Divine Feminine Energies Coming in, to Balance Masculine Activations

Editor’s note: I feel I need to take a year long Spiritual Shower to cleanse the lifetimes of accumulated energies in my space ~ especially after reading this piece.  

By Jelelle Awen, 03/30/2017

Solar geostorms, sun spot flare ups, photonic light waves beaming down through sun rays…..all this outside activity of stirring and churning, blaring and flaring. It is a fiery picture, isn’t it? A rather masculine energy. Many souls are tuning into this activation energy that ignites and wakes UP as it stimulates our light bodies, our emotional bodies, our mental bodies, our social bodies (new one for me to name, yet feels SO TRUE). 

All these bodies are like planets in our inner galaxy rotating around the orbit of our soul and the sun of our heart and the moon of our unconscious. All this stimulation can bring up symptoms and unease and detox in all of these bodies too as the 3D self and unaware ego resist, release, and ultimately let go at a rate and pace negotiated by the higher self.

In the physical body as it transitions to 5D light body UP can come the residues of what we have chosen and lived on a cellular level. The toxicities and energies we have taken in of eating BEings that have been killed; the frequencies of chemicals and foods made in laboratories; the exchanges during sexuality that weren’t based in love but something less; the habits and patterns that lead to less vital experience of body, INdigestion. And again, the 3D self can amplify these symptoms, make them worse, grab onto them, suffer or linger in them and the love of the growing higher self embodied YOU invites a moving on, holding space, yet, keep moving on into love.

The emotional body is releasing pain as the higher self YOU is activating love codes, PURE love messages, NEW messages of love to hold space for the movement of what has previously been subconsciously stored to move into the light of your consciousness. Suffering is a tone that maybe you (and parts of you) have gotten USED to, yet it is NOT the tone of Golden Earth, 5D frequency. It is not the tone of the higher self-embodied sacred human. It is not the tone that Gaia emotionally wants to feel anymore. BIG changes may be necessary to move suffering out of your life, to say ‘no more’ to suffering in the emotional body, in the mental body, and in the social body. BIG changes navigated with those PURE love messages coming in, creating a NEW reality where big changes are navigable at a rate and pace that you can BE with.

I feel a Divine Feminine ray, a softness, is beaming down TOO….to balance the masculine activation frequencies, stronger than I have felt Her before as more clearing has happened in the outer grids and in the collective and in souls to allow Her to come through more. It felt foggy to offer Her for all these years as it was bright inside of me and in my soul. She seemed to be shrouded in veils and mysteries in terms of outside perception of Her. Yet, more and more, is Her brightness coming through to be seen and felt and remembered.

The four energies of the Divine Feminine that I was awakened to in 2010 after remembering reiki energy still feel relevant to me as a way to connect with Her as you also embody them more and more AS YOU….this can be for both men and women. The four energies are the Mary ray of pink and blue energies offering purity, innocence, compassion and forgiveness. The Magdalene ray of ruby red offering sisterhood, queen mate, sacred sexuality (with partner or with self). The Kuan Yin PURE white ray offering nondual frequencies, beyond the mind, beyond the body, stillness, and BEing in the Now. The dark, black as night ray of the Dark Mother offering death as a form of rebirth, inviting embracement of the shadow, the necessary dark to go with the light.

You can physically see these energies of the Divine Feminine (and Divine Masculine) in photographs when you place yourself in front of the sun and take pictures with a digital camera. What is in your auric field will then be revealed to you. The orbs or rays of energy show up in different tones and colors and you can connect with them to feel what they are trying to tell you. Take a moment to feel, hear, and see what these energies are offering to you, what She is offering to you….write down the messages, speak the conversations out loud, bring Her energy into your meditation space. Ask to connect with one of the faces of the Divine Feminine I have mentioned above during meditation and one of them will show up for you…the one you are most needing and wanting in the moment. Or maybe MORE than one…

These energies of four seem to infuse and offer a balance of our femininity within (again, yes, men too). Each one of the ‘faces’ of the Divine Feminine is a reflection of our faces. Each one of their energies offering a mirror to our energies. Like the seasonal shifts, I have felt each one connected to a specific season too even as they are ALL of them. Mary has felt like autumn or fall; Kuan Yin like winter; Dark Mother like spring; and Magdalene like summer. This has worked for me in activating and connecting with them….use what works for you.

The Divine Feminine is HERE to balance out the masculine, is needed, and while in more polarity sense now in the mostly still 3D collective consciousness….She moves more toward subtlety as the frequencies raise up. Bring Her into your heart to remember and to bring love into the wounded from birth mother places in the 3D emotional body. Bring Her into your soul to remember and to bring love into the wounded soul frequencies from patriarchal dominance and other lifetime experiences of persecution, hiding soul gifts, suppression of the Divine Feminine. Bring Her in and experience Her reflection of the love that you ARE…

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.