6.12.23 ~ Check-in/Reflecting and some Finds….


So today is one of those “push on the issues” days and I am feeling low energy and the whole “i am not enough” thought/belief/whatever is running strong.  I see it coming – I sense it – know what it is – it builds up – comes through and in and where as I once could push through it pretty easily – now I go numb – especially if the “push” is ongoing and/or from all directions.  A bike ride helped – a bit – sitting here expressing/venting myself is big for me in shifting it – at least in a way that helps me find some sense of ME again.

I feel like an absolute failure with a particular issue which puts a hindrance on my family – especially on my girl – and myself.  It’s a deep lonely ugly horrible feeling I battle – a lot – pretty much alone because I don’t like to burden people with it.  Plus there’s embarrassment and shame there as well.  It’s an understandable issue – for me – now that is – and yet it’s complex and getting others to fully “get it” is f’ing challenging.  You see – when someone says hey I have cancer or x y z disease – the understanding is easy.  But when it’s complex ptsd – especially my particular issue – well the understanding is more difficult.  And yet – that’s exactly what I need.  I don’t expect anyone to know what it’s like to walk in my shoes of course – but understanding and especially hearing and believing me when I say this. is. what. i. deal. with.  I am not making it up – I don’t expect anyone to “fix” me – and I have thrown every f’ing thing I know and can afford at it over the many years.  I don’t give up – that is not me – but the entire issue is weighing on me more and more – and in some way I feel some energetic push is about ready to push it outta my body – WHICH I WELCOME!  And RECEIVE!  So push away Universe because I don’t know how to heal it or most especially – RELEASE IT from my body/mind/being/soul/heart in full.

It is my dream – my desire – to do whatever I want – to go wherever I want – without this g.d. so often unexpected rise of panic that is suffocating and overwhelming – the voice behind the fear screaming GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!  And I mean N O W.

Most people have some form of claustrophobia.  I wish mine only arose while in a dark tiny cave or something similar.  lol  Having it arise in a car or bus or plane or train is a f’ing challenging nightmare when it occurs.  Add in the sensitivity and processing issues I now have as a result of lack of real treatment………Like my body goes further into shutdown with loud noises, dust blowing in my face, traffic sounds, sudden honking.  That’s why I desperately want to move RURAL and Q U I E T.  But hey that’s that pesky money issue…………😠😜


Treatment over the years has failed to address the real ways in which to recover – and the woman healer I see now has helped me see this – and while she alone is still not enough – at least I am SEEING this issue in a new Light.  I see where I made it worse by powering through – pushing through the panic even if it meant I went numb.  That’s what I was told to do – but it never worked – it was only a temporary fix.  That is not how the brain heals.  Kinda feels like a rip off – much like my spouse feels with all of the “experts” he’s seen over the years to deal with his complex lyme issue.  Sometimes those treatments only exacerbate the issue/problem.

Now what I need next to add to this healing is someone who I can completely trust to be with me as I gently expose myself while working with my body to truly release and shift.  That includes the person must remain calm no matter what state I am in.  And that is where I am today.

A miracle perhaps.  But I know that what I SEEK – somewhere – seeks me in return.

Here are a few finds.  Let’s just say I feeeeeeeeeeeel part of what I am feeeeeeeeeeeeeling atm is due to what’s about to happen.  More finds shared later this evening.





Every one of us need prayers now……..





Anyone see it……….?





Very much feeling this too Martin – for me it’s a longing for Love – the way it once was – that frequency and experience………..It’s been big lately – and growing……….A need – an itch – a thirst – that only LOVE can heal/resolve………






I like his attitude – people saying “hey you aren’t Trump” as in you can’t say that.  Why not?  Isn’t this OUR F’ING PLAN TOO?!




Sen. Chuck Grassley Reveals Foreign National in Alleged Biden Burisma Bribe Scheme Has 17 Audio Recordings of Joe and Hunter Biden He Kept as “Insurance Policy” (Video)


Anyone know what this means?

NEW: Magistrate to Preside Over Trump’s Arraignment in Florida – Not Aileen Cannon


The Storm again………

General Michael Flynn on Grassley’s Bombshell: ‘Yes, the Storm Has Arrived – We The People Need to Arise to the Occasion’


Trump Vows to Go After Joe Biden and His Family’s Ties to Ukraine: “Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened… People Will Now Say We Get It” (VIDEO)


Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects


Proof It Was a Setup? Trump Was 1st POTUS in 40 Years Who Feds Didn’t Help Archive Classified Docs, Attorneys Say


‘Wheel of Fortune’ Host Pat Sajak Announces Retirement After 40 Years



Gettin’ Through the Days ~ A Reflection….6.9.23


I was doing my daily chores – sweeping some debris from the floor in the living room – mind wandering – when I thought “hey it’s a good day in this place now when I can get through the day with minimal drama and enjoy that space late evening when I can sit down and exhale and enjoy the solitude and quiet of the moments late evening brings”.  Well, ok not exactly those thoughts – more of the quick rush of feeeeeeeeeeels – but that’s how they translate into words.

I’m sure most of you have seen what happened in Las Vegas on 4.30 of this year – the craft that entered from the night sky – crashing into someone’s yard (anyone asking where the remains are btw?  all that’s being shown is a massive size circle imprint) – people called the police (who took almost 40 minutes to arrive – probably had to go through a debriefing) – audio is globally broadcasted now – people saying definitely not human – 8 to 10 feet tall – yuck appearance.  Either heard or saw them on the roof – eye contact was made and the person froze.  Police investigate – one of the officers saw the craft enter.  Other than that, it’s one of those ongoing investigations.  It was reported on the local news that men with sunglasses in suits driving dark government plated vehicles visited.  Now the people are refusing interviews.  (mind wipe?  threats to keep hush?  both?)

Oh my goodness – so. much. disclosure. in this one story.  Links below on a couple of updated/recent releases.

Yeah – we never have been in “kansas” – these “aliens” – are demons.  Remember how I said here the past day or two how it’s bothered me Elon first says he’s an alien months ago and then this week says he’s seen no evidence OF aliens here?   Earlier today I understood why that bothered me.  He was telling us aliens are demons – shape shifting.  Words have power and correct terminology is important.

How can we feeeeeeeeeeeeel normal here now?  Anyone awake – nothing feels normal.  It’s impossible.  We can distract ourselves in daily 3d chores – which at times are a relief from tuning out what’s happening out there and facing the truth of what is here with us and being shown and experienced and felt…..But that’s about all we have now – distractions – for anyone awake – waiting for the switch/end/transition.  And we do the best we can in our moment to moment of living and doing – hopefully most finding the space at whatever point in the day where there is quiet and peace and a place to just close our eyes – go within and find some sense of “normal” – safety – quiet – calm.

Such as this……….

528 Hz Euphoric Awakening: Positive Energy Flow – Wake Up to Inspiring Morning Music – YouTube




Vagus Nerve Exercises


I may start sharing more about this process.  It plays a huge role in trauma healing and from what I am learning it is the center where healing takes place.  It has a connection to the gut and runs up and down the spine – my opinion is it’s connected to our entire body (since it’s part of the nervous system).  It’s all connected – trauma – energy stored in the body creating dis-ease.  I’ve been reading a book (when I remember – lol – yeah not really) by Deb Dana on Polyvagal Theory and earlier this year completed another book (printed out the exercises).  There is a plethora of videos and exercises to help stimulate this nerve.  It’s actually been quite the divine journey for me with this one as I have had several people share with me their favorite videos and exercises, tools, etc.  It seems to be a collective journey this year to get that nerve functioning again.

I haven’t read the exercise below – but have it saved and wanted to pass it along here.  One of the breathing exercises I now do pretty much daily is the 5/2/8 breath – in for 5, hold for 2, out for 8 (I do it through my nose).  I also splash cool or cold water on my face in the morning.  And I move my head to the right and hold, then back to the left and do the same.  There are eye exercises I also do along with this movement.  Gargling, humming/singing are also said to stimulate the nerve.  That could be why children hum and sing so much – they intuitively know what to do.  My girl still does this and it makes my heart relax and smile when I hear her.  🎶

Anyway, I am off to bed – here is the article/exercise.  I hope it helps all who are seeking some relief.

We sure need this at this point in our journey.  💖💜

Much love, V.


Reset Your Vagus Nerve in 5 minutes – Energize | Body Current (energizeshanti.com)

Another urgent request


I cannot believe this.  The washing machine has frozen mid cycle and I have had to put in a call to the repairman – again.  Please help if you can – and share this with others too.  I am so strapped for cash already and don’t know how I am going to afford the current bills and food this month –  and it’s only the 8th.  Thank you!  Love, V.



6.7.23 Finds and a Check-in


How is everyone doing today?  Let me tell you I was pushed to my brink today.  To. My. B R I N K.  I had to reach out to a few people to help bring me back to center – and what did I see but others feeling the same.  The need for solitude is in the air.

Here are some finds.  Praying for and receiving a miracle or two – and some infusion of Hope.







Sometimes we need a good visual (distraction)………..






Another hmmm….



Looks like a handler moment to me………rescued and brought in or just another one of “them”……….


Comer Forces FBI to Cooperate on Biden Bribery Document, Cancels Vote to Hold Wray in Contempt


Muslim-Led Coalition Protests in Montgomery County Against LGBT Books in Schools (VIDEO)


New Twitter Files Show FBI Requested Censoring of Twitter Users on Behalf of Ukraine – Including American and Canadian Journalists


Decided to gematria KOJIMA:


Trump Train

My Name is Neo

Hot Tub Time Machine (a personal synch/connection)

This Is Not A Drill Q (17 post):


Oct 21, 2020 10:21:53 PM EDT


F’ing better be.  I know what it’s like to be trapped in your home due to smoke.  Still traumatized from 2 1/2 years ago.  We smell fire and see smoke – insides freeze and anxiety ensues.  But I guess this is part of this process – for whatever reason(s) – to traumatize everyone to varying degrees on top of the trauma many have to begin with.


Eat a lot of these – plus cilantro………



There was also a huge black gap………..


Kinda thinking more and more this is true – someplace we are larping – playing it all out here inside the game – which could explain why I’ve had an equally persistent thought that tells myself to STOP PLAYING THE GAME.  Or remember HOW………geesh……..









It’s all in the Synchs….let that “synch” in….6.6.23


Stuff is moving quickly now.  Rick confirmed this for me after a connection with Clair last night.  Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels like we pushed through a hurdle and today/overnight – we are on the other side.

In yesterday’s convo with LH, I spoke of that one scene from Contact – a go to movie/scene for me the past several years – her traveling through the worm hole – building up in tension – until POOF – she is in a new space and all is well (until more travels ensue).  And remember when she let go of the 3D/man-made system by grabbing the compass?  i.e. let go of the shoulds and rules of the world, followed intuition/guidance and her travels were far easier on her body.  What if that is us?  Those travels through wormholes (time travel – similar experience on the body) – are experiences we will feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel as we unhook/unplug/unWIND the timelines/looping/whatever you want to call it.  Can I say “doohickie”?

Anyway – so first thing today I get on twitter and I see this:

The. exact. same. theme. I. was. talking. about. yesterday.  And I just noticed something – I shared it at 2:22pm my time:

And going further – I saw some other finds/goodies today on Time Travel.  The unraveling continues to grow and expand – filling our minds with more info.  All of our questions will be answered.  I don’t know why I said that just now – it just came to me – but it came from that Quiet place deep within.  And THAT is my truth meter and carrier.  (and there are some things coming out i am seeing that only need one momentary glance – for me – some things i just don’t want to know – this place has been evil – that’s enough for me)

Here’s what else I am seeing and feeling.  Please remember to drop me a comment or message telling me how you are doing – if you need anything – share and donate what you can.  Thank you.  😊





I tried to be – doing the college get-the-degree thing – tried to convince myself that with my IQ and degree made me smart(er).  Such a lie. 😂😜 Thankfully I never let myself fall for it – instead I was always on the outside – even in school/college – sensing the b.s. everywhere…


This is an interesting one/occurrence………Time travel……….looping……….over or close to it……returned back to the original timeline (back to the future)……my “take”……..


And another:




Something about this not adding up………



there’s that 1111 again………







I saw something recently about this………don’t know how recent this is as i can’t find anything during a quick/brief search…………anyone else?




House Conservatives Launch “Extraordinary Rebellion” Against Kevin McCarthy on House Floor Over Debt Deal Anger and Derail Key Leadership Priority – Leadership Threatened to Sink GOP Debt Ceiling Opponent’s Bill to Stop Biden Gun Ban


click here for more crazy……….

The Gateway Pundit



Time for Love………..😭🥰


Currently trending:

Science · Trending
22K Tweets
54.9K Tweets
Jesus Protect Me
1,892 Tweets
1,496 Tweets
12.3K Tweets
It’s about 9:30pm EST and there are about 200 up atm……….
And best for last – another synch – LH she heard you – she has a LEO read today…………..Flying…………Protecting Treasure……..the title tells me the rest are about ready to seeeeeeeee………..practicing – pre-show…..cautiously observing transitioning into taking a leap of faith……tide suddenly changes………..how many times have we said once it happens – it happens quickly………goes on goes on goes on until BOOM it all. changes……….

Leo – The herd is about to be spooked.



6.5.23 ~ Finds and Checking in…..and a really beautiful Synch





It’s been………..a day……….  Thankful for the friends I have that give me the love, support and freedom to just express myself and validate where I am at the moment.  Gotta have outlets – activities people journals whatever it is to get. it. out.  But – the big one:  Ask before dumping the contents of the emotional cup.  lol  That’s messy territory – gotta have permission.  It is an act of courtesy.

One of the many observations I’ve made about humanity – self included – is some have fuller cups – and some don’t care where and when or even how they dump.  And today I had far too many cups of cr@p thrown my direction – I reached a point where I couldn’t take it one more moment so I went in search of someone who was available and was willing and (importantly) able to listen.  Just the act of someone listening and acknowledging switched it for me – always does.  Healing and finding some peace now and then doesn’t always have to be a solo gig.  Good to know how to do that – but now and then it’s so much more helpful if someone else is there with ya holding space.

GRATEFUL for that!





It is a little after 11pm EST – and there are 120 up.

Downdetector showing microsoft 365 tik tok and a few others in the red – several in the yellow.


decided to check out this space below………looks like about 1/4 are living in poverty – same amount on food benes……….bankruptcies over 400,000………..US M2 month supply dropping……..median income 33k – median home 400k……..yep – just an other day in the (money) pit………eye roll……….

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (usdebtclock.org)


Here are some “no sheot DUH really you don’t say” headlines……..lol

HUGE: Postal Service Releases Final Report – Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated – Report CONFIRMS He Hauled Trailer of Ballots from NY to PA in Late October 2020


“We Had Witnesses” – UPDATE: Amistad Attorney Phill Kline Reacts to the USPS Investigation on Oct. 2020 Ballot Deliveries Vindicating Driver Jesse Morgan


BREAKING: COMER: FBI AGAIN Refuses to Hand Over Biden Bribery Document to House Oversight, ‘We Will Initiate Contempt of Congress Hearings’ – STARTING THURSDAY (VIDEO)


Watch: Chinese Warship Stalks and Aggressively Overtakes US Destroyer


Dunno – just a nod……….


thinking atm only AI’s understand this stuff………..



And some good stuff………

Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Defund Public Universities That Limit Free Speech


Two House Republicans Introduce Legislation to Save AM Radio in Newly Manufactured Cars





This is uh interesting – to me………..

Flooding at Mar-a-Lago Raises Suspicions Among Federal Prosecutors


Visit with fam over the weekend – confirmed it’s a ghost town – maybe 25% of the city occupied with businesses.  SO SAD.

REPORT: Portland, Oregon Has Suffered Massive Population Loss Since 2020 Due to Crime



Excellent thread by one of my fave peeps………


Russia-Ukraine war news: Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson heavily damaged – The Washington Post







Laura’s View and Tarot, Too ~ interesting as LH and I were talking about the whole NCSWIC…….yes – fixed point…..THE big event we all feeeeeeeeeel (SKY EVENT…)…….totally agree here – once things change it happens quickly – lightening fast in my feeeeeeeeeeel…………..this is a very good read….yes – that roadblock “they” can’t get around………..very close……….beautiful……….OMG SHE JUST SAID SKY EVENT………lol……..so very ready for that moment of Unity………..the image i have continued to receive in my mind for several year is that carnival ride the scrambler – waxes and wanes just as you think OMG THIS IS IT (for the ride it’s hit the other person but for the matrix exit narrative it’s our exit) – we get looped back inside the ride………2018 i feeeeeeeeeeeeel was the last time we were *this* close – been kinda meandering since – who knows – just my sense……….this is about ALL of us – was feeling recently the “this is all about the children” was just another narrative – a good one of course for what they were used for – but this is about ALL OF US exiting the matrix – in Unity – and for without the adults – the moms and the dads – the children have nothing.  save us all = save us all.

Rabbit Trail: Nothing Can Stop What is Coming….to the Timeline?


Good info today on this channel..………




6.3.23 ~ Let’s Not Forget


I “get” there is an awakening that continues.

I “get” there is a war going on.

I “get” there is a movie with a lot of ridiculous scenes.

I “get” there is a purpose in all of this.

And yet ~ let’s not forget those who are suffering because of it all.  At some point every one who claims to be on this journey of awakening/seeing needs to ask:  When does the suffering and loss become too much?  

Let’s not forget the children who are being forced to see perversion – think what that is doing to their minds – what it has already done (we hide as much as we can from our girl – but even she has seen some things we have had to explain – can’t keep ’em in that bubble in the way we would like and yeah that one alone really. disturbs. me now).

Let’s not forget the children who are now experiencing anxiety and depression – at levels not seen before.

Let’s not forget the patriot single mama who lost her child earlier this year – when medical disclosure and real treatment could have saved her child’s life.

Let’s not forget the single mama who doesn’t know how much longer her body and mind can hold out much less if she will have enough money to pay for rent much longer – when financial liberation and medical disclosure/release could have already helped her.

Let’s not forget the people who are losing their jobs – not knowing what they will do to provide for their families.

Let’s not forget the people who already lost their jobs and were forced to sell everything and move in with family.

Let’s not forget the millions of patriot awakened souls who have lost family and friends due to the fact that what THEY see is not being seen EVERYWHERE yet – and if it HAD by now – and healing would be happening instead of this isolating ongoing division.


And I am WEARY of seeing these numbers increase while this war/awakening/movie process plays out at this f’ing snail pace.

I don’t need to mention what this has done to my own family – I have shared that quite enough here.

As I said:  WHEN does the cost of struggling and suffering and loss become too high?  

God is in control?


Aren’t we told we are God/Source in body?

Oh but we’re not to question God, we’re told.


Says who?

And why?

I answer that one by saying God is in each of us and the God in me is clearly saying ENOUGH. IS. ENOUGH.

IF we’re stuck in this process here – playing out the way it is – then why the frigging frucking frack aren’t those who have the means to help DOING SOMETHING for these people I mention above?

If this Awakening is as we read – in the millions if not hundreds of millions – why that’s a lot of resources and talents and money – pooled together – to help ensure far less awakened ones have to suffer.

I see awakened ones with beautiful properties – as in 100 acres or more.  Good health.  AMPLE resources.  100 acres could house a lot of people in need.

There are awakened doctors and healers who help people heal far better than any of the “snake medicine” pushers – but most if not all don’t take insurance.  If they did, they wouldn’t be allowed to practice what they do.  And their treatments are often very expensive – sometimes insanely insultingly expensive.  Why aren’t more of them treating people on a sliding scale fee – or now and then for free?  

It’s like in this awakening we’ve been almost pushed into this narrative that we still have to look after ourselves.  There continues to be a lot of talk recently about survival of the fittest – how this war weeds out the weakest chain.  Appalling.  Also seeing a growing thought train of “you are responsible for only yourself – and you’d better have your sheot together for what’s about to take place because if you don’t, that’s on you” – all which makes me scream because THAT IS NOT GODLY.  There is NO HEART in that way of thinking and it quite disgusts me to see people in the awakening communities push that sheot.   Awakening doesn’t just happen in the mind it happens in the heart – where it matters most – and HEART HELPS.

When it can.

Ego minds attack and judge.

Heart, well, helps.

And we need that – more than anything – and now more than e v e r.






6.2.23 ~ Finds


This………..^^^^^………….is how. tired. and. “whatevernotworthmytimenow” I have become.  Sigh and a lol  But there’s always ice cream – coconut – tonight it was buy one get one free.  A treat shows up now and then in this realm of crazy.
How are the rest of you?




I hear a 17 post………..

17 post from the above:


Jan 27, 2018 3:23:35 AM EST
Jan 27, 2018 3:22:00 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 803654 No. 176166 

Jan 27, 2018 2:48:10 AM EST

!UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1 No. 175711 

>>175603 May is neutralized. MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter. Patience. These people are stupid. Q
>>175711 Holy crap!!! Q, you’re killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I’m guzzling coffee to fight it. God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.
Nobody is sleeping tonight.







Been thinking of Betelgeuse this week…………..



Central casting………..



Oh, I think we know…………

The Lord IS My Savior  @QDuck
03 June, 12:07
Who dat in the crowd tonight? 👀😳



YouTube ‘Reverses Course’ on Election Misinformation Censorship


WATCH: Full Video of Joe Biden Bumping His Head While Exiting Marine One Hours After He Takes Massive Fall


17 said – “Trust Wray”

BREAKING: FBI Chief Chris Wray Caves to Comer – Agrees to Hand Over Damning Document Detailing China’s $5 Million Bribe to Joe Biden!


Soros Gets Bad News as Ingenious Group Rises Against Him – He Can’t Claim Antisemitism Now









Interesting.  A certain online outlet has double charged me – twice – in the last 3 weeks – had to get my bank to correct it.



Schumann just starting to spike………

Шумановские резонансы (Schumann resonances) | Space Observing System (tsu.ru)


Only 18 up atm (1am EST)……





So how is everyone Today?

It is a wee bit challenging

I am having to use my phone at the moment for when I woke up this morning. Feeling actually quite peaceful grateful that we were able to fix our dryer and looking forward to a quiet day only to discover my laptop where I do All of my work from had Crashed.

I dug out an old laptop and tried for 2 hours unsuccessfully to hook it up to the Wi-Fi. I came to the conclusion our wifi is too new and the laptop too old. So I went in search of a laptop to buy…cheap…pymts.  I found one that was reasonable and what I wanted but it doesn’t ship for over a month.

So I spent another hour or two again trying to reconfigure the old laptop to the wifi but was unsuccessful.  So I tried to get my current laptop booted up listen to some videos but nothing worked.

I noticed an ad for a lenovo kept coming up would not leave my screen so I clicked on the link….liked what I saw and ordered one. And until it arrives I’m going to have to figure out how to turn this phone into a computer where I can have multiple tabs open and share stuff here. I really tried to keep my cool and I did for the most part but I slowly started breaking down because it is literally been One Financial hit after another here…and I remembered I still need to get sheets because the bottom sheet decided to rip in several places currently held together by a few places….argh!!!!!   No. More. It is time for the E Z button.

Here’s what i am seeing atm.  More latet…still trying to figure out how to do this with a phone.  😅🤪🙄



P.s…..check out sophia loves latest….it is over….major evil one out….kinda aligns with a post below about timeline shift…..t y to bro murry for the share…






BREAKING: Joe Biden Takes MASSIVE Fall at Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony (VIDEO)



“I Got Sandbagged!” Joe Biden Jokes with Reporters About His Bad Fall – Then Hops and Shuffles Away (VIDEO)


Dr. Peter McCullough: Understand Spike Shedding Before It’s Too Late

JUST IN: Schumer Announces Agreement to Vote on Debt Limit Deal Tonight


Comms….can it be any clearer?

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Needs Directions to Find the Stage During Air Force Commencement Address in Colorado Springs (VIDEO)


Lauras View and Tarot Too
