Kp Message 10-26-18… “There are many levels of ‘Light Workers’ that are involved at this moment”


There are many levels of Light Workers that are involved at this moment. Some are holding the Light for the “White Hats”. Some are holding the Light for the “Dark Hats”. Some are holding the Light for “The Left”… and some, for “The Right”. And many are holding the Light for that which is beyond any of those labelled “entities”.

It is a massive operation, and it is in process right now.

By the way, I offer no traditional “proof” for any of this. It is simply what I “get”.

There have been some powerful dreams the past two nights… particularly last night. Parts of mine had to do with working in the most intense “darkness of Illusion”, and then breaking through into the Light. Don’t recall any specifics of mine, but it was quite apparent what was happening… after I “broke through” into the Light.

My sense is that this is a wider meaning for all of humanity. Hue-manity (Light worker community) has been holding space for this breakthrough into the Light, for quite some time. And now it is happening all over the place. So-called “ordinary” people are breaking through into their own awareness of who (and what) they really are… BEings of Light.

The illusion is over. It no longer holds any “grip” on people (at least many of them). Those who still choose to hold on to the illusion are soon to be released from it… by their own awakening, and their own choosing.

This message is brought to you by “BEings of Light Foundation”… it has nothing to do with any of the earth foundations that some may have heard about. This “Foundation” has been here since the beginning.

Those who “get” the message from this post will “get it”.

That is all for now.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced here.

AMAZING Purple Skies over the UK Yesterday (10/11/18)


editor’s note:  “the skies were all purple….”  interestingly enough, brother Rick shared an amazing photo capture of purple skies over New York yesterday as well…

this morning in Norwich uk.. the event has started

Posted by Jen Mccarty on Friday, October 12, 2018


Image may contain: sky, twilight, cloud, tree, outdoor and nature


Tonight’s Sunset Captures ~ plus synchronicity in a photo


editor’s note:  we had a beautiful sunset tonight as you can see.  we had glows in all 4 directions w/the west being the most intense.  ….  late this afternoon i was thinking about my “merge” when i was guided to look at the tv.  the picture speaks volumes to my heart.  (and an unintentional posting of a photo of vincent fusca/jfk jr i snapped last night after watching the WV rally – i accidentally pulled it up but oddly enough did not click the “post” button but instead went in search of the picture below it – so for some reason it shared on its own so i decided to leave it.)
