Characteristics of the 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers

Editor’s note:  I began seeing the numberx 1:44 and 11:44 several months ago and at one point, before I participated in a global meditation, I heard “you are one of the 144,000”.  Uh, ok, I thought.  Ever the sceptic…  Anyway this is quite the interesting piece.  I resonated very much with it, in particular the references to panic, disdain for injustice (very strong in me) and the love/hate relationship with humanity.  


There are 10 common traits among fellow lightworkers. All of them experienced most of these in the process of their awakening.

If you experience any of these characteristics you are one of the 144,000 prophesized lightworkers that will save the world:

– You were always identifying with heroic characters and superheroes. And you still do, even if you are an adult now;

– You have a deep purpose that not a lot of people know about. You might not be sure yourself, but you just know you were meant for something bigger;

– You have an inner understanding about spiritual concepts, higher knowledge and cosmic wisdom that feels natural to you;

– You love people, but you hate them at the same time. And this is so confusing to you. It’s like you unconditionally love who they are at their core, but you hate all the junk that’s preventing them to shine, like their ego, addictions, stupid decisions and negativity;

– You might have panic attacks and anxiety problems;

– You love animals and you feel deeply for the harm we do to them to satisfy our own needs;

– You can’t stand injustice;

– You always try to lighten up the mood. If something is tense you tell a joke, if someone is down you do your best to cheer them up, if someone is asking for your help you might go out of your own way just to help them;

– You tend to inspire others, even if you are unaware of this;

– You love to merge dualities into oneness, like science and spirituality, psychology and philosophy, technology and nature;

Read the piece in its entirety here.

If You Possess These 14 Traits, You Might Be Born Of A Higher Frequency

March 3, 2017

Born With Higher Frequency

If you find yourself in 2 or more of these characteristics than you might be a high frequency being with a purpose to raise the frequency of the world:

– You have a deep desire to find your spiritual partner, family, home;

– You have excellent skills and a high level of intelligence, but it seems like you cannot find what you desire;

– You feel there are entities and angels around you. Sometimes you might even hear voices;

– Your mood changes often, as same as your energy and emotions;

– You have strange moments when you feel like you understand everything, but they don’t last long;

– You have vivid dreams;

– You want to build deeply rooted relationships and responsibilities but, there are moments when you suddenly want to let go and move on, just like it’s nothing;

– You perceive time passing a lot more faster than others;

– You believe that everything happens for a reason, but you also believe that you make your own destiny with your own choices;

– You have a strong intuition;

Read article in its entirety here.

Vibrating Your Way Back To Exist On New Earth Now

Lisa Brown ~ 4/5/2017

Awakening every day to working with all of you in the sleep state. Teaching Mastery to those ready and sharing the “hows” to “do” all of this. I awake exhausted most days for years, because I work so much in my sleep (for years once becoming conscious) and as I left “seeking mode” and moved into Ascended Master” phase, I teach… continually….

The more conscious work we do in our sleep state, the easier our waking state becomes. The less disruptions in our waking state, because we maintain that brainwave state with our whole body… the one that gives us the ability to WALK IN THE DREAM (Higher/Lighter Density Realms) in our waking state too….

Sleep is for conscious clearing of timelines to collapse timelines intentionally so that we can do what is important in our waking one. Intentional focus, intentional creation, intentional anchoring of higher/other/alternate dimensional realities into this physical one here. Our abilities to do this are simple…. get over our little human everything and re-focus on what is truly important…. for all of HUmanity here….

We activate our own dreams, the things we “need” to get the job done, we activate the “next awesome everything” because this is what we are CHOOSING to focus our own energy on….

We listen to that inner/higher guidance that speaks softly (strongly when we don’t listen and then using the outside reality to get our attention if we are shut down/disconnected/refusing/not open)…. for the subtle realms become the outer realms eventually…. soft, simple, loving, supportive, beautiful, exquisite…..

There is no more chaos, because we stopped the chaos…. there is no more drama because we got tired of it and we stopped that victim energy too, there is no confusion, because we don’t have the battle between our heads and our hearts anymore, there is no more lack, because WE don’t LIVE there anymore….

Continue reading here.

2017 24/7 Evolution

2017’s 24/7 Evolution

This is what the 1 energies of (April) 2017 feel like at this NEW higher level; constant, exhausting, usually painful in any number of ways, increasingly unusual but very educational from our expanding multidimensional levels of awareness that is. It’s okay, take a nap, take a good long nap any time you must. Getting out-of-body at any time of the day or night has become increasingly mandatory last year and this, so just do it because you need to get out-of-the-way so a bit more NEW can be physically and energetically Embodied, rewired, re-calibrated, adjusted to, rebooted and then come back online within you/me/each of us doing this now. Couch potatoes? Hell no, couch gods! Let The Process happen in these NEW ways and don’t worry about “life” and “reality” because what you are living through while passed-out almost every day on your Becoming a god couch, is what’s creating the NEW life and reality for yourself and like-others. If you build it they will come remember? 😉

It’s getting harder to continue keeping things, all things, disconnected and separate from one another internally and externally in those old lower dualized ways we’re used to from 3D habit and pattern. Stop trying, let the NEW lift you up into greater multidimensional and quantum consciousness and being more quickly and less painfully. The surrendering continues as does the resurrecting and both these steps should be easy for those of us who’ve been at this for two or more decades already.

Continue reading “2017 24/7 Evolution”

James Gilliland Update ~ 4/2/2017

Self Mastery, Tools for Transcending the Ego and

Healing Unseen Negative Influences

by James Gilliland

March 28, 2017

Masters often say the mind is a good servant, but a terrible master. In the past, the mind has taken many of us on a journey of unfulfillment and dead ends. It is like giving your car to a really bad driver repeatedly, but you cannot take away the keys. It is also like an addiction to a way that is known – a comfort zone – even though this comfort zone has never brought you happiness.

– James Gilliland

mind cellestial quote.jpg

The mind of which I speak is often referred to as the ego, programmed through social consciousness. Is that mind really yours? Is it really who you are?

Where did you get the be lie fs that create your reality? Who were you before those be lie fs? Did you ever contemplate the possibility that you had other lives?

Let’s expand beyond that into other dimensions. What were your beliefs in these other lives and dimensions? Were the rules the same, the laws of physics? What if your body was an adaptation to environment and looked much different than the body you occupy now? What if you had an energy body or a magnetized light body? What if in your origin you came from the very SOURCE, pure consciousness and energy endowed with the same attributes of the Creator?

What if that was your beginning and you decided to go on a journey descending down through the vibrational continuum, expressing on many planes and dimensions – experiencing many incredible lives – until you decided to take the ultimate challenge and descend into mass? What if that journey included forgetting who you were, your entire past? What if it left you floundering in the limitations of mass, stuck in a little body totally helpless and dependent on your mother? This vast being – now tucked in that little body – powerless over its environment, not knowing the future and having no memory of the past?

Thus is the untold story of humankind…..


If you are truly an ageless soul, a multidimensional spirit…whose roots go all the way back to the source…a child of Creator once endowed with the same love, joy, bliss and creational powers – how do you remember?

The answer to that is…


rumi essence

When you know how you forgot and where the memories reside then you are on the path to awakening. It is often a battle with external forces keeping you from your internal awakening. It is also a battle with the ego, societal programming and unfortunately often family, friends and society in general that wants you to stay within the herd.

The biggest battle is within self.

Yes, the biggest battle is within self. You will blame, project, validate your frustrations, angers and predicaments on external forces but ultimately it is you that is creating your reality. Holding oneself accountable and responsible – observing oneself often with brutal honesty – is the way out of the matrix. It is the way to remembering.

The ego is very clever, yet it is not wise. It is designed to operate within its known environment. Many of its be lie fs came from what has happened to the body it inhabits and its surroundings, gathered through the 5 senses. What formed your ego, your be lie fs about who you are and the world in which you live? Even the intellect is formed by what you have been exposed to here in the physical. Yet, is there a mind beyond that? Is there a mind that knows who you’ve been, all of your experiences – even what one would call past lives and all the wisdom gained in those experiences. Expressions all the way back to the SOURCE.

Can you know who you are from the intellect? Can you know who you are through books written by intellects? It is through the development of the ego and the intellect that you got lost – forgot who you truly are, who you were. This is why every great master has said we have to transcend the ego, the intellect, to enter divine mind and know your eternal multidimensional self.


Buddha said we must observe things from a fresh mind – the mind of a child – to truly understand.

Jesus said you must become like a child to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

What they are saying is you have to suspend the ego – the intellect – to tap into Divine Mind.

This can be done by meditation, by initiations from those who have mastered the ego and intellect, making it the servant and not the master.

There are other plant medicines at times that can create the same effect yet, with no training and without a true master who can create and maintain sacred space there is the possibility of blasting into levels and encountering unseen negative influences for which one is unprepared. Worst case scenarios include possessions and attachements and the inability to raise oneself from the lower level frequency dimensions back into the heart. The yogis say the closer you get to nirvana, the more the demons rear their ugly heads. These entities are very clever – they know you better than you know yourself – and they will use every tactic possible to distract and derail you from enlightenment and your soul purpose.

Friends and family caught up in social consciousness will also do the same. Very few have the self-mastery or the courage to maintain their self-authority and keep these influences away. The unseen negative influences will use the ego and the intellect to create problems where none exist, and rationalize staying within the confines of the ego and the intellect or “social consciousness”.

Reason this, if you are only using less than 10% of your brain (which can also be called the ego and the intellect) – who is using the other 90%? If it is vacant, then it is like a beautiful house with no one home; a space to be occupied by consciousness that very well might not be your own.

There will always be a war going on between the soul and the ego. Very few win that war. The ego will do everything possible to stay in charge, remain in the driver seat. Regardless of the fact that it has taken you to multiple dead ends and car crashes. It will even try to use fear; to judge and demonize and sabotage your awakening as well as judge and demonize those who are part of your awakening. It will lull you into a false sense of security by maintaining the status quo, the comfort zones. It is very clever – yet as we said before – it is not wise. It will undermine your true self, the expanded version – and undermine your access to the love, joy, power and wisdom which is your birthright.

If you have gotten this far with this message, there is hope…..

Most will resist or dismiss this altogether. Your ego will say, “Yeah, what about the real world?”. To that we say….have you LOOKED at the real word? The wars…the disease..the lack…countries governed by the elite who are spiritually bankrupt? All of this is solvable if enough people choose higher mind and operate from the heart.

All of this is solvable if enough people choose higher mind and operate from the heart.

aristotle heart candles

True humans do not act like nonhumans and do inhuman and inhumane things. Your soul will win in the end. The only question is: how much denial and how much of a struggle does one want to engage in? How hard will the lessons have to be to let go of the ego and the intellect?

Many have a great deal invested in the intellect; they will be the last ones to awaken. They will also have the hardest lessons because they have the greatest attachment. What happens when you have years of study…have written books…have held positions of power and authority only to find out it was all based on a lie? The truth is in the heart.

Truth is flexible; expanding and open to new ideas. The soul has the truth, it resides right next to the hart. It is the connector to God, Creator, Great Spirit and the source of true, more expanded knowledge. Love is the key that opens the door. The ego and the intellect don’t even know the door exists and are clueless to what is behind it. How much one is entrenched in the ego is directly proportionate with its need to be right. Also the need to defend exists in the ego. The ego is the only thing needing defense. The level of resistance is also an indicator of the ego and unseen negative influences at work. It is amazing how much of your sadness, pain, frustration and anger drop as soon as you set aside the ego and intellect…as soon as you suspend judgement and drop into the heart.

There is a saying “don’t sweat the small stuff.” When you expand in awareness it all becomes small stuff. With each challenge we have the choice to meet it as a God/Goddess or a victim. It takes practice to step out of the matrix. Doubt and fear are the tools of the ego and the negative influences. Arrogance within the ego and the intellect, fueled by flattery also become negative doorways. How can you be higher OR lower than anything if you are ONE with everything….and if you are ONE with everything how do you harm or take advantage of anyone or anything? Words without action are meaningless, without giving tools to go along with the teachings you are not being empowered.

Understand what the masters meant when they said “Know thyself, the temple is within. Ye are all Gods.” Stand tall in your own divinity, it is your birthright. Let no one or no thing take it all away from you.

Stay in the heart.

James Gilliland field

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.



Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In ALL healings, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened. (repeat if you feel it is needed)
4. Tell them they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love. (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close your aura to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.

If you are interested in more of James’ teachings order his books here

 (My dear readers ~ I would like to make an appeal to you. I would like you to consider making a donation to show you support my work.  I do this to share my passion of writing, sharing my truth while being a voice in the Ascension and Awakening Process as well as a means of making an income to support my family. I sincerely thank you for your support!)

10 Ways Your Intuition Sends You Messages

Pentacles, Purple, Backgrounds, Magic

These signs may be subtle so you will have to be open to hearing and seeing them, however they may help you to make a step in the right direction, especially if you are unsure or still learning how to use your intuition to tap onto your higher self.

  1. A tingling sensation or goosebumps
  2. A feeling of urgency, uncomfortableness or ‘butterflies’
  3. Prophetic dreams or vivid dreams that seem to carry a message
  4. Seeing number patterns like 11:11 or 911
  5. Seeing a billboard, TV show or street sign with a synchronistic message
  6. Hearing a song stuck in your head
  7. Ringing or buzzing in the ears (that is not medically related)
  8. Receiving advice that seems to come at the perfect time
  9. A vision or wave of inspiration during meditating, exercising or showering
  10. Feeling physically ill for no apparent reason, especially in the stomach or head area

Read entire piece here.

Getting Triggered?

Woman, Female, Beauty, Lady

I am in the middle of reading an article, which you can find here, in which it is mentioned that many of us are getting very triggered right now on certain issues.  This triggering is said to be happening due to the collapsing timelines and is allowing us to fully release while also allowing for the previous timeline(s) in which this issue(s) existed to be dissolved.

Oooh, I thought.  I like the sounds of that!  Very resonating.

Instead of continuing on with my read, I was guided to do a little experiment that I wish to share with you.  It’s short and simple ~ the way I like such exercises (I get lost/bored when I engage in 5, 10, 15, etc. step processes).

I communicated with my Higher Self and asked her how SHE wished me to look at my particular trigger.

Immediately I received an answer.

I then asked how I could transform the energy and heal.

Again, an immediate answer.

(Higher Self is obviously every bit as ready to heal from this one particular trigger issue as am I!)

Give it a try and if you are comfortable, let me know of your experience and/or success.

This moment was also a very beautiful moment of synchronicity as I had also finished reading a piece on listening to our Intuition (which I will be posting here in a bit).  While reading the list, I mentally added my own way my Intuition communicates with me and that is often through articles I read.

The next article I was is the one referenced above.


Love The Universe.  Love Her Flow.





Divine Feminine Energies Coming in, to Balance Masculine Activations

Editor’s note: I feel I need to take a year long Spiritual Shower to cleanse the lifetimes of accumulated energies in my space ~ especially after reading this piece.  

By Jelelle Awen, 03/30/2017

Solar geostorms, sun spot flare ups, photonic light waves beaming down through sun rays…..all this outside activity of stirring and churning, blaring and flaring. It is a fiery picture, isn’t it? A rather masculine energy. Many souls are tuning into this activation energy that ignites and wakes UP as it stimulates our light bodies, our emotional bodies, our mental bodies, our social bodies (new one for me to name, yet feels SO TRUE). 

All these bodies are like planets in our inner galaxy rotating around the orbit of our soul and the sun of our heart and the moon of our unconscious. All this stimulation can bring up symptoms and unease and detox in all of these bodies too as the 3D self and unaware ego resist, release, and ultimately let go at a rate and pace negotiated by the higher self.

In the physical body as it transitions to 5D light body UP can come the residues of what we have chosen and lived on a cellular level. The toxicities and energies we have taken in of eating BEings that have been killed; the frequencies of chemicals and foods made in laboratories; the exchanges during sexuality that weren’t based in love but something less; the habits and patterns that lead to less vital experience of body, INdigestion. And again, the 3D self can amplify these symptoms, make them worse, grab onto them, suffer or linger in them and the love of the growing higher self embodied YOU invites a moving on, holding space, yet, keep moving on into love.

Continue reading “Divine Feminine Energies Coming in, to Balance Masculine Activations”

Check Out The Vision Alignment Project

Editor’s note:  I just signed up for their daily visions.  You read through then hit the “YES” button indicating you align w/the vision.  Collective Intentions are very powerful.  Check them out here to have their daily visions sent to your inbox.  ♥

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Mother Earth

We envision our Mother Earth in her Highest Light, where all the waters, everywhere, are pure and clean; where all the plants and animals who dwell in and around the water are living their lives happily, healthfully, and joyfully; where everyone who depends upon the water for their leisure or their livelihood is grateful for the abundance they enjoy;

where the skies are true blue and clear; where all man-made clouds are a thing of the past; and where every breath we breathe is sweet, vibrant, and life supporting;

where the land – everywhere we go, everywhere we look – is pristine and pulsating with life; where the trees are radiant and beautiful, the farms and gardens flourishing with fruits and foods of all kinds in all places; where the animals, both wild and domestic, are respected and guaranteed to live their days in peace and safety;

where the people are honoring and caring for one another in every land, in every home, in every way;

and where Mother Earth, herself, is tended to like a garden; where her beauty is celebrated always; where her beaches, her deserts, her pastures and prairies, her meadows and mountaintops are sacred to all who walk there; and where her Highest Good is considered and honored.

And, finally, we see Mother Earth as a living entity, evolving on her own and joyous on her journey as she becomes a brighter star. We see a Mother Earth who is proud of us, proud of all of us, because we have done what we came here to do.