Oil Company Pulls Out Of Amazonian Land Inhabited By Uncontacted Tribes

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In recent years, aid organizations and companies working to extract resources from the vast wilds of the Amazon rainforest have reported a number of sightings of uncontacted tribes, the last remaining holdouts of a simpler time. While fascinating to see human beings still living in such a natural state, many of these tribes simply do not wish to assimilate into Western culture, and activists are working to preserve many areas of the rainforest, preventing their lands from being turned over to oil and gas exploration.

While success stories are few and far between, a recent announcement by a Canadian energy company is positive news, as they have agreed to withdraw initiatives to drill for oil in a region of Peru inhabited by uncontacted members of the Matsés tribe. The effort to convince Pacific Rubiales E&P to withdraw from Block 135 was led by Survival International, a “global movement for tribal peoples’ rights.

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Whaling Fleet Returns To Japan After Slaughtering 300 Whales in Antarctica For “Science”

Editor’s note: I don’t know what to make of this.  I cannot fault someone for slaughtering an animal to consume its meat when I am not a vegan or vegetarian myself.  I would like to be.  I would like my body to cooperate with my desire but I feel sick and run down when I have gone this route. However to do this in the name of science is deplorable and makes me roar.  Actually the way we were altered genetically (which I believe includes turning us into omnivores – or even perhaps the need TO eat) makes me roar.  I want the Truth returned to every cell of my being.  Of every cell of our being.  

“Defying international condemnation, a Tokyo-backed program has recently completed its massive hunt in the Antarctic ocean, killing over 300 minke whales.  

The whaling fleet composed of five Japanese ships docked back to Shimonoseki port on Friday after completing the annual slaughter which began in November, The Guardian reports.

The initiative, which has been met with a global opposition headed by Australia and New Zealand, again defied the worldwide moratorium on whale hunting imposed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1986. Japan is a signatory to the agreement.”

Continue reading here.

Huge Wave Anomaly Sending Frequency Out Of Antartica

Editor’s note:  Any guesses?  Galactic’s sending out frequency patterns to clean up the radiation in the Pacific?  We know there has been a lot of activity in the Antarctic ~ buried tech and ancient artifacts coming to surface as the ice shelf melts.  

Huge Wave Anomaly Coming from Near Mystery Base and Pyramids in Antarctica

Helloooo, Nibiru

Editor’s note:  Or Planet X.  Or whatever this Celestial Object is.  Check out the 2:36 mark especially.  I first heard from Simon Atkins, PhD in the fall of 2015 that Nibiru was an inner-dimensional object.  This video seems to back up that theory along w/the fact that her sightings have been and continue to be random.  The SIZE of this object – compared to Gaia.  Wow!  Just Wow!

STEREO History Lessons – Learning a lot is Going on

Check Out The Vision Alignment Project

Editor’s note:  I just signed up for their daily visions.  You read through then hit the “YES” button indicating you align w/the vision.  Collective Intentions are very powerful.  Check them out here to have their daily visions sent to your inbox.  ♥

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Mother Earth

We envision our Mother Earth in her Highest Light, where all the waters, everywhere, are pure and clean; where all the plants and animals who dwell in and around the water are living their lives happily, healthfully, and joyfully; where everyone who depends upon the water for their leisure or their livelihood is grateful for the abundance they enjoy;

where the skies are true blue and clear; where all man-made clouds are a thing of the past; and where every breath we breathe is sweet, vibrant, and life supporting;

where the land – everywhere we go, everywhere we look – is pristine and pulsating with life; where the trees are radiant and beautiful, the farms and gardens flourishing with fruits and foods of all kinds in all places; where the animals, both wild and domestic, are respected and guaranteed to live their days in peace and safety;

where the people are honoring and caring for one another in every land, in every home, in every way;

and where Mother Earth, herself, is tended to like a garden; where her beauty is celebrated always; where her beaches, her deserts, her pastures and prairies, her meadows and mountaintops are sacred to all who walk there; and where her Highest Good is considered and honored.

And, finally, we see Mother Earth as a living entity, evolving on her own and joyous on her journey as she becomes a brighter star. We see a Mother Earth who is proud of us, proud of all of us, because we have done what we came here to do.