Energy Update ~ Huge Clearing and Healing of the Old

Oh most definitely…

by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

So much shifting and transmuting was happening in Spirit in the last 18 hours.

Energies that felt like one may ‘self-combust’ in the human

Divine Love, Guidance and Assistance came through to help us to help ourselves with this Divine Healing and so much more

So not only were we feeling and dealing with this in the human but we were also feeling this in Spirit = BOTH.

A ‘balancing out’ of recent Ancient Family Shadow energies that have ‘come through’ or been allowed to now be fully exposed energetically.

Depending on how ‘conscious’ one is in the human in relation to what occurs in Spirit…as this is creating a VERY NEW LINK in those who are needing to ‘own’ their shadow sides…in a very new way.

Yet to do so, there is much clearing and healing of the ‘old’ that was occurring in the astrals/multi-dimensions, as that is what was ‘happening’ in the last 18hours.

Much will have occurred and came through in ‘dreams’..and again, depending on what one has cleared and healed in the human, will be felt in many various ways for each soul.

Either way, it was a very huge healing and clearing of ‘old’ energy.

The more one has ‘old’ energy ‘built up’ in the astrals, the more one felt this ‘pressure’ in the human that was being released.

This is still continuing to be released in the human right now at the time of this sharing.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love and Truth


Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit

About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

Sourced from here.

Out Of The Mouth Of Children…


Or shall I say out of the heart from a child directly connected with Source?

Last night I linked James Gilliland’s latest video ~ a conference he had at his ECETI Ranch in Washington State.  At around the 1:25:00 mark, there is a graph he displays showing the different colors of the light spectrum. In time he speaks of the colors on the far right – the white in particular – which will be coming in (what many are calling The Event, The Pulse, etc.) and which will awaken all.

Our child was in bed asleep when we watched this video last night.  We did not speak of it with her.

As I was putting dinner together, she walks into the kitchen and quietly places a group of lego’s into a graph-like format on the table.  I ask her what it is and she says this:  “Well, you see right now this is the energy field we are in (she points to the darker colors on the left) but when this (pointing to the white tall stack) comes in, we will all be hit very hard and mama, you are going to do nothing but sleep.  That is the energy of the new earth.”  She smiles.  I smile, in a bit of mild shock and amazement at what she had just shared.  How does she know this?  How does she know about energy spectrum’s and their associative colors?  We have never discussed this with her!

Here’s a picture I took of her display.  While it isn’t identical to what James presented, it is close and the overall message very much correlates with what James said in his presentation.

James Gilliland Speech From Ececti Ranch ~ Disclosure and Making Contact


Editor’s note:  Another validation of this “quickening” message ~ around 45 minutes in he speaks of this phenomena occurring now.  

Disclosure & Making Contact with UFOs & ET Extraterrestrial Event yo be held in Trout Lake WA


Synchronicity In My Mailbox ~ And In A Youtube Video


Editor’s note:  Doing some serious heart-felt drooling over the scenery. … Earlier today on my walk to the sacred tree, I heard the word “quickening”.  Hmmm, so I asked again.  Really?  Quickening?  Yep, heard it again.  Entire left hand vibrated (my receiving hand), extending down my back until I was trembling all over.  I knew this had to do with the energies, how things were “quickening”, getting faster.  Certainly I am feeling that and having some experiences validating this, affirming how important it is to be so Aware of my thoughts and Be/Create who I want and what I desire from my heart-center.  Still…I like validation at times so I was not fully convinced of the message I received. (I know, I know – an issue needing healed/released.)  So….  A little bit ago I open up my e-mail and see the latest post from Kauilapele and a video he shared on youtube, talking about how the energies are now such that what we put out there energetically is coming back quicker and quicker.  There ya go!  (See Victoria – YOU CAN TRUST YOURSELF!)  Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the video below.  

170612 Hāpuna Drive Message… “Throw it Out and Back it Comes”

A Little Insight on Unity


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We, Me, Us, One, Individual, Separate

On facebook earlier, I noticed really nasty comments on Corey Goode’s page.  Even though I don’t resonate with all he says, the comments and attacks are absolutely unnecessary.

On a youtube channel tonight on Ascension, some of the comments showed the same level of judgment.  Criticism.  Over-power.  And most indeed this energy of “I am more awakened than you.”

Words have power with their frequencies – even when typed on a screen.

Seriously, do we need a remedial course on humility and tact?!

People’s inner stuff is coming up, showing their true colors.  All of us are experiencing this, some more than others indeed.  I would much rather surround myself with those whose intentions are pure – even if they miss the mark of truth here and there – than those who (think they) have figured this all out but remain in the energy of judgment and criticism.

We’re all on this journey together.  Either we accept one another’s personal journey’s or we continue this game and illusion of division.

It’s going on in the political arena.  It’s either the Democrats or the Republicans.  The left or the right.

It’s in the alternative media – this outlet is truth this outlet is fake/false.

It’s going on in the truth movement with the same message – this outlet is truth, this outlet is fake/false.

And it’s in the Ascension community – here on my site as well (although I do not publish those comments and have to wonder why some continue to visit if my words don’t resonate or induce gastro-intestinal upset).  The message is the same – this path is truth and that path is false.

It is my inner experience that this journey of Remembering, Healing and Returning is one of Unity.  What this means is even though our path looks different, we all get to the same “place”.  We all return to Unity Consciousness by Remembering that while we are not the same, we are all indeed One.

Not a one of us has the full-on 100% truth (if this actually exists – one truth for all).  If one really does, well apparently I didn’t get the memo on that one when I incarnated.

Individually.  Collectively.  Each of our choices are unique.  Each of our experiences, the same uniqueness.

I for one am choosing to focus on Unity.  Where there is division I am having to fight my ego (like heck at times) to keep my tongue quiet (a real challenge for me – but recent experiences are making it easier for me to do) and my words, heart-centered.

As my mate says “this is not a video game.”  He’s absolutely right.  These are people.  Attacking, condemning, criticizing, over-powering, judging – do that to another and you also do it to yourself.  We’ve all done this.  All played this game.  Isn’t it time we stop?  Go within and let others Be Who They Are…

I value and respect everyone’s journey, whether it resonates with me or not.  This hasn’t always been easy for me to do, but when I go within, this is what my heart says is best for me.

For you.

For us all.




Editor’s note:  About the only thing I would add to this one is a little note of understanding to those for whom life does not allow the luxury of suddenly spending 1-2 days in bed, especially those with children.  Yes, this process is a priority but that doesn’t mean we are always able to abandon everything on a whim in our lives to sleep/rest/integrate.  Do the best you can.  Source/Higher Self are understanding of the dynamics of our personal lives.

Lisa Brown

These BEYOND POWERFUL upgrades and NEW LIGHT ENCODED FREQUENCIES continue to amp up, continue to increase, continue to move us all into a much higher frequency and lighter density plane. More love, more peace, more unity …. what does this mean?

This means that anywhere inside of us (cellularly) not fully PURE DIVINE LOVE is activated to emerge for a conscious release. Earth’s ascension means nothing can be suppressed within any Earthly body that does not align with vibrational frequency of our 5th+ Dimensional NEW Earth.

Over our entire human existence, there was much compromise and suppression that we were unaware of. Just BEing in the old Matrix System (Soul’s choice) was suppression/oppression. We all agreed to incarnate/walk-in here to transcend every bit of this fully from within. The RE-AWAKENING of all on Earth is a POWERFUL EXPERIENCE that transitions all from a deep sleep state of amnesia (slumber) into a continual waking one.

This CONTINUAL waking one brings all into a multi-dimensional experience, instead of just “one” linear experience with fixed mentality realities full of constraints, limits and compression, “I want” and “should”.

Unconscious suppression creates distortions, creates separation, creates discord and dis-harmony which play out in our physical body and outer reality world. The way to resolve these distortions is to SEE them and CHOOSE to dismantle/dis-engage them, choose to dissolve them, choose to untangle them and replace them with LOVE. These distortions hold ENERGY and this energy must be dissipated, exercised and released. Transmuting, transforming and collapsing the structures completely can be done from inside with greater ease.

There are geometric structures and mathematical equations for all realities that are invisible to our human’s eyes. As we all open up to our own infinite higher intelligence, our abilities to see/understand are fully RETURNED. Our gifts, abilities and infinite abundance and the knowledge of all of CREATION returns too. All of this comes forth naturally as we open our own HEARTS FULLY and choose to ALLOW ourselves to EXPERIENCE these abundance of GIFTS from inside….

Continue reading here.

Diane Canfield Energy Update: Huge Wave Of Energy Coming In Now! Opening Of All Grids For Acceleration of Timelines


Editor’s note:  Most indeed feeling this one today.  Went for a walk to pick up my child and had to stop, refocus, as I suddenly felt I hadn’t the strength/energy to continue on to her friend’s house.  And having conversations with the parents, I kept feeling/thinking “this is not my reality” or “nope that won’t be happening”. I get such thoughts so frequently now – it’s rather annoying/difficult to have such conversations about, well, 3D stuff – I just want to be in my little sanctuary, meditating, processing, creating, and reading/writing about this whole process. Still working on my piece on “putting together the pieces of the puzzle” in terms of interesting phenomena occurring in recent days.  If the mental fuzz dissipates, I should have it up tonight.  Until then…..zzzz……..  


By Diane Canfield


We are being blasted with Huge Energy Waves right now. You will feel them in your consciousness. You will feel like you are being pulled away from this Reality.

Today was a day of fatigue and low energy that came in. This NEW Wave came in about 30 minutes ago and has only increased. You may feel wobbly and as if you can not walk straight.

You may feel foggy headed as the Wave hits your consciousness. You may have Super blurry Eyes. You may have a strong feeling your don’t belong in this reality any more. You may find it difficult to do anything, including rest. You may feel the NEW symptom I reported on in my last interview – the not knowing what to do with oneself.

Continue reading “Diane Canfield Energy Update: Huge Wave Of Energy Coming In Now! Opening Of All Grids For Acceleration of Timelines”

You Are On A Multi-Dimensional Earth Now ~ Everything Is Different


By Lisa Brown

Wrap your mind around MULTI-Dimensional Earth… You are not on a single dimensional earth PHYSICAL experience anymore. (We have not been since 2012). The physical is DIFFERENT in each dimension… none of us have the same REALities anymore.

Our unconscious/veiled/sleeping human aspect cannot perceive what this means. It’s mind is way to linear (and body too). To “it”, everyone experiences the same PHYSICAL REALITY, with the same parameters applied. Linear mindsets need physical proof to believe, focus on a physical thing to see, believe words and mis-perceive everything, because of assumptions or prior beliefs/mentalities that affixed during their linear human experience/experiment here.

Their mind cannot grasp the ENTIRETY of what all of this means. They still live in a reality of “this is the only truth” or “proof”… which binds them to the linear/fixed/old matrix reality and they have not got a clue.

PHYSICAL REALITIES are vibrational that materialize in the physical in RESPONSE… to our own cellular programs and memories and current state of expansion available to each one of us. My physical REALity on 5D+ and above is very very very different than the physical reality of a 3rd/4th dimensional human and vice-versa.

The Earth looks very different in each dimension and it’s dying or thriving, just as we are. Colors are different, abundance is different, interactions are different, experiences totally different…. dictated by how anchored we are in the different dimensions. Our physical body dictates the density of the plane of existence we actually walk in/on. The Earth… not just one…. NEW Earth and Earth 3, then we get into even more than that…. and yes, we are already experiencing these here (for linear years).

This is not NEW… just our ABILITIES (CAPabilities) to anchor these higher dimensional timelines are up to each one of us. We must let go of “thinking” that everyone is in the “same place” or has the same physical reality, same beliefs… stop assuming and start REALizing this is all vibrational, with our entire whole physical body/being.

Continue reading here.

Two Components To The Energy Waves


Editor’s note:  Much appreciation for this piece.  And some good points in the comments section as well.  

article by: Jenny Schiltz at: 5th Jun 2017

The other night while the house slept, I sat in meditation, I did so with the intent to understand how to help people through this process with greater ease.  It was not long after my form relaxed that I felt myself being pulled from the state of simply being into one of co-creation.  I soon found myself standing in front of the Venusian Council.

I explained to them that people are hurting and I wanted to understand a better way to help them, that I felt like something is missing. They agreed that many are focused on only one aspect of this process and were neglecting a very crucial element. That indeed something is missing.

We are being hit from all sides energetically at the moment, with the full purpose to dig up beliefs, resistance and old patterning that simply no longer works This energy is coming in waves from the CME’s, solar flares, planet & moon alignments, but also from our own inner earth. There is a mass effort to awaken humanity, to show clearly the dysfunction, the upside down thinking that has been our reality. These come in waves, peeling layers off until nothing is left but our own individual heart centered truth.

Continue reading “Two Components To The Energy Waves”

Intending The Event


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Escape, Race, Freedom, Hope

Awhile back I wrote a piece on Intending New Earth.  I am feeling it is equally important on intending The Event.  As I have seen it and feel it, it is a special (for lack of a better word) energy pulse that returns us to our heart-space, elevating our consciousness so that we fully remember who we really are.  It affects us all and it is immediate (although the need to get clear on what just happened will be necessary ~ along the lines of awakening from a deep state of sleep suddenly.)  I don’t have all the specific left-brain analysis of this ~ I am a visionary and receive visions which I attempt to analyze.  While I know awakening does require us to use some of our brain matter, it is mostly a higher mind and heart/feeling journey.

In the dream experience/vision I had of this, I was surprised at not only what I saw as the Event (which until this dream I was leaning more towards the arrival of other Beings) but also how it transformed people – even those who I thought would take years to awaken/open up.  Not only that, I also saw where this Event crumbled dimensional veils, revealing the other planets that always surround our system.  I can confidently say there will be far more to that story once it is revealed.

However you view this, whether as a story or something that is really going to happen or even as disinfo, we are master creator’s, so let us create this scenario by intending the illusions drop.  Our hearts, awaken. Our awareness of Self, returns.

And so it is.