How to Detoxify Your Body from Glyphosate Exposure


editor’s note:  it’s been quite awhile that i have linked a health related article.  i shared the basics of this piece (it is quite thorough and contains a lot of data to back up their assertions).  we have fulvic acid and bentonite clay in the house that i have been using regularly, although lately i stopped the detox to give my body an intuitively guided break.  my girl and i also eat quite a bit of sauerkraut.  i have been wanting to get some dandelion root tea ~ may do that after reading this piece.  this stuff is a huge human right’s abuse.


Detoxifying Your Body from Glyphosate Exposure

There are a number of different studies that claim that glyphosate accumulates in the bones, intestine, spleen, liver, muscle and kidney.

If a urine test is positive for glyphosate exposure, then the first stage of detoxification is to follow these guidelines:

  • avoid using Roundup and other similar products
  • avoid consumption of GMO foods which are directly contaminated with glyphosate
  • avoid animal products such as milk or meat for which GMO foods were used to feed the animals
  • eat organic foods as much as possible
  • avoid living in areas where glyphosate is applied

Specific proactive behaviors can also be implemented, as follows:

  • use infrared sauna for sweating out toxins
  • consume probiotic foods and probiotic supplements to repopulate the microbiota which glyphosate destroys
  • eat organic foods rich in sulfur and manganese

Researchers have investigated specifically how to the detoxify glyphosate from the human body.  Although there are not many of these studies to date, more interest is being dedicated to finding natural substances that may detoxify glyphosate.

A combination of natural substances have been studied for reducing the activity of glyphosate in the gastrointestinal tract.  These natural substances act as binders or neutralizers that could be a solution to remove the glyphosate contamination.

A study published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology found that the oral application of certain natural substances were able effectively reduce urinary levels of glyphosate.  7  The researchers used a combination of the following substances:

  • fulvic acids
  • humic acids
  • activated charcoal
  • bentonite clay
  • sauerkraut juice


Dig2 is a plant extract formula that is manufactured by Sevene Pharma Company.  Dig2 consists of the following plant extracts:

  • Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)
  • Rhamnus frangula (Alder buckthorn)
  • Raphanus sativus (Radish)
  • Carduus marianus (Silybum marianum; milk thistle)

Continue here to read the article in its entirety.

Arctic lake mysteriously disappears on Novaya Zemlya, Russia, baffling geologists and scientists on expedition


editor’s note:  wow!  so much is just literally fading away….disappearing. this lake ~ 3 kilometer’s long (almost 2 miles).  all is well.  just part of the transition.


This is just incredible! An entire lake has disappeared on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean in northern Russia as reported by researchers from the project “The Open Ocean: Archipelagos of the Arctic”. The expedition was sent in this remote area in an attempt to survey Lake Usacheva, but stumbled upon an empty reservoir with its bottom scarred by cracks and fissures.

lake disappears russia arctic, lake disappears russia arctic pictures, lake disappears russia arctic video, lake disappears mysteriously russian arctic, arctic lake disappears mysterious russia

Researchers report of their Facebook Page:

We are not talking here about a small lake near the sea shore, which, for example, can break through the channel and drain into the sea, but about the large and deep lake Usacheva, that is at least 3 kilometers long, and a few kilometers distant from the sea. […] The guys walked on the dried bottom of the lake for more than one and a half kilometers, and as shown in the photographs, it’s a continuous clay desert, covered with a grid of cracks and fissures from erosion […] ”

Continue here.



Magnetosphere ~ 6/29/18


editor’s note:  compared to yesterday, the “purple” energy is more compressed today….certainly is on the increase.  it’s almost like it’s going in a counter clockwise motion, surrounding this realm in an increasing manner.  (at least in the last 24 hours.)  obviously i am not an expert at this so am just going w/the intuition on this.  ……  of note, i had a dream of the skies turning purple last night.  a first.  i watched it happen as i casually pointed this out to an unknown male who wanted to know more.  “just watch.  this will only continue,” i said.




WSO Investigates…What is Causing the Magnetopause Anomalies?


editor’s note:  i am wondering if my mate and i have had our polarities shift. we see this video below….showing some really weird happenings in our magnetopause.  and then with the all day long experience yesterday of feeling so “not here” ~ more intense and longer in duration than ever before.  and then today we notice that with my mate’s compass, suddenly north is south and south is north.  i showed this to a friend to verify and she thought it odd as well. we played with it all day and continued to get the same read.  i took photos which i will post below.  we had our neighbor check his compasses – nope – his still showed north as north and south as south.  our neighbor is the one who said (jokingly), “your polarity has switched”.  so i googled it (thinking is this possible??) and found this:  “Your body is a brilliant, delicately balanced machine. Polarity reversal disrupts your finely choreographed energy system causing a short circuit type response to your life force or chi.

Tiny pathways, known as meridians, run throughout your body delivering electrical charges of energy to your organs, endocrine system and cells. When this becomes disrupted, polarity reversal happens.

Your energy system is often referred to as being like a car battery. If your car battery dies, in order to start the engine, you need to make the right connection with jumper cables. As you know, it’s critical to be sure and connect your cables properly. If you don’t, you blow out your engine.

You probably suffer from polarity reversal if you feel:

  1. stressed out
  2. fatigue
  3. brain fog
  4. clumsiness
  5. headaches
  6. overall feeling of malaise…”

of note:  i never get headaches.  N E V E R.  but yesterday i had this tightness (that was not sinus related) on the top of my forehead that felt like something was tightening my brain with a vice.  an absolute first for me ad i found it very odd.

after dinner, i also went outside again to see if the compass was still showing opposite polarity.  it was – until a neighbor rode up on a bike.  his energy felt really off and i mean really off.  he also just sat on his bike in the street, watching me, not saying a word. really strange behavior. i glanced at him, nodded and returned to the compass.  i noticed suddenly north was north, south was south. hmmm….i tuned in and something felt as though his energy was pulling me back into an old timeline/reality.  i know, weird right?  so i trusted this, said “no” to it – he rode off – and the compass began showing north as south, south as north again.

which says to me – as i have felt – and am indeed feeling it today and see others are having the same experience – which is this simulation is ending.  the creators of it are desperate, afraid – and are acting out through those of low vibe/unaware.  ground self in YOU and do not engage with ANY BEING who is exhibiting manipulative or any behavior that feels as though it is rubbing you the wrong way.  it it doesn’t resonate, do not engage.  my feeeeel.  

anyway, enjoy the video and pics.

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Published on Jun 20, 2018

i am looking south in this one.

and i am looking north in this one…


ScopEx May Soon Be Underway in Arizona — Unnamed Material Sprayed in AZ Stratosphere to “Unknown” Env., Effect, Raising Millions for Harvard


received via e-mail…


June 20, 2018   Dr Naomi Wolf

DailyClout has been reporting on the planned ScopEx experiment in Arizona, using a new geoengineering technology called “Solar Radiation Management” or SRM. The experiment is being run by a Harvard consortium, including Dr David Keith, Dr Gernot Wagner, and, in a stunning conflict of interest, Harvard’s Vice Provost, Dr Dustin Tingley.

ScopEx means that Dr David Keith and his team will release an unnamed particulate from a weather balloon or other form of aircraft, in the stratosphere over Tucson Arizona. The planned release is for 2017-1018, which means that it is either late, or already underway.

Community concerns in Arizona involve the fact that Harvard won’t confirm the nature of the particulate: Dr Keith has identified it at times as “sulphates”, meaning pollution; “alumina”, which has serious health hazards if inhaled and has been linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and dementia; and chalk. Thought the experiment has been planned for 2017-2018, Dr Keith and Harvard won’t confirm when the flights will begin, or indeed if they are already underway. They won’t confirm how many flights are planned, or how much material wil be released over the people of Arizona. Some climate scientists fear that such a release, with many unknown outcomes, may further damage the ozone layer.

Another serious concern that DailyClout and many of its Arizona community members share, is that the larger  environmental effects of ScopEx are, according to geoengineering industry reports, “unknown.”  The health effects of the release of this particulate — in amounts that aren’t disclosed, just as the particulate itself is not being disclosed — are unknown.

The scientists leading the push to adopt SRM tech do confirm that once SRM has begun, it would have to be continued (by the way, generating massive profits for Harvard, Dr Keith, Bill Gates and the VCs and hedge funds that have invested in ScopEx) and that if it is ever stopped, “catastrophic warming” would result.

Continue reading here.

Sky Splitting in Kansas City…..


Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, outdoor and nature

Posted by Gav'riel Yisrael on Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sourced from here.

HUGE Breaking News!!! President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 26, 2018, as World Intellectual Property Day LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: April 26, 2018


Editor’s note:  This is SO AMAZING!!!  All of this suppressed technology to free us up will NOW be much more protected to be released without fear of harm and forms of control on the individual(s).  As DJT said on inauguration day:  “We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the s mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”  This proclamation lays the foundation for this.  Perfect.  Beautiful.  As DJT says “something special”.  


On World Intellectual Property Day, we not only celebrate invention and innovation, but also we recognize how integral intellectual property rights are to our Nation’s economic competitiveness.  Intellectual property rights support the arts, sciences, and technology.  They also create the framework for a competitive market that leads to higher wages and more jobs for everyone.  The United States is committed to protecting the intellectual property rights of our companies and ensuring a level playing field in the world economy for our Nation’s creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs.

Our country will no longer turn a blind eye to the theft of American jobs, wealth, and intellectual property through the unfair and unscrupulous economic practices of some foreign actors.  These practices are harmful not only to our Nation’s businesses and workers but to our national security as well.  Intellectual property theft is estimated to cost our economy as much as $600 billion a year.  To protect our economic and national security, I have directed Federal agencies to aggressively respond to the theft of American intellectual property.  In combatting this intellectual property theft, and in enforcing fair and reciprocal trade policy, we will protect American jobs and promote global innovation.

While we continue to demand the protection of intellectual property rights abroad, my Administration will also take steps to strengthen our patent system here at home.  A system that increases the reliability and enforceability of patents will encourage even more investment in creative and innovative industries, leading to job and wealth creation for all Americans.  When the United States advances pro-growth policies of this form, we set an example of protecting economic competitiveness, promoting new engines of growth, and prioritizing the expansion of innovative and creative capacities overall.

This year’s World Intellectual Property Day is dedicated to celebrating all of the industrious and brilliant women who have changed, and who continue change, the world with their inventions, innovations, and other creative contributions to society.  Our Nation’s economic strength and prosperity would not be so without the over 75 million women in our country’s workforce, whose ingenuity, initiative, and hard work have helped foster the growth and progress of America’s economy since our formation.  Over the past decade, the number of women-owned firms has grown five times faster than the national average for all firms.  American women are assuming leading roles in health, business and finance, the arts, and the STEM fields.  We must protect the intellectual property rights of these women creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs in order to promote further innovation for years to come.

A new era of American exceptionalism is dawning, in the form of sustained intellectual property rights and continued American entrepreneurship.  The drive for excellence, advancement, and innovation in the United States has brought forth significant discoveries, developed life-saving research, and improved the quality of life for millions of Americans.  On this World Intellectual Property Day, we celebrate the creative spirit and contributions of American men and women, and we acknowledge the necessity of maintaining intellectual property rights for all those enterprising individuals who dare to invent or create something new for the betterment of all people.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 26, 2018, as World Intellectual Property Day.  I encourage Americans to observe this day with events and educational programs that celebrate the benefits of intellectual property to our economy and our country.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.


Sourced from here.