My Daughter and Her Analysis of What’s Going On


My daughter essentially spoke of Quantum Entanglement tonight as she suddenly wanted to share with us what she sees is going on.  Wish I would have recorded her – she was very animated and powerful.  The child has been receiving schooling in other realms ~ likely came here w/this knowledge.  She’s been dropping little truth moments like this for the past couple of years.

She sees 8 different timelines that have been merging into one.  During this process, there has been a tangling and a detangling as each timeline merges with the whole.

Nibiru will be bringing 2 more timelines and will be the last to join in and will become one of our Suns.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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