Characteristics of the 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers

Editor’s note:  I began seeing the numberx 1:44 and 11:44 several months ago and at one point, before I participated in a global meditation, I heard “you are one of the 144,000”.  Uh, ok, I thought.  Ever the sceptic…  Anyway this is quite the interesting piece.  I resonated very much with it, in particular the references to panic, disdain for injustice (very strong in me) and the love/hate relationship with humanity.  


There are 10 common traits among fellow lightworkers. All of them experienced most of these in the process of their awakening.

If you experience any of these characteristics you are one of the 144,000 prophesized lightworkers that will save the world:

– You were always identifying with heroic characters and superheroes. And you still do, even if you are an adult now;

– You have a deep purpose that not a lot of people know about. You might not be sure yourself, but you just know you were meant for something bigger;

– You have an inner understanding about spiritual concepts, higher knowledge and cosmic wisdom that feels natural to you;

– You love people, but you hate them at the same time. And this is so confusing to you. It’s like you unconditionally love who they are at their core, but you hate all the junk that’s preventing them to shine, like their ego, addictions, stupid decisions and negativity;

– You might have panic attacks and anxiety problems;

– You love animals and you feel deeply for the harm we do to them to satisfy our own needs;

– You can’t stand injustice;

– You always try to lighten up the mood. If something is tense you tell a joke, if someone is down you do your best to cheer them up, if someone is asking for your help you might go out of your own way just to help them;

– You tend to inspire others, even if you are unaware of this;

– You love to merge dualities into oneness, like science and spirituality, psychology and philosophy, technology and nature;

Read the piece in its entirety here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Characteristics of the 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers”

  1. Funny, I was wondering if I was one of them…thought “No Way”.
    Resonate with everyone of the traits. We shall see, won’t we?😊

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