Doubt Or Discernment ~ Some Tidbits To Determine Which Energetic Space You Are In


I have noticed there is a subtle difference between doubt and discernment. I could turn this into a longer piece, but I do not feel the need to do that. Keeping this one short and simple.

Doubt lowers your energy.  Pulls you out of your center and power space.

Discernment comes from a place of an energetically neutral space where you remain aligned in your center, aligned in your power.

Doubt has attachments to outcomes.  The energy of doubt wants to control the situation(s) so you achieve the outcome you want.

Discernment is really only concerned with knowing the Truth ~ regardless of the outcome ~ even if this means the outcome is not in alignment with your desire.

With doubt, you will hear a lot of words.

Discernment is more of a quiet zone.

Overall, doubt comes from the human brain/ego.

Discernment, from the Higher Self.

Learning to differentiate between the two.

As always, Remembering.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.