A Vision for Positive Questions


I love this!  Ready set go NOW!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Positive Questions

Today’s Vision comes to us from Debbie Friedman from www.CleaningOutTheCloset.com. This is the second Vision Debbie has shared with us and she calls it “A Vision for Positive Questions being asked.”
Thank you, Debbie! 

I see a world where the old habits of worry, doubt and fear are things of the past. A new age of enlightenment has filled the consciousness of every being on the planet, and we are now asking positive questions that focus and strengthen our intentions.

On a personal level, we may be asking: How did my life get to be so filled with Love? Why is each new day so full of Joy? Why is everyone responding so positively to me? Why is everything I do so easy and such a great success? Why does money continuously flow to me in increasing amounts? Why does every experience delight and excite me? How may I be of service and make a difference in the world today?

On a global level, we may be asking: Why is everyone on the planet so quickly and easily living a life filled with peace, harmony, compassion, love and prosperity? How did we rise so quickly into a time where everyone’s needs are met – where everyone everywhere enjoys the reality of plenty?

As we ask these positive questions, the Universe joyfully responds and our new world is brought into physical form and experience filled with love, abundance, ease and resplendent celebrations.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Reader Message ~ Love Will Always Find A Way

Received via e-mail from Deane at askdeano.com  Check out his site!
Morning World – Seems I Am Plugged In Somewhere!
Today’s Ramblings 🙂
This journey has always been about self…nothing more or less. Once our true self has been discovered, we disseminate what is true for ourselves. From that truth we gain an ideal view of all that is, and the bigger picture for our own life journey.  When we begin to label or categorise our own soul we add another layer of duality.  This is the exact situation we are evolving from…which translates into “old beliefs and paradigms” being broken, to bring in the new.
There will always be certain aspects of old ideals and thoughts within us which can be merged with the new to form a proper foundation in which to move forward.  This is our own personal evolution and soul journey.  If we remain closed to new ideals, philosophies or practices, and others experience or truth we become stuck in the old.  There are no rule books or manuals which to follow, yet there are many who profess to offer the instant cure or solution, whether it be in kind or in return for a fee.
In some cases it has become a business and an income stream, and one in which there is competition and all the commercial aspects of an industry.  Those that rely on the income will naturally defend their views and opinions; it appears those that share in service are open to new discoveries that simply add a new dimension to an evolving theology.
This is a natural thing, for it is through experience alone we explore consciousness more clearly, and can tap into the higher consciousness of all that is.  In my opinion there are many aspects of the journey we will never understand, or are not meant to understand…for knowing when and where the happy ending takes place, defeats the purpose of living the experiences in the first place.  We shall embrace all versions for there are lessons in all we allow ourselves to open up to.
Division only causes destruction, and with so much disinformation and differing views the only truth we can and shall rely on is our own.  Each of us is unique, and we all have access to the higher consciousness. Those that choose to let go of everything except their own  truth will reach a level of consciousness of simply being and knowing, as well as in the here and now.  Through the merging of old with the new we are cocreating something very special, which, no matter which label we choose to elect, is surely the whole reason we are here in the first place.
Dismantling what is essentially an illusion allows us to truly grasp who we are, where we have been leading to and the knowing of  why we are here and our purpose.  Let’s take it back to simplicity, to the core of who we are, and that is unconditional love. What ever we create from here on is something of the purest creation and form, which can only mean it is for our highest good and that of our home too, Gaia.
Our goal is the unification of the highest version of our true self, with the highest consciousness we can tap in to.
Only through Unity will we achieve wonderous things; whether as an idividual or as a collective.  It is that belief we shall hold fast in our bodies, hearts and minds, because that is our driving force of the future. The future is here today, it is available for all, and it is at our fingertips.
It is this I hold within me for that is the essence I am and ever shall ever be. I am an evolving form of love that is the most incredible energy I can manifest. It is this essence that is my driving force and it is a pleasure to share it with others. Through a pure connection of love miracles will happen, because love always finds a way 🙂
Thank you for reading, Until the next time ❤

The Vision Alignment Project ~ A Vision for Knowledge


Yes indeed!

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Knowledge

We see a world where access to information of any kind is available to all; where those who read in order to learn are freely given access to any book, magazine or printed material that will further their growth; and where those who have transcended reading and who are able to intuit or pull knowledge directly from the Universe are encouraged to do so.

Consequently, we see schools set up for the purpose of teaching people how to access information directly from the Universe; where our power to know the past – and thus know how the true history of any given event unfolded – is available to all. Likewise, we see a world where our psychic and intuitive powers are enhanced to the point where we can simply put a book under our pillow or by our bedside at night, and we awaken in the morning having gleaned the precise information we needed to gather from it.

In the same manner, we see ourselves ultimately living in a world where we have found a place in our minds where we can visit with our “personal librarian” whom we can call upon at any time for the purpose of gaining the knowledge we need to move forward in life. We see each and every person intimately connected with their angelic librarian and, as a result, all things needing to be revealed at anytime are revealed. No longer are we, the people, deceived in any way. No longer are our great inventions and creations hidden from us. And no longer are we kept in the dark for lack of knowledge.

Clearly, the new paradigm is one where we have left our secrets behind and stepped into a dimension where access to any kind of information is available to anyone who seeks it. The wool is lifted from our eyes, as we have entered into the light where all is seen and all is known.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Lisa Transcendence Brown 10/26/17 ~ A Multi-Dimensional “Typical” Day


Received via e-mail…  (My apologies ~ one day I will remember how to spell her name on the first try!  lol )


Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEings,

This is an “in this moment” experience, once that OUR VIBRATION DICTATES… trying to plan, forget it, except when doing in full alignment, which we take great care with, as trying to pack too much into a small “space of time” or trying to force anything, committing to something that you cannot guarantee (vibrationally), means unless you SEE inside of you that you are to “do” “that thing”, then you might want to relax your commitments/scheduling a bit. This is something we learn to do, all along the way…. for getting in flow with vibrational realities that shift/move and are not affixed, take a bit of maneuvering until we understand how all works here.

Those things are are supporting your highest timelines/realities are easy, not forced or controlled. They “come to you” and it’s up to you to decide if it’s fully aligned with what you see/feel/know. Thinking will take you back to an “old dimension”. Observation though will shift you into another one, one where you can see from a multitude of perspectives in order to stretch, bend, untangle, disconnect cords/tethers, re-write a different story/program and collapse the entire reality/timeline, by observing the energy and constructs that held all in place.

Quantum Existence gives us the capABILITY to change the entire reality, the beliefs that created, the transmissions that activated that reality and all other realities as well…. Gives us the capABILITY to tune our consciousness to alternate realities on higher timelines and hold “that” vibration until it materializes in the physical, reversing everything….

In observing the multitudes of realities present at any given time, we each can observe our mentalities, our feelings, our perceptions and embrace the POWER that we each hold. It’s absolutely beautiful! No matter how “fixed” a reality “seems to be”…. it never is…

Every moment of PURE OPEN HEARTED EXPERIENCE gives us each the opportUNITY to come together, to inspire, to create, to embrace, to be ready for “new” and to completely inJOY the experience that meets us as we travel through our days. The days where there are challenges, it’s important to understand that these are “constructs” of matrix programs held in place by emotions, beliefs and mentalities. Presence, caring, kindness, compassion, respect, integrity and purity dissolve all of the mental realities that created separation to start with. ♥

Do you ALLOW yourself to experience what’s available or do you let your head get in the way? This is important to realize, with everything….

WE all have the POWER to hold LOVE as our way…. to unite, to share, to support, to receive, to be there for each other while standing on our own, without any of the old “lack” programs anymore. These experiences of generosity, kindness and consideration, creating intentionally and anchoring higher timelines in, is absolutely beautiful!

There will be challenges, where there is any ego still involved. Deep into the root chakra we all went again in July, to clear any of these old distortions out, within ourselves. Every day is observing, honoring our bodies, ourselves, our relationships to everything, everyone, all things and how we treat each other/behave matters. Each day now, something of the old might present. It’s important to recognize that this is what this is and to move through it/process/resolve and shift BACK into a timeline/reality that supports all of our highest everything here.

Every moment is an opportUNITY…. it’s a “test” to see what each will do, believe, choose. There’s no hiding, everything is “exposed”/visible in these mega-high vibrational frequencies. The rest is judgment and fear, which are the vibrations that are no longer able to exist.

Lately, to FEEL these frequencies, so high everyday… it’s beyond beautiful, and we continue to go higher daily now. Out in nature, around others, inner-acting and making other’s days, bringing smiles to faces, just by being happy, acknowledging each other as Star-Light Families is such a heart-expanding experience!

It’s time to UNITE….. to come together, to create, to experience the REWARDS of what we’ve all dedicated ourselves to all of these years/eons….

Everything aligned is natural, organic, easy… there’s very little effort for things to align now. Intentionally aligning for years re-set the foundation for our realities now. It’s funny, because every time I go to do something that’s not easy, I REMEMBER, just wait, just let it go and wait… and it will all align naturally. I shift my vibration, open up for a new timeline and collapse the old one immediately, knowing that our sleep states we are clearing a ridiculous amount of timelines and jumping mega-quantum as we do. Just this morning, I awoke to a gazillion things to move through fast, so that all could converge easily…. just so cool!

Many are experiencing their realities changing from linear/fixed to non-linear/vibrational, which is a huge and continual part of this “continually going higher/acclimating to higher frequencies” and anchoring more Heaven on Earth within our physical body structures. We are the ones that anchor and hold. We are the ones that experience the magic as we do. Anywhere we still hold ego separation within, do not yet come from unity-love-consciousness, are “trying” to hold onto old unconscious anything, then we will enter into an experience to show us this energy/resistance/control/fear/judgment/attachment/dualistic energy we still hold within. It’s important that we recognize all for what it is…. Everything will REPRESENT pure love consciousness or fear/lack consciousness.

You set the tone for your realities, you dictate the experience with your mentalities, your own energy. Y/Our NEW Earth Realities are responsive…. reciprocal… They return to us what we invest ourselves/energy in. What we focus on counts. Our behavior matters.

OpportUNITY and Ideas…. these are what we “get” in the beginning…. we are to utilize these to create, step through any fears and eventually become the one that SHARES OPPORTUNITIES with each other, shares ideas, shares reSOURCEs, shares and opens up more for all through a huge sharing portal! ♥

These vibrations totally SUPPORT living dreams, living as LOVE, living in magic, while making a difference with all that we connect with as love. These support those huge Quantum Jumps, without “needing to know”. Just trust…. allow DIVINE TIMING to bring you your awesome realities as you focus on openness, sharing and being your highest everything.

BEAUTY is available in everything, when we reconnect with the BEAUTY of all within ourselves and awaken to explore each day, open up more each day and venture into heart-connected relationships and experiences just waiting for us to arrive!

Relationships increasingly move to the forefront, as old patterns are visible and we choose totally different timelines instead. As each make Unity-Love-Consciousness a priority, then the rest falls away so much easier than before and higher timelines come forth easier too!

Listen to your Body as it speaks to you. As it awakens more, it becomes a living form that shows you when it is happy, when it is forced into anything that is a vibrational suppression/mis-match and it will speak loudly through your feelings. It will tell you when it needs to rest/shut down/sleep to integrate, clear it’s template, need exercise/movement/nature, when it needs alone/me/be time and more. It will tell you when it’s hungry, what it wants to eat and this will no longer “fit” into the old belief systems of “food/eating” and what is proper/right/wrong. Photonic Light moving through your body to awaken it, unanchor/release suppressed emotions and integrate encoded light into your muscles, organs, flesh, bones…. re-writing how your body functions, does not fall into any “old normal” category…. it makes up it’s own. 🙂 It “tells” your human what it needs, what is aligned and what is not. You have to learn it’s language.

Be ready for all new, be ready to let go of anything that no longer supports/is aligned with your absolute highest everything you. Be ready to shift, jump and slide into all new realities, as any hesitation is your own fear and attachments to something that represents and old/unconscious vibrational reality/aspect of you. Open up and be ready! In every moment! It’s so much easier!

In-this-moment right now… you are creating/vibrating a reality to come forth. When your focus is love, unity, happy, peace and freedom, you’ll start saying “no” a whole lot and shift what you do focus your energy on, realizing that you are the one supporting every reality that you experience here. Until you decide not to anymore….

Everyday, I expect and am ready for magical, amazing, awesome and peaceful, beautiful, kind, unity, supporting realities… and everyday this is what I transmit out FIRST so that with every step, this is what is all around me. We all can do this…. we all have the ability. We all have to CHOOSE to and make sure this is how we live…. in-every-moment.

When we can’t, we are clearing… we are patient and go-all-in to this too, to move through it and shift the unconscious programming ourselves. We sleep to complete the process and awaken ready to greet a whole new day. Sometimes it lasts a few hours, sometimes a whole day. It will last until all of that energy is gone, until the construct has been broken down and the re-coding process is complete. Full consciousness can do this easily. Big programs are deeper and these take more awareness and presence on our part. There are many deep programs embedded in our templates, cellular storage (cells) and entire body that get lesser as we go. The process is “faster” when we exist non-linearly/Quantum, than when we existed linearly (in our heads) and still held duality within us…

Quantum Multi-Dimensionality means that we can shift anytime we choose, we can see programming instantly and we can tune to a different vibration anytime we are fully conscious. This is our natural state, and linear human is our “alien” one. It’s quite funny how everything comes to be as we REMEMBER fully again.

Keep honoring you, keep shining your light, keep opening up, researching to awaken your heart/soul and expanding your mind beyond the limits once believed.

Every moment we are continuing to anchor and integrate immense light codes into our physical body structures and physical realities too. I’m excited to see what comes next!!!! Continually ready is how we do Super Quantum here!

Trust your higher-self-heart. Learning to tell the difference vibrationally between your head and what you do already know inside is a huge part of this process of returning to highest vibrational existence again. ♥

Love from Kauai ♥
~ Lisa ~

10/24: New DNA Upgrades Happening Now


Sourced from facebook…


October 24, 2017

Aloha everyone,

New DNA upgrades are in the happening right now as more light is pouring unto Gaia!

New legions of benevolent beings of liquid light are being sent down to help us individually & collectively.

If you find yourself going through physical discomfort, unexplained pain, dizziness, digestion problems, loss or gain of appetite, weight loss or gain, palpitations, anxiety even, blurry vision, restlessness, migraines, extreme fatigue or hyperactivity, flu like symptoms, or old traumas of all sorts coming up to trouble you, if you are already suffering from an illness & the symptoms seem to be getting worst etc.; YOU ARE GOING THROUGH HIGHER DNA UPGRADE THAN YOU EVER WENT through until now!

Rest enough, drink plain water as much as possible, listen to your body, absorb Sun’s energy as much as possible, if weather permits go to nature to ground more often, use essential oil, Epsom salts, binaural beats to soothe you & bring you an overall sense of well being.

Your spiritual body upgrades & adjusts faster than your corporeal self. It always takes longer for your physical body to adjust, at times your soul might even go too fast by skipping a few “steps”… this might manifest in your physical body in ways mentioned above.

Remember: AA Raphael is always ready to assist you & bring you an instant relief, without your consent he can’t intervene! You can always call for his assistance.

This self-healing activation meditation works wonders for me, try it & see if it works for you:


May my love flow to all

Indigo Love

Energy Update: Shit Just Got Real


Sourced from facebook.  Will share my day around this stuff next.  Can relate to this one.


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Collective Consciousness is purging all toxic emotions/ancient karmic timelines since the Annunaki timeline collapsed 4-5 days ago. When a timeline collapses collectively, it affects the collective. Be patient with yourselves and others while the new one emerges.

Things are surfacing “fast” to be healed, released and let go. I mentioned things are in an “accelerated” shift right now through the end of the year. This may throw some in a depressed state, or agitated state with zero patience…. until all surfaces for you that’s been held within deep cellular programming. Embrace it and go with it. Don’t fight it, or the more uncomfortable it will be for you.

If this is you…ask yourself, what is surfacing to acknowledge and break free of right now? Timelines are popping up like, bam, bam, bam to choose the outcome, heal, collapse. Just like that! This releases massive amounts of ancient karma! The collective is experiencing this now.

This shift may cause relationships to end “quickly,” which are no longer a vibrational match.

Family issues will be brought up for review and discussion that are dysfunctional. Some of these relationships may move in another direction as well.

Relationship patterns will be brought up for review to understand from your higher self. This will collapse the programming into healthier future relationships.

Nothing is off the table, all is up for review! And this will happen in an accelerated fashion, rather than having to move through it for years.

When I say accelerated shift, that is putting it mildly. Things are moving along very quickly now!! And this is a Good Thing! For those who have collapsed their personal timelines and merged all to one, you will be experiencing a whole other reality right now. That is one of peace, unconditional love, and bliss! A zero point to rest, play and contemplate your next leap which is your personal free will choice!

Everyone will get there that puts in the work necessary. Take solace in knowing it won’t take years now. Instead, it’s days, hours, or minutes. That’s the great news!

If you missed the latest Energy Report that explains what is occurring through this shift, please click here >>> https://tiffany-stiles.com/…/energy-shift-update-by-tiffan…/

As always, please share what you are experiencing below. I always love to hear from you!

Sending much love,
~Tiffany 💝❣️💝

A Vision for Fulfillment


Life-long desires in this one.  I can fill the energy permeate throughout my being, most definitely in my Center.  For children to thrive they need parents who are thriving themselves.  It’s all connected…WE are all connected.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Fulfillment

We envision a world where the needs of all people everywhere are fulfilled; where our children have all the food, friends, shelter, comforts, caring and loving guidance they need in order to thrive and reach their highest calling in life; where the adults have everything they need, as well, in each and every moment, so that we are able to do what we came here to this Earth to do; and where our society – humanity, as a whole – is being given everything it needs in order to achieve its highest and greatest destiny.

All peoples everywhere have gleaned the wisdom in sharing what they have with others so that everyone can keep moving forward on their chosen path in life. In a world such as this, none are left by the wayside, all are seen as equal regardless of their differences, and a Spirit has come forth across the land that is reflected in the smiles on the faces of both the children and adults, as we are all sharing our Earthly resources freely with one another.

Indeed, we see a world where we are all being given everything we need. There is no shortage. There is only abundance in a world where we are all are fulfilled in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our souls.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.




Vision Alignment Project: A Vision for You


LOVE this one!


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for You

Here is a Vision for You, although it could just as easily be an Intention. Feel free to copy, paste and print it out. Then, all you have to do is say it as often as you like – and be ready for good things to come your way!

I see a world where / I intend that . . .
~ I am happy and glad to be alive;
~ I have friends aplenty;
~ I have found my highest calling in life;
~ I enjoy my work and it helps many;
~ I am healthy and abundant in every way imaginable;
~ I am strong of heart, yet kind and tolerant of others;
~ I am loved by all I meet and loving to all I meet;
~ I know that I am perfect just as I am;
~ I am balanced and bold in the face of my fears;
~ I am free to live my life as I choose;
~ I am caring for the Earth and all her beautiful creations, and She is caring for me in return;
~ I have a place inside where I can go to find comfort when all around me is swirling;
~ I feel my Oneness with God:
~ I know who I truly am;
~ I am blessed beyond measure;
~ I have peace now and for always;
~ I am serene.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Jenny Schiltz ~ Energy Update: Letting It All Go


Editor’s note:  As always, I appreciate Jenny’s authenticity and “humaness”. There are far too many peeps in this ascension community who have such a holier than all of ya’ll and somehow think they have no human “parts”.  Nonsense.  As reader Robin said this morning about this piece(sorry Robin this was too good not to share!):    

I get so sick of all the talk that feels like ‘you have to have a high vibration all the time and if you don’t, you’re going to left behind‎.’  Like we’re supposed to be farting butterflies and rainbows all the time while holding all our shit inside.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]

I can relate to this one.  Let go let go let go.  Perhaps I could take my girl’s crayons and write it all over the walls for a good reminder. Acknowledging (compared to dismissing).  I had a similar dream that she describes at the end a couple of weeks ago.  


The change in the air is palatable. We know that things are moving much quicker now and there is a weight of responsibility with this knowledge. We are being asked to let go of it all. All that we thought we were, all that we identify with and all the limitations we have put on ourselves.

Some are feeling deep depression and anxiety. This can be due to feeling the pull of the higher timeline while pieces within are still operating from a lower perspective. This is causing all that we have not completely healed within to be pulled up at a deeper level. It is the time we clear up all that we were not ready to face before. It can feel like torture until you realize that it can be the final goodbye to that pain if you are willing.

Others are finding the need for quiet and stillness. There is much shifting within and the deep changes require patience. It is a fascinating time as some are finding that their guides are backing off to allow for the integration of the higher self. Others are finding their higher-self embedding deeply and this is allowing access to greater contact within the universe. It is as if a quarantine has been lifted and access to All has gotten much stronger.

This is the time of disclosure. While it isn’t “out there” yet, it is happening within. It is time we own all of our stuff, all of our dysfunction, and most importantly our stories.

Spiritual teachings tell us that we must not identify with our stories that they are simply illusions. Yet, I am reminded of Sananda saying “To look at your life and call it an illusion is to negate the incredible work you have done.” What I am coming to understand is that we need to honor our stories, but let the emotions that tie them to us go. Our stories, our history, what has happened to us, are what has shaped us into who we are now. Often it is through difficult life experiences that we grow the most. We have been forged, purified and strengthened in the fire.

It is understanding that you can honor your stories without having them limit your perception of all that you are. When we are unable to let go of the emotions that we attach to events in life, these can then become part of our identity and secure us firmly into a reality we don’t want to be in. Releasing these emotions can be much like the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Except, it is crucial to add forgiveness and the releasing of judgments we have of self and others. We cannot wish away the truth behind our experiences with positivity and love and light. We must feel it, own it and then and only then can we release it.

Looking at the #metoo movement (where women are admitting to being sexually harassed or abused) we can see where people are moving into the stages of release. We can see where some are admitting things for the first time publicly, for others it gives an outlet to release anger and sadness. There is also a grouping that is saying #metoo and in those simple words, they realize that the events no longer hold power over them.

Each person needs to be allowed their process and it doesn’t matter how messy it may seem. If you haven’t been able to release it yet, now is the time to honor those emotions and how they have changed you (for the good and bad), release all judgments and set yourself free. There is an external energetic push to heal all of this now. Allow the energies to help you leave behind the pain of your stories and turn them into your story of triumph and overcoming.

All change happens from WITHIN.

What I have come to understand is this not only means within ourselves but within institutions, belief systems, and concepts. I came to this understanding while discussing the education system with my highest self in regards to my 9-year-old daughter. I have offered to homeschool her or to find a school that is better suited for sensitive children. Her answer to me has been the same since she was five “Mom that is where I need to be.” There are moments when I know she is speaking from a higher wisdom and I simply have to trust even if I don’t understand it. I turned to my team for understanding and they explained that all change happens from within.

This does not apply to just within the person but within institutions like schools, government, healthcare and even concepts such as how women are treated in this society. This is one reason that so many are feeling the pressure to “get back out there”. It is time to shine the light in all areas of life on earth and allow change to happen. It is time to see where each of us has played a part in what has been created and help fix it by simply shining the light and our truth.

We are also being asked to let go of the ways that we have identified ourselves on this spiritual journey. I remember merging with Archangel Raphael and my guides telling me, “Don’t identify with this, for you are so much more.” As we awaken and find our 3D identity stripped, we can cling onto new identities. These also must go as we step into the new. It is not that it is a problem to claim yourself as a lightworker or however you define yourself as long as you understand that is an extremely limited definition of all that you are in your totality. We are being asked to let go of the box we were put in or that we created for ourselves and to instead experience ALL THAT WE ARE.

While it is a challenging time energetically, physically, and collectively, we are being asked to let go of all resistance we still have and simply let go.

This was illustrated for me during a lucid dream:
I was on a whale watching boat and the seas were extremely rough. I was standing on the back of the boat with another person when a huge wave came and knocked us off. We hit the water just as a whirlpool was created and we were being sucked down. I looked over and the other person was fighting with all his strength to not be sucked under. I began to fight as well when my higher-self says “Stop fighting, you have a life jacket on.” So I stopped, took in a big breathe and allowed myself to be pulled deep below the sea.

The suction began to ease, the sea began to calm. I opened my eyes to see whales swimming nearby as I began to rise towards the surface. I looked over to see that the person who had fallen off the boat with me, had lost all his air and had died in the struggle. I reached the surface took a giant breath of glorious air and saw the sun shining brightly. 
I heard my higher-self say “All of you have life jackets, stop resisting and allow it to help you.”

Upon returning from this vision, I asked my higher self what she meant by we all have life jackets and she said that the soul’s natural disposition is to always rise to the light, it is our life jacket.

Feel your life jacket and know that even though you may feel like you are being sucked under, that you will rise again. Your soul knows no other way.

Sending you all lots of love and calm seas. Thank you to all who share this work. It means more than you know. <3

Jenny <3

Sourced from here.

Victor Oddo ~ Ascension Energy Update for 10/23/17 ~ “Something Big Is Coming”


Certainly experiencing some things in my life not flowing and I am more than willing to just let all of that stuff go to allow for N E W.  I also appreciate how he speaks of the inner child needing comfort ~ re-experiencing old habits and patterns.  Being in that loop again.  Ugh! Yes ditto!  I am totally fed up with myself over certain patterns and especially thought bubbles of fear.  Got into that again today and stopped myself. No. That is NOT Who I Am.  I will not succumb to being afraid of what’s “out there” any longer.  Strong desire to revolt.  Become free again.  Yes yes yes.  !!  Breaking free of the chains ~ I feel that energy.  It is very palpable.  Also of interest in how he speaks of opening to a new way of healing ~ which I recently dove into with working with a Shaman ~ an experience I will be having again this weekend.  Until then purifying is in store ~ and Gaia is cooperating with a full week of sun and warmth.  Anyway…good information in this one.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Ascension Energy Update – (Week Of October 23rd)

Published on Oct 23, 2017