Emotional Roller Coaster Ride


I was so grateful for the latest piece by Jennie Schiltz, where she speaks of this emotional roller-coaster experience many of us are going through. One day we are in calm states, often escalating to experiences of bliss and then the next day we are afraid, angry, apathetic.  Such is the process for merging again with our Highest Self and Source.

Yesterday I was, overall, pretty neutral.  Regaining my balance state again after the previous day of purging more old stories.

Today ~ calm.  Creative self full of new stories and insights.  It began after a night of some amazing dreams which I will share in another piece.  Too good to keep to myself.  Even my neighbor, who is a Hillary supporter, thought they were “very intriguing”.  He knows who I am.  Heck, most of my neighbors know I am “one of those”.  When the crafts appear more noticeably and all signs of change come into view, this house will be the go-to place for some answers and maybe even some reassurance.

This calm state slowly morphed while my child and I were out and about getting some flowers for the yard.  I didn’t do much with the yard this year.  Normally I have pretty little flower gardens.  This year ~ leftover primroses took up the space along with a sad looking, lone pansy.  Last night the yard spoke to me ~ please add some color.  I hesitated ~ money issue.  Best spent on food.  But when my girl said she would put forth some of her money, I decided to take her up on that.  Normally whenever she offers such a sweet gift, I turn her down.  She was so excited to help though, I decided sure, why not.

So we scored some 99 cent deals and headed home.  Peter Frampton came on the radio.  I love his music.  Show Me The Way.  This feeling began to grow inside of me.  It continued to expand.  The lyrics “I can’t believe this is happening to me” play.  I thought the same thing for I knew what was and is happening.  I can’t believe this is happening to me.  Another leap in awakening.


Feeling ME.  The way that is Natural.  Meant-to-be.

Feeling Source.

I could feel the presence of so many who have helped liberate earth all around me.  Around us.  Waiting to walk among us.

“You are magic,” I heard.

We all are.

I wanted to shout it for all to hear only no one was outside.

So I shouted it to the trees.  The birds.  The people inside their houses.

It is happening.  And it is only going to continue, overall, to get more beautiful.

Words to carry close to my heart.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.