Connecting The Dots on Current Events


I received this in my e-mail box tonight.  It connects the dots in terms of what I experienced today alone.  The reference to clarifiers coming forth and refreshing the planet ~ given the strange sounds and signatures coming from the ionosphere showing up on the livemeteors site, that could be an indicator.  Also read about an energy signature sent forth on the solstice which softened us further (and I not only felt this but am seeing it in others.)  And the reference to the Devics “multiplying” is in alignment with the previous sent to me earlier today on the Rise of the Elementals at this time.  As I have read, been told and resonate with,  ALL is returning as One again.  Unity after lost “years” of separation.  And given how my mate is monitoring a frequency chart (still doing some research on this one), we may be heading towards Zero Point, the point of singularity, the flash, or the event – whatever you wish to call it.  I must say it is resonating with me – but the mind needs some more info and processing.  Things continue to change and fascinate – depending upon your reality/perception – some are gravitating towards chaos, others towards peace, or as I like to say, “it’s all good”.  

Clarifiers come forth and refresh the planet
by ÉirePort

Clarifiers come forth and refresh the planet.

Storms of Light connect.

Devics multiply.

Gaia connections strengthen.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.