Sophia Love Update: Q & A for 2/15/18


Resonating with this one (although I feel cryptocurrencies tie into the central bank and are thus manipulated and controlled like ALL forms of currencies/investments.  my insight is to go w/the local currency trend if your community has one.  all is changing anyway).


These questions were asked and answered on February 15, 2018

Is someone able to connect now? I have questions.

We are here, Sophia.

Thank you. I will begin now.  


“There’s a big problem with this “EVENT”. Several people are associating souls released with thing that has been happening on a physical plane.
The website “prepare for change”( ) is an example. There are several others. Several things they wrote are “IMPOSSIBLE” to believe. Can you understand how “CHOSEN” people are feeling? Do you know what cause that? “APOSTASY”.
How about the Event’ date? Do you have any prediction for this EVENT?
With Love & Light. ”

This event is a moment that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if the definition is assumed to be a human activated one with only the human activators aware of its timing. This event is a happening that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if you assume it is a solar instigated occurrence and dependent solely on the actions of the sun.

This event, as illustrated in your questions, is causing a great deal of confusion for you here on the earth. It is not the Ascension. It does not apply only to some who are chosen. It is a global happening. The event that we refer to, and by “we” is meant those of us watching your world. You may call us Earth Keepers.

We refer to the event as a celestial happening. It has been called a “kiss from the sun” by an aspect of Sophia and we concur. It is meant to take place soon. It will most likely take place in the coming months, this year, before the summer months as recorded in Sophia’s home place. (United States)

This event is not to be feared. It will be welcomed and we daresay Sophia had a glimpse of it just now as she began to connect. *

It is a touch of extreme love, and will yield for you images of what absolute pure love looks like, feels like, and is. It is exquisite and will accelerate everything. We are as anxious as humanity for this. No worries. Just wonder.

You will be transfixed and moved into your natural home. The place you began. You are on a circular journey that feels as if it is a race. It is not. You will see. We are complete.

*So, As I began, I was overcome, overwhelmed and overtaken with ecstasy, joy, love. I am assuming this is bliss. This was before reading the question or engaging with anyone – What I saw were images of my loved ones, my children… The light was not coming from them but from me! It was huge and I was someplace else for quite some time. I was sobbing and laughing and shaking and generally out of it. Wow. (These were the words I wrote before connecting. Sophia)

Thank you.

Here is the next question.  


“Hello Sophia …
Some questions for you / your monthly questions if you please. 
Are the Lion People / Feline people the same or are there two different lineages or groups??  Might you be able to connect to one (or both if they are different)??  Do they have star seeds here at this time?  What might they like us to know?”

There is more than one race in question here. We, who answer you now, are the lion people. There are others, and more than one other feline race. The lion people resemble pretty precisely your male lions here on earth.

Yes. There are star seeds. They are here, although not in the vast numbers that the Pleiadians and Arcturians are. Our mission differs. Vast numbers are not required. I believe you’ll find star seeds of almost every race – on earth in this now moment. You are in a rare time and many choose to physically experience all of it rather than watch from the sidelines.

We’d like you to know that we are here with no intent to take over or alter your human systems of engagement. We are bystanders, not wanting to interfere or even guide. It is assumed though, that benevolent, respectful monarchy will become part of your dialogue because of our presence. We are regal, coming from a lineage that is the same. Human now, and experiencing the collapse of every aspect into a singularity – well – presence can’t help but be affected.

Excuse me, but Donald Trump’s image just ran across my consciousness. Did you put him there, and if so, why?

We did not. Yet the resemblance is uncanny, is it not?

We are complete.

Okay then, thank you for coming forward.

You are welcome, Sophia.

“Hi Sophia, Thanks for this. Can you ask about Bitcoin or Crypto currencies? Is it going to free us from the big bankers total control of us or are we being set up and manipulated somehow?”
The money manipulation on your planet runs so deep as to say it is bottomless. Do not assume at this now moment that any single idea or currency is without potential corruption. Not until the event has taken place and the control has been wrested from the hands of the owners/those running the program beneath them/the puppets. All currencies need deep investigation prior to investment.

There are beings on your planet who do this for you now – it is their mission. Find one you trust and use that advice if unable to dig into it yourself.

Having said that, there are two other points.
First, all currency represents falsely the real/true wealth, which is you. There will come a day where outside representation is not necessary – where you/the human, will be recognized as the value. You will witness this.
Second, these cryptocurrencies are your best bet for removing yourselves from the hands of the ones who hold your strings. If you desire investment, they are a way to accomplish both wealth and freedom.
Please tell us who you are.
It is I. It is One.
Thank you for coming forward.
Here is the next question. 

Madam, first off, thank you so much for your divine sharing…May I ask if the Yellow Rays (get it…my new way to spell race) have a name for their planet and society and the individual speaking? Lol…please convey our open-hearted invitation to come visit here & sit on a beach and soak up some of OUR Healing Yellow Ray’s…lol…Under some palm trees first…shade is pleasant as well… I Love Your Name…Its tone HAS ALWAYS RESONATED WITH HIGHEST VIBE!!! Now I know Why!!! Lot’s more to Hear and Learn…Blessedly

Hello! Thank you for sharing your frivolity. It is much rumored amongst us, the playful human. I can see why! Actually, I can feel why. What fun you are! Our planet is numbered, its name not known to your race. We have a word for it that would be spelled xyratouch.

Did I get that right? X-y-r-a-t-o-u-c-h?

We do not know! We think so. 😊 Your translations are pretty clear and we have faith in them.

My name is Zilo. I believe you’ve gotten it right. We so enjoy contact and do not know how to physically answer this question, yet your visual seeing’s are most pleasant with the imagery offered with his words. So, thank you.

Thank you so much for coming forward Zilo. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia. Thank you for the Palm Trees!

Our last question follows.  


“The news release is not so much news as it is distraction. This is a refusal to expose the real “outer space activity” – which is the sale, use and harvesting of the human on a massive scale for such a wide range of uses and reasons that have not even been entertained in this “news” piece just released.” (Note – this is a quote from a prior conversation)

“Maybe next time have him put a number on it, like how many people are we talking about here, and what exactly?  Like where are they going to, and where are they taking them?  I thought most of this trafficking stuff was limited Earth.  ugh.
Humans are a product. They are used for energy consumption, manipulation and physical slavery – via work force. The numbers are beyond comprehension.
Sophia senses right now the devastation or attempted devastation. “Attempted” because humanity today stands strong. Let me illustrate for you the vital point of believing polarity with your very essence – This gruesome trading of your race, capture and abuse of your race, was not a factor in your day to day if and because you were unaware of it as it happened. It was actually part of the plan.
Humanity has responded brilliantly. Now knowing, at the same time as awakening and unifying with yourself, you are not beaten, but more determined than ever to stop it. Not even for you personally but for all of humanity. This is the brilliance of the human and why you are regarded so highly and helped by many.
Thank you.
That is all the questions for today. Wow, that was quite a ride. I am spent and filled all at once. We are in for amazing everyone. Hang on to your hats!
I love you. Thank you.


Tiffany Stiles ~ Energy Report


Sleep ~ yes!  Halfway through dinner I began to nod off literally sitting in my seat so I got up, flopped onto the couch and was out for an hour.  Still need more.  zzzzzzz


February 14th Energy Report Update~

SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP, are the three words coming to mind with the solar wave coming in. This kicks up melatonin production, and pineal gland (Third Eye) activations; intuition elevates. I can barely hold my eyes open right now, writing this report. You may experience body aches too as cellular restructuring occurs. Electronics are acting up too. The cellular restructuring occurring now to change old, outdated patterns, the way you handle and react to certain situations from which the portal eclipses brought forth. Cells have memory, and that is encoded in your DNA. This restructuring rewires for new, different, more positive, and higher perspectives, and higher vibrational frequency to recode your DNA.

New Moon partial lunar eclipse tomorrow, the 15th. Over the past two weeks relationships have been put to the test. Any vibrational frequency discrepancies between two people were made entirely evident. If the vibrational frequency is not a match, the relationship/friendship falls out of alignment rapidly and ends. These are final and there’s no going back. With this latest CME that was hurled directly at Earth your emotions could have been hurling too. These CMEs fire things up, shake things up, so it is not a good time to communicate, as patience is null, and anger can rear it’s head. Add in intense portal eclipses solar, and lunar and it’s magnified by 100 times! Hold off on serious conversations until the moon dust settles, and the cosmic weather calms.

With timelines shifting, collapsing and converging so quickly now, you may not know if you’re coming or going. What day it is, loss of time, and de’ja’vu may occur more so now as past, present, future merge. Dreams are more prophetic now in precognitive states. You dream it, it happens, or dreams are showing you literal things in your life that are pertinent. Now is the time, more so than ever, to release anything binding you to 3D. Those attachments to things, people, places, etc…will anchor you in 3D, and lessons will keep repeating to bring forth the higher perspective to detach, unconditionally love, support, accept, and be non judgemental in interactions. As the cellular spin rapidly increases with upgrades vibrationally, we see only from our Higher Selves, and how our role affects the collective as a whole.

Today is Valentine’s Day, love is in the air and Venus is assisting in the romance department with deeper connections being made with sacred partnerships/relationships. The bond further elevates in unison. Sending loads of love to you. Rest, take it easy, honor yourself, and enjoy embracing your here and now with the ones you love. 💞
Tiffany Stiles


Angel number 214 by Joanne Wamsley states: Angel Number 214 tells you to be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and ideas and starting afresh. Have faith and trust in yourself and the angels. If feeling any fear or doubt simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Angel Number 214 tells you that at this point in time you are where you are meant to be. Live in the moment and appreciate life’s daily miracles. (


SUBSIDING CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR2699 has begun to decay, losing almost half of its area in the past ~24 hours. As a result, the chance of solar flares is subsiding. NOAA forecasters say there is only a 10% chance of M-flares and no more than a 1% chance of X-flares on Feb. 14th. Free: Solar Flare Alerts

SUNSPOT EXPLODES, HURLS CME AT EARTH: On Feb. 12th, the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2699 exploded–for more than 6 hours. The slow-motion blast produced a C1-class solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. This movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observtory (SOHO) shows the CME leaving the sun.

The CME could arrive as early as Feb. 14th, although Feb 15th is more likely. NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with isolated periods of stronger G2 storming.

The effectiveness of the CME could be enhanced by a stream of solar wind that was already en route to Earth when the sunspot exploded. The solar wind is flowing from a large wedge-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere. If the approaching CME sweeps up material from that stream, snowplow-style, it could strike Earth’s magnetic field with extra mass and potency.

Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the CME arrives. If the coming storm intensifies to category G2, observers in northern-tier US states from Maine to Washington could see auroras as well. Stay tuned for updates. (

Sourced from here.

Deconstructing The Construct Ep 34 – 8 Feb 2018


Thank you to Murry for sharing this one.  Perhaps this feeling of “what’s taking so long” is that experience we have when we’re about ready to make a huge change and as we wait and wait time slows down – that is our experience – then BURST open into the new.  And yet I will say it feels like this process has taken far longer than necessary.  Timelines that were messed with are now merging back into One.  She refers to the matrix construct nudging us to look back behind us.  I feel it is also about diverting our attention away from our end desired result.  Don’t feed it.  The blast of energy forthcoming will touch all and will cause all to awaken to their next level(s).


Deconstructing The Construct Ep 34 – 8 Feb 2018

Published on Feb 8, 2018

Judith Kusel ~ Huge Energy Changes Going On Right Now


Judith Kusel – There are huge energy changes going on right now, and as all is immense flux, twirling, swirling and all is being rearranged.
Seeming chaos.
Seeming disruption.
Seeming as if all is not solid, one is not standing on solid ground, one is unsure of one’s footing, and emotions therefore then are within that swirl too, like one wants to cry for no reason, one wants to break out for no reason, things are volatile, unstable.
Remember that within the very eye of the twirling, swirling mass, there is a still point, a steady point, which is not changing. That is the anchoring point.
This is not a time to push, pull nor shove.
This is not a time to make big plans for what might not even materialize into form – for all can change in an eyewink.
It is rather to just allow yourself to breathe – in and out, very deeply and to still the incessant chatter of the mind.
Mind-games do not work at this time.
Neither does anything else.
Rather just allow this all to happen. Stay in the center, at midpoint: “This too shall pass!”
What is happening now is greater than you and me. Indeed, this is a cosmic storm, a greater reshuffling, a greater Masterplan at work.
The whole cosmos is in immense flux and flow and rearranging itself, and so is the Milky Way Galaxy.
We are but the tiniest cog in the cosmic wheel, lest we forget.
Hold onto your faith, and hold onto your visions.
Just allow.
This too shall pass.
As more and more of the ancient energy centers on the planet are being reawakened, as are the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal Pyramid Grids (as I go in detail into, in my new book, “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom) more and more energy is being released, not only cosmically, but what has lain dormant for billions of earthly years.
You are being carried on the wings of angels, and indeed, you are always held in the arms of pure, uncondtional Divine Love.
And when human emotions and insecurities run amok at this time, within yourself and others, remember to go for a walk outside, even if just to breathe in some fresh air, and breathe very deeply, and then root yourself firmly into Mother Earth and the Divine, so that you become a bridge between heaven and earth.
Nothing is missing.
All is well.
All is being reborn – reshuffled, reinvented.
You too.
There-in lies the hidden blessings.
Reborn in love and with love!

Judith Kusel

Sourced from here. 

Recent QHHT Share on “The Event”


Thank you Murry for passing this one along.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Hey Lisa, 
Just wanted to share that I had a QHHT session on Tuesday with some insights that might add to today’s amazing call:

  • The shift will happen in 2 months. This will be an instantaneous shift to the new earth for those who are ready. 
  • The adjustment can take up to 6 months.
  • Some of the symptoms of my body preparing for transition will be a lot of activity around the heart and third eye, vision going in and out, sometimes feeling un-grounded.
  • Symptoms for me right before the shift include feeling dizzy, lightheaded, heavyness in the chest, queasy in the stomach.
  • All I need to do to prepare for transition is to be in my heart and trust.
  • All humans will be pulled out of the construct and the construct will be no more.
  • Those who are not able to cope with the shift will be placed in a ‘half-way place’ until they are able make a decision about where they would like to go. 
  • After we shift, we can choose different forms, we can create and materialise things at will, there’ll be no need for money (however barter systems may be put in place until people realise they can manifest instantaneously)I
  • it’s a place of love and respect.

  • The homes that we saw in our doings are the same as what other QHHT clients have seen…ie etheric homes usually in dome shapes.

  • My dad who has passed said he will meet me over there (so I’m assuming that will be the same for others who have loved ones who have passed)


Originally sourced from here.

A Vision for Intimacy


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Intimacy

We see a world where it is common knowledge that people can come together intimately and experience true Oneness through their coupling. We see all fears and barriers to healthy lovemaking having been replaced by a sacred respect for what two people can create when they come together in love with one another.

For we have learned that, not only is there a pleasurable aspect to our lovemaking, there is also a spiritual aspect to it, as well. And we see this spiritual aspect being taught to us from the time we are ready to learn about “the birds and the bees” – so that, now, we sometimes couple for pure physical pleasure, a feeling of closeness, and/or to conceive our children. However, at other times, we consciously set the stage for a higher kind of intimate experience: one that, with a little practice, will connect to the best feeling life has to offer: one that will connect us, not only to our partner, but to our Oneness with God at the same time.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Update from Angela ~ New message received from Christopher


I shared a video last month ~ Angela’s son passed awhile back and has been sending her messages/downloads on New Earth and the Event.  This is the latest.  Here are the messages received:

  1. rainbow gate
  2. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
  3. she then sees a triangular craft with 6 flashing red lights slowly moving over her
  4. her son then manifests himself in her kitchen and she hears him say, like a movie director “aaaand cut!”  (final scene reference perhaps?)
  5. she then sees image of christ and hears “the lion will lay down with the lamb”
  6. son returns, this time with a movie director board and again says “aaaaand cut!”
  7. she asks when the event is – says we are all so tired and so ready and as he begins to leave, he grins and says “it’s just around the corner” then he leaves.
  8. as he leaves she hears the graduation song.  (i researched this – pulled up the video to listen – got chills – googled the lyrics – the original song is called Land of Hope and Glory.  Very appropriate, yes?  Here is a link to the lyrics – also quite appropriate.)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Update from Angela – New message received from Christopher

Streamed live 5 hours ago

Sophia Love ~ The Shift Begins: A Kiss From The Sun


I relate to this piece so much.  It was validating to my confusion I face at times lately – feeling this need to connect and do and create and yet having another feeling that says “wait” coupled with zero desire to do all of this connecting/doing/creating out there in this realm.  Today I had a chat with a neighbor who has decided to run for mayor and at first I was enthused with his choice but then felt myself energetically pulling back, wanting to say “it won’t matter.  All of that is going away.”  At least in my realm.  Interesting experience.  …  I also enjoyed listening to the first video on The Event ~ very much resonating ~ more confirmation on the Jan-March “timeline”.  And validation on those of us (like me) who have been doing work on the sidelines, waiting for this experience, who will be needed after The Event for those unaware of what’s happening.  I can already tell you the names of people in my ‘hood who will say “we gotta go see Victoria ~ she’ll know what’s going on.”  Or perhaps not.  My “feel” is most people will adjust quite quickly.  Or maybe it’s a hope.  However it plays out, ALL will be impacted and from what I saw, it was a positive impact.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


January 15, 2018

Hello everyone.  This is a sharing of a personal conversation with my greater self.  I woke today after an unusually long and deep sleep, and felt myself sort of crumble within my first conversation of the day.  My hands were trembling, my eyes were tearing, I felt so odd.

There was no obvious 3D reason for me to dissolve into tears.

I’ve been ill and sort of removed from this venue for several weeks.  It has been a rough go of it and I am only now gradually rising strong. The details aren’t relevant, but what is relevant is the following conversation. It applies to all of us.

A few things I’d like to mention before it is that I often reach my higher self and converse.  It helps me and right now I am in need of information. These changes I feel are unprecedented.

The other thing I’ve been doing lately is reaching out to alternate versions of myself.  Perhaps to the me 6 months down the road, or the me who chose another path I am considering.  It gets easier all the time; the veil is so very thin.  These are things you might want to try now, if you have not had success before, you may be surprised!

It’s really interesting.

I will include a few videos after this sharing.  One is the QHHT session in which the term “kiss from the sun” was coined. This session happened in late December 2017.

The other is a video trailer for my latest book, published last month.  It was produced by 2 of my sons, and is just 1.5 minutes in length.  I am so blessed to have access to their talent. Check it out. Like, subscribe and write a review for the book!

It is much appreciated!

So here is the conversation from this morning, enjoy.

I’d like to speak to my higher self.
I am here Sophia.

I have some questions.
Go ahead.

Why am I so close to tears?
You are approaching breakthrough.

What does that mean?
(As I write this now, I am reminded of Cobra’s term “compression breakthrough”)

It means access to your core. This energy from the sun is meant to alter your entire being.  Think you not that you would feel it’s effect?  You – who has been connecting with the outer realm for many years? What did you expect?

This change, event and ascension will not be able to be ridden as “business as usual” – this is a most unusual business! It has not happened on earth and you get closer each moment.

You are feeling the energy and like the canary in the coal mine, (Well, not exactly, as this will not prove fatal), you are showing signs.

Know that each of you will experience it differently and express its effects differently.

What is happening is you are submitting to cellular/DNA alteration. It is what is causing everything for you – the trembling, the lack of appetite, the “high alert” status.

Of course, you are on “high alert”!  Everything that touches you in your world is altering right now.

Up until this moment, you were able to “GO 3D” for periods of time and successfully interact in mundane business of your prior existence.  The changes were gradual enough that you were able to.

Not so today.

The buffer spheres are all but gone, perhaps completely dissipated now, and earth receives the full force of the energy.

You express now how it has reached your organism and manifested – illness and confusion regarding the symptoms – anxiety. Our suggestion is to first: not see these current effects as permanent, but certainly do what you can to help comfort your organism and primarily reduce your anxiety.

The tears, the trembling – all of that is an expression of tension release.

It is your body’s way of releasing in a 3D way what it cannot yet process.

Remember – you came for this shift.  There is no doubt that you will successfully move through its process.  You will adapt, adjust and morph.

You, as someone aware of what’s happening, are thrown off by it now.  Try to imagine those of your friends and family who have no idea?  You must talk, share what you know and the remedies and techniques that are helping.

Meditation is key.  Also, a removal of toxins from the body.  Natural, natural, natural is the way to go. Allow yourself to sleep if need be. This is the first of many intense moments of this ascension process.

There is no faking your way through this.

The result, the goal, the product is the real you. You are approaching the truth, Sophia. This, which you have always known, you are now actualizing in real “time”.

So, to recap, these physical and even emotional symptoms are evidence for this upcoming
“Kiss from the Sun”?


The process begins in intensity now.  It is not a disorder or indication of a new disease. Not now. Not for you. It is your experience of this current shifting of energetic contact. The intensity will not be reduced.  You will have to adapt, and you will.

Is there any other recommendation beyond meditation?

There is raw food. There is laughter. There is increased rest. Your organism is assuming its under attack, when in truth this is “friendly fire”. It is why the expression “kiss from the sun” was used. Welcome it in any physical, mental and emotional way possible. Then, prepare. For many others will want your help.

You came for this, all of you attracted to these words did.  You will know what to do.
Anything else?

Not at this moment, no.
Thank you for coming forward.
Much love always Ananada.

Note – I am not sure why this name was used for me today.  It is the name given to both my partner and myself, 15 years ago. It was told to us at the time that we have the same name because we are twin flames. I am not sure I understand precisely how this soul evolution thing works, but my partner and I have been together many, many, many lifetimes.

One more thing, and it is that recently I’ve been referenced not by my given name.  Not the name on my birth certificate.  This only happens in “non-3D” conversations. I wasn’t sure why this was happening, but it’s happened more than once.  It just occurred to me now (after explaining “Ananada” to you) that perhaps, this is another indication of the effect of this “kiss from the sun” … I am altering this 3D structure and so that name no longer fits. It’s a thought.  There are no accidents.

So that is how this conversation ended.  Please share this, it will speak to us all, and soon.

You are the one you’ve been waiting for ~ You are anchors for the light ~ Let’s do this.

With so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do. 
Much obliged.
Sourced from here.

Keanu Reeves: Humans About To Break Free From ‘The Matrix’


I love this man.  Beautiful words below.  I remember, around the time The Matrix came out, he shared how he took care of his one sister when she was diagnosed with cancer.  I thought it was beautiful and longed to have that kind of a sibling/family connection ~ a relationship based on love and acceptance. Another incarnation perhaps…although I continue to aim for the new realm for that to manifest.  


Keanu Reeves: Humans About To Break Free From ‘The Matrix’

Published on Feb 3, 2018

Rick Jewers ~ Update 1 and 2 ~ 2/2/18


an overall resonation ~ the chemtrail piece is not necessary.  we all know of the toxins in these things and avoiding the places that are targeted is impossible.  they’ve been doing it for so long, even when the skies look good there is the residual elements.  we ALL need clearing/healing and for now it is my request and hope that other Being’s are assisting in cleaning up the atmosphere.  it is also an idea for the masses of us to create a human right’s violation order under this topic.  it is part of the enslavement and is about as gross of a violation as is the trafficking.



Be always persistent in Your Manifesting. Continuously create the good thoughts of how things are here on the surface of Gaia. Do not energize the bad and expend Your energy on focusing on the bad things, rather, You come in from an angle and Create the New to take the place of the Old perceived bad things. Your manifestations are utmost successful upon putting all of Your energy into Creating the New. The New takes up a definite space, and with each good New created, a bad must fall and that occupied space replaced with the good New. Some of You accept and Know that there is really no bad, that bad things are guidance mechanisms and contain value, however, the time is over for these strings and no more value can be taken from the bad, You have seen enough of the bad to allow You Now to Create a good. You are a league that has risen to such a level that You are fully endowed with the ability, to rectify and remedy this Now, use it.

Your bodies are indeed under constant internal upgrades, simply, it has to undergo these upgrades to survive the higher vibrations and to be able to bring Your miraculous abilities into these bodies. You are conduits of God to do the Divine work with the intent, for the good of All, again, simple.At this point, more of You KNOW beyond certainty the importance of full virtue and the effects both virtue and non-virtue have upon Your Prowess as a conduit of God. Simply, virtue empowers, non-virtue disempowers You, and more importantly, deception of any kind, will set You on Your buttocks in the blink of an eye, sort to speak. You must realize and appreciate the extent of the Prowess You contain and how it gets stronger each day. You must speak up always when You see non-truth, if You do not speak up and refrain from rectifying a situation, You will see the adverse effects shortly after of You not standing up, which will create confusion for You as well as an attached string/sequence of less desirable events. You will also become physically sick to a degree because lower vibration is registered into the physical body as a sick feeling.So Now You see the importance also, of utilizing Your gift of Truth and let it flow outward in the ripple effect.

As revealed to You recently, the Light was strategically placed within all societal operating systems upon Gaia, including military and government. Your Light Comrades there have the important task of revealing all of the deception of the current planetary societal systems, they are the eyes for You and the Masses, they carry the truths of the lies and bring them forth for All to see. These Comrades are fully protected and are in place to tear down the old systems and integrate a temporary system that rapidly transitions into the New, which is good for All. The remnants of the Dark are totally confused and know no longer who their comrades actually are, because the Light was cleverly disguised as one of them. What this does and has caused, is a rapid scenario of fish eating fish, feeding off each other out of the greed aspects.

One of the biggest challenges for the Light Team was the breaking of the intentional conditioning mechanisms of the planet. For the most part, the empowering and internal evolution of the Human vessel had rendered the conditioning devices inoperable and dysfunctional once a Human vessel was upgraded above the influence level of these conditioning techniques. The overall vibration of the planet’s surface also lessens the mass effect of these conditioning mechanisms. The conditioning mechanisms are mostly based on planetary tangible technology with the manipulation of frequencies to control. If the planets vibration/frequency could be sustained below the upper fear threshold, then the whole population were easily controlled and enslaved, oblivious to there pillage of life and freedom during the Human experience scheduled for this period which was supposed to have begun over a century ago.

Once the vibration/frequency of the planet was raised to a certain appreciable point,(in 2012) where the fear frequency began to be weakened and replaced by the higher frequencies, which support Love, life and good things, the fear frequencies became ineffective at controlling the Masses, and many began to escape the conditioning, as the fear induced veils began to be lifted, this is to be considered as Awareness and the Awakening. Common sense was reiterated into those rising above the fear frequency, and seeing the truths, such as if planetary rulers of the planet had the masses welfare truly in mind, there would be no war, lack, poverty, starvation, etc, that it was uncivilized, that it was a form of savagery, that it was a stagnant restrictive primitive way of being, that it was intentionally being perpetrated for the benefit of a select few. For these select few to enjoy wealth while others starved and died is nonsensical, savage being, based on non-virtue, greed and could even be referred to as psychologically sick. To intentionally harm others by snatching up the wealth reveals clearly their intents, to secure their reign at the expense of others, the Masses, and keep the Masses enslaved, working for them, while they enjoyed lives of luxury.



One of the greatest and most intense forms of intentional conditioning were found within mind control programs of the militaries. Not only were the individuals of military conditioned by psychological means, they were also unknowingly implanted with devices that worked well within a certain planetary frequency range. These devices were planted, mostly unknown to the individual,(some of the strategically placed Light could NOT be controlled and Know/Knew what was going on, to reveal to others), in the body during routine examinations and military surgeries. These devices were designed to emit lower vibrational frequencies into the Human vessel that were along the fear spectrum of frequencies, fear frequencies are lower vibration and if a frequency of fear could be maintained within a physical body/energetic field, then that individual became a puppet at the mercy of its handler, the military. So simply, these devices work on frequency and when One has a high enough frequency, they no longer work properly, and upon a much higher vibration yet, they become rendered useless and are passed from the Human vessel by various means. Likewise, One with a very high vibration energy field coming into contact with a conditioned soldier effects the implants to not function as strong as they did and to also disable the implant functions. Conditioned military and enforcement agencies cannot impose nor be in the vicinity of a high vibrational One in an aggressive manner, they must submit to what is morally and ethically correct, frequency will not allow it, Your God strength is frequency.

The key to overcoming ANY mind control program is to simply raise Ones frequency. To raise frequency, be very meticulous with Your food and water, the least chemicals the better. The chemicals in the foods and waters are actual conductors of LOW FREQUENCY along the fear spectrum of frequencies. The biochemical reactions within the Human vessel caused by these chemicals, lower vibration into the fear vibration range. The same as Your are a conductor of Light/God energy, upon raising Your frequency, the lowering of Your frequency enables You to be a conductor of fear-based energies which are manipulated and controlled by the remnants of Dark, which do You choose?.

Other intentional conditionings of frequency are, but not limited to;
1) EMF,s (electromagnetic frequencies) These low density fear-based frequencies are intentionally emitted upon You through powerlines, wi-fi, phones,transmitting towers, microwaves, TV,s, radios, all electronics, helicopters (low vibration carried on dense noise from props), aircraft, loud vehicles, dense bass music, etc. GET AWAY FROM AS MOST OF THEM AS POSSIBLE, this is WHY NATURE is so appealing to many. Stay away from low density fabricated humming noses, they lower the vibration.

2) Perpetrated and staged fear-based events like massacres, bombings, wars, etc. They condition the people by displaying fear events on news stations that lowers subconsciously Ones vibration, which in turns, affects others into fear frequency. For example; a staged event like 911 may be greatly publicized to instill a fear vibration that makes those affected by it, become aggressive and want to take revenge, lowering the entire planets vibration into a state of fear, where once again, the masses are controlled and willingly place their consent into the hands of the perpetrators for protection, against a perpetration which is actually a falsity created for that exact effect. These are Now well Known as ” False flags” and their intent is to instill fear and lower the vibration in favor with their conditioning fear vibration.

3) Be persistent in switching up Your mentality, to always positive, this changes THE POLARITY of any emissions of fear frequencies being projected at You. Trust in God and Know that Your are being empowered above the planetary conditioning, to assist in bringing it down, and Creating the New, the Leagues of Heaven upon the surface is growing in numbers daily, align with the God Light.

4) Stay away from high areas of chemtrail deposits. The chemtrails deposit aluminum, which is toxic to Humans, but more importantly, an aluminum enhanced ground/surface of Gaia, becomes a conductor for fear-based frequencies, charging the area and the energetic/electric Humans with a lower vibration.

5) Forcing another to lie, deceive, act against moral and ethic energy, etc. This sets off a negatively charged sequence of events which in some cases, effects many negatively, and disempowers them. Do not engage in any order or request from another that infringes upon what is right in the heart, stand Your ground and do not participate in any action that You Know has the ability to harm and/or impact others in a negative untruthful way. You must remember, frequency is also carried through all events, it is contagious, whether it be Dark or Light-based.

Love and Light

Update 1 sourced from here.

Update 2 sourced from here.