Sophia Love’s Pleiadian Pipeline Message (On The Healing Pods)


Sourced from here.

March  24th, 2018
Hi there!

Today I’d like to share something that was shared with us, by my friend Don. He has compiled a collection of what he feels is the most relevant text regarding the pods, and uses these thoughts and statements each day while making contact.  He has this to say: “I have created a sheet from the different sources of the Pleiadian Pipeline articles.  I also found a pic of me at 18 where I can visualize the age, remembering the vim and vigor of that time easily.”  These are great ideas for making this real. So thank you, Don! Read his summary below.

One of my readers just let me know that while he was recently being tested in a hospital, more than one of the medical personnel remarked “Although you are in your sixties, these tests show you have the body of a MUCH younger man, like 20’s or 30’s!”  So, he smiled and said to himself and our friends from the stars “Thank you Pleaidians!”

This story is also  posted on the website. Click here

Please enjoy today’s message and share it! You may have noticed I’ve changed the logo.  The website has been updated also, check it out!  I think you’ll find it easier to navigate and quite beautiful!  Click here.

With gratitude and love,

“We are seeing many of you asking for our help with the pods and then struggle to complete a successful interaction with us and with our technology. The belief in our pods is paramount to a successful interaction.

Once it is accepted that they exist, it becomes necessary to envision them not so much as miracle workers, but advanced technology.

The difference in the two viewpoints may appear subtle, yet it is all important. In the case of a miracle, there is no responsibility on you to participate. Something is miraculously done to you that heals you.

In the case of technology that you don’t yet understand, there is this component of a possibility for your own interaction with it.  You may have never seen this before, but you are willing to consider it as plausible because it is just newer technology and not divinely inspired action.

Most of you have heard by now of the ship’s ET pilots.  This is sort of the same.  The technology in the pods is real, yet you control it.

What must be held in your minds at all or most times is the ideal version of you. This asks of you to envision yourself vital and in all ways alive.

This is more than repair of damage.

It is return, rejuvenate; remember the strength and flawless form of an ideal moment you’ve experienced.

Our tech picks up on the emotional components of whatever moment you feed it.  This is what we want you to be conscious of – of the thoughts and subsequent feelings you are holding.  They are the fuel and the blueprint for the creation of your human form. This holds true in all cases, but is especially true with our technology.

It finds the ideal picture you hold and imprints it – it is up to you to maintain it once that happens.

Regardless of current conditions or history – NOTHING IS SET TO “PERMANENT”.

The option exists at all times to re-visit vitality, strength, and wellness. These are not states of being that are beyond reach, regardless of where you begin.

We would encourage those of you who are willing to work with us, to disregard any past or current definition of your body.

Then – re-make a new one, one that you desire now.  One you can visualize and retain whenever it is called up.

This vision will then be our blueprint.

Believing is necessary before seeing is possible. The healed and whole image must be held in our consciousness.
We are aware. What we want to begin with your people now is a small and simple statement.  It is “I know the pods exist” or “The Pleiadian Pods Exist“.

We would like to ask people interested in participating to repeat the phrase daily and as much as they want for a few weeks.  We will assess when to move to the next steps.  We believe you will describe the history and function of the pods better than we can from here.

What we learned was that the beliefs we hold dictate everything that happens to us. It is like I once heard Esther Hicks say “You have to KNOW it is there, in the same way you KNOW the Post Office is on a specific street in your town.”

The technology they utilize is available to them 24/7. Aging and illness, for them, is not expected and therefore does not happen. The frequency/light technology is in certain doorways they walk through daily.  They have pods that immerse whatever or whomever is in them with this frequency/light technology. It works with the original blueprint/healthiest image of that being and re-informs the energetic blueprint carried.  It is a sort of reminder session for them, constantly available as a part of their daily life. It is all they know.” 

Sophia Love ~ The Event ~ Reports from the Collective


Editor’s note:  Resonating chills, bliss and a smiling heart as I read this. Thank you Sophia Love for putting this together!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  We are about to be “unplugged” in order that we may fully come Online as Source Super Powers of Love.  I remember the one dream I had of the Event in early 2017 ~ the main message was “this changes everyone and everything by returning the internal experience of Pure Divine Love.”


Today I’d like to share some additional reports regarding this upcoming Event.  Sources are dreams, higher selves, QHHT sessions and One.  I will keep each anonymous while sharing as much as I am able to comfortably.

These were given to me or shared with me by some of my readers, these are not my own dreams or QHHT sessions.

In that way, what is offered here is from all of us, a collective imagining of what is heading our way.  Enjoy.

“I watched another video with Allison Coe. I was happy to see how many others described rainbow light like I described in my dream. The light was alive. It washed the manufactured and dirty veil from our bodies minds and spirits. With it came telepathy and the ability to communicate directly without being recorded and tracked by the dark side. Rather than being and end unto itself, it was simply a tool in the coming transition wherein humanity reclaims their sovereignty rather than being it handed to them. It all comes down to free will.”

“Event to happen by April 15, not sure of any date, with intense bright light immediately followed by ripples of colored light across sky, those whose vibrational levels are not quite high enough will leave the earth for  72 hours and then be returned to Earth to get to raise their vibratory rate, those who cannot/will not raise their rate will be off Earth and taken to another 3D planet, I estimate between 35-50% of Earths current population”

Regarding ascension symptoms:
“The turmoil is akin to a simmering pot.  It’s been simmering these many years. It boils over now because, in a sense, the heat has been turned up.  This is not heat from you.  It is coming from the increased frequency. It has to be seen and adjusted as the heat won’t be going down but increasing.”

“You will not be separated from any loved ones for long enough to worry, but yes, some of those will be on the ships.”

“It will be like the blink of an eye.  Surreal and then everything changes. This is real. It is a joining and recognition of all of you.  Every component. This gives you your full force.”
“These coming times will not feel easy, they will be confusing and could appear frightening.  You know better.”

“You will be empowered to experience and express your full selves, not leaving behind your ego self this time, but incorporating and including her and him into full expression. This means all parts join in the most joyful and desired ways.  It is the only outcome seen now.”

“There is a wave of light coming your way.  It is one in which the colors will be seen as well as felt. It is not one that will be experienced on a purely sensual basis.  It will be visually perceived.
In the majority of the people it will not be understood. This wave is not exactly as seen in the images portrayed by the entertainment industry.  These images are close. They have been presented now in order to instill fear.”

“The image of this light and color love/light wave is more like a moving flowing group.  You will not have to decide to move into it, it will move through you and although it will be unusual, it will not cause fear. The effort at bringing an element of fear to it will not succeed.
This is because the power of the energy/light itself is stronger than anything every experienced here on earth. It will not be overcome by anything else.  It will be known and felt as love.”

“There will be a moment. This moment will or may be confusing for those among you who have not ever attempted to operate from a point of love. It will not last.”

“This is not to say the wave will have the same effect on each of you.  It will not.”

“Many of you will segment this out as if it were a dream.
Some of you will have it occur while sleeping but will recall it as a dream – a dream you may not even speak of until life feels so very altered the following day or someone else mentions the same sort of dream.”

“It comes at you even now, make no mistake. It will also be an isolated physical happening in which there will be a beginning, a middle and an end.  There will be a time known as before the event and a time known as after the event. It will be marked and recognized.”

“The time leading up to the event is right now.  The time after the event comes soon.  This event is not days long but will be recovered from for days after.  It will change everything for everyone.”

“The physical man-made systems will all be altered.”

“You have heard and now expect something in March of your current year.  It is true that something happens in March but it is not the event as you are expecting it. It is a leading-edge wave of love, an introduction to light filled energy that sets the stage for what is to be known as the event. It begins now. It will be known to have happened in March of this current year. That is specific as I am going to be.”

“It is in these pre-cursor waves of energy where you’ll find hearts begin to open and things begin to thaw.”

“You cannot plan your life around its timing. All of you will be protected during this event – it is not one of destruction or of fear, quite the opposite.”

“The event is a singular moment that is set to “on” very soon. It is humanity and the earth and the central sun (that pull the switch).”

“All is perfectly done. Your place when the event occurs is perfectly chosen. You will see. There will be no missing it, sleeping through it, or fear around it.”

“It will not be seen or forecasted.  It will simply arrive.”

“Simultaneously for everyone on the planet – the wave arrives.”

So that about covers it!

We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With gratitude and so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  
Much obliged.

Sourced from here.


Decree to Speed Up The Event


Editor’s note:  This is such a powerful, beautiful statement.   I give thanks for it showing up in my messenger box (thank you Chad!) as for several days, I have wanted to begin saying something, some message, some chant, with others, to bring forth the Galactic/Cosmic Love Wave, touching each of us, elevating our awareness/consciousness, allowing us to Remember Love.  Connection.  Unity.  I have it printed out and my mate and I have begun stating it out loud.  Please join us!  I am so ready for the liberation of us All.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

Much love….Victoria


Amanda Lorence ~ A Message for the Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  The past few morning’s I have awoken with the feel that April 1st was going to be the start of something permanent and significant.  


Amanda Lorence
2 hrs


Timelines are perceived by some as linear (past, present, future). In truth they are non-linear as many of you know (all occurring simultaneously in the NOW).

At this point in the collective MASS awakening and ascension timeline on GAIA, the Lemurian timeline and the Human 2018 timeline will become ‘timeless’. Whether this is a physical sight and solid appearance, or whether it is that REAL-TIME telepathic communication begins in EARNEST between Lemurian energies and many humans, I do not know. We will know soon.

The dates 1-7 April are significant. I don’t work with dates, so that KNOWING in itself shows me the huge significance. It is significant for each human based on their chosen path. It is extremely clear, since recent shift at Equinox, that “It is done”, “All is ready”, “Each have chosen”. This means that all plays out perfectly for each individual facet as chosen at their higher level. There is no right or wrong, just experience. And each will contribute to this period accordingly. 1-7 April is significant for each human to absorb and take FULL responsibility for their individualised thoughts and actions during that time period. Advice would be to use your own INTUITION and not what others (including me) say…only you know YOU, your path, your journey. Another does not know YOU as well as you know YOU. Listening to your inner guidance will show each human HOW to focus through 1-7 April, if they quieten down and listen within. Many will not quieten sufficiently to hear their inner guidance system, yet the cruder nudges of intuition and gut feelings are easier to pick up on to assist each person…should they choose to act upon themselves. I repeat, 1-7 April is significant. Yet I do not know why or how yet. I’m passing on this definite forecasted timeline, well in advance…in order that each are aware, to choose how to be ahead of time, to adjust, balance, quieten, be the neutrality…if you chose such focus. Always a choice. No judgement exists, except within you.

1-7 April, I will be offline merging consciousness directly with GAIA assisting her as this energy. I’ll be working energetically with inter-galactic energies also. Of course, if info arrives within 1-7 April dates, I will hop on here to pass on.

It’s all moved up a notch since the recent Equinox; we’ve shifted, the incoming patterns have altered (new energy patterns within our physical bodies, new colour sequences and patterns incoming to Gaia) and all our human collective work across the planet reflects that shift. So many humans are assisting with precise focus in these significant times.

One Love.

AL 23 March 2018

Ep. 4: The Sun and The Solar Flash (with Joshua Dharma)


Listening…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  I had forgotten I had subscribed to his channel awhile back as I really liked his energy.  Good find, mate!  


Published on Mar 19, 2018




Editor’s note:  I was called to read this.  I appreciate that I did.  Lately I began to feel an inner switch within that reminded me I Am is what is Abundant.  (I also remain passionate about seeing abundance for all of pure heart ~ in whatever form he/she desires.)  



by Jeanie, published on March 22, 2018


     I feel infinitely wealthy! My cup overflows, my bounty runs over!
      I am bursting at the seams with excitement!
     I have become VERY CLEAR about TRUE ABUNDANCE of life! It has always been there. I see that now. I see how I have known it as LOVE!
     LOVE IS.  Sometimes I knew it and felt it, other times I feared and kept myself from experiencing it. In those moments that I felt fear, I experienced things I didn’t like. When I trust that I am safe, all is well. Even better now, I know that the most DELIGHTFUL things happen when I am APPRECIATING LIFE NOW!
     As a single mother I struggled financially, and at times was blessed. I see how my thoughts and feelings played into what happened! From my perspective,I held many beliefs about money that didn’t serve me, or anyone I knew.
     For a time,  I believed that it was Godly to be poor. (I heard  it in a sermon somewhere ). I suppose on the flip side of that is a belief that, only bad people have lots of money. I can see how society supports that belief.
     As I said, money has been a thing I’ve not had a lot of. The funny thing is that we’ve always been taken care of. Somehow, someway, it always works out! I do my best to take care of me and mine, and there is always enough. I have pursued many things in an attempt to create more abundance for my family. I have educated myself, I have worked, learned,invested, and given. I keep giving and it keeps flowing through!  LOVE IS the TRUE CURRENCY in my life! I trust that no matter how financially wealthy I may become, it will pale in comparison to who I am and the love I flow in my experience! I FEEL like the WEALTHIEST ONE ever! I am Feeling the BLISS of unconditional LOVE and seeing the fruit of it in my life! The more money I get, the more money I share and I am having so much FUN DOING it! That’s the key –FUN! The more fun I have, the more there is to have! Now that I am KNOWING MY WORTH and FEELING at EASE BEING MYSELF, the more LOVE I AM ALLOWING In all ways!
     One of my favorite ways is SYNCHRONICITY. I was glowing in appreciation for time spent with family,  and how HAPPY I am to be able to GIVE! I felt moved to pick up a book I had just purchased, I opened it up and the number of the story was significant. I read the message and LAUGHED OUT LOUD at the confirmation it gave me! I know now that what comes financially, or otherwise,  Is going to change me for the better. LIFE IS SO  GOOD!
Sourced from here.

Vera Ingeborg ~ On the Speedtrain – the Resurrection Pathway


Editor’s note:  It’s always interesting to me when I read updates like this ~ how there are things that seem Universal for (most) if not all and how there are still those wildly varying perceptions on New Earth and the Event.  Is new earth where we are now just transformed?  Is it a whole different realm (my take all along)?  Are things already in place in the new earth realm (what I feel)?  Are things still being put into place?  I can only shrug and remind myself we are all going to experience this ~ based on our own perception and the Will of our Multi-D Selves.  Definitely resonate with the term “speedtrain” and the corresponding picture below. 


by Vera | Mar 21, 2018 |

On the Speedtrain – the Resurrection Pathway

The frequencies are reaching new heights. We are dealing with geostorms, and earthquakes, that actually reflect our state of being within. We are sitting in a speedtrain to New Earth manifestation and Sacred Union. We are in the middle of a huge resurrection gateway.


This gateway has been beyond challenging for many as frequencies rise higher and higher. The new divine masculine energy is merciless and strips away everything that is not in line with our truth and which we do not need anymore. We are pushed into taking responsibility now for our own energy and owning our stuff. Judgment and blame becomes unbearable as it hits back very hard. The triggers are huge. And they need to be, because it is a big final cleansing to prepare us for a new cycle of co-creation. So take the trigger and leave the rest. They are really serving us to move through the shifts as quickly as possible. And that needs our acceptance instead of going into another round of fighting, ignoring, or freezing. Although very uncomfortable, the shifts are also happening much quicker than before.



The first big Wave of Awakening is happening now


The world is waking up and in complete chaos. And as soon as the dust settles, a lot of people will reach out for support to find answers and a way how to deal with what is going on. It has already started, and we can notice that people are a lot more open and receptive to the information we are transmitting and the lifestyle we are living, fully anchored into the now moment, based on oneness and unconditional love. People are sick of the old way and yet they don’t know yet, how the new way looks like. At the same time they suffer from all the physical symptoms that these waves are causing, mistaking them for diseases such as the flu, migraines, panic attacks and emotional breakouts etc. They are desperate, as no medicine or pill is making the pain go away.

“Many of the wave awakening now are just angry, confused, shocked and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment.” 

Many of them are just angry, confused, shocked at the moment and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment. Yet, as the old 3D/4D timeline was deleted, the resonance field for these patterns is gone, too. And that means that everyone has to look at and deal with their stuff, because it is no longer possible to project it onto others. The first big wave of awakening has started. Their process is different as they had no access to unity consciousness and the life force, so any spiritual methods that sound too woowoo and are not down to earth enough will not work as they cannot relate to any of it. Also – the time of disempowerment and dependency is over. We are all asked to help people into their own power, by being spaceholders and available to them when they are reaching out for help to find their truth. By asking the right questions and giving right impulses instead of giving them the answers, we help them the quickest way.

“This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body.”

This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body. This way, they can find access to their emotions to clear the way to access their spiritual part and to reconnect with their higher self. Their process will be a lot quicker, as they will automatically adopt learnings from the first mover/early adopters experiences through the unified field that connects us all.



Sacred Union and Physical Restructuring


At the same time for those that have been on the path for a while amazing shifts are happening. Round and round upwards we go, higher and higher we rise. Wow, what transformative energy waves we are hit with now. Our DNA is upgrading fast, new gifts and abilities evolve, we are crystalizing as our body shifts from a carbon based structure into a crystalline structure. The physical structure is broken down to restructure in a new way. Amazing work that our bodies do while we are being alive and still functioning. Very carefully, part for part is rebuilt. It has to be that way to make sure that our bodies are not imploding because of a structure that becomes too instable. And with each restructuring, cellular memory of old patterns is released and that plays out like an old movie again. It is absolutely important to not overstress the body as it needs a lot of rest. There is a reason why we are feeling exhausted and tired and why we are craving lots of sugar and protein. The rebuilding process requires the production of lots of amino acids as building blocks. And that needs fast energy and protein.

“The whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates.”

At the moment, the whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates. That does not only cause headaches and blurry eyes, but also a mind being in overdrive, jumping from thought to thought very fast, throwing out old information that is not necessary anymore and starting to read new information without being able to fully process it yet. It is like a big messy thought pudding for many. There is no need to pay any specific attention to it but just to let it fly by like clouds. The mind is shifting and giving up the need to lead and the need to control. It has already or is about to surrender.


It is resurrection time. Extreme plasma and gamma waves are coming in. They are like a high voltage that our body is not able to process in a good way yet. So we are going into states of energetic paralysis, where we cannot really do anything but sit and let it pass.


Today, the equinox will further push us into the final phase of this part of the process until Easter. In an 11 year this energy is very powerful and we are completely reborn as our old memory and way of linear thinking and acting is dissolved. We are reborn as the clean, authentic true selfs we are. Anything that does not align with that is falling away. We have no choice but to surrender and let go, as holding on becomes too uncomfortable, whether jobs, relationships, our living situation etc. This causes doubts and self-conscious behaviour for many, as well as impatience.

“We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within.”

We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within (mentally, emotionally and physically). Other relationships are falling apart as they are not able to sustain in these new frequencies. From that moment, life is fully based on trust, mistrust simply cannot be experienced any longer. Feelings of longing or needing are not possible anymore. Instead, freedom and creative force is shared through commitment – amplifying each others powers instead of draining them.


Our mind is shifting into parallel operational mode. As we now access unity consciousness, we do not need experience as an ingredient for creation any longer. Intuitively, we just know what to do. We are creating out of the NOW-moment, not based on experiences of the past.


“Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together.”

Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together. That can cause the feeling of being bored. We are actually sitting on a speed train, and we know it takes us exactly where we need to be, and we can just sit back in our chair, relax, watch the landscape, a movie, read a book, talk to friends, sleep, eat… We don’t have to run with the train.



Body Symptoms due to DNA Upgrades


No matter where people are on their journey, all of us have to deal with physical symptoms that are very tiring and require to listen very closely to what our body and system needs in every given moment. We are letting go of rules and dogmas with regards to food, exercise, meditation routines and such, and shift into intuitive knowing what is needed. Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.

“Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.”

The most common body symptoms are intense migraine, blurry eyes, the feeling of being dehydrated, dry skin that is itching and breaking out, back pain, digestion issues, flu-like symptoms including fever, sore throat, ringing ears, running noses, tooth pain, short breath, heart palpitations, hot and cold flashes, amplified hair growth.


Our physical body is working on adapting to the new frequency and rhythm, everything is recalibrating, including the new heart-beat, breath rhythms and neuropathways. At the same time, it pushes out old information that is no longer necessary to come back into balance. This plays out in mental spirals and being overemotional. Patience is key and accepting all of it as a necessary part of the process. We can neither speed up the flow nor can swim against it or try to change it. All we can do is swim along and give impulses at the right time to stay focused on a direction.



So here we go. New earth is here and we are about to build a new world from scratch. We will co-create in a whole different way, where money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now. All of this is necessary, as embodiment of the new higher dimensional frequencies is only possible through this alignment and with a crystalline body structure.

“We will co-create in a whole different way, money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now.” 

And always remember: No matter what you do… it is a trial and error game. None of us knows how this dimension works yet. And…You can’t fuck it up as energy always finds back into balance. As long as you come from your heart with pure intentions based on unconditional love.


The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Want more energy regularly: Sign up for my newsletter. 

You find it helpful what you read? I am grateful for your support of living my mission through my blog and service and your donation  is very much appreciated! Thank you <3

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although expansion of consciousness can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you! 

I am very grateful that you can find most of my blogs as an audio version on the youtube channel Higher Self

Sourced from here.

WARNING: Aspartame Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A “Natural” Sweetener: Amino Sweet


The highly controversial Aspartame has been regarded by some as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply – while “official” sources continue to maintain its safety and continue not to mention the “negative” studies.

Aspartame has in fact been linked to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events in women. Recent studies (we’ve found them!) have shown that not only does artificial sweetener intake have an association with diabetes [1], it also increases the risk for heartkidney, and brain damage[2]

But these are not the only negative studies: In 1967, Dr. Harold Waisman, a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, conducted aspartame safety tests on infant monkeys on behalf of the Searle Company. Of the seven monkeys that were being fed aspartame mixed with milk, one dies and five others have grand mal seizures. [3]

A toxin by any other name… the dangers of Aspartame have been known for quite some time now. It is an artificial sweetener with a spectacularly bad track record but is still found in many of the foods we consume daily including “diet” beverages, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, and even preserves.

It’s important to know what you are eating – and important to understand the way marketing works: In a move to cover up it’s bad reputation, aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – aminosweet.

Continue reading here.

Lightfield Foundation ~ Healing in the Now and into the Future


Editor’s note:  I am SO happy to share this information with you all.  I want to see such operations in every city and town globally.  Reading through their site, they operate the way Healing SHOULD be operated (well ALL living that is).  They charge a very nominal fee per session (as in 2/3 LESS the cost of a visit to a traditional western doctor) and still if you cannot pay that, you are encouraged to still speak with them and make the appointment.  Healing for all because our good health (and indeed the return of it) is OUR RIGHT.


About Lightfield Foundation

Lightfield Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has been serving the public with consciousness-raising and de-stressing technology since 2009. It is our mission to empower humanity by assisting people in connecting with their higher levels of consciousness using Lightfield™ technology, as well as educating the public about the relationships between consciousness, energy, matter, and the structure of the Universe. Lightfield™ technology uses information fields and sacred geometries to project a harmonious field into a space in which a client reclines for an approximately 30 minute session. The client emerges feeling a sense of revitalization and greater well-being and often reports feeling a greater connection with their higher levels of awareness.

Lightfield Technology™

Background and History

In the early 1990s, Russian scientists became convinced of the existence and properties of an additional class of a non-physical field in physics beyond the gravitational, electric, magnetic and strong and weak nuclear attraction fields. Historically, all of these latter were recognized by the mainstream scientific community as capable of creating surrounding influence. The newly recognized field type is, in essence, comprised purely of information or ideas. We have, therefore, come to refer to such fields as “information fields.”


The Russians recognized that the biofields that surroround every life form (auras are an example) are themselves purely information fields, continuously generated by the consciousness of the individual. They developed technology known as GDV bioelectrography for imaging such bio fields. They indirectly used a computerized variant of the phenomenon known as Kirlian photography (originally discovered by a Russian husband and wife scientific team for which it was named.)

Russian scientists did some of the seminal work understanding information fields and their character, and developed a technology capable of stripping the information content from an electromagnetic signal input and projecting a field compromised solely of the information extracted. This principal is utilized in the Lightfield unit, wherein information is stripped from music and light inputs and projected into the unit, creating a field of harmonious information.

Non-Physical Characteristics

As in the case with the human biofield, the Lightfield information fields have a non-physical character. Neither audible sound nor visible light are present. Rather, the ideas that comprise their spiritual essence are present. The information field projected into the Lightfield and complementary Grace unit has a property of coherence. When an individual is placed within a coherent information field, he or she begins to reconnect with his or her higher awareness and begins to jettison stress accumulated during the process of living. Coherent information fields are also produced in other venues by activities such as group prayer or intentions and meditation, as well as by the presence of certain physical geometries described since ancient times as “sacred geometries.”

Check out their website here fmi.  And please spread the love by sharing!


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U.S. Supreme Court allows Flint water contamination lawsuits


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave the green light to two class-action lawsuits filed by residents of Flint, Michigan who are pursing civil rights claims against local and state officials over lead contamination in the city’s water supply.

The justices left in place a July 2017 ruling by the Cincinnati, Ohio-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that revived the litigation after the lawsuits were thrown out by a lower court.

The high court rejected separate appeals filed by the city of Flint, Genesee County’s drainage commissioner and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality officials.

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