longing in me.  I am simply bored with this reality and as I mentioned above, this internal experience does not wane.  It becomes rather dormant now and then but continues to make itself visible and felt. I can visit a body of water or a forest, and while I can find beauty, I still long for something MORE.  Different.  I can visit an event and in spite of talking with others, I feel so out of place and lonely.

So last night’s dream experiences were fun.  I traveled.  Expanded on my abilities.  Then I had this little experience:

I awoke this morning and walked into the kitchen to get my child something to eat.  Now before I share what happened next, I need to state that in the first dream travel experience I had of being in this new reality I long for, the experience had me at the kitchen sink (of that house I started seeing back then), looking out the window, a group of children gathered around.  This was before I had my girl, but I knew one of them was mine – a girl.  The kids wanted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I was surprised to see myself just intend the sandwich when a loaf of bread, butter knife and peanut butter literally manifested on the counter in front of me.  So now and then I will intend to remember this ability and try with my brain to will it.  It’s something I will do fully conscious – with deliberate intent.  Nothing I seek to do from within (if that makes sense). This morning though, still half awake and not thinking fully, I stand in front of the kitchen sink in this now house when suddenly I felt an energy in me and from within I simply naturally intend for cream cheese, rice cracker and butter knife to appear.  It was a space I have never been in before – awake that is.

I look down and felt a quick surprise, also from within, that all I see is a blank counter.

It was then my brain abilities fully kicked in and I thought “what just happened?  Why did I intend that?  And where did this all come from?”

Things are happening.  Changing.  Patience is not my thang.  Never has been and probably never will be.  It is just part of my Spirit of Who I Am.

However, Love IS my thang.  And I CAN love myself as I continue on this journey of Remembering.  And I will continue with this honesty – that if All Parts Of Who I Am – are good with me seeing this full remembering at a faster pace, I say bring it on!