Science Unravels The Mystery of Telepathy


Buddha, Buddhism, Religion, Asia

June 2, 2017
Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There is a rift between the world as we see it and the world as it really is. Science and spirit are our primary tools for closing this gap in our understanding, and at the edge of this rift has always been psychic phenomenon like telepathy, premonition and the familiar sixth sense.

Many people experience these phenomenon with regularity, yet they escape scientific explanation, even though a large and historically deep body of experiential and anecdotal evidence exists. This library of evidence prevents dismissal of the psychic as either a figment of the imagination or the existence of an archaic belief system that still has imprints on the mind. This evidence implores to investigate further rather than reject.

Some examples of psychic phenomenon are so common that they don’t even really stand out as having significance in our day-to-day to lives, as they are just seamlessly woven into reality. No one demands a scientific explanation. We’ve all experienced them before. The curious moment when a friend or loved one pops into your mind seconds before the phone rings, with them on the other line. You suddenly think of someone you haven’t seen in ages and a few minutes later that person texts you. These are the everyday tell-tale signs that the human psyche is always one step ahead of the human mind.

Unexplainable, perhaps, but why is it that mental telepathy seems to be so commonly connected communication? Is it the brain acting as a radio transmitter, sending and receiving information at immeasurable speeds, or is it something more akin to quantum entanglement?

Continue reading “Science Unravels The Mystery of Telepathy”

The Awakening Solar Intelligence ~ Ken Carey


Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | June 2, 2017

I was emailed an amazing sharing that was put out by our beloved Ken Carey [author of The Starseed Transmissions, Return of the Bird Tribes and more,] yesterday.  It really breaks my heart that he is no longer on this planet with us.  He went back Home in January this year and is no doubt, much more hands on in this transition than ever before.  But, for a man I only knew thru his writings, I do miss his physical presence here on earth.  I am truly grateful for the article that was shared by a wonderful soul, thru email.  Altho I LOVE the entire article, his (Ken’s) experiences that he shares, it is the conclusion of the article I want to highlight before sharing the whole thing with everyone.  What I share from this amazing output of light and wisdom from Ken, I will place in italics.  Tho, I am sure it will be obvious what he wrote compared to what I share! lol

And distraction is what it’s all about, you know—the worrisome scenarios of the “Doomsday Preppers,” fears of a global financial collapse, periods of time without mass communication, inoperable military satellites that will (along with the absence of field communication) bring wars to a standstill. Not all of these things will occur of course, but those that do will do so merely to distract people while God’s real work is taking place. For God to restore the Sacred Reality, simple fairness needs to rule resource distribution among humans, and the other species who along with us inhabit this world. Those among the super rich who are standing in the way will be stripped of all earthly influence.

Distraction!!  Why does my mind instantly go to Trump.  I cannot even bring myself to pay attention to what he is doing and the world (powers that be) reactions to this man boy.  He is truly irrelevant to me, to us.  “…will do so merely to distract people while God’s real work is taking place.”

The time we are living in now is all about the how. But let’s not jump the gun. Soon, with God looking through our eyes, it will all become obvious. Even now, the Great Being Behind all Being is actively seeking our advice on many of the transition’s details. As cells in the awakening body of God, we have a responsibility here as well.

Keeping in mind, he published this article Sept 29th, 2012.  I remember the readings vividly as we crossed major timelines/choice points as we left 2012 behind and embarked on 2013.  Not everyone jumped with us.  Which can be very confusing for the mind, since it appears all the players came with us.


Parallel earths, just by the name makes us think of separate realities somewhere other than here.  Lets look at the soap-bubble cluster and rethink parallel realities.  There are all here, co-mingling together.  We can, at will and desire, enter and exis

We can, at will, desire and focus (intentional or unintentional) enter and exit these parallel realities at any time.  If you remember my time line shifting experience from June of last year, when I was seeking a reality where my mother loved me and welcomed me back into her world, we simply moved from one soap bubble reality into another.  With it, changed the entire course of my life.  Jumping realities is like that!!

Continue reading “The Awakening Solar Intelligence ~ Ken Carey”

If You Experience Any Of These 14 Signs You Are Evolving Into The Next Level Of Humanity


Editor’s note:  Check out the comments at the bottom of the article (not linked on my site).  I was in particularly drawn to a woman named “Joy” and her intuitive sharing.  

by Edward Morgan

Evolution started the moment our Universe was born. The development of galaxies, the systems of stars, the planets were all a part of this evolution.

What we call life is just a step, a new form of expression The Universe achieved on this grand evolution. It’s the fruit of The Universe, the extension of the planet it sprouts on, the cutting edge ‘technology’ of evolution.

Humanity is now on the verge of a new evolutionary step. You can feel that we are standing in front of 2 paths.

The 2 Choices Of Humanity

Left is Transhumanism (where humanity will be merged with machines);

Right is Superhumanism (where humanity will evolve its consciousness and unlock its DNA’s full potential);

Continue reading “If You Experience Any Of These 14 Signs You Are Evolving Into The Next Level Of Humanity”

Time For Your Reward

Editor’s note:  This makes it #7 the word “magic” has found its way to me today. Enjoy this one.  


By Sophie Gregoire, 05/28/2017

Something that you longed for is now available. You had prayed for it, you had even tried to match the energy of it before you could actually see.

You did the work, that’s why your rewards in the physical are coming closer.
Be prepared to take leaps, and know that it’s very safe to move now – there is a happy, sunny trampoline awaiting below.

What’s on approach isn’t the repetition of past dramas or a feeling of “it’s not aligned” you see – but a brand-new tangible world or people. Those share your vision, desires, purpose, smile, depths, calling – possibly not just a part of it.

This is just how magic works… Life is finding You because YOU are now ready, because you’ve committed to let go of what weighed down on you.

Walk in complete trust. What’s unfolding around you is simply the reflection of an inner state of being ready… 🙏✨💚💫

Much love
Sophie Gregoire

Sourced from here.

MUST READ! Excerpt from Ken Carey’s Book – The Event Illustrated

Editor’s note:  Thank you to my friend Rick for sending this to me via e-mail.  I cannot begin to express how deeply and completely this one resonates with me – one of the best pieces I have read yet.  It validates so much of my own inner knowings and feelings on our Awakening as well as the event – the flash – the wave. Whatever you want to call it.  The awesome fact is that this was written in the 1980’s.  The dream I had – seeing this “flash”/event – validated in this piece.  There is so much Love helping us.  We are NOT alone in this journey Home back to Full Consciousness.  No worries.  Be in the NOW.  Come from the Heart space. Relax.  Love yourself.  Share that love.  I really do believe it is that simple ~ something I keep returning to when I find myself feeling lost and confused or afraid I’m not doing this “right”.  Let it all go and just BE.  All of the answers will be forthcoming after this transformation event for all of us.  (15 minutes later – got called away to go check out a craft in the sky.  Thought that was a nice little affirmative “hello” after deciding to share this piece.)  
Excerpt from Ken Carey’s 1991 book, The Third Millennium

Chapter 14: A Moment of Quantum Awakening
At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth’s gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present changes are, they will occur within the span of just a single life.
Properly understood, these changes and their coming have the ability to inspire a degree of hope and optimism unprecedented in the history of your race; for they spell the end of mankind’s subconscious condition and therefore portend, as the scriptures of the world foretell, an end to bloodshed, starvation, warfare, exploitation, and needless suffering.
Within your lifetime you will witness revelations that will show the foolishness of much that was once deemed wise. You will watch as traditions and historical habit patterns once assumed to be survival imperatives are discovered to be detriment to a healthy life and to a healthy society. Behavior that made sense for creatures who imagined they were islands of individuality is abandoned by those who experience the interconnectivity of all life. The consciousness that is awakening upon this world is no respecter of Darwin values. Its perception brings new values and new ways of being. During these decades you are seeing the descent of the Angels of Healing. Even now, all around you-and perhaps in your own life-they are incarnating. In some cases these are beings who have not known human form since before the decent of historical time.
It is possible that you are among those who have held only a tenuous and flickering connection with your incarnational successions. It is no matter for judgment. Those who incarnate now, those who bring the fullness of their eternal talents, attributes, and perspectives into today’s people, are the agents of healing. They alone have it in their power to experience this awesome time of transition as glorious or traumatic. All are invited to remember their essence, their purpose, their reason for being here, and to bring through into this age of transition the sense of celebration that invariable accompanies such remembrance.
Our numbers upon the earth have grown rapidly since our first large-scale arrivals began in the late 1960’s. Yet it is not quantity, not numbers that will make the difference, but the quality of our compassion, the quality of the love that radiates from our hearts. Every individual who becomes a clear and undistorted channel for eternal love into these times offsets a thousand who remain locked in the dissolving values of the old.

We are rapidly dispelling what remains of human illusion, helping all to identify with the growing currents, the energies and the forces of love and life. You are already living in the dawning of the age of Planetary Awakening, the age of peace and community building. It is here now for the most sensitive to its fragrance, texture, majesty, and vision. The age has begun when the earth is to be cultivated like a flower garden and her gifts presented as conscious offerings to the gardeners of eternal beauty, the age when humankind return its gifts to the earth, to her soil, her streams, her mountains, her oceans, her creatures of water, air, fire, and clay.

The future, as always, holds an element of surprise. Yet some things are as certain as the movement of the stars.

A mother never knows exactly what hour she will give birth to her child, but since she has a “due date,” an approximate time when the baby is expected and will most likely be born. For millennia now there have been those in various traditions of both East and West who have known that the earth has a due date something during the second decade of the twenty-first century. Though there will be much awakening of individuals prior to the first unified movement of the awakened planetary organism, this movement, like a first breath, will occur in but a single moment. It is then that the Star Maker will consciously awaken in all systems of human biocircuitry capable of sustaining universal awareness.

Babies are sometimes born early, sometimes late. So be aware, be vigilant. Do not discount the possibility that the moment might come as a thief in the night. And do not be among the foolish who will wait until the last moment to come to terms with the rising awareness. This is to be an important occasion.

It is the event that is central to all of human history.

Our emphasis for many thousands of years now has been and continues to prepare you for this single moment. For though the changes will be dramatic, they need not be traumatic.

Though they will bring a fundamental human revisiting of reality’s nature, this need not be perceived as threatening. Essentially, it is a positive and joyous event. The consciousness that will eventually emerge will be the consciousness of the Eternal One, the Creator, the Being of Life, awake and aware for the first time inside a material universe. Human circuitry is designed to accommodate this consciousness. In much the same way that your individual cells understand their relationship to you, each awakened human being understands him- or herself in hologramatic relationship to this unified field of awareness.
Since this perception of self differs significantly from historical perception, its emergence in collective human consciousness presents the potential of disorientation in those who might react to its coming in fear. We have much to do before the preparation of human consciousness is complete. Still, even if the awakening were to occur in this very moment with no further preparation, it would be an event of unprecedented beauty. However, in that case fewer people would be in a position to appreciate it. We wish to to maximize enjoyment and minimize discomfort for all concerned. If human beings understand more fully what is occurring, they will be less likely to react in ways that would cause them unnecessary discomfort.
Regardless of whether one accepts this change or attempts to back away from it, this event will be of greater power than any the earth has ever seen. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.
Though this unprecedented time of intensified energy radiation still lies a few years before you, you are already near enough to it and the event will be so powerful that time is behaving with increasing subjectivity, bubbling and warping, creating islands of the future wherever there are those who deliberately invoke the energies of the emerging consciousness and demonstrate willingness to live their lives in love.
These are not disconnected islands beneath the receding seas of historical illusion. They are united in a veritable continent of rising awareness. As the new reality comes fully into human consciousness (at that moment when the Creator’s luminous field comes into perfect alignment with the Earth Mother), all illusion of destructive nature will be dissolved. Though there have been many centuries leading up to this moment, when the moment comes it will be decisive.
There will be a great shift then, a single moment of quantum awakening. In this moment, the smallest interval of time measured in these dimensions-this interval that occurs in every atom between each of its billions of oscillations per second-will be lengthened unto infinity. An interval of nontime will expand. Through that expansion eternity will flow. Some will experience this moments as minutes or hours, others as a lifetime. Still others will experience this flash of nontime as a succession of many lives, and some few will, in this moment, know the Nagual itself, the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
In the expanse of the non-time interval, human beings will have all the time they require to realize, experience, and remember full consciousness of their eternal spirits and to recall the origin of their individuality in the primordial fields of being. All will have ample time to recharge their form identity and its biological projection with the awareness of who they are, why they have individualized, and why they have chosen to associate with the planet’s human expression. Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of disincarnate awareness.
Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be put partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures, sharing the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will then know themselves to be.
Subconscious orientation in fear will be replaced by conscious orientation in love. The sudden release of power, as the polarity of the collective human emotional field shifts from outer to inner orientation, cannot be avoided no matter how smoothly we seek to guide the transition. All will feel an unmistakable surge of power in the instant of quantum awakening. This is as inevitable as the daily rotation of the earth’s continents into and out of the light of the sun.
But the effects? The implications? There is no way to predict them. They depend on the choices you make today. By extrapolating current trends of consciousness we can establish a probable range of effect. But there may be as many as eight billion people incarnate at that moment, each with complete freedom of choice. And though the choices each one makes in his or her lifetime prior to that moment will certainly predispose that person in one direction or another, there are no guarantees, no assurances.
The spiritual polarity of collective human consciousness did shift one before, triggering a reversal of the earth’s magnetic field, a shifting in the position of the poles, and a great deal of destruction. However, that shift was a shift from consciousness to subconsciousness.
We will have a degree of control during this conscious shift that was absent then and so do not expect the same sort of cataclysmic shock waves. Still it would be underestimating the variables to assume that earth changes will not accompany this event. Almost certainly some will. These will be for the most part of benevolent nature-a melting of the polar ice caps, for example, bringing rain to arid regions and helping to cleanse toxins from polluted lakes and rivers, a warming and simultaneous moistening of climate that will open to agriculture the extensive plains and fertile river valleys of Greenland, Antarctica, and certain of the world’s deserts.
To minimize the trauma of this moment for you and others of the human family, it is important that you prepare for it well ahead of time, establishing the habits that will leave your self-understanding fluid, relaxed., And trusting in the overall benevolence of the universe and its resident intelligence.
The best way to prepare for the future is to be fully in the now.
The only habit you must cultivate, though it may go against the programming and traditions of your society, is to allow your consciousness the relaxed flow of attention that brings you a clear and accurate picture of the phenomenal world and continuous awareness of the Eternal Presence from which it has unfolded. Such a state of consciousness will allow you to enjoy the rushing energy currents and heightened awareness that will sweep through the earth during the expansion of the nontime interval and will maximize the stabilizing influence that radiates from you into your local surroundings.
Long before the moment of collective awakening there will have been established a sufficient core of people functioning on higher frequencies of awareness to enable the harmonic currents of their respective amplified radiations to displace the influence of those who may react in fear, both at the moment of collective awakening and beforehand. The frequency radiations or vibratory emissions of fear are not harmonious. Their effect on collective human consciousness increases at an arithmetical rate (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) for each additional person whose behavior is centered in fear, but they do not build in the kind of geometric progression (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) that is characteristic of the harmonic radiations of love.
Before the final instant of final awakening, the radiations of love will constitute the predominant vibrational influence on collective human consciousness, even while a numerical majority remains centered in the historical orientation. That condition is now very near. You who have motivated by love bring to bear on collective human awareness an influence much greater than your historical reason might suppose.
Individually you have an impact on the collective predispositions of your species far greater than that of those who are merely trodding the time-worn paths of self-centeredness. You who do your best to make your decisions out of love, who refuse to be controlled by the subconscious machinations of fear, who take time, if necessarily, in difficult situations to proceed slowly, consciously, lovingly, are truly among our own. Your awareness of these things will soon be in full. You are the ones upon whom we can depend during the coming shift.

Sourced from here.  And a big thanks to this blog owner for sharing as well, btw!

James Gilliland Latest ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 5/20/2017


Posting for those who like to follow his video’s (and they are really popular on here, according to the stats that is).  Normally I like his video’s, very much resonate with his overall message, but this particular guest was not aware of the spike in the Schumann nor was he aware of the awakening/rise in frequencies humanity is undergoing.  I had to stop watching 20 minutes in for it did not resonate, but it may for some of you.  Enjoy.  

Energy Report Update ~ Tiffany Stiles


Editor’s note: Another resonating energy-update piece.  Those gamma rays pack a punch…

FB_IMG_1494893466508Over the next three days, (5/15- 5/18) we will experience high gamma rays coming in. These oscillate​ all within, and turn one’s thinking around, inside out and upside down to gain higher perspectives through the higher self.

Understand that through these high vibrational frequencies change occurs; emotionally, physically, spiritually, through DNA rewiring and connections. You can expect things in your life to “change” through this energy signature; residential moves, relationships, your job or career may take a different form and shape in your coming days. Be open to the new as gamma rays oscillate in and through, they allow you and assist you in releasing density. A feeling of lack will change to a feeling of abundance as the connection​s keep taking place for you, and the dots will keep connecting.

Continue reading here.

Planetary Energy Update as Spikes of High Cosmic Energy Continue


Most definitely not wanting anything to do with 3D, especially drama, which thankfully is much easier for me to laugh at.  

Irma K. Sawyer – For those who have been preparing energetically through previous years of the Shift, the impact to you physically and emotionally may be lower. Your role now may include support for others.

Physical and emotional Symptoms may be similar to those of Solar Flares, with the only exception being these spikes seem to be somewhat less dehydrating overall to the body, but quality hydration is still needed. Also be sure the body is in receipt of proper nutrients, especially minerals. The list is long, but the most common symptoms are: headaches, digestive changes, fatigue and/or changes in sleep patterns.

Lucid dreaming, telepathy and OBEs are increased at this time. Also brain fog and spaciness as the consciousness responds to being literally in two places at once. Previous ego conflicts may feel especially absurd, obsolete and even laughable. Although some scientists may dispute time as actually moving faster, it certainly may appear that it is.

As usual, Empaths and Sensitives are often processing these shifts before the majority of everyone else.

When the energies are exceptionally high, both births and physical transitions may be on the increase as an energetic entrance/exit portal is created.

Continue reading here.

Energy Update ~ As The Schumann Resonance Rises, All Are Being Invited to Wake Up!

By Jelelle Awen, 05/11/2017

“All are being invited to WAKE UP!”… of those messages I received that feels like a newspaper headline broadcast from the Divine Source News Station that we are all connected into as souls. ALL are being invited to awaken to the remembrance of this connection and to All That Is and to No-Thing-Ness too. ALL are being invited to awaken to their sacred humanity, the embodiment of their higher self (a higher dimensional fractal from Divine Source that we ‘left behind’ when we came into human body here) along with the maturation of our emotional bodies and healing of our soul legacy experiences from other lifetimes.

The invitation for this waking up is coming primarily in the form of increasingly higher vibrational frequency love and light waves that we’ve all been feeling the effects of, in the last six months especially. The schumann resonance (which can read more about here: has been peaking at 120 lately….THIS IS HIGH! We are still adjusting as it rose from its consistent 7.83 HZ to 15-25 HZ in 2014 and now THIS level, which has never been experienced in our history of recording it. It seems to be a sign, some ‘physical proof’ of the higher vibrational frequencies that are caused by and are helping to cause the awakening of humanity beyond our previous chosen caps, traps, and matrixes that limited our consciousness.

Our DNA is waking up too, those sleepy strands that we put to bed after the fall of Atlantis (which is actually STILL happening beyond the linear time picture). Waking up DNA gives us access to so much more of our capacity as Infinite Creators, Infinite Awareness, and Infinite Possibilities in human form. Waking up DNA helps us to remember, connect with, and integrate our multidimensional aspects that exist in the NOW, waiting to infuse us with expanded capacities in all areas.

Our bodies continue to adjust to these increases, upgrading from carbon-based to crystalline frequencies, transforming into light bodies at the cellular level. Our adjusting bodies ask us for connection…for us to feel and hear and respond to what their shifting needs are. To be able to sleep when needed, especially, as that creates a ‘reboot’ and integration time. To connect with nature seems to help our bodies A LOT through this transition. For me, it has been daily trips to the beach, to bury my hands and feet in the sand, take in the sun codes, feel the salty water and ocean breeze. If I had access to forests, I would walk in the trees, put my palms on the trunks, connect in with their root systems. Even meditating, journeying to scenes with nature and the five elements can help right now. We offer many guided meditations with these settings on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel.

The increased level of light waves seems to create a sense of being juiced on caffeine, like there is all this EXTRA energy somehow if you tap into it from a soul place. It provides juice for creative projects, service of love projects, and clearer communication and access to the bigger picture and vision around these projects. For me, I have felt like I am constantly being downloaded creative ideas to respond to….I am getting better at navigating these downloads so I can also rest, meditate, feel the priorities, respond to service, be and feel balanced.

“ALL are being Fast Tracked!” is the other Divine Source news headline. Gaia is being Fast Tracked, so of course so are we as her human guests. Fast tracked seems to mean an acceleration of the soul awakenings that you’ve been experiencing as your consciousness raises out of 3D reality processing and into 4D. Decompartmentalizations and bursting bubbles too that your 3D self may have created around your awakenings. The previous compartments and bubbles that ‘held’ the awakening from creating a rumble or changes in your life can be dissolved and collapsed FAST right now with linear time meaning nothing in terms of actual processing and digestion and decision making. Your soul is being supported to burst out of ANY container and express through you in any and all ways possible that serve love.

All this changing and transition brings our attention to our emotional body and the aspects of us that are still anchoring into ‘past’ traumas and pains, freeze frame stuck there with feelings of fear, resistance, being lost, disconnection, anxiety. These aspects of us NEED our growing awakening self (our soul infused self) to BE with them, to feel them, and to bring them into the current with us, into the now with us, into the new timeline with us. 

ALL are being invited to wake up and to fast track this awakening. To enter this higher vibrational frequency timeline means letting go and most likely collapsing the one you are currently living. Shifting with love and inner negotiation into this NEW one with a NEW earth experience with an increasingly mature emotional body, experience of a deeply nourishing inner and outer sacred union, a light-based human body, and an inhabited frequency of our sacred humanity. A timeline which offers us increasing experience of our essence as Infinite Love walking, talking, and BEing here!


Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine and union facilitator, soul scribe, waySHOWer, galactic love ambassador, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of  Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond and an upcoming book,Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Sourced from here.