Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Buckle UP, Force Infinity


editor victoria’s comment ~ feeling the same…..feeling things are now lined up for something big….not just CME’s and speaking of those i read a brief piece by Adam Foreman who seems to work with Yellow Rose for Texas (they know one another and tag one another on social media)….he says what we see coming from the sun are explosions –  not CME’s as NASA calls them….i found that interesting….



We looked ahead as far as we could see and there is *huge* energy coming this week… we got chills on our chills… which of course is hintimated by all the CMEs incoming, but MORE energy is gonna somehow ride in on that energy, or something. Even “regular” people (normies) are gonna feel it… and start CHANGING, from the inside. The light’s either gonna go full ON inside them, or full OFF (and then they’ll go nuts — AVOID, watch for foam).

There are also two unusual late-spring storms due to hit the SF Bay Area, right in time with the CMEs. Interesting.

Also… we didn’t know exactly when to say this, but might as well too now. After this upcoming full moon, we see a big FLASH and a boom. This could involve the sun. It could involve something else (nothing bad, though). We can’t see anything else past that. Could be The SHIFT. Could be the big energy WHOMP. Could be Godzilla with our light latte. Note: We DO see us still being worked on by our ET and Spirit friends (and the sun and Gaia) after all this, on DNA/energy upgrades, etc., so… we’re not going to vanish. Either way: Buckle Up, Force Infinity. We need a nap.


Terran Cognito ~ Message from HATJ 5/13/19





Checking in
May 13, 2019 at 11:20 AM
Check-in protocol with Youssef at a.m. and p.m. now…
allllll the work behind the scenes, including, and not limited to, the months of work in the records offices regarding the blanket pardons, the earlier-in-the-year notices by counselor about mass releases (time frame was unknown), etc., etc., etc….
everyone was “a buzz” this weekend after FOX NEWS reportedly announced via “ticker tape” that Federal Women Prisons begin mass release of non-violent offenders this week 🙂
…different attitudes/frequencies after this weekend’s “news report”
yes, i expect, accept, and appreciate all from ALL…lol, remember?…one of the primary choice points for the last 5+ years (all ways) was “to be or not to be”…the specific and particular choices that were made by each are evident now for ALL to see, injoy/enjoy, and celebrate (laugh about!).
love you all <3

Linea faerylight ginn ~ The event 2019. Reflections on yesterday’s update. ❤️


editor victoria’s comment ~ aligning w/this – although i am not absolutely certain as to the how’s of the hijack – just know this isn’t home and we are ending the matrix deceptions and controls….our home-base (new earth – original earth – so many names used for the same “space”) – is already created. seen it felt it Know it….interesting perspective as to the “HOW” this ends…i have had that same feel…also appreciate how she says, essentially, that while we are One we aren’t the same….true creativity creates diverse experiences…..


Published on May 13, 2019

Communication clearings going on ~ throat issues


editor victoria’s comment ~ sharing because i have been feeling into this for months now (sometimes it takes me awhile to acknowledge my FEEL is a KNOW and is thus Truth)…..months ago i was guided to speak with Love….and i was guided to only speak when i feel i need to…to be conscious of how i speak and to speak my Truth…..and to rest my voice… the New this is just how we operate….i notice when i don’t listen to that guidance my throat and chest get all icky/congested….of course the spraying of the skies creates symptoms – but i know this issue is about more than just throat irritants…..


Gordon Chase Sorensen II
There is a huge communication clearing going on right now. You may notice yourself or others coughing or clearing their throat a lot. It may be sore, or you could lose your voice. Be very intentional with your words. Since we entered the 5D timeline manifestations have been accelerated and imbalances have become harder to ignore. Don’t suppress speaking your truth, but also don’t try to force communication if it’s not coming naturally. One very important thing is to try not to speak things excessively harsh, or project anger from your throat chakra. This creates blockages and allows lower chakra entities and implants to be attached. They then can disrupt your ability to communicate effectively, use your voice to project negativity, and cause physical discomfort. Speak clearly and firmly, but gently. Avoid yelling and swearing excessively in anger. This is a big one – don’t allow yourself to be pulled into conflict paradigm arguments. Speak your blessings, and articulate your forgiveness if someone wrongs you. Your voice is one of your most powerful tools, and especially at this time I encourage you to use it wisely.

333  New Earth Guardian

Young girl gives amazing insight into what to expect during the next 6 weeks


editor victoria’s comment ~ i am sharing these amazing words and images with permission from the mother.  originally shared in an Event social media group….here are the words of the mother:  

“My daughter is 9, and she is very special. She is speaking of incredible things. She believes she is a Lyran, here to help humanity. I am finding I am also a Lyran. (She fortuitously found this adorable little stuffed animal, a shiny colorful lion with a unicorn horn, made just for her!) 🦁

She has been speaking very freely and independently of events we are all expecting! I am in awe!! 🤩

We made notes today of what she is seeing will happen in the next 6 weeks.”


Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ THe event 2019. UPDATE.


editor victoria’s comment ~ hmmm….not sure how i feel about this one…hesitant is the best word to describe my feel…..what comes to me now is to just Trust and not allow my desire for this transition become the energy of desperation.  i say that because i have had moments of desperation where i have felt this clingy neeeeeeeeeeeed to hear from home….that is an experience of fear so listening to this one – well i may need to listen to it more than once to get an accurate feel….please share your comments on this – let me know what you feel listening to this….


Published on May 11, 2019

A compilation of my dreams, visions, experiences of Home/The Event


i’m feeling the need to write this one up – got it in the shower portal.  i will make it brief as many of you have already read about these experiences – but new subscribers have not.  the previous video i shared about the pastor’s experience of the event (his word – the rapture) inspired me.

first dream of home:  about 12 years ago i had a dream where i was in an earth-like planet.  it felt new – purified.  the air was perfect.  i was caring for a group of kids – making them a meal.  my mate was in the garden.  the children were ages 7/8/9 and i knew one was ours – a girl – and she looked like our girl does today.  this was before we had our child in this realm.   i said nothing about this experience until my mate had the same dream several months later.

visit from Home:  july 2009 – 10 years ago this year.  telepathic communication sent to me to come outside (it was late evening).  i walk outside and see this amazing, beautiful large white pulsating orb/craft.  it headed towards us – stopped – the pulsing was so beautiful.  i received an image of what/who i saw on board and heard “hello vicki.  see you soon.”  it then took a 90 degree turn and winked out.  until that moment i had felt a sense of homesickness throughout my life.  during those brief moments it was gone and i felt Home in a way i had not recalled having.  soon is 10 years earth time.  interesting as i recalled a little bit ago yellow rose saying our “being away” from home is 10 years outside of this realm.  just found the 10 years an interesting little thing….

other dreams:

*dream of the stars falling and as i watched this occur, i thought “wow it really is a simulation here!”  i was excited to see it all happen for ALL to see.

*first event dream was a little over 2 years ago.  until this dream i was on the fence about this thing called the event.  in it, i am in my neighborhood here – walking up the street with my daughter.  people are out in the street – some look shocked – others are blissed out.  happy.  celebrating.  i see a white cloudy mist everywhere in the sky – and it is transparent enough i am able to see “new” planets.  i put the term new in quotes because none of this is really new – it’s really what has always been.  we just haven’t been privy to seeing it given our imprisonment here.  the main message of this dream:  the event is indeed “real” and it impacts every being.

*dream of seeing myself in stasis inside of a room, inside of some sort of craft (large craft was the sense).  i know it’s me even though i look a bit different – taller, curlier and thicker hair, nose is slightly smaller and straight (in this experience here i broke my nose in 3rd grade) and i am definitely younger.  i’m sleeping – and i felt “stasis” looking at myself.  i was only allowed to take a quick peek.

*dreams of boarding white trains and other vehicles – heading home.  and heading east.

*waking experience sitting at the kitchen table in september 2017.  i felt a buzzing sensation at the base of my spine which traveled up my back, neck and out the top of my head.  i then felt this energy literally pull me up to which instincts kicked in and i braved myself.  no way was i going to just “leave” my family, who was sitting at the table.  i then heard in my left ear (which i call my sweet spot) – “this is how it happens”.  the buzzing ended and the experience was over.  i learned within days of 2 others who had the same experience, also while sitting at a table eating.

i’m sure there are more i am forgetting but those are the highlights.




Steve Olson/WSO ~ Is THAT a DARK Circle Around the SUN? ++ MOON Weirder than Normal


UPDATE:  i took 3 pics of the sun late this afternoon.  here’s one of the captures.  i see a few rings around it – not like in the video below which shows a ring circling the size of the sun – what i captured you will see is far outside of the sun’s range.  but still – several rings around it.

uh, wow!?  the sun w/a circle around it??  i’m with his first response:  proof of the breaking down of our reality…mate and i have a theory – that circle around the sun could be that Stargate that MrMB333 showed us 1-2 months back…and as my mate is saying is saying the incoming CME’s on mother’s day and the day after will be amplified by the stargate and we will thus portal out – enough energy created to enable this….i can see that……my first thought was that’s the stargate and it is now in front of the sun – in position – to portal us out…and then the sun goes NOVA (as yellow rose has said)………


Published on May 8, 2019

ERIC RAINES: “Dissolution Of Quarantine Barriers And Protocols Are Beginning”


Editor Victoria’s comment ~ an absolutely beautiful, awesome piece.  i like his work – his insights/perception – and his energy.  i am feeling the same.  the more “free” we become the more “they” attempt to block the Liberation.  good reminder for all including myself to remain neutral to the drama – much in the way a young child or adult displays when not getting his/her way.  notice it – call it out for what it is (in the situation of deep state actors behaving badly) – but don’t absorb the energy.  This could also provide a (possible) explanation for this new schumann grid that came online several days ago.  As he said – “we got this”.  Success is the result.  I just had a flash of a vision of seeing us pulling in a new reality – literally – with our Consciousness.  All the old “gunk” that doesn’t align with Love…Freedom….Truth…gets replaced.  



Energy Update 5/6/19

Dissolution of quarantine barriers and protocols are beginning.

There has been an incredible shift of energy in the past week, dissolving multiple layers of density and the Archontic control systems that were frameworked inside of that heavy/rotten energy.

One of the most exciting parts of this development is that the Quarantine densities that are keeping higher dimensional Galactic consciousness trom being felt and experienced on the surface of the planet have drastically reduced.

The barrier used to extend out physically over 10,000 miles above the surface, making it almost impossible for any being of light to exist here in comfortable balance, simply because the environment was so alien and uncomfortable for them. It was similar to stepping into the deepest depths of the ocean with no protection….physically impossible to exist there.

What has happened because of this, is a system of focusing multiple beings into one intention/energy/strengthening and building up so much light that they could use it as a “submarine” until the buildup ran out and they were forced out of this dense environment.

As the Earth stretches and becomes less dense, more and more blockage under the surface in the leyline flows are being dissolved and movement is beginning.

In this past week, a major blockage in the European continent began to flow, disseminating energy in a much stronger resonance to the rest of the planet, beginning to stretch and dissolve similar blockages on all 7 continents.

This has drastically weakened the quarantine barrier from 10,000 miles to less than 100, giving all beings working for the greater good on the outside of our planet, physically as well as energetically, a staging ground of epic proportions.

Think along the lines of someone throwing darts at a darboard from across a football field. After such a long time, more often than not, they can hit the board, but by simply moving 10 feet away, they can effortlessly nail bullseyes shot after shot.

We are going to start seeing much more activity in the sky. Concentrated conscious lightships are going to become much more common and the broadcast of light/information is going to become much stronger and easier to disseminate and more importantly use.

What this means for us is twofold. With every step forward, there is resistance and working around the progress done, simply because these progressions mean the Apocalypse of the powers that shouldn’t be.

We are going to be noticing this as a mass distraction campaign, so keep an eye out for any hot button topic that relentlessly gets pushed, or false flag attacks that drown out all other physical news. This is designed to inflame as much political, sociological, environmental, diplomatic, emotional and energetic tension as possible as many experience these wild swings with no reference for what is happening.

Let the awareness of what is happening sink in, but focus yourself on your growth, progression and emotional intelligence, because on the other end of this energy harvesting, we have incredibly powerful points of light broadcasting pure higher dimensional energy closer to the surface in a magnitude that has not been felt in millennia.

Right now, each and every one of us has the opportunity to do the work of decades in the space of months.

In the past, isolating yourself, disappearing in nature and communing with the deepest levels of conscious human body interaction for years on end was the only way to begin opening up the light resonance strong enough to the point that this information, these abilities and the structural knowledge was not just noticed, but actually able to be used.

What this means is that it took years of work to be able to achieve what is your birthright. Your Natural Body.

As there is more light sweeping through the solar system, there is more light inside of the Quarantine. There is more light to anchor into and grow and thus more light is able to come in.

This means everything. What you always have felt as magic and impossible is truly an extension of your awareness. Now the dense layers of energy that are keeping the vast majority from feeling the movement are dissolving.

Keep your focus on who you want to be, what you want your life to be and building yourself into something more, something pure.

Keep your eyes up. Keep your hearts lifted. Stay aware, but build what you wish to experience.

We got this!