Sandra Walter ~ Culmination Points, New Moon and Eclipse Transformations


Gratitude to Sandra for putting this together while she continues her recovery.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Jan 9, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

We are at the culmination point of our Seven Sacred weeks, which completes with the New Moon Tuesday, January 16 at 6:19pm. This has been a deeply transformative passage which collectively prepared us for the energetic shifts of 2018. Note how the energy changes over the next week. We are coming out of a period of deep introspection, personal change, and global release. Now we witness the next steps of our Ascension laid out before us. Feel these glorious reality-changing frequencies, beloveds.

We endured a collective and personal transmutation of the cosmic memory of old self, lower trajectories, belief systems, family genetic imprints and soul monads. A massive clearing of the akashic for many, even for those who felt they were complete, as the collective subconscious records are released back to Source.

This occurs globally at a cellular level, as an effect of the incoming light level. This is why so many have been ill, nauseous or having unusual health challenges over the last seven weeks. The initial effect was intense, and clearing is ongoing as the energies accelerate bifurcation. DNA is overwriting old formats, and responding to the clearing by holding new light codes which were previously blocked. These frequency-based rewrites shake loose the old. Be diligent with detoxing and cleansing, and guide the mental/physical/emotional levels as needed.

The heart center is expanding as etheric imprints dissipate from cellular memory. Coping mechanisms must be surrendered for high-vibe activity, in order to resonate with the crystalline pathways opening in this Now. Blessings to everyone who is willing to be vulnerable and authentic, and keep their heart open and neutral for others through this process.

All limitations are being removed for our benefit. We learn how to operate in Unity Consciousness, flow with the highest trajectory of our path, express our new true voice, and level-up our service work. Avoiding or resisting the clarion call of the new cannot be avoided without causing psychological and emotional distortion. If you receive the call, answer it with an open heart in alignment with Unity Consciousness.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.