A great influx of light into your system. – The Council








A great influx of light into your system. – The Council

via Ron Head, published on Oracles and Healers, on October 25, 2018

We have told you through many messengers that there would be, and now is, a great influx of light into your system. We have told you that there would be no one and no thing that would not be affected by this wave of light. We have even told you that you are truly well into this process at this time. And we wish to inform you now that while all of this is indeed the case, the intensity will continue to increase.

The reason we are addressing this today is that it is causing such great change within each of you that even some of those who have become well aware of what we have told you are becoming disoriented, confused, and even at times disheartened. It is one thing to understand warnings of impending chaos and confusion, and it is quite another to experience living within that sort of energy.

Today we would like to give you another way to see what is now all around you so that you may continue to be the magnificent beacons that you are.

Imagine that the world you are living upon is a can of paint. You are looking down into the can. Now stir it up. Mix all of the different degrees of light together well. There is lots of love, a good deal of compassion, some peace of mind, and many other colors, as well. We know there is also some red hatred and anger. There is even some black. But when it is stirred well we tell you that black is not the result. It is not even a dark gray. But the swirls of black, grey, and red are doing their very best to hang onto their intensity so that they stand out well against the background of the more predominant pastels of love, compassion, and kindness.

Now imagine that there is a huge barrel of perfectly white paint being poured into the can as it is being stirred. Imagine the color of the paint in the can becoming lighter and lighter. Also imagine that there are millions of tiny spigots of the whiteness that have been planted within the can that now begin to release the whiteness that they have brought with them. And the paint in the can has no option but to become lighter and lighter until eventually it is cream, eggshell, and then white.

That is what you are currently living through. It is very difficult to see this happening when all around you there is confusion and you are being shown only the black, red, and grey by those that live in and for the black, red, and grey. You need only look around you to see and even feel that there is actually a lot more pink and gold than you are being shown. And your confusion and angst are actually caused by your own yearning for the light. Are they not?

We wish you to know that there is great deal more of that perfect white paint being poured into the entire system that you inhabit. And little pixels that refuse to change color will eventually be washed away.

Now this is all a cute and pretty picture. Anyone could say sweet things to you and pat you on the back and ask you to pull yourself together. Is that not so? So what we ask you to do know is to make a daily effort to see something around you, or on your internet if you have that, that is improving. There is, in truth, quite a lot of that going on. If you look, you will find it. Then, for that day, be the little spigot of white paint, of love and compassion, where you stand.

Know that we are here. We are with you each and every moment. And our hearts are filled with love and the greatest respect for you as you fulfill the challenge that you have taken upon yourselves. You – where you are – doing what you do are divine pieces of All That Is. The world must change because of what you are, and it is doing so. It will reflect the light of your being. Love and blessings to each of you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com

Sourced from here.

Kp Message 10-26-18… “There are many levels of ‘Light Workers’ that are involved at this moment”


There are many levels of Light Workers that are involved at this moment. Some are holding the Light for the “White Hats”. Some are holding the Light for the “Dark Hats”. Some are holding the Light for “The Left”… and some, for “The Right”. And many are holding the Light for that which is beyond any of those labelled “entities”.

It is a massive operation, and it is in process right now.

By the way, I offer no traditional “proof” for any of this. It is simply what I “get”.

There have been some powerful dreams the past two nights… particularly last night. Parts of mine had to do with working in the most intense “darkness of Illusion”, and then breaking through into the Light. Don’t recall any specifics of mine, but it was quite apparent what was happening… after I “broke through” into the Light.

My sense is that this is a wider meaning for all of humanity. Hue-manity (Light worker community) has been holding space for this breakthrough into the Light, for quite some time. And now it is happening all over the place. So-called “ordinary” people are breaking through into their own awareness of who (and what) they really are… BEings of Light.

The illusion is over. It no longer holds any “grip” on people (at least many of them). Those who still choose to hold on to the illusion are soon to be released from it… by their own awakening, and their own choosing.

This message is brought to you by “BEings of Light Foundation”… it has nothing to do with any of the earth foundations that some may have heard about. This “Foundation” has been here since the beginning.

Those who “get” the message from this post will “get it”.

That is all for now.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced here.

A Reader Shares His Experience Seeing “Sparkles” (Sprinklings)


Editor Victoria’s Comment:  First I am happy to share this.  I LOVE HEARING OF YOUR EXPERIENCES (can i say that loudly enough?? lol)….  His share was inspired by the post I shared put up on Schrodinger’s Other Cat’s page (you can find that here.)  This was listed in the comment section but I requested permission to share as a piece.  I am sure you will find it as beautiful and amazing as I did.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


On March 18, 2018 during a vivid dream, I was knocked to the ground and it immobilized entire body, some energy that I couldn’t see coming put me down in an instance, but it did not hurt. Awoke after some more of that dream and remembered being knocked to the ground in that dream, and wondered if that didn’t happen to my 3d body too. It all left quite an ( ? ? ! ? ) impression upon me.

Nothing quite as profound that I am consciously aware of has happened to me since until 2 days ago, October 21 mid afternoon and sunny. I’ve seen pink, white and violet mists or clouds around for the previous 3 weeks quite a bit, and we’ve had sensational sunsets.

This was quite different on 10-21-18. It was real close up, ground level up to 20 feet high and 20 feet in front of me. My initial reaction was my vision got blurry getting out of the vehicle, but then it didn’t go away and I could tell my vision wasn’t blurry. It looked really cool, so I watched it, what was it ? It looked like super fine points of snow or light, all uniform, falling from who knows where, then disappearing before they hit the ground . It was so faint, that you question yourself,.. am I really seeing this?

After 30 seconds of this, I’m convinced this has got to be a man made something, maybe ashes from a fire or fine confetti being uniformly blown by the wind. So I start to look around for possibilities. Nothing at all comes up, and still watching the lights flicker by. What if its chemtrail crap …. I’m out o here, and into the store ! My better safe than sorry fear sent me inside, now I know better, it was too beautiful to be poison. The experience kinda faded fast or never took hold, blocked out by having to return to my backlog of 3d responsibilities/endless list of mindless crap that has (?) to be done.

Until, I began reading this article early this morning. I just knew I had to read it thru, and that there was something in it for me. “SPRINKLINGS”, thats exactly what they were, it wasn’t sheets or pourings or anything else. Just a giant invisible hand tossing out some sprinklings ! I have got to believe that lots of others have seen this also. This is in O’Fallon, Illinois, 20 miles east of St. Louis, MO.


Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Meterage, News & Tidbits for 10-18-18 [UPDATED]

Wow, seldom are the Northern Lights (these photographed in Svalbard on 10/14) so RED. Scientists have no idea why. What a shocker. Of course, we’re also unsure what causes scientists these days. Anyway…


Looks like the “bridge/roadway completion project” is either done, or taking longer than anyone expected. Hard to say, as our eyes and ears both have peanut butter in them — chunky-style. We’re only getting things in dreams right now… well, save for one of the M’s who’s still operational… but for the most part our heads are full of jellied concrete and our ears are ringing peanut butter off the hook. Or something like that.

Eventwise, we know that various psychics and sensitives and writers have stated that they don’t see a big “Event” happening… but we still do. We always have, unless we’re misunderstanding what we’re being shown. Or we’re just lame.

Continue reading here:  https://schrodingersothercat.blog/2018/10/18/meterage-news-tidbits-for-10-18-18

Trump Calls Fed His Biggest Threat HATJ Reply


editor’s note:  before i comment on this i wanted to add something to the video i posted by linea earlier today about the image that flew in front of the moon (some say “hit” the moon).  i was reading through the comments for some reason (HA!) and linea said it was confirmed this was an image of the moon and that the livestream was taken offline right after this image was captured – and in fact this is when youtube was shutdown worldwide a few days ago.  something else to ponder….

now onto heather’s response to Trump allegedly saying the FED is his biggest threat.  that date mentioned – October 24.  that is a significant date to me.  first it is the 20 year anniversary of my mate and i.  second, in a dream i had earlier this year, my mate and i were outside packing up the house.  he had removed the mailbox and we put it on the side of the house – as a symbolic gesture that that way of being – that system – was gone.  in the experience, the sound of silence and calm in the air was unbelievable – beautiful.  i took his hand and said “we made it.  it only took us about 20 years.”  and lastly i awoke this morning and was tuning in – wanting info on “when do things END?  change?”  i heard “by next Wednesday”.  oh when is that date, i wondered, and calculated it out.  the 24th.  oooh interesting – anniversary date.  and then brother Rick passes this info along to me in a text message around dinnertime.  W O W is about all i could say…..as always, remaining discerning but a lot of puzzle pieces are coming together now – the energy around this feeling of “completion” is huge right now.  i feel it…[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Trump Calls Fed His Biggest Threat
HATJ Reply


Terran:  on 10/17/2018 11:06 AM wrote: 

> “Trump calls Fed his biggest threat”

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: 

Oct 17, 2018 at 2:50 PM

lol…it was

the eye of “the storm” taking the stage now, and has until October 23, 2018, to “be all they can be” and “do all they can do”…all supported and assisted to “bring all home”…if not, on October 24, 2018, the stage goes Universal to overcome any and all remaining “short comings”, “para”lyzations, and to bring all home ❤️

i am confident that all can be done prior to October 24, 2018…and they all have my complete love, gratitude, and heartitude…heart by heart, side-by-side…all got this!!!!!
